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57265121 No.57265121 [Reply] [Original]

Giving women the freedom to choose their own husbands means 90% of us will never have children now. Having children is important to keep your fortune and wealth with someone who is like you, instead of giving to your enemies (government), and also important so someone takes care of you and your wealth as you age.

How can we ensure we will have a family in the year of our lord, 2024, when no woman will marry/have children with us, and the ones up for surrogacy are genetic dead ends/low IQs?

What is the modern man's solution to this new problem? I repeat, 90% of us here will not have children

>> No.57265153


What is even the point of amassing wealth if we will not have families? What exactly are we working for?

If we don't have children, we are practically not part of society anymore. What is the point of our money then? It will just be distribute to random people in the end

>> No.57265234

Destruction of the current system and the reintroduction of natural order, of course.

What else are you building wealth for?

>> No.57265272


The current system will not be destroyed anytime soon unlex tax payers rebel. And guess what, who are the tax payers now? Women and their spawn, who love big government and big taxation

You are losing this war and your genes will die with you. You better have a more practical plan to achieve children other than "complete restructuring of the entire world within the next 20 years, lol", because it won't happen, unless you think you can rally all the single men out there under one banner of revoking women's rights

>> No.57265296


Actually, 20 years is too much for most of us to wait. By then you'd be too old for children, more like next 5 years.

Nothing will change, it will only get worse for us.

>> No.57265330
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There is no “solution” it’s just a slow decline from here on out. Pandora’s box was opened with the internet

>> No.57265346

>What exactly are we working for?
For me it's comfort

>> No.57265351

For me it’s vidya

>> No.57265354


You'll have comfort until you are 40, then health issues start becoming more prevalent, and you'll feel time passing faster and also your opportunity for children

Your comfort will turn very minimal being 40 and without children

>> No.57265358

Incels always blame women for this sort of thing but it's really the chads you need to get under control.

Having more than one partner if you're a male should be shunned heavily.

>> No.57265384


What is your plan for "get chads under control"? The chads are more female than male now - they are the result of women selecting them for breeding rather than people who traditionally think like men. This is why "chads" are doing stupid tiktoks and acting more like women than men

chads = women. They are fighting for the same things.

Again. You are losing the war with every second that passes. I think you guys are sleep at the wheel. By the time you realize "wait shit, so i'm not going to have children???" it will be very late in your life

>> No.57265386

You see men all the time bragging about their body count but you never see women doing that shit

Get the chads under fucking control

>> No.57265400

Honestly I'm not even convinced that women enjoy having sex.

I know for a fact that men do, however.

>> No.57265412


You are fucking retarded and should not be in this thread

Help come up with a practical solution for the problem or go back from whatever highschool board you came from

>> No.57265427

> 90% of us will never have children now.

The vast majority of men who want to get married and have children achieve that

You’re only going to fail at that if you’re deformed or unable to work or want to wait until you’re 35 to start trying to get married

>> No.57265436

Firstly, I don't want children. Children are disgusting.

Secondly, I have never seen evidence that women brag about having multiple partners, telling stories about their "scores," etc. in the same way that men do.

>> No.57265455


You are grossly wrong. Only tall attractive men will have children, that is 1% of the male population

>As of 2021, 25% of 40-year-olds in the United States had never been married, a significant increase from 20% in 2010

Bet if you apply that to only men it will be even higher

>> No.57265459

i don't want children though, whatever you breeders see in it, I just don't get. Maybe because I'm a white ameriburger basically living under spic/indian occupation. Not much I can do about that though, and if those conditions are what's suppressing the urge, it makes life easier not having to deal with giving a female half my shit and all my time and energy.

>> No.57265470

get out of this thread and go back to /r9k/

This is the thread for people who want a family

>> No.57265496

Oh, well, I have no sympathy for anyone who wants to have children.

Having children is deeply unethical unless you already have millions of dollars for them to inherit.

>> No.57265518

the only solution to this is unironically religion. religion is a tool to be used to shape society

>> No.57265521
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>What is even the point of amassing wealth if we will not have families?
I spend all the money on myself

>> No.57265531
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Incel telling volcels to go back to /r9k/
this is a /biz/ moment

>> No.57265539

I've been saying this constantly but everyone thinks Chad's their bro while he dumpster dives for your looksmatch.

>> No.57265540

god damn you people are fucking autistic children

You must be like 20 yo, you have no idea what is coming to you, a life alone and without children until you are 60 and requiring someone to help you, but there is nobody around to.

I'm not incel, but the huge drop in IQ, along with women being free, made impossible for me to find a woman interested in me. They just want party boys

>> No.57265550

every women i know always says
>men will always have a wife, it's up to us to get a man and keep it
it's men fault
when you are alone saying boo hoo poor me i have no gf
the thing is you are a loser
get your shit together

im alone but i fucking hate women so much holy shit

>> No.57265560

>and requiring someone to help you, but there is nobody around to.
having Kids is no guarantee that they will wipe your old ass.
most kids just throw their useless boomer parents into a nursing home.

>> No.57265562
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I am not sure about it, buddy. There is always a Vietnamese woman waiting for someone to impregnated her.

>> No.57265564

>get your shit together

This translates to: just stop being a man and become subservient to women so one likes you.

I have my shit together, that is why I don't have a wife. I start doing drugs, getting drunk and only think about sex all the time and drop all values, I'll get a wife very quickly, especially because I'm a millionaire

Modern women are mostly dumb whores and they want guys who act like dumb whores

>> No.57265571


Just don't marry a disgusting whore woman with tattoos, and your children will be loving

Whore women with tattoos however are inheriting the earth -at our tax money expense.

>> No.57265575

The phrase "get your shit together" reflects an internalized male supremacy in the mind of the woman.

She wants a man who fits the male archetype. She wants a MAN, she wants a BREADWINNER.

Like usual, incels accept the poison as if it were the medicine.

>> No.57265581

everyone who is on 4 chan doesnt have their shit together and thats a fact

>> No.57265584

>just have low iq children with a whore who is just after money

yeah that is a great idea, dilute your high iq genes with that woman and have retarded low IQ children, so society gets dragged even further down

You people have zero standards. Your ancestors arranged marriage with families who shared their values and level of intelligence, it is why you are not a babbling retard right now. But you will destroy all their work by marrying women with zero values and zero IQ

>> No.57265588

>a life alone and without children until you are 60 and requiring someone to help you, but there is nobody around to.
This is already a very selfish reason for wanting to have kids, are you Chinese by any chance? They abort females when there's a one-child limit because they want a male earner to carry them through their later life. If I do breed one day, it will be because at some point my outlook on the world will change and I'll see life as a gift rather than something you're forced into experiencing because 2 people wanted to grind their crotches together for feel-good chemicals.

The kinds of people breeding for reasons as selfish as having a servant when you get old are the kinds of people who especially don't deserve to breed, so I think you're getting correctly filtered out of the breeding pool.

>> No.57265590

>You must be like 20 yo, you have no idea what is coming to you, a life alone and without children until you are 60 and requiring someone to help you, but there is nobody around to.
This is so naive if you actually think having kids will guarantee any of that lmao, if anyone has an underage brain here it's you.

>> No.57265599

thats cope, you can give your kids the best upbringing and they will still dump you into a nursing home.
they have their own lives and they dont want to waste them cleaning your asshole.

>> No.57265602


Then as I said, you people are garbage and/or you are marrying garbage women. So you have garbage kids.

I'm not like that and I take care of my parents, anally so. I'm not a savage nor a nigger, are you?

>> No.57265610

Whoa look at this sigma male coming through. Kys.

>> No.57265613


projection the post. Then you are garbage and just some selfish animal without any higher feelings nor emotions

>> No.57265618

>anons, we will never have children! I'm so sad
>ugh! Disgusting!
You picky son of a bitch, d'u want a child or what?

>> No.57265628

What is the (realistic) solution if you are 30+ and deformed? Asking for a friend.

>> No.57265632

Sorry brah, this was 4u

>> No.57265634

Wrong reply?

>> No.57265641

its "truth: the post", you are just coping and hoping the children you raise are going to be your perfect slaves.

>> No.57265646

Yessir, it happens to the best of us

>> No.57265657


The first solution is to get rid of welfare. Women are living careless and without responsibility because the government taxes us and gives our money to them.

Depriving them of all money unless they work/get a good husband is a start.

Other than that, normalize surrogacy more, so prices drop significantly, by 90%, so everyone can afford it.

Other than that, I don't know. The only remaining country which allows selling women as wives is Yemen, which is a lawless war zone. You can go there to get a black wife and also risk getting killed

>> No.57265678

Im having kids at 75 like John Tyler who was born in 1790 and still has a grandson alive today

>> No.57265681
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This graph convinced me to go all-in on the tech sector, thanks. Look at all those future matrix-divers...

>> No.57265683

>works on my machine

keep us posted

>> No.57265771

Kids are a meme in 2024.
Just don't have them.
>all the hot and beautiful phenotypes are gone or supply/demand'd into top 1%
>the world has basically become a giant corporate farm where your labor gets extracted
>masses increasingly becoming rentiers
>women are fat and gross
>social engineering off the charts by increasingly centralized forces

Imagine spending your precious life on kids that will have a train ran on them by the power structures.

Nope. Couldn't be me.

>> No.57265809

If I do make it to 40 without a tradwife I’m traveling and impregnating as many women as possible in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Then when I’m 60 and have really nothing to live for I might as well just rape and hopefully impregnate all the white roasties in the west. Most will probably get abortions though

>> No.57265825

>asia/afria/latinamerica meme

Only 3/10 looks wise women there MIGHT give you attention, and IQ wise they will be zeros

>> No.57265841

I’m actually decent looking, White, 5’9, make $100k, full head of hair, 28, and /fit/. I’m a 3/10 in the US but immediately a 9/10 outside of the West. I’d have no problem

>> No.57265848

I mean practical solutions in the here and now. So far, money seems to be the only solution. Which country is the most likely to have a woman who would be willing to accept a western (visibly deformed) man, that is otherwise fairly well off (a house fullt paid down) and have a stable career? Surrogacy seems like a selfish way to forve a child into this world, I think for it to be worth it for the child it should have two parents and be raised in an evonomically stable household. Otherwise, better to not bring it into the world.

Advice or experience greatly apreciated. Is there a community somewhere where likeminded share experiences?

>> No.57265856

I also don’t necessarily care what type of girls will be with me. I’ll gladly bust loads into hundreds of fat negresses in Nigeria if it comes down to it. I don’t really care at all and nobody to judge me

>> No.57265866

people are retards, first you get a wife then you get the money
you arent going to get the money unless you are married, look at all the millionaires, they have wives, maybe they divorce some time in their relationship, but they had women around since they were young
people go trough university with wife a children
if you want to have money to start you life and end up +30 handholdless virgin you are in trouble

>> No.57265886


Other than surrogacy you are most likely to end up alone.

If you weren't deformed you'd still have an impossible time getting a wife in current society

>> No.57265899

I was born sterile so having kids isnt even an option for me. I just build wealth to not have to wage and actually enjoy my life.

>> No.57265925

Okay but hypothetically if you are 35 and have finally got all the money, then how to proceed? Aquiring wealth is something one can do no matter the looks.

White western male, 35, high net worth, but deformed. It seems so hopeless, but maybe its not?

>> No.57265940


It is hopeless imo, you should rely on surrogacy. Will cost some 100k dollars in the US

>> No.57265947

cant you buy one of those asian wives? people say they make your life imposible tho but what woman doesnt haha

>> No.57265963

All my collegues are married. Their common trait is just beeing completely normal average guys, nothing special about them.
The "secret" it appears, is to not be abnormal. So not overly ugly, or abnormally short/fat/etc, and not be deformed obviously.

If you are any of these negative things, it serms rational to me that the only solution is to compensate with an extreme degree of something positive, like personality/money as well as fish for bottom of the barrel women.

>> No.57265985

Cheap, to me. But I don't want to raise a kid without a mother. It would be unfair to the child to bring it into the world without the love of a mother. Better then to not bring it into the world IMHO.

>> No.57266110

I got an OLED Steam deck, I will never find an unvaxxed woman in Leafland so thats over. Shenmue is fun

>> No.57266232

>Children are disgusting.
sociopath spotted

>> No.57266237

>What is even the point of amassing wealth if we will not have families?
there is no point, unless you will get some satisfaction from giving your wealth to your nephews if you have them but fuck that if you ask me, not my genes

you have to find a woman to have children with or pay a surogate,

Michael Saylor is officially single and childless, you think he will die childless?

>> No.57266283

typical mangina white feminist

>> No.57266343

Founding fathers had it right.
Land owning European men of good standing (Christian) and married though that wasn't a requirement.

The vote was for the family so politicians HAD to grift for family values or they wouldn't have a job and would be left penniless, cold, and starving.
Now they can cater to selfish individuals and don't have to care about families at all. Pitting husband against wife.
They should all hang if you ask me.

>> No.57266392

You're delusional. If you don't speak their language you have zero chance at anything above a 3.

>> No.57266445

These threads are so funny. It's super easy to get a wife and have children. You have to lower your standards. You all complain about the very thing you are doing. Fact is, most women are ugly. Their mom was ugly and married an ugly dad. If this is (you) just accept being ugly and marry an ugly woman. She will treat you better and you will have a much more fulfilling life than a hot cunt who has had everything handed to her her whole life. If you are attractive, women come to you. If women are not coming to you, you display zero attractive traits..lower your standards and get on with life. It's all pink inside.

>> No.57266471
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get ready to short the shitty human race.

>> No.57266599

what caused this

>> No.57266738
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Take the Islampill.

>> No.57267485

chad here

You need to stop being pussy faggots and man up, take care of yourself, work on your self confidence and physique and interesting qualities. You won't though, you'll continue to circlejerk that your pussy free life is everyone else's fault and continue in a life of comfort, self sabotage and loneliness while guys like me cum on the face of the girls you could see yourself marrying and never texting them back.

>> No.57267491

Industrial farming

>> No.57267529

>Having children is important to keep your fortune and wealth
lmao, OP is such a faggot

>> No.57267547

To create a super AI in your image backed by your staked wealth to terrorize the lower classes for all eternity.

>> No.57267564

newsflash, you die alone in the end anyway. dumb retard.

>> No.57267574

>le ugly women are actually better wife!!!

This is the biggest cope, ugly women are seething vile creatures who have a chip on their shoulder from being ugly all their life and seethe at good looking happy people

Good looking women are way more nice than ugly women, this is a fact, they’ve been treated better in life and thus are better people because of it. It’s no different to how ugly men are shit people for being treated like shit all their life but good looking men are nice

You’re 1 gigantic coper

>> No.57267779 [DELETED] 


>> No.57267790

The jews

>> No.57267814

Yeah because Muslim societies are so great. Hope my neighbor Muhammad doesn't accuse me of being gay so I'll get beheaded/stoned because he doesn't like that I can afford my car.

>> No.57267842
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I actually hope the system collapses so the tax man dies.

>> No.57267854
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> Good looking women are way more nice than ugly women

I can actually sorta agree, there are some exceptions since the pretty girl may just be using you, and the ugly girl isnt used to being given things and treated well just based on looks so she isnt even trying to appear in your favour.

But generally when people have an abundance of something like wealth or beauty they carry themselves differently, and can be assumed to be kinder.

But to everyone else and op

Its really not thata bad, unironically just self improoove, stop fapping and start dating. Hogh chance you will meet someone you quite like. But you have to try, otherwise theres no shot.

>> No.57267882

Where do you find women though? all dating platfoms are mostly men and few women. Where are there more women than men? Consider that half of people are women there must be some places with a majority of women.

>> No.57267893

Anywhere bruh, yes you should install dating apps, but thats just for practice and slight chance of finding someone of value.
And getting practice IS important, youll need to know how to talk to girls, how to make moves and so on, so dont skip this part.

Then in your day to day, youll start seeing girls you can casually make moves on.
I for one in my workplace, shops etc started paying attention to young girls i like and if i get the chance, just talk to them. Ask them about their day etc, notice if theres a ring, ask a question or two about what she does on the weekend or whatever to help establish if shes single or not, and if it seems like she is ask if shed like to go for coffee, nothing too pushy.
If yeah, ur in. If N, thenjust be cool and say np and move on

>> No.57267909

Become the 10% duh

>> No.57267994

>Again. blabber blabber
stop talking like you have any authority. you are not schooling anybody here. you wont have children because you look and behave like a weasel and decline women from your league.

>> No.57268051

Male chastity is the solution. Women are horndogs. A society of chaste men creates women of different values and leaves the would-be whores to die childless. We have the power, we just fail to wield it.

>> No.57268177

lol good luck getting men to as a whole ignore their genetics/testosterone.

>> No.57268197

I have children and I'm not very tall. I'm fairly average looking, too. This thread is fucking shit and I hope no one tames it to seriously. There are plenty of great women out there. Just don't be an idiot and go picking one who's a tattoo-covered whole. Find yourself an intelligent academia type who's not a money grabbing opportunist, even if you might be one yourself. Use your brain.

>> No.57268201

Bad typos as I'm phone posting and have genetically fat thumbs which no doubt my imperfect children will be chased with

>> No.57268207


>> No.57268212

Everything around you happening is by design, it's not an accident. The goal is to make us all sick, dumb and weak. 2020 was to lower the overall life expectancy so more people get the fuck out. Dating apps created exponentially more genetic dead ends. Inflation was an excuse to make everyone poorer. Taxes shouldn't exist, but they do. It's all over and done. Everyone is subservient and it's easier to doom scroll tiktok than create any dramatic change in the world. It's done. Go and enjoy your time on this world however you can. Society is too far behind in the race.

>> No.57268213

did you meet her before the invention of tinder though?

>> No.57268220 [DELETED] 

I find that chads that brag about having sex all the time are literally banning hambeasts

>> No.57268226 [DELETED] 


>> No.57268230

you can cope all you want with your anecdotal evidence but anon posted stats
i'm lucky with women but i'm not in under any delusion my situation is representative

>> No.57268247

That's because even chads have a harder time finding women to have casual sex with than the average woman has finding men. women just aren't as horny for sex as men are.

>> No.57268261

We met on a free chat site, kept in touch and years later met up and got together
Don't be a stat, then. Easy as that.

>> No.57268263

once a hambeast I was sleeping with wanted me to take her virginity but she also told me that she wanted to save herself for marriage like a week prior so I said no and she took that as a personal attack.

>> No.57268267

>/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.57268270
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Only the short, fat, ugly, and socially inept (gaymers) have this issue. 6s in their 20s will definitely have children with average men.

>> No.57268288

damn this nigga is a loser kek

>> No.57268657
File: 42 KB, 610x340, 7060D4D7-398D-4766-86CF-03D39736D25B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The simple answer is that robowaifus will save MANkind because they are better than women in every way.

>> No.57268661

i took a froegin gf (middle eastern) she'll have my children. last white girl that liked me said she never ever wanted any babies so i broke it off there before it even started.

>> No.57269149

>Chads are more female now
You wouldn't think it, but yeah, women seem to select for effeminate behaviour and even sometimes appearance (in the sense of facial features and shit, doean't mean they want a funko pop collector). The idea in the average man's head of a Chad (even if they're seething with jealous rage) is some sort of Duke Nukem or Johnny Bravo looking motherfucker, and even the "insulting" strawmans will portray him ultimately rather positively like this. The average woman's idea of a Chad is some fag with BPD and a 300 wide gossip circle.

In any society where women have too much mate choice, it seems we all regress into swarthy cereal eating manlets

>> No.57270885


>> No.57270973

Human beings are simply ugly and irredeemable, and more importantly, unable to transcend the limitations of their biology. It’s almost as though they were designed to race to the bottom. In a way, what some of these psychos like Gates do is understandable

>> No.57271021

Only way to win a rigged game is not to play it. Drop out of Basedcieties monkey games and live for a higher purpose seeking spiritual enlightenment if you’re unable to obtain the family you want.