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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57253316 No.57253316 [Reply] [Original]

>customer service is important, the customer is always right!

>> No.57253334
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>yes that one was declined too. Maybe your welfare hits at midnight. Can you wait till midnight for your butane fluid?

>> No.57253335
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>> No.57253417

Where I work we have two regulars that would come in just as we're about to leave at midnight and hog up the line waiting till exactly midnight because thats when their food stamps drops. I'm not against food stamps, but can they give them a little each week instead of dumping a monthly sum that they spend all at once with three shopping carts?

>> No.57254190

Did they even have colored metal paint back then?

>> No.57254225


>I have a postgrad education and can't afford a car while an illiterate Irishman screw-turner could 100 years ago could

Fuck this gay earth. Throw batteries in the sea. Burn plastic. Put cigarette butts on the recycle bin.

>> No.57254451

Jump into a Onions Green processor, poorfag

>> No.57254464
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>Cash only, nigger faggot.