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57259789 No.57259789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can buy 1% of the supply of one of the early IC meme coins for under $2k. If this shit doesn't rug it will unironically make millionaires. Current mcap: $160k. 160,000 x 1000 = 160,000,000. Those of you who were here for the last bull market mania know $160 million is nothing for a meme coin. If ICP becomes popular with normies and degen gamblers AND this coin doesn't rug, it seems like it's guaranteed to rip.

>> No.57259813

SKIBIDI is alien tech

>> No.57259954
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Token is currently trading only on Sonic. I would prefer ICPswap, hoping to see it whitelisted there in time. The co-founder of Sonic tweeted this about the project. The volume on Sonic has been climbing and they tweeted the other day about CEX listing for SONIC, which would bring even more attention and volume.

>> No.57260001
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The intel about CMC was legit, it listed yesterday. This proves a degree of coordination between the founder of Sonic and the Skibidi team.

>> No.57260147

Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Self Reported Circulating: 91,000,000,000
Price: $0.000001536

1% of circulating supply = 910,000,000 SKIBIDI
which is currently $1397.76

>> No.57260155

what about $5

>> No.57260252

Assuming the 9% of tokens which are not circulating are held by the team, that is only around $13k held by the team.

>> No.57260446

the skibidy shit not very trendy anymore based on google trends, but i can see 10m mcap so still solid.

>> No.57260525

Doge is an ancient boomer meme and yet it captured zoomer market spawning the likes of SHIB and the thousands of other dog coins. The people who make the biggest gains are the ones who predict and front run the trend, not the ones who follow the trend.

>> No.57260544
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>> No.57260586

If you can't tell the difference between an autist looking for validation on his borderline gambling investment thesis and typical poojeet shilling, you are NGMI.

>> No.57260663
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kek you're not fooling anyone street shitter.

>> No.57260743
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who to believe?

>> No.57260807

Don't buy it then you faggot idc. But is the thesis not sound? Tell me why I'm wrong instead of resorting to ad hominem like a retard.

>> No.57260930

"According to GoPlus, the contract creator can make changes to the token contract such as disabling sells, changing fees, minting, transferring tokens etc. Exercise caution"

>> No.57260975

Who tf is GoPlus? Is it an automated contract auditor like Token Sniffer for ICP contracts? If so, send link plz.

>> No.57261021

It just shows up on the coingecko page for skibidi.

>> No.57261080

You jeets have no moral :D the Skibidi developer Raj B (literal jeet) is also notoriously known of his catalogue of different scam tokens, as he is the most notorious scammer on icp. Look out, he and his pajeet army will now come and try to defend his ''rep''

>> No.57261113

Oh that is a different token, a dead ETH shitcoin. I'm talking about the ICP coin SKIBIDI (wnnwu-4iaaa-aaaar-qacxq-cai).

I don't think there are any automated audits for ICP coins atm, that's kinda why I'm pitching it to you guys to begin with, to see if I'm just crazy or if this shit is gonna make me rich.

>> No.57261273
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I found the OC channel but 4chan spam detector wont permit inv links. It is public.

>> No.57261342

>broken english
yeah nah

>> No.57261366

It's one typo and one lack of punctuation. You niggas are ridiculous.

>> No.57261908

Bought a very small bag. Never imagined in my life that I will at some point buy a shitcoin with I-see-pee.

>> No.57262546
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Neither did I but here we are. It's starting to go back up.

>> No.57262555

Icp is a scam

>> No.57262709

Dogezilla paid for cmc fast track anf 4chan ads. Your choice.

>> No.57262831

I agree it's a gamble, but it's an asymmetric one. Basically only 2 conditions need to be satisfied for a massive return: 1) ICP becomes widely used with heavy defi activity, and 2) SKIBIDI is not a rugpull. I am very certain of 1 and 50/50 on 2.

>> No.57262848

Dead shitcoin now on 2 chains! Topkek.

>> No.57262883

Nigga, I am buying both
Both sol and icp are going to x10 from here at bullruns peak
Dogezilla dev would have to be mentally challenges to rug after paying for cmc and 4chan ads months before bullrun peaks

Thats my thinking on this

>> No.57262895

It pumps befor3 it dies, nothing lasts forevelast time it reaches 600 mil mc before the crypto crash

>> No.57262909

I misunderstood, I assumed Dogezilla rugged. I am not familiar with the SOL ecosystem but we share the same sentiment, at least in regards to ICP alts.

>> No.57262959

How the fuck do I buy it I’m legitimately retarted

>> No.57262985

>I misunderstood, I assumed Dogezilla rugged
Eh, it probably will like 99% of dog themed coins. But there is a window of profit
Rule 1 is. Never buy the dream, sell at a 10x
Stuff like Shiba is rare because 99% Defi is full hot head scammers with no vision

>> No.57262994

where can i buy

>> No.57263110

It's on Sonic which is a DEX like Uniswap for ICP. You use a wallet like Plug Wallet to interact w/ the DEX and swap tokens.

>> No.57263190

Yeah, human greed is the one constant you can predict and count on with certainty. I guess that's why decentralization is so important and that devs can not in any way possible have access to mint functions and such if the project is to succeed. But sometimes the dream is real. Hoping there is an audit soon.

>> No.57263256

This can’t be a pajeet scam because jeets are afraid of toilets

>> No.57263288

Lmao it's a literal scam. Raj is an indian scammer. Cope & seethe brownoid

>> No.57263312

i hate raj. he is a huge midwit. is he the sneed dev bongwolke? sneed is also pretty gay desu. windoge is much more interesting

>> No.57263387

who tf is Raj, what did he do, and how do you know he is the dev?

>> No.57263544

>Interesting. How is that so we have other dms

>> No.57263567

>>Interesting. How is that so? we have other dms

>> No.57263657

scam, stay away

>> No.57264148

This is retarded. >>57259789
I'm in

>> No.57264276

yes he absolutely is, it's mind blowing how many little cocksuckers has this little indian nigger got with his scamming crew, they are willing to go to extremes to protect their master (aka the poo stinking curry pot named Raj)

>> No.57264288

he is the developer on both coins, and many scams to come. Sneed was gay and this shit faggy beyond fagginess

>> No.57264301

Trust me, just know. I also have a photo of his face too and he looks like an indian poo who got hit by a train kek

>> No.57264419

i thought superuser was behind exe? hes white from illinois with vietnamese girlfriend. can you post raj pic? it was posted about a year ago...i've been looking for it.

i feel much better now about not selling my DKP to chase these scams.

what about this taco dao? is raj involved?

>> No.57264726

taco dao = biketaco and cakemaker (sonic)

>> No.57264782
File: 85 KB, 450x450, wq54-hU2Y3wg6W02zxa1aQt1nhD-zio4NQwMvwZQ-AQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idoge = dklord89

sneed = SNS-1 OG devs

windoge = SNS-1 OG devs

ghost = icpswap and dfinity

mora/icpi = icpswap

$motoko = sonic

skibidi toilet = sonic

>> No.57264866

can't wait for the pink wojaks when this inevitably rugs

>> No.57265038
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rmeinder that if you buy skibiti coin tv woman will have the sex with ouy

>> No.57265166

idoge is absolute shit. absolute, absolute shit.

i cannot decide if icpswap, mora and icpi are rugpulls

>> No.57265270

we are so fucking early bros

>> No.57265281
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> Buying a SCAM coin on a network that is already a SCAM, literally a scam within a scam LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO