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57278329 No.57278329 [Reply] [Original]

>move to NYC
>almost all apartments have a "brokers fee" where you pay 1 - 1.5x the monthly rent to some fag who did absolutely nothing
nice city fags

>> No.57278344

just cut out the middle man

>> No.57278352

yeah that's unironically gay as fuck
in Chicago, those fees get paid by the landlord

>> No.57278443

You're the fag for choosing to move to a shithole like new york.

>> No.57278467
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name 3 better cities in the US

>> No.57278521

almost all of them, are you some retarded foriegner?

>> No.57278541

Name 3 faggot

>> No.57278553

Coastal Los Angeles
All of southern california

>> No.57278556

I lived in SF, SJ, MPK, NJ, LA, and Seattle and NYC is the best of them so far debate me

>> No.57278567

all of them retard, every city is better than New York, you bought into a fucking meme for lowits, even New Yorkers subconciously hate the place, it's why they overcompensate by acting like assholes

>> No.57278582

ur retarded bro show me ur bank account

>> No.57278599

show me your skin color, you fucking nigger, thinking you have to be in some craphole megacity with people shitting in the street in front of your commie box to make it shows how untalented and witless you are

>> No.57278605
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uh oh brokie melty lmeow

>> No.57278642

Lol name one just one and I'll respond

>> No.57278659

Los angelos is garbage. You need a car to get places. There are countless abandoned buildings and the blight is much more than nyc. Also more gang problems and less concentrated because you don't have giant projects to keep all the animals inside. You have individual streets warring with each other. I could go on about Hollywood attracting absolute lazy retards to the city but forget it. Anyone who thinks los Angelos is better than new York is lmfao stupid

>> No.57278661


Imagine NYC with nice weather year-round and cheaper sq/ft

>> No.57278670
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>no public transportation
>all the jobs there are shit
>all the girls are whores
the only good things are the taco trucks

>> No.57278673

LMFAO it's cheaper because it's less demand for the infrastructure. Over here in nyc houses burned down get foreclosed and redeveloped asap. You never see a building stay abandoned for ten years. If the bank and shlomo don't want it, some immigrant will roll the dice on it.

You say nice weather? What about the wild fires and yearly drought? LMFAO you must be a teenager

>> No.57278677

>Need a car to get places

You need a car to get places in NYC too if you live more than a half mile from a subway line

>More gang problems

You also have to share public transit with dumb retard minorities where you're forced to interact with homeless schizos while in LA you can pretend they don't exist

>Countless abandoned buildings

because the RE is cheaper there

LA also has hotter women. Girls in NYC are fucking ugly bro. Unless you're really into Jewish art hoes and NBs

>> No.57278681

LMFAO nyers are known for walking the most of any people. We walk several miles everyday. You don't know what you are talking about

>> No.57278683

>You say nice weather? What about the wild fires and yearly drought?

Lmao NYC weather is gay and bipolar..it's 40mph winds and 40F right now and Tuesday you're gonna get snow/sleet cause it's gonna see a low of 23F. How's the weather in LA?

>> No.57278686

The only way to avoid the homeless in la is to have enough money to include yourselves from it. Everyday people in la are absolutely at the mercy of the homeless schizos

>> No.57278688

I own a motgage-free house, you live in an apartment in an urban shithole and pay a "brokers fee"

>> No.57278693


>> No.57278699
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literally post your net worth right now or dont respond to me brokie

>> No.57278707

already proved its higher than your's faggot, the only people living in commie block apartments as a landlord's bitch are people that can't afford to own property

>> No.57278715

your 10k house in indiana doesnt prove anything homobro

>> No.57278723

And you put yourself at the mercy of homeless schizos every time you ride the MTA, where they congregate when it's fucking cold and shitty 4 months of the year. You are LITERALLY forced to be within 10 feet of them for multiple stops.

Yeah because NY property tax rules are fucking stupid and meant to keep you slaving like a retard. You can't retire in NY/NJ unless you make FU money because they go by estimated prop value and it's reassessed yearly which is why anyone who owns a house here pays $10-15k a year in property tax for the rest of their lives. You literally cannot retire here and you'll get RAPED if you aspire to either have kids or want to own more than a shitty apartment. NYC SF Seattle and Miami have the highest price per sq.ft of the country. A cheap starter house in the metro NYC area is still $500-700k and has you commuting every day by car (figure $4-6k a month with prop tax)

California goes by transaction price cause of Prop 13 so you have boomers paying literally no money on houses worth millions.

>> No.57278753

you don't own property, no only do you not have a higher networth, you also don't have a higher quality of life

>> No.57278850
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>brokie assumes someone doesnt own property because they are renting in another city
i have a town house in the bay area that's 1.1M now homobro i just hate CA now post net worth height and wife

>> No.57278959

nyc is a 3rd world shithole, you are a communist freak if you live there.

>> No.57279006
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God this thread is full of retarded niggers.

Whats better than NY? And some retard says LA

ffs, move to Denver/Boulder, Austin, Orlando/Tampa, Charlotte. Heck even fucking Boston is better then NY

>> No.57279091

Opinion discarded. I’d rather live in the Bronx before I lived in that shithole.

>> No.57279123

thats because you're a nigger

>> No.57279143
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>tfw have to move to NYC for work in September

I make $110k. My employers will at least offer relocation assistance. How fucked am I?

>> No.57279238

It's a trick question cause all the poor niggers from the Bronx who got priced out of NYC moved to either Tampa or Orlando in the last 10 years

Not that fucked if you live somewhere like Queens/Brooklyn/NJ and commute in

Very fucked if you live in a trendy part and pay $3-4000/mo in rent.

>> No.57279264

brooklyn is mostly jewish, queens is mostly asian, have fun with rats, roaches, bedbugs, and the endless flow of illegal immigrants

>> No.57279444

Blackpill me on Upper East Side.

>> No.57279448

That’s like saying India is better than Pakistan. True but still complete shit.

Laughing at you’re gay ass from Tennessee

>> No.57279464

and nobody wants to marry a girl from NYC
they fuck anything that moves

>> No.57279474

ny is literally the ground zero of the largest individual human sacrifice ritual by talmudic zionists and u chose to move there for the hustle and bustle

>> No.57279544

oof, here (germany) the landlord pays that fee

>> No.57279768
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>> No.57281292

I left NYC for this reason

>> No.57281300

Literally any city, dumbass.

>> No.57281319

This is standard in Estonia, pretty depressing.
I don't understand why landlords use realtor services to advertise and tour an apartment.

>> No.57281345
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> Move to NYC

>> No.57281374
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>> No.57281793 [DELETED] 

I live in a penthouse on the Upper East Side. It’s clean and white, but because it’s not the latest ’cool’ suburb your gay NYC ‘friends’ will look at you funny because you dont live in their nigger infested williamsburg or wherever else they were brainwashed to believe is hip by real estate moguls

>> No.57281836


>> No.57281842

nooooo move to based texspico instead and enjoy living in the third world mexican outpost BASED BASED BAAAAAASED

>> No.57281892

It's clean and white if you include Jews because everyone there is Jewish and either works in journalism, academia, or finance. That said it's not that safe either because you have the projects and Harlem within walking distance.

I wouldn't live there, nowhere to eat that isn't at least $30 a meal, groceries are a pita, and rental costs are $$$ because it's either condos/co-ops for people with a lot of money or boomers living in rent controlled units passing it down to their kids paying $300/mo in rent

You can live in a third world Mexican outpost too in NYC just live anywhere along the 7 Train, the difference is that the spics in Texas own their own homes while the ones here rent and live 10 to a 2br apt

>> No.57281923


coping, you're in NYC because you're an insecure NPC.
What a nasty shithole full of nasty shitholes.

>> No.57281973

I’m a flyover 30 year old boomer and happy with my slow peaceful lifestyle, but anyone saying NYC isn’t the best city in the US is just coping, or has only spent time in Times Square. It’s on another level

>> No.57282019
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OP has no clue how brokers fees work

>t. 20 year Brooklyn Heights renter.

>> No.57282122

Just move to Chicago. If you live in a decent neighborhood and aren't wandering around at like 2am you'll be fine. Everything's half the price as in NYC and everybody's just a little bit uglier but they're midwesterners so the niceness makes up for it.

>> No.57283174

son of an NYC landlord (who fucking hates NYC and only lived there briefly)
but these brokers if you have a good one can be a lifesaver
they help keep out undesirables professionally while providing legal cover.
Personally i feel that my dad should just sell that damn building now that NYC property value is recovering from covid.

>> No.57283196

Philadelphia (I choose to live in the suburbs of philly here over NYC despite having an amazing apartment I could live in for free in manhattan)

I don't know much outside of the East coast. Lived in san francisco for ~1 year and hated it as much as NYC but atleast it felt safer.
NYC criminals are hard, though its not their preferred target they will fuck up a 6 foot 200lb man
The crackhead criminals in Cali won't do shit as there are easier targets.

>> No.57283218

Any three, chosen at random

>> No.57283418

Net worth doesn't mean that much when you're living in a city with one of the highest costs of living in the world.
How much would a nice, big ,house with a pool and sauna on a wooded 5 acre lot with a great view cost in NYC?
Protip: "wealth" isn't some number in your bank account.

>> No.57283532

Thats nothing to be proud of. Only poors walk. It's below freezing outside. Imagine having to walk in that because you are too poor and stupid to operate a car.

>> No.57283563
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People who criticize him for his choice of city are mouth breathing subhumans unless they're recommending a city above New York on this scale