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File: 152 KB, 1080x1297, 20240112_123711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57273501 No.57273501 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people pretend like billionaires didn't earn their wealth? It's not like they were handed it.

>> No.57273624

The super rich didn't fuck the average person, their investments are not small time shit. Property was made unaffordable by all the mom & pop investors buying 1-2-3 or so homes each, so basically the upper-middle & upper class completely fucked up the middle and working class.

There is not a billionaire going around buying up homes, its normalfags from upper-middle and upper class backgrounds flipping properties or accumulating properties via debt.

The normalfags started this, not the billionaires, the billionaires dont give a fuck about buying out your street full of family homes and demolishing them to build units, thats all small time property developers and boomers who are upper-middle/upper, no where near the super global rich elite.

>> No.57273724

>There is not a billionaire going around buying up homes
Post nose larry

>> No.57273760

the problem is inflation. savings are either real estate or stocks. fix the money fix the world

>> No.57273778

Even if you have millionaire parents going from that to a billion is a tremendous long shot. But leave it to bluepilled zogbots to undermine the achievements of anyone who aspires for more than living in a pod and polishing kikes boots

>> No.57273784

This image was certainly made by a mega MAGA chud

>> No.57273786
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Nepotism and rich parents do not help if you don't learn or do anything useful. Most of you will never know but it's pretty hard to control a tech company.
I don't really like these guys but at least they created useful products.
Except Warren Buffet. He is just a parasite insider trader. He should be slapped with a fish for that smug smile!

>> No.57273809

>Property was made unaffordable by all the mom & pop investors buying 1-2-3 or so homes each, so basically the upper-middle & upper class completely fucked up the middle and working class.
USA, Canada and Australia has much lower population density than Europe and the houses are still more expensive there.
Property is unaffordable in most places because the government don't allow you to build houses.

>> No.57273818
File: 205 KB, 940x1562, jobsbook1-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steve Jobs earned it. His parents were blue collar workers and he funded Apple by selling his own car for $700.

>> No.57273820

Billionaires are chosen by the dead gods. They are merely instruments playing their part

>> No.57273857

Not really, it's just a x1000 return. It only takes one or two shitcoin investments (aka Paypal or Amazon) to get to their from a million. Just look at the all the idiots on here who made 1M while working at McDonalds.

>> No.57273877

Just scam your best friend bro!!!!

>> No.57273894

Woz would be a billionaire today if he hadn't sold most of his Apple shares in the 80s.

>> No.57273898

His friend is the one who did all the work and he expressed how he felt about getting ZERO credit for anything he's done for Apple. Steve jobs fired employees in his s8yb8y anger outbursts for no reason and had a fetish for sticking his feet in the toilet and flushing it to calm his mind. Back to the point: he did not build apple to what it is, his friend did. It is true they started everything out of their garage though.

>> No.57274020

You HAVE to be intelligent to be a billionaire. There are plently of rich kids who went broke

>> No.57274038
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>Not really, it's just a x1000 return
do you have 1000x more net worth than your parents

>> No.57274057

They didn't work 650,000 times harder than a guy breaking his back in a warehouse. If harder at all. That's why they get so much resentment.

>> No.57274062

When you understand how hostile civilization is to the creation and transfer of wealth, you really can't fault billionaires for pushing everything to the limits as much as possible to try to protect themselves and their loved ones from being utterly devoured like everyone else and by everyone else. As soon as you have something to take, everyone lines up for their shot to take it, including your own government. If you just bent over and spread your cheeks, you'd be amazed how fast you run out of things to take and you end up following everyone to the next line looking for the next dumb ass bending over and letting everyone take them away in pieces.

>> No.57274068
File: 63 KB, 758x759, 1691165633341469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy in the warehouse in america doesn't work 100x harder than some laborer in china so why is he worth 100x more ?

>> No.57274085

Not yet, only about 100x, give me a couple more years

>> No.57274113

Because the American is a human being not a bug

>> No.57274136

that is true but we have the power to change that, we can make a better world, a world of good if everyone would try and not one up the other...

>> No.57274152

Children that are the heirs to rich dad money have all the money in the world to learn and experience whatever they want to experience. They may be intelligent, but they are not wise. Being wise with your money is a whole different ballpark that has nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.57274171
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>Because the American is a human being not a bug
sorry man but thats exactly how they perceive wagies

>> No.57274199
File: 371 KB, 760x620, ABattleThatTranscendsPoetry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People acknowledge that the "self made" is a bullshit term but don't make the connection wealth generation is a family affair.

Why gives?

>> No.57274236
File: 132 KB, 552x531, 1000025329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder, wagie.

>> No.57274282

Bufett bought a land at 14 and was taking money from some tenant farmer for few years
Proof that he was born with very high iq
You can't really change iq, i wish i was born in some elite blue-blooded family but i lost the genetic lottery

>> No.57274288

most retards here wouldn't know what to do with a serious inheritance

>> No.57274294

>Being wise with your money is a whole different ballpark that has nothing to do with intelligence.
Yeah. I think it's just about thoughtfully laying down some ground rules for spending and where excess is allocated and then following these rules with the zeal of a jihadist. I have set a fixed amount to keep in my checking account equal to 1.5x my monthly expenses (bills/groceries), any more than that goes into HYSA, up to a limit of 5x the value of the checking, this is my cash buffer to protect my equities from being dipped into in unexpected circumstances like a car breakdown. When these are both full every extra penny gets funneled into my taxed brokerage. Oh yeah and every start of year a small portion of my HYSA gets dumped to instantly max out my Roth. Overall it's not a high iq financial management plan at all, a monkey could come up with a decent plan, discipline is what truly makes you good with money. The world is full of temptation.

>> No.57274315
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America needs a new homesteading declaration. Mexico and Canada are ripe for the taking.

>> No.57274339


Have you ever noticed a lot of these billionaires have partners that they just screwed over?

>> No.57274342
File: 58 KB, 1600x1064, 1691499123530180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bezos was the bastard kid from a teenage mom and a unicyclist then grew up on his grandparents ranch and doing wagie jobs before being valedictorian and top of his ivy league engineering class and president of his frat then work at a quant firm before starting amazon in the early stages of the dot com bubble

commie cucks are always seething before doing any research

>> No.57274433

Imagine seething about how high iq people come from high iq families and high iq families usually have people in them that make lots of money. Like of course people smart enough to become billionaires come from families smart enough to make money. The only people who seethe about this are retards from retard families who arent smart enough to make money. They act like any mundane moderately high paying job is a ticket to uber success. Like look at Bezos's blurb: it just says his adoptive father worked at Exxon mobile for 10 years, like that automatically makes him rich. Thats upper middle class at best. Imagine how many kids of Exxon workers didn't even become multi millionaires. Nevermind the fact that he was the product of teen pregnancy and his real dad was a fucking circus act.

Losers will come up with any justification as to why theyre losers. it's sad.

>> No.57274614
File: 83 KB, 1024x575, 1000025332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based anon, well said.

>> No.57274661

Intelligence is a small factor compared to luck and connections and birth circumstances. It can be a linchpin that makes the other stuff actually useful but just being 160 iq does nothing. If anything, the smarter you are the more at risk you are of alienating yourself from the cattle herd.

>> No.57274689

I would love for you to be correct, but I'm not entirely convinced this civilization is beyond crucifying Jesus himself 10 out of 10 times, even if he showed up on a beam of light radiating out of God's giant ass cheeks as they poked through the clouds above the capitol building. Until that is no longer the case, everyone with a savior complex should consider a little more caution in their world view. I am eagerly awaiting to be proven wrong and when that happens, I think very special things will happen for this planet.

>> No.57274707

> luck
> Losers will come up with any justification as to why theyre losers. it's sad.

>> No.57274738

buffet is just an oil boomer who uses his name/power to get into deals

Not sure wtf bill gates is up to, chipping people, injecting them with untested vaccines. i suppose africans are some sort of medical test fodder.

Bezos is trying to acheive something thats probably impossible and the second he starts making real profit, they will try to break up the monopoly.

Elon is realistically a hero and will overshoot his agenda publicly, to layup. i think he got in over his head with twitter, mostly because he took things too fast politically. he should have just let people on the platform do it for him.
But realistically i think him and google will fight it out for the lead in Building home use robots, with microsoft opting to stay on the sideline for a.i. software with better margins.

only 15 more years until elon takes the credit for building your waifus.

>> No.57274768

because the supply and demand of labor.
its not like you can just ship asians over and teach them english to work in the american factory. because even if you did, someone else would hire them for slightly higher pay.

and the factories that are in america, stay in america because of logistics/freight

>> No.57274826

I accept your concession

>> No.57274828
File: 83 KB, 735x490, 1e4171a873ceb3b257d66314b47d4ceb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buffet if he was born in 2010

>> No.57274843

>but its not fair
>harsh conditions
>low wages
>shit job

>> No.57274860

your 115 IQ is showing

>> No.57274861

Post nose

>> No.57274892

absolute bullshit. It was FED policy propping up the housing industry (buying MBS in the Trillions), led on by WallSt. & Banks

if the US govt. hadnt made it illegal for housing prices to go down then homes would be affordable

>> No.57275497

So? most of those in the gov were from poor families and only the upper echolen from wealthy families.
Only retards aka poorfags play by the rules others put in place to keep themselves in power aka laws.

>> No.57275561

but this as well
there is a shitload of people working just as hard if not harder than bezos who are just as smart as him
if you think the top 0.000001% wealth was made because bezos is literally in the top 0.000001% and he wasnt lucky at all youre fucking retarded

>> No.57275680

His dad gave him 300k for an internet startup retard, his family was that rich.
Try doing that in your so called middle class family you claim he has.

>> No.57275719

no wagie is human, american or otherwise

>> No.57275911

lol yeah paris hilton and hunter biden are high IQ . FUCK YOU.