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57264838 No.57264838 [Reply] [Original]

bullrun canceled. sleepy joe woke up and started another war.

>> No.57264855

>2020 election fraud

>> No.57264899

I dont care. Someone nuke us already ASAP

>> No.57264906

My candidate won, fair a square. Nothing cowardly about being in the winning side of the civil war and last election

>> No.57264934

Stop talking about the election retards, this is the 2024 Yemen war thread. What are the financial implications?

>> No.57264983

Joe Biden is the best president since FDR

>> No.57265083

well i'm going to bed now. btc better be above 46k when I wake up

>> No.57265109

most secure election of all time
81 million votes
six feet apart
free palestine

>> No.57265168
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> My candidate won

>> No.57265180

not even an oil surge

>> No.57265515

Yes my low IQ friend. Joe Biden is president. The silent majority wins again

>> No.57265693
File: 209 KB, 939x640, streets-washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody has ever had any impact on who they put as the fall man out on stage

look at these streets, they were designed in the 1700s
there is more nature worship all over the world
they worship nature(power) and hang out in occult groups, their parents sucking
dick who suck someone elses dick and so on all the way up the power structure.
they decide everything, control the media to say whatever that want people to believe

they control every aspect of power over other people

look at an iq distribution chart and notice the bell curve
a handful of people score above 140iq meaning that a few people are meant
to control and sway the opinions of the masses. so they have no power over anyone
if enough people understand that they wouldnt bother with this precise nature worship nonsense
if they ever intended to give people any power over government whatsoever.
they cant get away with anything without their army of golems.
the real game is just to sway the opinions of the bell curve.

it is much, much easier to love yourself as opposed to others.
to be greedy instead of selfless. its much easier to convince people to believe their pride as opposed to facts
but the truth is the truth. and it pervades through to the end. the truth is apparent to those who can
see unimpeded by the nonsense that bogs them down.

>> No.57265782

I read that they're having to divert shipping, could that increase the cost of products to offset the higher fuel usage? Also Britain is toying with the idea of a limited intervention which would be fun.

>> No.57265794
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>> No.57265823

Every american can trace their genetics back to a conquered south american, an enstalved african, or the weakest europeans who fled the many wars the real men stayed to fight.

The entire country is born of those who couldn't cut it in their homeland and had to find greener pastures without better quality males out competing them.
Why do you think guns are such an obsession instead of a tool? Guns make deeply weak and terrified men feel powerful.

>> No.57265844

If you want an investment that really pays off, try investing in the black community.a few dollars a day can make a world of difference to a disadvantaged african american

>> No.57265897

>he still believes in the vertical line meme
oh no no no, almost 4 years later and this faggot is still holding on to ancient copes

>> No.57267145

This news makes me want to buy more.

>> No.57267154

Bitcoin needs to cool off

>> No.57267179

>still coping after 3 years
Damn that is just sad lol

>> No.57267194

Lol, that pic is so simplistic, and never mind the pseudo-Christian overtones. I can only imagine this came from a Catholic mind.

>> No.57267205

Joe Biden is a literal nothing. What you have is a drooling puppet who can barely form a coherent thought. Neither you nor I can say who makes the decisions. No "silent majority" won anything. The hyper-silent global-aristocratic turbo-minority won...AGAIN. We have not had a real president since maybe Jimmy Carter, and if he's one of theirs too, then since JFK.

>> No.57267264

Why since possibly JFK though? I'm just curious as to what about that time period led to this global aristocracy you mention to rise to power and start calling the shots.

>> No.57267593

CNN just praised U.S. airstrikes on Yemen, but lowkey showed crocodile tears for Palestine. Yemen and Iran now declared jihad on us for supporting Pissrael's genocidal carpet bombing

Yeah, I'm thinking it's over. We're recycling 2001 all over again. Prepare for another 9-11-style attack and a huge spike in gas prices after that kike puppet Trump or some other republican wins the election this year. I really don't see the SEC even considering a BTC ETF at this point to be perfectly honest. It won't benefit kike oil speculators at all

>> No.57267606

>over 100 million guns

I thought it was more like over 440 million guns.
>t. Jealous no guns Bongolian

>> No.57267611

He’s not wrong. All our gramps were limp wristed onions boys

>> No.57267627

>The senile old man who has trouble stringing sentences together and shakes hands with ghosts is really the most voted for president of all time, nothing to see here!

>> No.57267697
File: 4 KB, 296x170, snipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh the grinding never stop, that's why you're always losing money. Consider buying some VINU bags while it's still cheap before you lose another train and start crying on biz again

>> No.57267714

It began before that. Long before. We can surmise with certainty it was in action as early as 1910, the year the USA Board of Education planned the curriculum for American schools, but when you look at US tax history in the 1800s, and the battles over the central banks, it seems They were already active then. Even the name of New York suggests Masonic influence early on. As for JFK, he was killed for the same reason as Shinzo Abe (and a bit more)--he was threatening to return the power of the printing press to the US Treasury, audit and shut down the Federal Reserve--effectively threatening the entire next phase of their modus operandi, as the expansion of the global elite has largely depended on expanding the monetary infrastructure and weaponizing the banking system. He likewise campaigned against the secret societies--which involve the same people. Shinzo bent more to the will of the elite, but was inflexible with regards to CBDC (which is the 21st century rollout of the central banking system) and immigration (which is related to their long-term goals. For a bit of insight, I recommend watching an old interview with Bertrand Russell you can find on YouTube. Around half an hour in, he starts openly discussing many of the same views as elites do today with detail). Anyway, as for the rest of our "Presidents," Nixon was offered membership, we can surmise from his invites to Bohemian Grove, but he didn't fit in. The Watergate Scandal was a farce--he did, in fact, do what was claimed, but his opposition was already engaged in the same. We can know this as fact from the recently released "secret White House tapes," essentially a confession they were spying on Nixon just as he was spying on them. In other words, he was a semi-outsider who tried to fight back and failed. He did break the Dollar fully from gold, which was a key globalist aim anyway. LBJ was a clear plant. I honestly haven't given Ford enough though--he's forgettable. (con't)

>> No.57267716

Thats just paying taxes

>> No.57267775

Reagan, I think, was an outsider to start. At the beginning, he was vehemently opposed to Bush, who is a globalist elite, but shortly before the assassination attempt on his life, he 180'd and nominated Bush as his VP (convenient timing, no? Had the attempt succeeded, Bush would have been president sooner). Like I said, Bush is a clear elite--Skull and Bones and all. Clinton is another obvious one, but his Presidency was actually key in several ways. While the Lewinsky scandal went on, Greenspan was busy as a bee--manipulating the price of gold for the first time since the 80s, expanding the central banks into Indonesia and South Korea, etc.,. Additionally, Clinton advanced the two-state such and such in Israel--all of this is very key to these Masonic-Illuminist elites. Bush 2.0 is as much a plant as his father. Obama is quite obvious and an even better diplomat than either predecessor, thus more useful to their agendas. He was instrumental in the paganizing of sex in the West. Trump, while I hold out hope is is a rogue entity existing on the fringes of their society, but apart from it--I do not actually believe that. These people are Leninite, Gramscians. They wish to errode the core pillars of society and heavily, HEAVILY rely on infiltration tactics and plants. They surely do seem to hate Trump with a visceral hatred, yet if you look into his the connections of his sordid past he has ties to Robert Maxwell and many of the rest. So I trust no one. Biden is merely a hedonist with no loyalty save to his own pleasure and will dance for anyone who can let him play as he pleases--this is why he was made Obama's number two, and this is why he was the DNC favorite from the start in the 2020 cycle.

My perspective is a combination of facts and inference, seasoned with enormous doses of paranoia and suspicion, but it is always guided by prediction of their behavior which I modify when my expectations for what They will do next are not met.

>> No.57267798

I suppose I should finish by saying, these people all hate us and wish to be as gods over us. If you would like a cheery little display of their hatred, I encourage you to watch the Tunnel Opening Ceremony for the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland a few years ago. The Pope was in attendance, as was Merkel and others. Pagans, all of them, in my belief--and the ceremony not only demonstrates this, but emphasizes the place of regular people in their eyes.