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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5724613 No.5724613 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this shitcoin mooning so hard? Im in it but what the fuck

>> No.5724641

>tfw all-in in XLM and FUN
This year is going to be great

>> No.5724652

Normies finally realized youd make more money with xlm than ripple at this point

>> No.5724660

when its dumb?
i dont know when i should sell

>> No.5724663

I just FOMO'd in using the rest of my BTC.

Did I fuck up or am I Gucci?

>> No.5724703

you literally haven't been paying attention then

>> No.5724724
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>> No.5724735

enlighten a brainlet, is it because of IBM?

>> No.5724738

They have a ton of good news and they are the LTC version of Ripple.
This is going to hit 1 dollar in a month.

>> No.5724760


>> No.5724784

It's grown beyond that now

>> No.5724836
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>The levels of comfy I'm feeling with half of my stack in xlm

>> No.5724916
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>actual usability

XLM will rise beyond ripple in the next 2 weeks.
2$ when FairX gets released at the end of February.

>> No.5724982

How can you be all in on two coins anon? Please enlighten me

>> No.5725044

>left out xlm atms

>> No.5725138

>should I FOMO in at ATH and watch it drop to 0 sats?
>Should I avoid FOMO and watch it rise to 1000x?

The eternal crypto question

>> No.5725149

"The Stellar Community prioritizes marginalized people's safety over privileged people's comfort. Community leaders will not act on complaints regarding: Reverse racism, reverse sexism, and 'cisphobia.' Communication in a 'tone' you don't find congenial. Criticizing racist, sexist, cissesixst, or otherwise oppressive behavior and assumptions."

>> No.5725237

That was my dilemma with ripple. I was thinking of making it like 1/3 of my portfolio at 30 cents, but it jumped to 75 cents and I was convinced the risk/reward wasn't worth it at that point. Then it just kept going.

>> No.5725266

meant to reply to >>5725138

>> No.5725272

Stay mad sjw

>> No.5725283

they're a network, not counselors

>> No.5725343
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Enjoy not being rich and living in your trailer home kek

>> No.5725368
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Zoom out and log, faggot.

>> No.5725377
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>calling this a shitcoin

>> No.5725381


weww lad. some SJW copy pasted the community guidelines of nearly every bigger company for XLM. must boycott them now right? Leave your feelings out investment.

>> No.5725560


XLM tearing down the massive sellwalls on bittrex atm. The 400BTC wall is now only 180BTC thick. As soon as it surpasses the 4000sats, it will explode. My body is ready.

>> No.5726192

FFS does this thing ever stop mooning?

>> No.5726406

this is the time to get lambos guys.
It's a fork of Ripple. Look at ripple valuation

>> No.5726444

stellar will be $1 within a week so you're all good

>> No.5726618

Trips confirm, this buy pressure is ridiculous

>> No.5726646

I'm wondering how long to hold for, do I sellout at $1? I dont wanna get greedy lol

>> No.5726699


>> No.5726716

7-8000 satoshi, screencap this

>> No.5726770

3-4$ ea in three weeks.

>> No.5726774

HODL xlm. One coin you should HODL.

>> No.5726791

we're jumping up the top 10 list boys. crushing it... lets take down litecoin, kek

>> No.5726794

>measuring alts in sats


>> No.5726810


>> No.5726856
File: 9 KB, 1084x57, Screenshot from 2018-01-01 19-39-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use the decentralized exchange to buy whatever you want when it launches in a couple of weeks.

Korea is on this shit, pic related.

>> No.5727088

I'm thinking of selling my XRP to go all in with this. What does /biz/rael think?

>> No.5727093

shoulda listened

>> No.5727141

Same here bro.
We are gonna make it in 2018

>> No.5727165

Refueling , 4200 lets go

>> No.5727172

Yes. It's a better version of Ripple that will at least hit one dollar in a couple of weeks. It moons and then goes sideways and then moons. Buy in on the sideways trading.

>> No.5727173

XRP already mooned.
XLM will still go up to 1$ at least

>> No.5727187

its already crashing

about to buy more

>> No.5727197

The Dubai government is now doing a city wide pilot with XLM.

>> No.5727258

Im happy it 2.5x’d for me but sad i only bought $1200 usd worth

Various anons were shilling in the last day or so some bews would come and it would moon

>> No.5727262

If you grab it at 50 cents you are going to 100% double your money in a month. This is a guarentee, in crypto, do you hate money?

>> No.5727293
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>backed by IBM and wells Fargo
>fairx will kill normiebase

>> No.5727330

its been overbought right now, sell it and wait for it to stabilize around $0.40 then buy more. New floor is here.

>> No.5727375

>stabilize around 40

No. Its too late , theres to much hype for this coin . Its not stopping , the floor is gonna be 50 at the lowest

>> No.5727407

>future top 5
pick one.

>> No.5727443
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>> No.5727476

>fat fingering a 5 instead of 1
wew lad

>> No.5727633

Im afraid to sell at the top, for the last 3 days there seems to be no top

im just gonna leave it there

>> No.5727797


>> No.5727955

"Shitcoin" you're an idiot sell your bags, you're not worthy!

>> No.5728192

The floor is now 47-48, fool

>> No.5728392
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>> No.5728426

Guys, I'm all in at the moment. Do you think I should stay balls deep through January, or should I go one third each into XLM/REQ/LINK? Which will do better in the next couple months?

>> No.5728434

This, i did the same thing when ripple exploded. I shold have just held. Im all in xlm right now.

>> No.5728454

All in until FairX launch. It will be at least $1 by end of January. Probably more like $2-3.

>> No.5728497

just hit $10k thanks to this baby, initial investment cashed out

>> No.5728560

>cashing out inital investment now
Nigga u coulda waited 2 weeks for $1

>> No.5728704

yeah I'd much rather invest in a project that prevents PR disasters with this kind of stuff, even if I think it's bullshit. Stay poor Kevin

>> No.5728847

It's been removed, anon. Leave it be.

>> No.5728878

i cashed out a while ago senpai, i'm not selling any XLM anytime soon

>> No.5729015

Is it bad to have 1/2 my portfolio in this, 1/4 in XRB, and 1/4 in trashcoins like REQ/ETH?

>> No.5729200


Seems to me like getting XLM below $1 is a steal. Promising future for this one.

XRP and XLM till we die bro

>> No.5729398


XLMfags are defending this. Pathetic. What a leftist poor mentality.

>> No.5729683

xlm will follow xrps movement. take off was bit delayed there but finally moving up. should be 2ish by end of week.

>> No.5729697

Should I jump off XRP and put it all in XLM?!?!

bls resbond

>> No.5729766


50% + 50% = 100% all in

>> No.5729768
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XRP is going nowhere at least for the next 2 weeks

>> No.5729793

Should I take everything out of XRP and dump it in XLM or am I too late? Why is XRP so stagnant?

>> No.5729815

Me Too! Fuck yeah

>> No.5729878

Defending what exactly? We're all willing to remove SJW cancer, yes. But the issue has been resolved when they altered the guidelines.
Disclaimer: I'm an alt-righter.

>> No.5729881

Are you concerned that this will affect the price?
Fuck, there are legitimate reasons to go after XLM, actually based on the tech. Either FUD using those, or don't do it at all.

>> No.5729968

xrp literally just went a shit ton in a few days. it doesnt always move. gotta level out before next one.

>> No.5729990

>nobody in this thread supplying the real reason for the moon

>> No.5730184

Enlighten us. PnD?

>> No.5730240

>pnd in top 10 market caps
hahahahahaha jesus people on this board really are stupid as shit

>> No.5730267

Good thing everyone getting rich off it is a straight white male lmao

>> No.5730294
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Im not the only one all in on these fucking coins? Sweet

>> No.5730339

This is the gambling mans choice.
I'm riding this train too brother.

>> No.5730369
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> Hey guys, our pajeet group is going to PnD Bitcoin tonight. Who wants in?

Only mega whales can PnD top 10 coins brainlet.

>> No.5730500

The first thing I ever saw of xlm is them fucking around with online shopping in Nigeria. Then a bunch of 'banking for the unbanked' nonsense. Of course it started as SJW nonsense, just like powr.

But lumens are going to be part of every financial transaction on the planet eventually, so I'm going to let them bank my currently unbanked white male wage slave self.

>> No.5730852
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Explain to me why this isn't going to just crash like a mofo any minute now? I want to get in but just looking at the chart is doesn't look promising.

Also why did it moon so hard the first time?

Not a pajeet this is an honest question.

>> No.5730871

You think you're being clever but you just come off as illiterate

>> No.5730989

>Also why did it moon so hard the first time?
IBM rumors, conference, and other news.

>> No.5731086

Same as you. Is this a good time to go in or is everyone about to get pajeet'd?

>> No.5731329

We'll be talking about $5 lumens in a couple of weeks, and the people who doubted $1 will be seen like flat earth believers.

>> No.5731358

It's backed by IBM and partnered with Wells Fargo via FairX

It's the first professional cryprto.

>> No.5731397

honestly, whether it keeps mooning or if it actually dips down much lower, it doesn't matter, the future is set for gains, it is one of the contender coins to rule them all. never too late.

>> No.5731405

Same thing with XRB. The chart looks like it would crash at any point, but it kept going up.

>> No.5731432

Because it has a working product, strong partnership, and not some vaporware chinkcoin.

Because its better than Ethereum at what ethereum does.

Also, fairX will use Lumens, and that alone will facilitate a large number of XLM being burnt forever. It's literally only going to go up from here in the long term.

>> No.5731470

my airdrop is now worth $7K

>> No.5731535

Hype get out once you can make bank don't hold or you will lose out on money

>> No.5731679

The RSI is dropping again, I anticipate the mooning to continue in a few hours after this dip

>> No.5731727

sold at 3800 probably popping back in at 3300, maybe

>> No.5731946

Unlike shitcoins such as OMG and ARK it's an actual working product, it can't crash if its usable and well liked by conglomerate giants
Hell, XLM is the first coin that I use to move from exchange to exchange since its fast and has a cheap fee every other coin I invested in never moved

>> No.5732021

Look at those buy orders. This thing is never going to 3300 again. Buy back in at 3600 if you're lucky.

>> No.5732114


Massive buy walls are erect

>> No.5732159


>> No.5732210

I want it to moon HARDER REEEEE

>> No.5732253

No, I'm waiting for my ETH transfer. Kucoin has been cucking me for 2 hours already.

>> No.5732369


I have no trouble believing that this will be a great long term hold this year but I'm day trading with a pretty small stack looking to get heavy growth each day.

Definitely gonna buy the dip though.

>> No.5732646

Just bought at 3700 DON'T LET ME DOWN!

>> No.5732661

What coins are planning on trading on in the next couples days?

>> No.5732692

Literally walking away is your best move.

Kick back, get some cofee, watch your cartoons.
Check back in a week.

>> No.5732775

Is safe to buy now?

>> No.5732821

See: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/john-pfeffer/An+Investor%27s+Take+on+Cryptoassets+v6.pdf

BTC will be the store of wealth and XLM will be a major payment rail

>> No.5732884


Give it another hour or two.

>> No.5732908


>> No.5732924

but the buy wall we'll never get it under 3600 again /biz/ said

>> No.5733096

Wedge forming :)

>> No.5733128

>set a realistic level to buy back it at
>get called out for it

Alright, you got me by <100sat. Well played...

>> No.5733229

im going to get you by 300 sat

>> No.5733232

all in on [XLM & FUN]

>> No.5733382

Emotion says go in and logic says don't buy at ATH. We all know how good emotion is in this game

>> No.5733418

I work in recruiting and I can tell you, every serious company has a similar statement somewhere in their PR docs. It's not serious. This one was particularly stinky (probably written by a true believer) but it seems like as soon as they realized it, it was removed

>> No.5733509

>cup and handle forming
>whales accumulating
>artificial sell walls
>ripple flippening imminent

>> No.5733650

I hope you don’t use any Apple or Google or Amazon or Microsoft products. It’s 2018, that’s what any tech company’s policy looks like. Not many based in bumfuck backwards rural USA, what do you expect?

>> No.5733823

Why are there so many retards dumping at 3500?

>> No.5733944

Fuck off shitcunt.

>> No.5733949

People are idiots, I'm ok, trying to get another 50k usd in tomorrow hopefully

>> No.5734079

newfag here. what are you referring to when you say 3500

>> No.5734142
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that means 3500 sats, or 0.00003500 of a bitcoin

>> No.5734156

Satoshis, = 1/100millionth of a bitcoin

>> No.5734164

3500 Satoshi aka 47 cents

>> No.5734168

Sats/satoshis which are fractions of a bitcoin

>> No.5734175

As someone new to crypto currency, is it too late to hop on these bandwagons?

>> No.5734180

Satoshis. The decimal units of bitcoin. Currently xlm is valued at .000035 satoshis.

>> No.5734283

They not retards. That is a clinical term meaning "to hold back" anon.
They are in fact giving us increased gains via cheap accumulation. They are not holding us back at all.
$1 my Boys by January 60c by the first weeks end. Screen Shot This

Dont forget this coin was so solid Teeka made himself look the fool in order to get his subscribers back in on this coin.

>> No.5734437

This but also DBC. My niggos, we'll go riding our lambos together.

>> No.5734487

This is me too brah we're gonna be rich soon.

>> No.5734627

what does this shitcoin even do?

>> No.5734724

Makes money out of thin air.

>> No.5734732

XLM Moon 3: Electric Boogadee

>> No.5734751
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>going to use 0.26 ETH to buy more XLM

>> No.5734816

i dumped my LTC bags into this coin man idk if ill regret it... ( will hold til end of 2018 well into 2019)

>> No.5734900

Same, cashed out my LTC back in to fiat before going ETH -> XLM

>> No.5734932

>fast transactions
>ties to banks
>FairX lets you trade any coin/fiat for any other coin/fiat
>banks use to send to each other fast
>bank users have stellar account that can be instantly withdrawn at other stellar-banks and stellar-connected systems, like ATMs
It lets you finally cash out, is what it does.

>> No.5734988

is this, dare i say it, a stellar rundown?

>> No.5735076

Why the fuck is it mooning again?
I thought it was going to correct to 40-45

>> No.5735120

Yes, Horatio.

>> No.5735176

took only a year of shilling and a week old IBM news to finaly understand what this coin does.

>tfw it was already top10 coin on coinmarketcap

fuck this market

>> No.5735406

I don't have a solid plan, basically I buy low and set sell orders high. Current portfolio is as follows with about $50 - 100 in each:


I try not to buy too much on hype unless the coin is already low or at a low compared to its average. I even buy shitty meme coins if they pump regularly. I've seen a constant daily return of 3% - 5% but I lost half my stack when I put it all in XVG and a few other mooners and then they crashed so I stopped buying ATHs.

>> No.5735758

>solid plan
>buy low and set sell orders high

Why didn't I think of that?

>> No.5735947

if you set sell orders pre-emptively you miss out on moons. I still think it's best to buy coins you believe in and hold them

>> No.5735988


Relevant how?

>> No.5735996
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no it's valued at .000035BTC aka 3500 satoshis.

>> No.5736084
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So you think its gonna have an 80 billion dollar market cap in two weeks? Hmm

>> No.5736112

I said I don't have a solid plan lol.
All though buy low sell high is something that 90% of Biz advice doesn't follow.

This isn't hard from a mental standpoint, the part that most normies can't hack is getting over fomo and fud. For instance buying this shit is tempting, and has a good chance of paying nicely, but you put a decent sum of money in a crypto moving hard like this and you are eventually gonna lose big.

However if you stick 100k in something like this and it turns into a Mars mission and you make it out with 10 mill then more power to you.

>> No.5736138

it's still 40 something cents....

>> No.5736156

buy now it's time for 4000

>> No.5736159
File: 389 KB, 640x1136, 5841FBA7-A877-442C-8A31-7A0A52EB2D8E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont listen to op he is part of pump n dump group

they are targeting XLM

see for yourself don’t buy this rocket meme coin

>> No.5736180
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>> No.5736221

I wouldn't set sell orders if I didn't have a full time job. Unfortunately I got to exit out of coinigy every time the boss decides to lurk around back in my department, sometimes for 3 - 4 hours and since I have to get up early I go to bed by 11:00.

I only have $400 portfolio so whatever but if I can keep getting good gains and build that to lets say 50k by EOY I will quit my job and just do this full time.

>> No.5736241
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>> No.5736260

Do you not understand memes or just English?

>> No.5736315 [DELETED] 

Oh your group too? So is mine. No wonder it's mooning so hard lul

>> No.5736461

Did you not understand the post I was replying to, pajeet? Or are you both street shitting subhumans who didn't read the whitepaper?