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5723618 No.5723618 [Reply] [Original]

>The Bilderberg Group funded Blockstream. On February 3rd, 2016, AXA invested $55 million in Blockstream. At the time of that investment, Henri de Castries was the head of both AXA and Bilderberg Group.

>MasterCard funded Digital Currency Group, which funded Blockstream. Note: Glenn Hutchins serves as a board director for both the Digital Currency Group and the Federal Reserve Bank.
http://dcg.co/who-we-are/ (Archive: http://archive.is/6BLgo )
http://dcg.co/portfolio/#b (Archive: http://archive.is/u9e3n )
>Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC, to push people towards the Lightning Network:
>The Truth About Lightning Network:
>Larry Summers, the man who started the "war on cash" also serves as "special adviser" to the DCG board.

Blockstream crippled Bitcoin BTC with high fees, so that people will have to use the Lightning Network (a Blockstream project) for everyday transactions.
Result: The Bilderberg Group, the Federal Reserve central bank, MasterCard, and traditional banking sector have taken over Bitcoin BTC, crippled it, to turn it into a currency system that they control & profit from.
Analysis: Bitcoin BTC has been compromised. Time to switch to another cryptocurrency.

>> No.5723706
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go fud your mother if you want fud

>> No.5723711
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>> No.5723754
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RIPPLE is so Crippled

Owned by the big banks, cant be mined


>> No.5723800

yea yea yea whatevah niggah


>> No.5723831

Thanks for your effort OP!
0.0000002 satoshis have been deposited to your BCH account
t. Roger Ver Internet Defence Force

>> No.5723860

OK then, go long BTC.

>> No.5723870


Can you stop posting this every day
We get it you dont like blockstream

>> No.5723886

I am long btc you dumb nigger

>> No.5723999


I noticed a lot of people mentioning Bilderberg's connection to AXA and BlockStream, recently with Jeff Berwick's two videos going viral as seen here and here. It has been something I have been trying to warn people of for a while, and if you don't know what Bilderberg is you really need to watch this excellent documentary about it. The current chairman of the Bilderberg steering committee Henri de Castries was also CEO of AXA until he announced retirement in 2016. AXA is one of the main funders of BlockStream and Bitcoin Core development. As one of the biggest insurance companies in the world AXA also benefits from the legacy too-big-to-fail bailout system, and Bitcoin is a threat to their way of life. AXA are also funding technocratic totalitarian smart cities, where they team up with governments for full control. It is not surprising that they would want to get their fingers into Bitcoin. Now lets dig a little deeper. About 6 or 7 years ago, right before Satoshi disappeared, Gavin Andresen was invited to speak at the CIA. He got an invitation directly from In-Q-Tel the CIA's venture capitalist funding arm. Gavin mentions how In-Q-Tel reached directly out to him in this video 13sec mark. In-Q-Tel basically helps fund and invest in companies that help equip the CIA with the latest information technology and capabilities. You can look on In-Q-Tel's website and see that they publicly invest in many innovative tech companies. Some of these are public, there are no crypto companies listed, but they also at times make private investments as well. Makes you wonder because they were interested enough to phone up Gavin Andresen personally and invite him for a speech, so in my opinion its highly likely they are investing somewhere in this space, and for what ends? We don't know. We do know that certain companies have captured the Core developers, and blocked common sense progress on Bitcoin, and that should be alarming.

>> No.5724061

Further evidence that shows some type of coordination between these groups comes from Peter Thiel who has recently advocated against Bitcoin as a cash system, and instead is pushing it as a settlement system, the same narrative of BlockStream Core. It may also be interesting to know that Peter Thiel has also attended Bilderberg regularly and defends Bilderberg's secretive nature. Thiel also is partnering with In-Q-Tel and the CIA with his company Palantir, which spies on everybody. It is also interesting that at least one other VC funding firm Khosla Ventures invested in BlockStream, and also in the past has helped fund other companies that are working with In-Q-Tel. This was just from some quick research, only scratching the surface.
I find these connections somewhat alarming, considering all of the community attacks I have seen going on. Its possible that some groups are trying to strangle and control and co-opt Bitcoin. It would make sense that they might try to force everyone off of the old model by jacking up fees, so users are herded onto something new in a 2nd layer solution that is more easily controlled. I believe segwit allows them to create an open door for trying to encourage Bitcoiners to move into their system, and the high fees is what they hope pushes users through that door. This is probably why we see so many attempts to move away from Satoshi's vision and the whitepaper. Its why we see such a lack of common sense to simply raise the blocksize capacity. Its why we see such draconian censorship, dirty tricks, lies, and diabolical political tactics. Ultimately I don't want to draw any final conclusions, but I feel these facts should be brought to the table for people to decide for themselves.

>> No.5724471
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Ripple is created by and for the billionaires and trillionaires. Ripple has been quietly selling and giving away XRP behind the scenes for years. They sell it or give it to large corporations and investors. They don't want to influence the price on the exchanges. They want to help each other get into position before they run XRP up to a $50+ Trillion market market cap.

>> No.5724612
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I agree with your general thesis, that bitcoin was subverted and destroyed because it posed a threat to the global banking cartel. However, I think bitcoin was doomed from the beginning because the unnecessary computing of proof of work is very expensive and results in a slow network. You can't run a large-scale economy on 7 TPS. Even increasing the block size doesn't give you high enough TPS.

I'm all in XRP because I believe the billionaires and trillionaires are going to use it to reset the global financial system.

>> No.5724616
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Nice story, except XRP isn't a crypto.

>> No.5724699

>leddit pasta
cashie detected

>> No.5724826

> unnecessary computing of proof of work is very expensive and results in a slow network.
How does it result in a "slow network"? It's the same usage as in PoS.

>> No.5724870

> I'm all in XRP because I believe the billionaires and trillionaires are going to use it to reset the global financial system.
XRP is far worse than the current banking system. They could manipulate the market more than ever before with it.

>> No.5724899
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The banks don't want to collect all of your precious BTC and ETHemon. They don't want your 7 transactions per second, 15 minute block times, and $30 fees. They want you to use a currency that they issue and track. They want to issue it, so they can inflate it and give it to their friends first. And they want to track it so that they can assess sales and income taxes.

There is no "SCARCE" or rare cryptocurrency. It doesn't matter if it only has 16 million units or 16 trillion, especially since they are all divisible by 8 decimals. All that matters is that as many people as possible are willing to trade goods and services for said currency.

XRP is the bank, billionaire, trillionaire, fortune 500, government cryptocurrency. In their mercy for the thousandaires, they've been telegraphing this for a very long time. The market cap of all global paper and electronic currency is about $90 Trillion. If major retailers, such as Amazon, Target, Walmart, Starbucks, McDonalds, etc announce that they will sell products for XRP, market adoption will be very fast and Trillions of dollars will flow into XRP.

Another retarded part of this theory is the claim that the banks want to hoard all the BTC and ETH so they can use it to buy into new ICO's. That would simply result in the banks dis-hoarding their BTC and ETH and releasing it back into the marketplace and they would then be holding bags of various shitcoins.

To summarize this absolutely idiotic theory:
> 1) Banks create Ripple (I agree with only this part)
> 2) Banks trick the market into trading BTC and ETH for XRP, so the banks can hodl the precious BTC and ETH
> 3) Banks then trade the BTC and ETH for shitcoin ICOs.
> 4) ...
> 5) Profit?

>> No.5724930

Except it is

>> No.5724974

That's the point of Lightening network... On chain scaling is retarded for that exact reason. It can never work for so many reasons.
As for ripple, if they use it at all, its far more likely that they use the ripple network but with some other currency as the reserve currency. It is highly unlikely they will use XRP itself as the reserve currency on the network...

>> No.5725017


You need 15,000 TPS to match Visa's output, not including Mastercard and Amex. Even if there are PoW and PoS cryptos that can do that, the market won't care if the banks and corporations choose XRP. Tomorrow, an even better crypto could be created, but it won't matter. The technology is not what people are buying. People are buying the network of users. Ripple has been working with the banks and fortune 500 corporations from the beginning because if they can get the richest people and corporations in the world to use their currency, the rest of the world will follow.

Other cryptos are targeting the thousandaires. Thousandaires control only a small percentage of the world's goods and services. Therefore, any currency used exclusively by the thousandaires gives access to a small percentage of the world's goods and services.

The users are more valuable than the technology. Ripple is creating a currency for the billionaires and trillionaires. The thousandaires will eventually use whatever currency the billionaires and trillionaires use, just like how we all use worthless federal reserve notes, and even measure our crypto gains in FRNs.

>> No.5725093
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That may be true, but if they make XRP the new global reserve currency, it is the easiest 100x-500x you will ever make in your life. After it's over just take your profits and move them into whatever privacy cryptos or investments you want.

>> No.5725132
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Pic related.

>> No.5725154

If you believe so much in XRP go long it.

>> No.5725211

>government cryptocurrency
Ripple is about as much of a cryptocurrency as the Federal Reserve is federal...

>> No.5725258
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Already did, and it was the best financial decision of my life. I'm just relentlessly shilling it because I believe the billionaires and trillionaires are going to use it as their vehicle to reset the financial system and that it will have a $50 Trillion market cap. I want as many thousandaires as possible to become millionaires. Therefore I shill XRP.

>> No.5725262

>if I put all of these (mostly) legit reasons not to buy it in this meme then it will make it all not true, right!!!!

>> No.5725402
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And yet the global market cap of all paper and electronic currencies is $90 Trillion. People know it is intrinsically worthless, bank controlled, manipulated, etc, yet people use it to conduct $Trillions in commerce every day.

Maybe you think that a currency with better properties than fiat can win simply on its technical merits? No. The currency with more users exchanging goods and services will win, regardless of its technical merits. Although having good technical merits will certainly help. Why hasn't Raiblocks or one of the other lightning fast, scalable cryptos already beaten BTC? Simply because people still want to trade goods and services for BTC, even if it is slow and expensive. If major, fortune 500 companies announce support for XRP it will result in rapid market adoption because of all the customers, goods and services represented by fortune 500 companies.

Look at it this way. A few car dealerships have already announced that they will sell cars for BTC. Compare that to Ford, or GM, or VW announcing that they will sell any and all of their cars for XRP. A local coffee shop accepting BTC, compared to Starbucks accepting XRP. A corner grocery store accepting BTC compared to Costco accepting XRP. Do you see that the scale of customers, goods and services is totally different?

>> No.5725478

You shill it wrong then because you have no way of knowing it'll ever be in use and that it's not a pump and dump scam like BTC (I'm not even going to explain why it's obvious).

>> No.5725617

I'm fine with banksters in Bitcoin as long as Bitcoin goes 1 million dollars per coin.

>> No.5725655

> Simply because people still want to trade goods and services for BTC, even if it is slow and expensive.
They don't. They transfer their digital gold to a currency first like, like LTC.

>Do you see that the scale of customers, goods and services is totally different?
It is, but you have no way to tell who'll use it if ever.

>> No.5725808
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Diversify into XRP because banksters have telegraphed their support for it too. BTC may still go up alot, but XRP is the future because of its scalability and compliance with banking/financial regulations. You and I may not like banking/financial regulations, but the billionaires and trillionaires do, because they pay the congressmen and bureaucrats to write them.

>> No.5726006
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Do your own research on all the banks partnering with Ripple.

>> No.5726097

Everybody heard the news, and it has nothing to do with the XRP token.

>> No.5726274

This is retarded dreaming nonsense. XRP will never have enough LIQUIDITY to be the reserve currency on the ripple network, even if they release all of them today, and it goes insanely high in price.

Its far more likely that even BTC or ETH is used as the reserve currency on the ripple system considering they have FAR more liquidity in all currencies.

Do you even know what ripple is and what its supposed to do OP?

>> No.5726584
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There are already at least 2 cases of a single XRP transaction for more than $900 million dollars. Settled in 4 seconds for 1/100th of a penny. There are no "whales" doing that kind of business in BTC or ETH. XRP is where the true whales are, because XRP was designed by and for the billionaires and trillionaires.

Ripple has been quietly selling and giving away XRP behind the scenes for years. They sell it or give it to large corporations and investors. They don't want to influence the price on the exchanges. They want to help each other get into position before they run XRP up to a $50+ Trillion market market cap.

>> No.5726717

> There are no "whales" doing that kind of business in BTC or ETH.
You're a jewish shill, hedge funds are crazy about it, do you really think Joe the plumber investing in it made go to $1/4B?

> They sell it or give it to large corporations and investors. They don't want to influence the price on the exchanges.
That's an excellent argument I give you that, but the banks always win, and they'd rather profit in fiat more from pumping and dumping it.

>> No.5726858
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It's so obvious they're going to make XRP the phoenix currency for a reset of the global financial system and yet I'm the bad guy for telling people to get their free money. Just ride the wave and then move it back into whatever crypto you want.

>> No.5726948

> It's so obvious they're going to make XRP the phoenix currency for a reset of the global financial system
You have any idea how hard that will be for them? They'll be NUKED if they risk global stability.

>Just ride the wave
I already rode it, like everyone else with a half brain.

>> No.5727008

isnt there not even a usable XRP wallet?

>> No.5727129
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How will they be nuked if they are the ones that own the most XRP, and also control Ripple the company?

Look at this: https://ripple.com/xrp/buy-xrp/

Ripple will sell you XRP in a private transaction off an exchange. Gee, I wonder who would want to do that? Billionaires and trillionaires of course. They've been quietly loading the boat for years.

>> No.5727164



>> No.5727388

> It would make sense that they might try to force everyone off of the old model by jacking up fees

It makes zero sense actually
Blockstream is not the one spamming the mempool
its fucking Jihan

>> No.5727545

How delusional is that fucking guy lol
It makes perfect sense for roger and jihan to do it.

>> No.5727594

it doesnt matter
he will just post the same thread again tomorrow
and the next day
and the next day...

>> No.5727882

>Tfw work for AXA
>tfw had no idea they were up to any of this sneaky jew shit

>> No.5727947
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please no

>> No.5727962
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>It's so obvious they're going to make XRP the phoenix currency for a reset of the global financial system

>> No.5727993


>> No.5728168


It's the only crypto that is compliant with banking and financial regulations. It can scale to match Visa's transactions per second. It has aver 150 banks testing their technology, with many using it in production. Ripple has been selling and giving away XRP to banks, large corporations and investors for years, behind the scenes, quietly, outside of public exchanges. Public support from central bankers.

>> No.5728309

>It's the only crypto that is compliant with banking and financial regulations
Wrong. Most banks aren't allowed to touch XRP

>> No.5728307
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Blockstream's involvement and take over of bitcoin is an extremely important lesson for crypto. That nothing is sacred and we have to remain vigilant to keep our freedom, this isn't going to be as easy as we though. Aside from bitcoin they also have Ripple in the mix too. The main problem is people don't understand crypto currency.

>> No.5728382

>totalitarian society
checks out

>> No.5728482

Networks require organic growth to sustain anything worth a fuck. Ripple is a forced meme and merchants aren't accepting it. They are accepting Bitcoin Cash, just check out with Bitpay is doing.

>> No.5728526

How is it FUD if its true?

>> No.5728633


When fortune 500 companies start accepting XRP, it doesn't matter if that is organic or not. It will change everything. XRP will go nuclear, all the way up to a $50 Trillion market cap.

>> No.5728750


That's the reality of Ripple and the world that we live in. Understanding the situation is helpful, but not always necessary, for making good investment decisions. I believe people should ride the XRP wave because it's going to happen regardless.

>> No.5728827

lol dinosaur thinking

New companies ICO, older ones are learning to integrate with blockchain. Ripple doesn't serve any purpose in a decentralized market system.

>> No.5728953


I wonder what will have more of an impact on the market? A brand new shitcoin ICO, or Amazon, Starbucks, Target, Ford, GM, etc announcing that they will accept XRP?

>> No.5729206
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I don't think you understand how this works. We're a generation of revenge. Giving bankers the rope has always been a part of the plan.

>> No.5729232
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>> No.5729244
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keep posting this OP, you're making a difference

>> No.5729312

>Giving bankers the rope has always been a part of the plan.

>shill bitcoin because you hate bankers
>normies buy bitcoin because of hype
>normies complain they lost 80% of their money.
>normies flock to bankers and investment experts to protect themselves in the future

the irony when all you've accomplished is teaching people they need bankers.

>> No.5729424

>That's the point of Lightening network... On chain scaling is retarded for that exact reason. It can never work for so many reasons.

The main reason it won't work is because Bitcoin was poorly designed from the get go. Decentralized blockchains simply don't scale up well.

There's already a workaround for the current slow confirmation problem. A lot of people simply trade BTC for a faster crypto at an exchange, send it somewhere, then trade that crypto back for BTC at another exchange. That means LN fees can't be higher than the fees used by this workaround method or there won't be any point in using LN once it comes out.

Blockstream had already patented the real solution to BTC's problems, which is using multiple blockchains. But, Blockstream has no intention of making these available to the general public. They're selling these private chains to other companies.

>> No.5729426


So you are aware the bankers are going to pump XRP up to $50 Trillion but you're not going to buy it at $2 because you're a man of principle? All of us are already in the system. I'm just trying to help thousandaires become millionaires when XRP is used to reset the system.

>> No.5729852

there is no evidence that anyone is "spamming" the mempool, literally zero evidence

you have paranoid delusions

>> No.5730091

Even if its total shit for regular use, and nobody but a few of the biggest exchanges use it between themselves. Even that will take a massive amount of load off the mainnet, and that will mean blocks should no longer be full, that means fees will go down.

If it doesn't work out, then btc is ded, but for real this time imo.

>> No.5730142
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>http://dcg.co/who-we-are/ (Archive: http://archive.is/6BLgo )
hmm I wonder what their ethnoreligious backgrounds are

>> No.5730145

Yes there is you dumb nigger. What other reason is there for the same 2 addresses to spam dust to shitloads of addresses, and then back??? LOL.

>> No.5730298

citation needed you faggotface

>> No.5730781

start here cunt

>> No.5731147

>summer 2015 spam attack
kek that was 2 years ago and bch didnt even exist, deluded corecuck

>> No.5731507
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>start here
>no fucking shit its the first one... amazing

LOL exactly you dumb fucking nigger, you asked for evidence of spamming, and there is clear evidence even before bcash.
What makes you think they aren't spamming when it clearly benefits them?

>> No.5731652

there is literally no evidence that jihan or anyone else in the BCH camp is spamming your shitcoin, deal with it faggot

>> No.5731660

>muh spam

You mean using the network. Spam bitcoin cash all day, works just fine.

>> No.5731889

Bankers WILL NEVER use the public ripple blockchain, you know, the one you and the rest of you norman faggots invested in because some retard on CNBC told you to.

The banks will have their own private blockchains built on Ripple tech. That's it. You are a bagholder for a useless shitcoin. You got played, time to learn from it and move on. It's getting embarrassing now. You normans UNIRONICALLY believed you were somehow making some smart play by getting in before big banks or something, LMFAO. Do you peabrains actually think banks have any interest in some shitcoin currency? No, they want the blockchain tech internally because of its fast transaction time. The public Ripple blockchain, the one you currently have stake in, will be worth ZERO in a year.

>> No.5731968
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>asks for evidence of "anyone" spamming
>gets evidence
>now wants evidence of specific people tied to fucking bitcoin addresses
you cashies are something else

>> No.5732208


Banks will NEVER use a central bank!