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57286976 No.57286976 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people have to work? Why can’t the government just print money and pay people with the money a flat amount that we all use to live on? I

>> No.57287112

What will you buy with that money? If no one is working, there are no goods being produced, and no services for hire.

>> No.57287136

What’s the endgame of that system? Genuinely curious how people like you think. Do you think people will be productive with their free time now that work is “abolished”? Is the goal of humanity just to increase our biomass no matter the quality?

>> No.57287152

That's basically what black people do

>> No.57287177

Because once the minority of working people see that they can sit around on their ass all day and live in the same comfort with the same amenities as the majority who don't work, they stop working too. Society crumbles. You get shitholes. It's actually a great way to destroy a community. I'll bring it up at the next jewish subversion planning meeting.

>> No.57287292

Do Gibs look at things like unrealized gains? Or just earned income/taxable gains? Cause I wouldn't mind gibsmaxxing a few years while my stack grows.

>> No.57287399

>acting like we don’t have fully automated stores already
Motherfucker there is literally no need for people to wage.

It would at least be an interesting experiment. Most people won’t really feel fulfilled sitting around doing nothing, so I don’t think productivity would go to zero. People would just have more freedom to pursue things that are actually interesting to them.

>> No.57287424

You have never been robbed, have you?

>> No.57287457

>farming,plumbing, wiring buildings, shipping goods, are hobbies people would take up in their spare time.

Which one are you going to do anon?

The ONLY problem is Jewish subversion of social cohesion. Work is necessary. Jewz stealing 90% of the value of the work is not.

>> No.57287482
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>why do people have to work
>why cant the government just print money
>why cant mr.beast just fund the economy


>> No.57287496

>mr beast is the new fed

Fixed and Bailed

>> No.57287510
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That what we did during COVID. What happened to your country's economy after that happened?

>> No.57287524

When BRICS topples the USD the government will pay us but it won't be enough to cover living expenses. It will be a cbdc though, so you can't pay off debts with it and you can't save it.

>> No.57287531

who would flip my burgers at mcdonalds? a machine? who fixes the machine when it breaks? other machines? who fixes those machines when they break? more machines?

>> No.57287660

>Why do people have to work?
>Why can’t the government just print money and pay people with the money a flat amount that we all use to live on?
"I" what?

>> No.57287798

>Motherfucker there is literally no need for people to wage.

That's why things will get worse, is cause your ass isn't useful anymore.

Do you really actually think in a world where people kill babies up to 9 months with no medical reason are going to let your ass live no working or producing something?

Yikes. You are seriously out of touch with reality if you actually believe the day will come we can all sit around finger painting and getting paid.

Stupid commie.

>> No.57287804


> brics topples USD
> all the dollars flow back to America
> causes inflation like nothing ever seen before
> somehow the government will just print more to pay people

What the fuck is this type of mental illness?

>> No.57287874
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>> No.57288029

>That's why things will get worse, is cause your ass isn't useful anymore.
this is why im going as hard on equities as possible. All I need to do is own a big enough portion of the tech singularity driven automated gay communism machine to sustain myself. Not a huge ask I think.

>> No.57288215

>being this much of a sheltered city slicker sòyboy that the only example he can think of is "fully" """automated""" stores.
You are retarded. People like you are the reason I don't believe in welfare in democratic societies where the government is emasculated and can't shove bums into reeducation camps or forced labor.

>> No.57288718
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smartest /biz/ anon

>> No.57289383

What do you mean what happened? I think we should go back. Got my student loans forgiven and even got some freebies, which allowed me to upgrade my car.

>> No.57289440
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because fuck you, thats why

>> No.57289467

>Why can’t the government just print money and pay people with the money a flat amount that we all use to live on?
That's what they used to do. Now they print so much money that if they launder enough of it to their party constituents through NGOs charity tech education any investment fund for the children that the wagies will be so poor they can't even buy groceries in fully stocked grocery stores that throw out 50% of their food!
Imagine that more than 50% of luxury restaurant food ends up in a trash bin! And Americans are the fattest in the world

>> No.57289475

If you don't have the intellect or drive to make it in the labour market; what makes you think you have the intellect or drive to make it in the capital market?
Something reds don't understand is that our economic system is entirely pvp and you aren't entitled to a damn thing for a reason. We would stagnate and never improve if not for a competitive system.
>Tough times neva last. Only tough ppl.
>Albreicht macht frei
>Hard times, hard men. Soft times, soft men.
This isn't a new concept. Humanity has known this for millenia. Your communist demagogues have lied through their teeth to convince you a destructive and inherently corruptible system is virtuous.
Fuck commies, you cunts are literally societal poison and you have no idea. You seek comfort and safety where you should seek turmoil and conflict.

>> No.57289503

Printing money is a form of taxation. The goverment couldn't achieve jack shit without productive people they can rob.

>> No.57289621

Increasing the money supply, without a corresponding increase in productive output leads to de-valuation of the currency and inflation.

That being said, 80% of jobs in the west are bullshit jobs which don't actually do anything anyway.

>> No.57289627

>Why do people have to work? Why can’t the government just print money and pay people with the money a flat amount that we all use to live on? I

Get a job parasite.

>> No.57289661

I live near a community that decided about 15 years ago to use their collectively owned business assets to fund a basic income for all of their members - Indian tribe with a casino. And honestly almost everything has gotten worse on that reservation. Drug & alcohol abuse is worse (and it was not the best before), domestic violence is more common, vandalism happens more often, and the people in general have gotten even lazier. Before they implemented this program most of the casino workers, and adjacent businesses owned by the tribe, like the hotel & gas station, used to be mostly staffed by tribe members. Now more than half the casino staff are white people to run the tables, and they bring in mexicans to clean the hotel. Other businesses around the area too, have found it very difficult to get tribe members hired. Now, this whole system can keep shambling in place as long as gambling is still popular, but if younger generations decide they prefer gacha games to slot machines, or if the state surrounding the Res decided to legalize casino style gambling, said tribe would be completely screwed.

>> No.57289669

there still has to be a vestigial amount of value created or else the plebs get fussy