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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57243012 No.57243012 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing all the recent events in the crypto space like

>SEC playing 4D chess with fake news
>Talk of ETF approval being a classic sell the news event
>Cramer's BTC top call possibly pulling a reverse Uno

To navigate this wild ride without catching the high and missing the dip. What's your move, fellow anon?

>> No.57243057

The SEC should be sued for market manipulation

>> No.57243114

They will definitely find a way to prove that they were hacked, but we know it's a lie

>> No.57243170

Nobody knows shit, so do your thing

>> No.57243245

>4D chess

MFers couldn't even bother to create a proper scenario. X got hacked? Realy? That's the best you got?

>> No.57243319

Actually the old money wanted to test crytpo market to see which way it would go with the news and now it is pretty clear what will happen in a couple of hours

>> No.57243364

I just hold. Turn off everything. Do something else. All you have to do.

>> No.57243719

Whatever you do, make sure you keep cash in stables, so that you can have enough buying strength when alt season begins

>> No.57243784

SEC market manipulation shows that the ETF approval is just a matter of time, and we should be prepared for it.
Based on similar events in the past, I think we will have some initial run after the approval which will be followed by a leg down which is where I plan to get in

>> No.57243796

Keeping stables is good, but putting it to work while holding it is even better

>> No.57243833

oh they will. a senator already wrote an official letter for explanation

>> No.57243846

All for tiny APYs. Why the hell are we in crypto then? I could have bought some bonds instead

>> No.57243853

Everybody are ready to buy, so I'll most likely follow Cramer's inverse rule

>> No.57243870

You call 10-15% APY tiny?
Which bank will give you that?

>> No.57243916

Not much, but honest work, kek
There are higher better returning options, but generally through token incentives

>> No.57243928

what 10-15?
All around 3-4, even for stablecoins. So quite similar to banks

>> No.57243956

I guess you are new to DeFi or you just don't know the right places to look.
I stake stables for 12% APR on SpoolFi, and I think there are some other protocols that offer something similar

>> No.57244097

Aren't we supposed to get in now before those alts start moving, or am I missing something?

>> No.57244101

bear rally over, head for the exit

>> No.57244136

Whatever price you buy now won't really matter in like 18 months from now, so buy and hodl

>> No.57244151

I can see that you're still suffering from the bear market PTSD just like Capo.
I'm pretty sure that most of you will miss out

>> No.57244179

I checked now and I can see that the stablecoins APR is okay, but the one for ETH is just like the others that we have at the moment

>> No.57244197

LMFAO nice one

There is even a 900% something for DAI. Clowns

>> No.57244221

It's native token incentives, not the base APY.
Something similar to what Camelot does with ARB tokens to boosted pools

>> No.57244392

You might need to follow up with the project because they are building a vault that will offer better APR compared to what Lido offers right now

>> No.57244416

That's the best way to go about an uncertain market

>> No.57244589

This is the first partnership they will roll out, as they said. But still waiting. Taking too long desu

>> No.57244816

You are doing something wrong. Are you staking on CEXs?

>> No.57244900 [DELETED] 

I do the same stuff. I have a small website/blog and I make more than enough to live in different countries year long

>> No.57244995

Wrongly posted this...

>> No.57245004

900? That doesn't sound sustainable and real desu. What's the catch?

>> No.57245046

That sounds alright. Especially these times, staking stables is not a good option really. Many great projects tha twe can invest in

>> No.57245069
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Buy BTC, hold BTC, never sell. Simple as

>> No.57245098

Yeah but it's always a good time to have a security net of some stable assets. You can use to DCA and shit too.

Your question and the one up actually combines.

Because you don't get 900% of DAI. You get some base APY like 6-8% and the rest is in other tokens. Mostly spool's own token.
So it's not bad during a bull season really because you also invest in a small cap at the same time

>> No.57245187

>What's your move, fellow anon?
Same move I've been playing since the bear; on the sidelines and getting some solid passive income with stables.

>> No.57245242

Kinda. But only if you really know what to buy. Otherwise, seeing the first moves and then making a decision is better

>> No.57245370

Don't just hold stables; stake them so you can get full value for your assets. Plus if you have to stake, it's best done on a vault with no time locks so you don't miss out on buy opportunities

>> No.57246001

The part I don’t intend to use sometime soon is staked of course but I do not stake a part of my stables so I can deploy them when needed.

>> No.57246474

You say tiny because you're stuck with CEXs! Better yields are on Defi especially on the aggregators that optimize yields for users.