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File: 227 KB, 680x680, 2e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57246650 No.57246650 [Reply] [Original]

hy are they so communist and totalitarian?
wtf is wrong with these people? they deleted 10 years of my work in a single day..
my phone number and face Id and document ID's are on their system so If I create a new channel will they ban that as well?

How can I circumvent this and make content on Youtube without getting banned? I want to make money from youtube adsense but that ship has sailed.

>> No.57246672
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its over

>> No.57246696

which one of their rules (that you agreed to uphold) did you break?

also gg there's always bitchute

>> No.57246698

what do you mean giving a trillion dollar company access to your private data is a bad idea?

>> No.57246719

I made a video on flat earth and my channel got bamboozled.

>> No.57246744

a lawyer could solve your problem but it's probably expensive

>> No.57246757

should I write fuck you on the appeal for Youtube? i'm tired of bowing down to the Jew

>> No.57246760

kek. well i dont agree that your vid/channel should be banned but it IS their site and their rules. IIRC youtube started a huge anti-conspiracy/misinformation purge a while back

its literally a privately owned website you moron. they could delete everything and post a huge "fuck you" on their main page right now if they wanted

>> No.57246776


use your mom's id

>> No.57246801

were you able to monetize your channel in other ways? also that sucks, total kike death and all.

>> No.57246820
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sorry, anon

>> No.57246833

>How can I circumvent this and make content on Youtube without getting banned?
Do you have any sense as to why you were banned? Maybe try to move your content to Twitter and just post videos there.

>> No.57246888

yeah but youtube is where I got all my followers from, really makes me angry we live in a world that punishes people just for having an opinion

>> No.57246929

>world that punishes people just for having an opinion

you can have whatever opinion you want, just have it somewhere else and not on MY private website

why is this so hard for people like you to understand

>> No.57246947

youtube is the only website people use.

>> No.57246957

What was your channel name? I hear monetization on Rumble is possible. I'll sub to your Rumble channel if you make one.

>> No.57246986

>youtube is the only website people use.

right. and how did it get that way? because they enforce rules and create an environment that EVERYONE wants to use

do you retards ever stop to think about what exactly makes social media giants so big in the first place? there are plenty of alternatives, but people usually only gravitate to where bullshit isn't allowed

>> No.57247042

>I'll sub to your Rumble channel if you make one.
Simp lol. OP, post your channel name so we can flood your video comments with shit

>> No.57247096

20 usdt say this guy's videos included gay edgy "jokes" that were just 4chan lingo thrown around with no rhyme or reason haha

get fucked stupid nigger

>> No.57247142

>hurr durr it's a private company
You're the reason Elon bought X(formerly Twitter). It's a monopoly, and you faggot leftists only go along with it because they support your faggot agenda.

>> No.57247240


kek you dont know what this word means, retard nigger

there are PLENTY of alternatives to the "big tech" social media companies, but right-wingers flat out refuse to use them ( see >>57246947 ) because they DEMAND to reach larger audiences without actually understanding how/why those websites got big in the first place

go and make all the bitchute/parler/gab posts you want faggot, literally nothing is stopping you. enjoy your circlejerk of losers

>> No.57247315

>reach larger audiences without actually understanding how/why those websites got big in the first place
Infinite government funding and glowie population conditioning?

>> No.57247349

government and glowies didnt take interest in social media until AFTER they got big. do you not remember xanga? geocities? myspace?

holy shit you're literally this fucking retarded arent you. yea take your gay shit to bitchute or w/e dumbass zoomer

>> No.57247375

no it got that way because of network effects retard holy shit you are too dumb for this board

>> No.57247391

>forced ads
>shit search
>account strikes for liking videos

Better you leave now than later.

>> No.57247402

>network effects
why didnt this work for literally EVERY OTHER alternative?

you fucking zoomer niggers are too young to remember when there were other video sites besides youtube kek

>> No.57247422
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Hahaha based YouTube btfo flat earth glowniggers

>> No.57247428

may I ask a ballpark of how much you made? thinking about youtube and social media shit but don't want to invest so much time in something that will not bring too much money

>> No.57247481

I was shitposting on divx while you were still in diapers. Its no wonder you can't comprehend the massive role that glowfags played in picking the 'winners' of international technology companies.

>> No.57247508

>massive role that glowfags played in picking the 'winners' of international technology companies.

yea cool headcanon, faggot. everything is >muh glowies and the world is out to get you

dumb nigger cant understand why people would rather watch videos on YT instead of bitchute/liveleak etc

>> No.57247706

around 100 usd a month. sometimes 200 usd a month.

>> No.57248913

>$100-200/mo from 20k followers

You really should have considered setting up a Patreon or something like that, and maybe picked up some sponsors. A cross-platform presence would have been valuable as well, so you could continue to engage with audiences even if one presence got nuked.

>> No.57249054

It's a classic bait and switch from YouTube now.
First they let all kinds of content on there and build up a huge amount of content.
Then at a certain point they start banning people and demonitizing them. They do this because they can keep drawing in viewers and getting income from old content but without the hassle of actually paying the creators.
YouTube are just greedy jews and con artists now

>> No.57249280


Always have been since the acquisition.

>> No.57250495

Simpler than that, Youtube fostered the 2014-2016 anti sjw content boom then they banned the radical channels and paid the bigger ones (like jewish h3h3 and idubbbz) to start pandering to leftists.

>> No.57250757

>jews own youtube
>shlomo says youtube is based
so this is where all the anti-flat earth shills are crawling out of.

>> No.57251000

YouTube is Jewish. They only allow approved globohomo tubers to get big now

>> No.57251589
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Fuck sake, so it's actually real? They wouldn't fuck with it otherwise.
You got the video uploaded anywhere else?

>> No.57251622

Thanks God you retards are being banned. I was in the process of redpilling my friends about jews but then another retarded friend started talking shit about flat earth. Now they think we're both crazy

>> No.57252099
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I moved completely outside of youtube an into other social media after they did the same because i was seen as a scam channel for posting shitcoin signals. The ironic thing is that since then i started working with viralx and i can see the real time impact of my marketing (extremely positive since im the top three most of the time) which proves yt is fully communist

>> No.57252291


I don’t think it’s worth your pleasantly articulate headspace to logically walk through this idea with people on here. Save yourself some headache, they don’t get it.

>> No.57252560

logically walk through tonguing my anus, nigger

>> No.57252595

I had a channel monetized that was making me 10k a month and was demonetized for "harmful and dangerous" content or somebullshit. Yet they don't tell me what these contents are and continue to host them. This traffic generates millions of views that goes into recommended section which means $$$ for them. Not to mention ads can show up in your demonetized channel if some idiot claims rights on the contents. They milk people for views until your content is no longer wanted because of some PR crisis Karen decided to ruin your life, yet that content is still there and they profit from this in one way or another. Not to mention accusing you of that and not specifying what it is.

Should I sue youtube? Im pretty sure this may break some EU law, they may not give a fuck but I hate these cunts so much I may try. What is the best attorney for this and what would be the costs?

>> No.57252612

>inb4 patreon, rumble, merch, affiliate links
Nobody gives a shit about that. Unless you are in politics and have a cult following or something, for entertainment is all about ad revenue and 99% of traffic is in youtube. Only people that have no idea claim you can move from youtube to other platforms. Even people with big followings lose massive numbers when trying to do that.

>> No.57253189
File: 131 KB, 1039x2015, big tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57254064


>> No.57254334


>> No.57254828

You are a midwit.

>> No.57254840

Sucks bro. Same happened to me a few years ago on a 5k sub channel. I switched format and have my own website now. It's liberating not having to worry about censorship.

>> No.57254929

X does it too now

>> No.57255071

bottom image should be flipped dumb fucking retarded meme