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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 137 KB, 1200x1352, average-home-sales-price_GKWuqJR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57260203 No.57260203 [Reply] [Original]

tik tok home owners, tik tok

>> No.57260248

>I will be able to buy a house and start a family!
>in 5 more years (give or take 2 weeks)

>> No.57260339

> tik tok home owners, tik tok

Current homeowners literally aren't impacted by this. Over 60% of homeowners have a rate less than 4%, and 24% of homeowners don't even have a mortgage. Sure, maybe the folks that bought a home overt the past few years can't refinance now, but if they can comfortably afford their monthly payments who cares?

Issue has really never been about the actual housing prices. Those will continue to go up forever. Issue is the rates. Who cares if housing prices drop 10% when rates are still sitting at 7%

>> No.57260363

you never know your network if you hold real state because it's iliquid shit tied to 1 jurisdiction

>> No.57260400


8+ million people are entering the country every year given illegal immigration, legal immigration and chain migration (every immigrant is qualified to bring over literally their entire family after living in the US for a year)

Supply and demand.

Houses will be a luxury reserved for the ultra rich in a decade

>> No.57260438
File: 197 KB, 1170x1418, It's Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making enough money to buy a house is the easy part. Finding a woman willing to receive my masculine essence into her reproductive orifice is the hard part.

>> No.57260575

This but that's how it works when you have on other side if the border third world that want easy life

>> No.57260632

The population of California is stagnant and actually declining now, there's simply no number of illegals they can import to stop it without nuking asset prices by destroying the rule of law completely. The microplastics won.

>> No.57260846

The fact that the world is overpopulated is the biggest redpill that /pol/ refuses to swallow

>> No.57261162

>interest rates still high af
>homes starting to go up again in LA metro regardless
I fucking hate this place

>> No.57261167

>*tick tock
fucking zoomer

>> No.57261911

>tic toc*
Fucking codelet

>> No.57262203

She's not that attractive either. I don't get it.

>> No.57262243

>i dont understand inflation

>> No.57262305

The other outside of the west you mean. Billions of poo skins causing ecological disasters everywhere and filling the oceans with plastic is not good for the world.

>> No.57262355

She's a woman so it's different. Even your choice of words compliment her. "Not THAT attractive"

>> No.57262523

Repeat after me
>I didn't buy a home before 2020 so I will always rent

>> No.57262564


sometimes people have to move or really want to move.

right now the market is terrible where i am. the only inventory are the rejects from the fall that nobody wanted. prices on those are dropping.

>> No.57262565

>24% of homeowner dont have a mortage
That means that 3/4 of home owners IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY are on a mortage aka in debt, thats fucking insane

>> No.57262584


oh and the real price of the house does matter. you do actually owe that amount of $$$. it's not all about the theoretical mortgage payment.

>> No.57262611

>coworker bought a small house for 1.25 million
>tfw they are coping about muh dream house
The demand will always be there.

>> No.57263562
File: 56 KB, 1261x499, mspus m2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SFH has been in freefall in real terms since '71, prices will not fall nominally

>> No.57263566

>Issue has really never been about the actual housing prices.
Low rates levered housing prices, anon.

>> No.57265491


>> No.57265817

I'll just keep renting.

>> No.57265882

>he doesnt already own a house

LMAO... i knew people in the mid 2010s waiting for "prices to drop"... meanwhile salaries were going up, immigration up, prices up.... and they just watched the price climb and climb.

>> No.57265923

People with mortgages can just throw their excess cash in a savings account at this point and make more than their mortgage interest rates charge. It's like having low rent forever.

>> No.57266983
File: 319 KB, 1080x1501, 1704650502507126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must consider regional markets and consider that homebuyers are mostly dual income. If dual income can afford the house then they buy.

We are almost exclusively at the mercy of new home builders in regards to supply. The musical chairs of the housing market has halted. That means the demand and supply from current owners has gone to zero.
I think we could see another nominal 10% drop. Basically -20% from all time highs nationwide. One thing to consider is that in real terms prices should continue to fall as the low demand and low supply keep a fairly stalemate market. The stalemate continues while wages increase and rents slowly increase. If mortgage rates fall to 5% then the market starts moving nationwide again.

>> No.57267125

Based on that chart is should be heading twards $375k give or take? Adjusted for inflation thats pretty bad.

>> No.57267301

Its dick dock you fucking orangutang

>> No.57267391

nah. if you live in a red state like i do, maybe you stand a chance, but fascistized, blue states like california or new york will likely force those from low to upper middle classfags living in a single home alone, or boomers or genexers whose kids have graduated school and have extra bedrooms or millennials that live alone that inherited their late grandparents or late parents house now will have to house illegal immigrants, i meant *ahem* asylum seekers by law. elon is right. this problem is being thrown at us. democrats don't give a shit U.S. anymore. more illegal immigrant votes they can get in exchange for gibs is all they want

>> No.57267454

It's been international gerrymandering for years.
If George W. Bush wasn't so incompetent the wall would have been built and better immigration policy would have started then.
The market could have contracted or expanded as necessary and we wouldn't be chasing the dragon of GDP.