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57248574 No.57248574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just bought back in.

>> No.57248592
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how old is too late to date zoomer girls
i missed out on teenage love

>> No.57248599

that's somebody's son

>> No.57248611


>> No.57248625



>> No.57248638

She's like 23, you pedo.

>> No.57248646

FYI: this girl admitted to being under 18

>> No.57248648


>> No.57248695

My Asian gf has a body like this. She's 19 and isn't on birth control. I rape the fuck out of her every other night till she literally falls unconscious like she has been brutalized by a monster. She wakes up 15 minutes later and crawls on top of me to full body cuddle and beg for kisses.

I'm 38.

>> No.57248697

a woman needs real plump buttocks to pull off this type of bikini bottom. Just looks sad on an ass this flat

>> No.57248721

The men fucking her don't care. Yet you do. Curious.

>> No.57248735

They don't care because they're under 18 too

>> No.57248741
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I'm 29 and I went to a house show last Saturday where the average age was 19. I was on guard for being labelled a creepy old guy even though I pass for 25 and as you're about to find out even younger. While staring off in the distance a pretty 19 year old girl came up to me and said "excuse me". I turned to look at her and she held out her hand to shake mine and introduced herself. She asked if I went to college and I said no. She then looked surprised and asked what I did and I said "Developer, yeah I“m a grown up haha" and I felt her enthusiasm for me vanish. Looking back I dont even think it was because I said I was older its more like I implied she wasnt a grown up which made her mad. I kind of wanted to reject her before she rejected me. So moral of the story is just be attractive and respectful

>> No.57248757

FYI: This guy just admitted to being a reddit poster

>> No.57248758


>> No.57248764

grow up

>> No.57248770

whats her onlyfans

>> No.57248835

>tfw 39

>> No.57248847

Its kind of insane how being a dysgenic looking girl can actually be a plus. Her face screams fecal alcohol syndrome but because shes young and skinny it makes her more attractive because it activates your protector complex. Wild

>> No.57248903

if you look homless, you can blend in with the druggies

>> No.57248926
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Even better.

>> No.57248938

Most zoomers will be over 25 in the next few years so they sky's the limit. Simps and feminists only care about girls under 25 dating older men.

>> No.57248976


>> No.57249005

don't knock her up unless you're also asian though

>> No.57249031

The wall is going to hit her like a ton of bricks around the age of 23

>> No.57249057

How do I, as an average looking 35 year old man, get a girlfriend that looks like this?

>> No.57249090

make few million dollarinios and find goldigger hot zommette for sponsoring

>> No.57249102

That's all it takes? Seems actually doable. But what if I'm 50 by the time I have that much money?

>> No.57249111
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Correct. That's why she should let many men use her while she's still in her prime.

>> No.57249353

>ugly face at that age
I have bad news for you

>> No.57249384

you probably would need to pay more than younger guy so better stack these cash

>> No.57249419

desu from face she looks like these skank druggie homeless pathological girls that have low iq but for pumping she has great body

>> No.57249453
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14AoC bros, we can't stop winning

>> No.57249458

Im 33 and my asian gf is 18

She is on birth control however

>> No.57249475

How much money do you have?

>> No.57249497

anything 18 or older is fair game

>> No.57249532

She looks off. Her eyes are too far apart

>> No.57249633

Good lord

>> No.57249797
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>> No.57249825


>> No.57249833

looks 25 lmao

>> No.57249854

Is it just me or is she already starting to hit the wall at 15 lmao. I don’t even mean sexually I mean her face is losing its youth

>> No.57250019

Gypsies, can't expect much out of this diseased species.

>> No.57250040
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Hi Shlomo

>> No.57250059

I’m 42 and dating/talking to 3-4 chicks 19-24. I look 25 though so that helps. Just drove cross country with one of them. She gave me road head on the highway and as we were passing a semi I stayed level with him till he looked down and saw and honked his horn

>> No.57250076

Is that her age divide by 3

>> No.57250087

Oh and they are all babes. One is a super babe adorable blonde.

>> No.57250128

you going to post this in every thread or what? Does it improve your mood when you share this?

>> No.57250156

last part is gay af

>> No.57250304


>> No.57250330

Ikr, srious

>> No.57250366

>the hint of underboobs peaking out under her bikini
goddamn i'm diamonds

>> No.57250379

she's kinda ugly desu, will not age well.

>> No.57250404

she already looks like she's in her 40s

>> No.57250409

47 year old swiss opa here.
Pay 2K CHF an hour and you will get a project monarch tier zoomer escort in Zug.
I missed out on teenage love too.. but I have a brain controlled zomette making me feel like the king of the world every weekend, which is nice.

>> No.57250437

2349 united states dollarinios for one hour
man you must be loaded

>> No.57250457

say more about the trauma based mind control training your escort went through, who trained her and what her background is please

>> No.57250465

this shit makes me physically cringe. doesn't matter if they are a straight 10, anyone that does this shit would be heinous to be around.

>> No.57250492

Im 32 and date a 24 zoomette. I love her and she loves me

>> No.57250572

She looks like the rat from charlottes web

>> No.57250597

Never admit to being a developer, it's worse than a garbage man to women

>> No.57250673

You're not there to make small talk with her and discuss politics - you're there to fuck her brains out

>> No.57250775

how can you not score in the US? Any girl is easy. Maybe not those entitled bitches in cali but anywhere else especially in the east and south are garantied

>> No.57250848
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>> No.57250869

peak 13 than hit the wall

>> No.57250920

one day you might fuck enough hotties to realise that connection matters more.

>> No.57250927

She's cute in an ugly way.