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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57240147 No.57240147 [Reply] [Original]

White male in engineering (work at one of the legacy automakers). Late 30s, soul gone, no advancement in career. Have some fat bitch pajeet as my boss, dumb as a box of rocks. Do I just accept my fate? Tired of trying desu. Job market is utter shit too btw (at least in SE Mich)

>> No.57240174

yeah you're unironically fucked

just enjoy your peaceful boring shitty life

only way out might be, to hope on crypto making you rich

>> No.57240189

How much are you able to invest per month?

>> No.57240213

Max out 401k every year. No debt, use credit card like a debit card. Own house, investing my excess liquidity in medium risk.

>> No.57240259

>pajeet boss
since when did saars take over managing cadmonkeys?

>> No.57240275

Become a plumber or electrician. Easy $200k after you're trained.

>> No.57240328
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>White male
try cutting your penis or pic

>> No.57240340

What is your role as an engineer there though? Or are you someone with a fake "engineer" title (e.g. project engineer)?

>> No.57240367

Project engineers aren’t fake though, they’re just not technical.
>t. Chemical engineer

>> No.57240385

Mech Eng work on EVs

>> No.57240387

Imagine being non-technical and still considering yourself an engineer. Anon I....

>> No.57240396

Who gives a shit. Imagine using your technical skills only to get crappy pay for it. lmao.

>> No.57240410
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it's almost over for you but people at beoble help me out when i was a normiefag about crypto and i was kinda going through a similar situation but in my early 20s (two months ago)

now i just became more autistic

>> No.57240427

cope. project manager are useless.

>> No.57240438

Imagine running an engineering project with zero engineering background. I can almost guarantee that half of the “engineers” on biz are students, or worse, “software engineers”.

>> No.57240449

If OP was an actual engineer who worked with operational technology components (e.g. PLCs, HMIs, etc.), they could easily transition into ICS cybersecurity and make $250k+ annually. But go ahead and continue the non-technical cope.

>> No.57240455

Automation engineers do alright for themselves these days. They also usually get to set their own terms for work. It’s a pretty comfy job to have.

>> No.57240456

Yeah bro. I became a family man and I smoke a bit of weed at night to cope. It’s not bad desu.

>> No.57240480

Any interest in field engineering? Or learning the business side? There’s probably opportunities within your company, won’t be easy but easier to pivot within your own company.

>> No.57240518

I do the propulsion system: motors, inverters, HV batteries, HV system. The work is interesting, simulation intensive, invent shit, but the selection criteria for advancement is such bullshit. No meritocracy.

>> No.57240568

Read back your post. Are you really willing to accept that? If not do something about it. What do you do? Idk figure it out. It's your life. But if you're not happy don't settle for less, you're only short-changing yourself

>> No.57240593

Are you willing to move? Are you willing to change careers? Do you actually enjoy your work or is it just a pay check for you? Would you be willing to go back to school or not? What do you want to get out of life? These are all questions that need answering.