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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57265687 No.57265687 [Reply] [Original]

24 yo American woman here. After I graduated from Wellesley I needed to find myself, and decided to forgo yoga training and travel the world and write about my experiences and the impact they have on my life. (I haven't been outside the country since I volunteered in Costa Rica for a week in during the summer in High School, where I learned how hard some people have it).

I've been all over Europe (s/o to Truow!) and I'm currently in Barcelona, where I love the incredible architecture, the breathtaking art history, the luscious music, the exquisite tapas, the vibrant nightlife and the chance to explore my sexuality with the interesting people I meet. The freedom is like nothing I've experienced before. Everybody should experience this, and I think there's no doubt that travel makes you a richer person.

I recently got this tattoo in cool parlor after clubbing in Kreuzberg (in Berlin) (this is me on a beach in Morocco), which I think defines the kind of character I want to be. It reminds me never to take things for granted because we all face challenges, and no matter how hard life can seem, you need to stay grounded.

>> No.57265698

wtf does this have to do with /biz/

>> No.57265702

Tits or gtfo

>> No.57265705

We don't usually get women around these parts. It might be best for you psychologically if you close this tab while you still have your sanity.

>> No.57265711

>explore my sexuality

She fucked Chad.

Nevermind the niceties... have at her, boys.

>> No.57265727
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It is quite astonishing to see a female here in /biz/. I am quite popular around here in this server, so if you require guidance, please throw me a mention. I will assist you at any hour, day or night. And, before you are mistaken, I do not seek your hand in a romantic way; although I am not opposed in the event you are interested in me, as many women often are. I am a man of standard, and I do not bow to just any female that comes my way, unlike my peers...

So rest assured that I will not be in the way of your gaming and socializing experience. Consider me a Player 2. A companion, a partner, and perhaps we can enjoy some video games together some time.

I see you play mini games? I am a mini-game aficionado, so I would be happy to assist you in games. Platonically of course, unless you (like many others) change your mind on that. I look forward to our future together (as friends of course.)

>> No.57265748


that's bait and no one gets it. i think that's a sign for all the left OGs here. greetings from kazakhstan

>> No.57265775

you have to be a man to post here

>> No.57265778
File: 828 KB, 250x188, 62d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just read woman, and replied "tits or gtfo"
That's the rule.

>> No.57265781

You speak so much, yet say so little

>> No.57267702

imagine the weird dude that posted this

>> No.57267754

>Shilling europe in biz.

Exit all positions. This is not a drill.

>> No.57267772

Top kek. As for OP. Gtfo

>> No.57267781

It’s legit written like a femenoid but definitely a copy pasta

>> No.57267881
File: 61 KB, 820x564, Screenshot 2024-01-12 184311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry OP, but you see....

>> No.57267973
File: 1.55 MB, 420x480, 4879 - SoyBooru.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 yo American woman here

>> No.57268004

I can see how some /biz/ autists fall for the troll but the fact that you are even simping is sad
They are either new or they have been so long here all their braincells have been fried

>> No.57268158

why do people respond to low quality bait?