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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57278018 No.57278018 [Reply] [Original]

It’s like an inhumane machine that knows what I’m thinking before I know I’m even thinking it. How do I beat it?

>> No.57278034

By participating in the market you become part of the market.

>> No.57278033

depends, which market?

>> No.57278038

THE market anon

>> No.57278098

unironically? Hold

>> No.57278111

(((THE))) market

>> No.57278114

if its the same market I'm thinking it is, your going to need to start training muay thai asap.

>> No.57278126
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Holy shit

>> No.57278145

Hold good things and when it goes up sell a bunch and when it goes down buy a bunch, always rotate cash and buy when it's really red and sell when it's really green and always have any least 20% cash available

>> No.57278155

the asian combat sports market anon.
One Championship is on

>> No.57278168

arbitrage, market making, lending

>> No.57278291

>always have any least 20% cash available
imagine not going all in every time.
only investing 1-5% of your networth is for pussies.

>> No.57278302

Even AI can't beat the market, it's over.

>> No.57278338

Just buy NVIDIA

>> No.57278364

the only way is to lengthen your timeframes

>> No.57278369

Better starting training OP.
You need to become a underground fighting world champion

>> No.57278487
File: 40 KB, 669x675, Fvz9hOIXwAEaIR8-669x675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need to beat the matrix first.

>> No.57278975
File: 244 KB, 792x1178, MV5BNzMzODVjMWUtYmIxZS00NDlkLTlmNTktNjI5NTdhZjUzYzY1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop thinking

>> No.57278990

Just buy, unironically. No matter when. Don't listen to the doomsayers. The market will continually go up over time. People who held through 08 are rich now..

>> No.57278993

Trust your gut instinct and educate yourself on not just on trading but Jewish behavior and you will then realize it's not hard at all

>> No.57279000
File: 303 KB, 1600x900, kaiji_bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57279870

Beating the market is not a prerequisite for making money.

>> No.57279882

unironically, ignore it

>> No.57279896

Easy, buy high and sell low.
jokes aside, you buy when YOU feel like selling, and you sell when YOU feel like buying. being irrational with irrational markets makes sense

>> No.57279905

statistical analysis

>> No.57279913

you sacrifice your first born

>> No.57280049

You cannot beat the AI.
>If you can't beat them, join them.

>> No.57280072

>How do I beat the market
By not trying to beat the market.

>> No.57281492

Be formless, shapeless... like chainlink! You see. You put chainlink into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, chainlink can flow... or it can crash! Be chainlink my fren.

>> No.57281505

Can't argue with that!

>> No.57281509

Man, she used to be so hot.

>> No.57281593

>line goes up
>line goes down

>> No.57281597

laura croft boobie raider