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57243995 No.57243995 [Reply] [Original]

There are no struggles, purpose or meaning

>> No.57244001

lies, once u make it u want more
good larp though

>> No.57244006

wagie mindset

>> No.57244027

Right. You magically get the girl, a 6 plate deadlift, perfect health, immortality, and the impact you wanted to make materializes.

>> No.57244028 [DELETED] 
File: 538 KB, 1842x1024, descent_into_oblivion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could be worse..

>> No.57244039

unironically agree. 8 fig fag here. was amazing feeling first few years, now meh...

>> No.57244137

true, money and materialism doesn't matter anymore

>> No.57244280

Give me all your money and start struggling again. Now you have a purpose. You welcome

>> No.57245582
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Maybe get ripped and help people?
or pic related?

Your choice OP

>> No.57245934
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>> No.57245988

You make your own struggles. Take up a hobby or compete in something, and get good at it. Start a family and struggle to make them successful and happy. Struggle to create art, to understand the universe, etc.

>> No.57247150

you are a homosexual and don't deserve to have money, if I had money and time this is what I would do.

>gym 6 days a week
>sunbathe everyday for 15-30 minutes
>go to wholesome nature places and take shrooms
>do yoga
>buy guns and learn to shoot
>basically have fun in the real world in a healthy and sustainable way
>after I get tired of having fun, form a family, raise my sons to be strong, spiritual and hate globohomo

all my goals are noble, meanwhile rich retards are sinking their money into videogames, E-whores and funko pops

>> No.57247302

Get some richfag hobbies dumbass.

>> No.57247386
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I’m a little afraid of this. I made so many gains in my life when I was on the verge of being homeless that it just lit a fire in my ass to improve every aspect of myself. I sort of just want to put the money in a parents name or something and then have them make me a beneficiary just so I never lose that drive.

>> No.57247423

I actually believe this

Play a video game legit and struggle and you enjoy it, but then turn on cheats and get whatever you want and suddenly it gets boring very quickly

I imagine real life is like that but it just takes a longer time, in a video game you can play with everything cheats enabled and get bored in 2-3 hours, in real life you’d get bored in probably 2-3 years as you’ll run out of stuff to do

>> No.57247425

I’m 8-fig and you’re lacking ambition or perspective to not be building generational empires

>> No.57248803

speak for yoursef lol