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57288915 No.57288915 [Reply] [Original]

I deserve to make it

>> No.57288933

>he still thinks there's such thing as deserving
no one "deserves" anything, you either win or lose in this life.
Poorfag lives on cat food for years to buy some "good" coins, gets dumped on and now lives on the streets. Richfag comes along with daddy's play money and buys the last memecoin of the week making 20x returns.
There is no such thing as justice, earthly or divine.

>> No.57288940

Someone just the RAPE HATCH to wipe hot sauce on my face, or to spray my face with pepper spray or something.

>> No.57289001

Heh, demoralized cuck. Sure you’re right about the randomness of success, but you’re wrong about the lack of divinity/magic in the heavens and earth. Just because kikes are trying to snuff it out with all of their effort and dirty tricks does not mean there’s none left.

>> No.57289168

>no one "deserves" anything
capitalists deserve the rope though

>> No.57289638

I said there is no justice. There is no reward for being good and righteous and no punishment for being evil and wicked, and your sacrifice isnt rewarded most of the times.
I wasnt implying success is random either. It is very deterministic. The richfag is rich cause of his ancestors acts. They may have scammed, betrayed and murdered to rise. Others may have led lives guided by pure morals, high responsibility, big sacrifice and hard work only to be rewarded with poverty. The universe doesnt care, only the results matter.
Tell me about this magic and divinity how has it served you? not denying it exists, just saying believing is not enough if you dont know how to put it to use for your sake
i used to think this but now i admit they just won, they are smarter, they used men's greed to control them. Turns out money triumphs over anything else its the most powerful thing on the planet.