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57243236 No.57243236 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies look down on you for being a crypto trader?

>> No.57243255

Because it's immoral

It is a ponzi

You only gain money because someone else loses money

Butters pretend to be in it for the tech but they are just in it because they want to dump on the next sucker

>> No.57243256

You are a normie, anon. Telling others about your crypto investments was a stupid move

>> No.57243270

but i dont have any other job or side hussle

>> No.57243284

will normies think any better of it once the ETF's hit and blackrock market the shit out of it?

>> No.57243286

yeah don't listen to this guy, he's just not chad enough to be honest about what he does. Like a rodent, he has to make up lies as if he's scurrying in the dark. Honestly you mentally become a rodent if you keep that up, I bet his teeth are protruding already

>> No.57243291

>Because it's immoral
>It is a ponzi
>You only gain money because someone else loses money
Yeah, just like stocks.

>> No.57243297

Stocks are actually backed by actual things, products, company, buildings, people and so on

>> No.57243301

its cringe, nothing wrong if you just stfu and do it without telling anyone and actually make money out of it. Larpers posting their dogshitcoin trades in social media have ruined reputation of traders.

>> No.57243327

>my casino is better than your casino!!

>> No.57243338

yeah the thing is tho i dont have any other sources of income so when normies inevitably ask me "WHAT DO YOU DO???" i dont have anything to say besides "i trade/invest in digital assets", even then they have no clue what it means and so just question me further. i just want to be able to have something normie-friendly to say instead so i can come across as normal as possible to them so they don't get immediately suspicious of me and freaked the fuck out. if you have any side hustle recs i can use instead then please drop em.

>> No.57243340


>> No.57243354

the thing is if i said i'm a high stakes poker player which is literal gambling they'd probably give more positive feedback than when i mention bitcoin or crypto investing

>> No.57243396

>Why do normies look down on you for being a crypto trader?

They don't. This is NGO / deep state fud. Also who cares what the masses think? NPCs.

>> No.57243401

Tell them you are a bus driver. Normies wont understand anyways. Drop your ego.

>> No.57243404

trading deserves contempt

>> No.57243406

its not that simple. the same normies getting assblasted over you being a trader would get assblasted if you were also a doctor that literally saves lives.

>> No.57243419

honestly crypto is less morally bankrupt than stock trades. everybody who buys crypto knows they're just gambling for profit. when dealing stocks you're actually fucking with people who don't even want to be part of your casino action. i

>> No.57243426

there are actually more patients killed each year through malpractice than saved. it's a net negative

>> No.57243449

I'm meeting new people irl
sometimes I wonder if I should tell them about my trades
what if they're secretly also crypto traders?
what if they browse /biz/ ?
lol perhaps they're secretly holding a lot link bags
or perhaps they're based monero users
so many possibilities
I better just wait, don't want them to know i'm a schizo

>> No.57243528

Hate us cuz they ain't us baby

>> No.57243535

If that's true then stocks are overvalued by at least an order of magnitude.

>> No.57243663

jealousy. all crypto is is clicking buttons on a computer, almost anyone except the severely disabled can do it. if you are a millionaire from crypto trading it can be too much of a brutal mogging for egotistical normies to accept. it lays bare their intellectual inferiority and comparative hesitation to take risks. they are mogged beyond repair by us.

>> No.57243696

>no work aesthetic or mental image, even stock traders and bankers are "visible"
>no "contribution to society" (as if 99% of jobs aren't just timewasting nothingness and society isn't turbo gay anyways)
>it's anti-government and normies fucking love the government and being told what to do even when they pretend otherwise

>> No.57243812

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.57243851

Because it's not a job nor a career. It's a profitable hobby. You just didn't read the social cue well and that's why they look down on you. It isn't that simple as "make money so it's job" (imagine yourself hitting on your face while saying this moronic statement)

Job means being productive. Trading is not something productive, only profitable.

>> No.57243863

>Job means being productive
Have you been living under the rock for the last decade?

>> No.57243876

I love it. I love it so much. We shitcoined our way out of society. Lately, when I say I've been in since 2015, they look at me like I was some genius. Back then, they thought I was a moron for it. Lol.

>> No.57243881

It's what it means bro. It's what the people are asking OP for. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. OP is just a moron for not understanding social context. Probably he's autistic.

>> No.57243899

Normies look down on you for everything anon. They could be drowning and they've complain about you pulling them out of the water. I mean there's literally laws to protect people helping other people. That's how fucking selfish they are.

>> No.57243979

They're backed by speculative expectation of future growth

>> No.57243994

They don't. Why would they?

>> No.57244014

it just as much if not more means "how do u earn money" tho

>> No.57244049

>jobs means being productive

I've got a bridge to sell friend

>> No.57244068

Tell them you sell propane and propane accessories

>> No.57244709

>>it's anti-government and normies fucking love the government and being told what to do even when they pretend otherwise
There's nothing anti-government about crypto, if anything governments are the biggest crypto holders