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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.33 MB, 1080x2105, bryan johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57283674 No.57283674 [Reply] [Original]

But I thought he was doing it for "the science"?

>> No.57283687

What a j

>> No.57283848

That nigga is scared of hell so had and guess what, no amount of amino acid and drinking his sons blood is gonna stave of the eternal judgement he will receive

>> No.57283861


>> No.57283893

>taking health advice from a vegan vaxxfaggot

>> No.57283915

i hate capitalism so much
i try not to let the word or concept of hate enter my mental matrix because i know it doesn't serve me and isn't healthy but the way this system we're living under turns EVERYTHING into a transaction, into a market, into value to be extracted, is so fucking destructive to the human spirit that I can't help but hate it with a burning passion. babylon must fall. it cannot go on like this

>> No.57283916

He's a billionaire so he has more access to information than you. Maybe being a vegan is not as bad as you think

>> No.57283929

Nah he's just a faggot.

>> No.57283930

this. maybe he'll get 5 more years out of life but the Lord will be waiting for him and he will burn in hell for his hubris

>> No.57283946

He hurts nobody.
The info he provides is a net plus on society even if you dont agree with his lifestyle.

>> No.57283957

based and righteouspilled

>> No.57283963

this guy is awesome, I would be doing the same shit if I was rich as fuck. there's 0 reason to hate him, he's doing insane shit on himself and is extremely disciplined. there will be major breakthroughs from this kind of experiments. we need more people like him.

>> No.57283971

sure, I agree 100%, but that has nothing to do with this guy. he just seems to rub people the wrong way and is easy to hate, but the hate is irrational

>> No.57283974

I don't understand why this guy is hated so much

>> No.57283976

that's not capitalism it's just rational behavior

>> No.57283983

he is to longevity what elon is to space travel. antihumans hate them for trying

>> No.57284011

>still can't afford to launch a project for free
and we are the problem. Kek

>> No.57284040

He sells 2 bottles of olive oil for $60... I prefer Larry Fink to that piece of shit... Hope he dies in his 50's on a heart attack like the guy who brought jogging into the mainstream. Lots of scientific bullshit studies won't make you live longer, retard

>> No.57284058
File: 128 KB, 900x600, The Last Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't understand why this guy is hated so much


Nietzsche warned that the society of the last man could be too barren and decadent to support the growth of healthy human life or great individuals. The last man is only possible by mankind having bred an apathetic person or society who loses the ability to dream, to strive, and who become unwilling to take risks, instead simply earning their living and keeping warm.

>> No.57284080
File: 1.08 MB, 883x984, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird guy for sure

>> No.57284095
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow he is literally me

>> No.57284138

Man your face collapses in mid-age when you don't have any body fat

>> No.57284254

wtf are you talking about man.
since he's doing it all himself to himself, he can do things which couldn't be done in clinical studies.

his approach is totally different from the asshole goggings types who aggressively sell their theories appealing to weak minded people

he's just doing his thing and sharing his findings with the world. it's on you if you want to listen or not.

>> No.57284324

Because he looks like shit which is paradoxical, also isn't he vaxxed? lol

>> No.57284329

you posted this same cope thread on /fit/ seethe

>> No.57284341

He has been called out several times by real longevity scientists that the science he bases his 'blueprint' on is at best fragmentary. At least Goggins teaches you to control your brain, which is far better for your health than swallowing 30 pills a day. But they both cultish extremists. Watch a documentary about lifestyle in the blue zones instead of a middle-aged vlogger selling you his subscription-based, 'brand' 'DTC' productized ass shit. But chuds get the heros they deserve I guess.

>> No.57284362
File: 1.39 MB, 2208x1945, CALL IT FRIENDO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life collapses in mid age when you are nothing but body Fats

>> No.57284388

You're a fucking retard. No sense for nuance. Lift and move, and have some body fat. Like a healthy looking person. You know instinctively how a healthy person looks. Social media just made you believe it's healthy to look like a gay stripper.

>> No.57284398

Are you telling me those Arnold body building competitions with roided dudes in banana hammocks aren't looking like gay strippers?

>> No.57284404
File: 1.05 MB, 2600x1950, 1441507224944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my home gym I feel an insatiable thirst for Taylor's milkers

>> No.57284410

you can't do longevity science in a classical scientific way, it takes too long, you don't get to perform clinical studies on the same people for a longer period, you don't get to try extreme discipline and unresearched supplements. This guy will push the envelope way further than classical science.
I don't follow him or anything, I just think his way of doing things has a lot of merit and will lead to advancements. Longevity scientists will eventually study him.
is this luis scola? lol

>> No.57284429

he only does 2 things very wrong imo
1. hes a vegan
2. he takes testesterone

but #2 is understandable because hes old, but its def something he shouldnt promote. i also wish he would hit weights a little harder. otherwise hes really solid and i like him and learned from him.

>> No.57284433

No, I'm telling you they all look like gay strippers, including the celery-skinned longevity bro. He deserves an life-time achievement award for outstanding fagottry

>> No.57284445

oh and also, because hes doing like 1000 things at once, its impossible to test individual parameters of whether specific things hes doing helps or not. there is no control variable anywhere lmao.

>> No.57284466

Maybe. It's more likely he dies fairly young, because he's constantly stressing his body like the guy he was obsessed with jogging. Some of the stuff he does, does have merit. But it just too extreme and autistic. Like the oldest human being ever was actually an occasional smoker. Relaxed attitude towards life is probably the biggest thing you can do which is not genes. What he does is the opposite of that.

>> No.57284473

What coincided with those 10 years of depression and a loss of the will to live??? Hmmm...That was posted in 2023...So we have a window going back to 2013...
> Software entrepreneur Bryan Johnson, 45, and actress and content creator Taryn Southern, 36, had a whirlwind romance, according to a suit she filed in October 2021 and obtained by PEOPLE.

>Southern recalls in the document how her former fiancé swept her off her feet, taking her on lavish vacations, planning a forever future, and even dubbing her "Mrs. Johnson" within weeks of their meeting in 2016.

>By March 2018, the pair were living together in Venice, Calif., and engaged to be married. Johnson promised to "take care of her, financially and medically, for the rest of her life," she claims.

7 years, round that up to 10. Sounds about right. Women everybody.

>> No.57284481

Yeah man just eat meat, that'll take care of your testosterone. What a retard. It's probably to appeal to the lifestyle audience that'll buy his shit.

>> No.57284491

>joe biden will drop out of 2024 presidential race

>> No.57284516

>screencap of clickbait scares and confuses anon

>> No.57284525

but he's not stressing his body, that's the point. he's going into extreme details to keep it running at optimal levels. he's measuring all kinds of shit we don't have access to. It gives him a sense of purpose and he says he's happy so psychologically he should be fine too. I'm sure he's more relaxed than anyone working a 9 to 5.

Genes play a large part of course, he can't change that, but he takes care of everything else.

>> No.57284532

This. This. This.

They absolutely ruin everything. Hell, I wouldn't even touch anything finance related If it wasn't their pathological trickery fucking with us ALL THE TIME.

I sleep at night and think of a life where I live in a cozy wintery neighborhood, I'm a happy pizzeria worker with a house, a bicycle and a cat. Why anyone need more than that?

>> No.57284562

He's as happy as human with no soul can be.

>> No.57284769

just another tech beta cuck who learned the hard way that money and prestige does nothing for women in the long run.

>> No.57284771

guy looks like a creepy vampire

>> No.57284776

He is probably not a vegan and does a bunch of anti aging stuff that he doesn’t show to the public. His public image is to push globohomo propaganda

>> No.57284808

There is a clip. You can see him training and the doc, he employs is doing the measurements and giving him a small dig as comment, that went over his head. The girl that's in the room is just smiling at the doc and Captain Immortal comes off the treadmill and posing in front of her like a fag, thinking that'll make her horny. She just looking at the doc, smiling. Love to see it.

>> No.57284828

Unless he's lurking /pol/ and reading esoteric books he definitely has less information than me

>> No.57284846
File: 3.56 MB, 400x362, 1701365998035257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like you just described communism too Hahaha. It's almost like they are two sides of the same shekel... lmfao.... how about that!! Hehehe

>> No.57284849

>scientific bullshit
You sound like an absolute troglodyte retard.

>> No.57284862

Yes that's why I'm happier and fuck more than you do, you midwitted faggot

>> No.57284960

He became a billionaire by luck

>> No.57285318

When tech elites get bored they get into all sorts of weird bullshit. They all want to become gods but they can never ascend due to their materialism.

>> No.57287003

this was the kid I talking about

>> No.57288154

Larry Fink is a billionaire and has more info than us.
Maybe we should run society with ESG score, and make everyone tranny and nigger, after all, he is a billionaire so he knows best

>> No.57288314

I mean... this is pretty much the most correct shit I've read all day.

>> No.57288334

What the fuck is this shit?! LOLOLOL!
Fuck, I don't know whether to be impressed or fucking appalled. Well played.

>> No.57288338

this. I for one want to die

>> No.57288362

The pills he takes are expensive. Idk how much he's making but if you look at his protocol a bottle of one of the things he takes can be 100 alone.

>> No.57288534

everyone has the internet

>> No.57288593

You don't sound very happy.

>> No.57288606

this zoomer too young to remember how Steve Job died

>> No.57288611

Why would anyone bother to build your house, mine the minerals required to fabricate the parts for your bike, or really do anything strenuous if it wasn't for financial incentives when they could just be you and chill as a pizzeria worker?
I can promise you that no worker on an oil rig or patch clocks into another 10-12 hour day thinking "gee whiz I can't wait to go to work!" No, it's a shitty, grinding job and the only reason they suffer through it is because they get paid 2-3X the median annual salary. It's no wonder that many of these guys rely on alcohol, cocaine, and prostitutes to numb the pain.

>> No.57288625

I'm pretty sure he was unfaithful within their marriage, although I'm not 100% sure.

>> No.57288640

>Maybe being a vegan is not as bad as you think
I've heard from a billionaire it can cure cancer.

>> No.57288676

Fuck you, ya commie rat.

>> No.57288723

Absolutely 100%, same reason these democrat dogs are so damn old and senile. A short 70 year life of riches doesn’t compare to the judgment that awaits these cretins

>> No.57288731

Based shabbos goy perpetuating the false dichotomy

>> No.57288778

People hating on him are usually fat idiots that will die in their 60s.

>> No.57288835

>wants to cheat death
>light troll
>open in public
>unafraid and unapologetic
in summary, a consensus breaker
he's everything that triggers the normalfag fight or flight answer
the normalfag mind demands either adherence to the mean, or isolation from the herd (out of sight, out of mind)
think of the elon musk hate. many similar mechanisms at play. musk is more conventional than johnson so there's less hate, the relationship is linear

>> No.57288875

If you think he's going to hell for trying to extend his lifespan then anyone who has had an organ transplant is also going to hell. Anyone who has taken penicillin is also going to hell. Anyone with a pacemaker is going to hell.

You can see where this is going.