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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 170x255, b38af3f3602e49ca1a54b50c4bcf1939ff71a4ff21d21d912f8fbf04d5adf871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5723881 No.5723881 [Reply] [Original]

Salts is a coin for loaning crypto into fiat (and other cryptos in the future), and is the only one of its coin of its kind. Everyone is going to use salt to pay their loans, so buy now or get salt(ly) later.

>> No.5723920

Heavy bags.

>> No.5723950
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit coin

buy BNTY instead

>> No.5724327

Stay poor salt is the future of loans

>> No.5724361

stop shilling, I don't get paid until the middle of this month and need it to stay low until then

it astounds me how stupid the people on this board are btw

literally only scam bs coins get shilled, the real money makers are never discussed

>> No.5724442

I'm trying to change that with a quality coin

>> No.5724534

Take a look at this FUD

>> No.5724569


>> No.5724774
File: 82 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sold for a little loss, but let me break down this coin.

It's 12.14 rn and the website, which takes 3 weeks to deliver, sells the coin for 27.5 and that goes up 2.5$ for every 2k purchases.

Next, while insanely risky, most people that take out loans will put at least some back into salt if not half. But if u get 10k loan u can buy 5k of salt and just use that to pay off the whole thing and keep the extra 5k IN FIRST or whatever the fuck u want it in.

Platform rolled out ahead of schedule and basically flawlessly

Have personally contacted support 3 times, once at like 4 in the morning and they still figured it out.

With one coin and collateral you can take out a 10k loan, with ten 100k and a mil with 100 salt. This kind of oprotunity has been valued around 60usd despite not being a token and having none of the features this boy has.

Also wondering what this is http://www.sbcc.edu/financialaid/
With saltlending on the corner, leading to a similar salt program:

Pic is note I got working to buy crypto

>> No.5724816 [DELETED] 

I already 4x in the past week. This PnD thing is too easy. Comfy af...


>> No.5724994

The pajeets are just trying to keep it down so they can buy more. Don't fall for the pajeet memes anons they will ruin you.

>> No.5725111

The pajeets won't have time to collect enough for heavy bags. It going to the moon to soon for them.


>> No.5725187

Sauce of that image pls.

>> No.5725474

Man I hope this fucking thing moons... sold req @ 0.0000213 (fucking cock shit mooned the day after almost 4x...) for this so at least 2x would be nice....

>> No.5725493

Fortune wrote an article about them so that's good exposure.


>> No.5725537

>is the only one of its coin of its kind

What about ETHLend

>> No.5725830

Compare the teams and white paper and you will realize that ETHLend is no competition.

>> No.5725884

I would even sell salt at 4x it's going past the moon.

>> No.5725894

ETHlend and SALT are both shit compared to ELIX though...

Simple, easy, fun.

>> No.5725957

why did you sell?

>> No.5726877

top 10 tomorrow