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File: 53 KB, 738x594, cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57283075 No.57283075 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57283087

Yeah I mean it would line up with halvening

>> No.57283092

Yes we are at the first sell off (the parabolic run will happen months after the halving).
We will bottom out around 38-36k (check liquidity heatmaps)

>> No.57283094

>TA fags are at this level
No. Aligning a rising trend with this chart does not mean shit.

>> No.57283112

at this point, the crypto cycle is such public knowledge, its more likely that this is the "bull run" and we barely break ATH, if we do
crypto has been neutered

>> No.57283125

Go ask your grandma what a halving is.

>> No.57283130

yeah and halving will get us to like 80k this time, woop de doo

>> No.57283140

Sir I’m retired. Crypto better keep going up because I would run out of money eventually.

>> No.57283142

You are delusional. Take your shit back to telegram where it belongs.

>> No.57283149


Check the top right

We are at "Return to Normal"

>> No.57283171

>halving is when bitcoin magically goes up
>it just does okay?
Definition of a midwit.
>bitcoin is a bubble
>bitcoin will go up forever
>bitcoin is a bubble, had no real growth since 2017 and its funding is unstable

>> No.57283183

Where’s all the liquidity for this cycle supposed to come from? What reason will the fed have to fire up the mouse clickers? Is it student loan forgiveness or something?

>> No.57283239

I'm guessing liquidity comes from inflation and the fact that money is worth less, so everything else should be worth more
also rape cuts coming soon

>> No.57283244
File: 610 KB, 1462x1143, 286DA77C-6A15-4843-9381-BB87030FAEEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completed the chart

>> No.57283281

The first sell off was the last dump. We are now at media attention and it's only going straight up from here until 2025.
Check previous halvings and see the time-based performance then compare it to the current one.
>this time is different
Sure, lol, cope.

>> No.57283294

You're not too far off, we didn't even have a double top if you adjust for that. Bitcoin's growth up until now came from investorial demand and not the supply's growth shrinking. But inflation is now nowhere close to justify doubling the price.
Also you don't need inflation, you need easy credit. The two are connected, but all that matters now is that we are entering a stage of the global economy where central banks will tighten the belts and the effects of the 2020 inflation will realize. No more tech money, no more easy credit for investors to put into highly speculative assets like Bitcoin. Even if rate-cuts will come, the natural interest rate is rising due to inflation on one part and heightened geopolitical risk on the other.

>> No.57283322

we've either topped already, or the top is around 60k

those that expect 80-100k are going to be bagholders yet again because you got greedy. people made literally billions buying eth at 1k or sol at 10, what more do you expect?

>> No.57283522

BTC won't break it's 2021 high.
screenshot this.

>> No.57283548

you must be new here

>> No.57283610

btc never does what people expect. tons of people expecting us to go to 80-100k, therefore they'll get frontrun and 60-70k will be the cycle top.

there will be a huge "dip" to 30-40k and people will be like "oh okay just like summer 2021" and then the dip wont stop dipping

>> No.57283626
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>> No.57283811

I agree completely, can’t wait to load up before a green 2024

>> No.57283879
File: 215 KB, 904x545, c22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflation rising back up because of poojets attacking at Red Sea , if FED will only pause then 24K bottom , if we get another rate hike because rising inflation we will see 15K or lower and probably no bull run until end of year.
One thing is sure , FED will not pivot during a scheduled meeting but during an unscheduled emergency meeting as usual .

>> No.57284092
File: 121 KB, 800x450, 718-Boxster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly correct. You can start picking colors.

>> No.57284127
File: 307 KB, 3181x1378, 2024_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The projection is $360,000. In reality it will top between 160 and 260k. This chart warned everyone about the dip btw.

>> No.57284190
File: 57 KB, 358x333, 1613367889810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CME gap at 20k
Checks out

>> No.57284191

what do you think the bottom will be in the next few months? I'm thinking 30-35k

>> No.57284262

Exactly, I think 30-36k. That actually is NOT supported by the chart, it ends up being a bit above that, but I feel like 30-36k is about right.

If we go below 28k, there's panic and it opens up lowers, which will put the cycle at risk (kind of like going over 50k at this point would have put the cycle at risk).

Hi bobo fren, please do your job and take us to 30k. You can post bullshit about capo 12k and CME gaps, and "it's in the code" to scare the new friends if that's what you need to do to make 30-36k happen.

>> No.57284308
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>> No.57284337

Every cycle has diminishing returns also so many people are scared of being frontran so will sell extra early this cycle. Could only tough 100k for a couple hours even and then crab around 90k before start of next bear. Only variable is maybe etf will tame Btc after this bullrun and it will just forever be a crab coin after the top with mild bull cycles and bear cycles like the s&p500

>> No.57284443

> Every cycle has diminishing returns
The last two cycles both had over 700% post-halving returns. It's also always straight up, with very, very minor, short dips after the halving.

Yes, the absolute bottom to top is diminishing, but not nearly as much as that one log scale image circulating would have you believe. That image is both cherry picked and outright wrong. I will write a pasta some day, but for now you can verify that there was a 6x both last AND the previous cycle after halving.

> Every cycle has diminishing returns also so many people are scared of being frontran so will sell extra early this cycle.
I do think oldfags will front run, but they will also front run on purchases. I am not sure newfags / normies will though. If you talk to "normal" investors outside of here (I did say investors, not just randoms), they STILL don't know what the fuck a halving is / don't trust it.

> Could only tough 100k for a couple hours even and then crab around 90k before start of next bear.

I think this is extremely unlikely and we will see $140,000 at the very, very least (which is just 2x from bottom).

>> No.57285270
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i thought we would hot 50k but apparently not.
whatever, i sold 0.1 @ 48k so i will buy back @ 35k
>inb4 its going to <insert retardedly low number>
35k is your last chance, take it or leave it.