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File: 40 KB, 3840x2160, Ethereum-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57234258 No.57234258 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57234264

where's the eth crab
someone post the crab

>> No.57234288

It's dumping vs BTC constantly lmao

>> No.57234363

Eth is a dead man walking, it's inevitable that it'll keep bleeding market share over the coming years. Gavin had the right idea jumping ship, there's just no saving it.

>> No.57234382
File: 19 KB, 501x477, crabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last month's price action I mean

>> No.57234410

sometimes i just feel like the whole space is trying to sabotage gavin while copycating everything he does

>> No.57234781

Likely will be eth ETF mania later this year Q2

>> No.57234814

although this is in itself embarassing, it masks how bad ETH's performance truly is. ethbtc is nosediving, and pretty much all other alts, while also crabbing in USD now, pumped significantly harder in the months leading up

>> No.57234858

all I wanted was a stable coin I could stake in peace without having to worry about it poofing into non-existence

>> No.57235490

Certainly minimise him and his work. It doesn't help that he's more or less retreated to his code bunker now, rarely gives interviews or post on social media etc., just autism focused on polkadot development.

It's a shame because he was pretty pivotal in ETHs early days, he spent a lot of time educating on ETH, giving talks. He explained both the vision and the tech extremely well.

Now it's like he's been memory holed, despite essentially architecting ethereum, defining web3 as a concept and ethos, smart contract language, rollups etc.

Definitely think that heavy bags are uncomfortable with him and parity (aka ETHcore) splitting. Vitalik has demonstrated that he's floundered without Gavins technical decisiveness.

>> No.57235506

>eth is dead
>everyone tries to find the new eth
>some will inevitable lose
you made the wrong choice people

>> No.57235518

useless shitcoin

>> No.57235548
File: 41 KB, 416x416, 414932549_420696534227998_1160447295950641754_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people at beoble keep saying that ETH is a total failure and just a bulltrap for nostalfags, i should get on SOL before it's too late

>> No.57235687

Barring Cardano, which sucks, Third gen blockchains really do BTFO ethereum in simple metrics.

Most of it comes down to the bizarre decision eth made to be 'maximally decentralised' and allow anyone with 32 eth to run a validator, resulting now in something like 800,000 validator nodes shitting up their network with unnecessary congestion, even though it makes no sense with PoS. They still ended up with a nakamoto coefficient of fucking 2 (compared to avax which is like 26, or polkadot, which is fucking 93), so it's made no appreciable difference to their security, Lido basically controls ethereum now, whoops. Now they're banking on eigenlayer to save them, pretty pathetic imo.

>> No.57235747

>maximally decentralised
>like bitcoin
etf coming nigga

short-term smol-brains just look at price right now and can't think two steps ahead

>> No.57235889

Lots of validators =/= decentralisation when a majority are controlled by a single entity. Then you have the worst of both worlds - centralised power and inability to efficiently scale, defeating the point.

>> No.57236096

>Most of it comes down to the bizarre decision eth made to be 'maximally decentralised'
At the same time people are being told you should use an L2 to do any business on Ethereum, sacrificing decentralization as well. That's one of many contradictions ETH holders need to accept nowadays.
Does decentralization matter much anyway if you're just trading shitcoins after all?

>> No.57236217

Ironically, as I said above, it's a decision that actually made ethereum less decentralised, so very much shooting themselves in the foot. In the years of sketching out what the merge and beacon chain consensus was gonna look like, for whatever reason there was a lot of well meaning but misguided emphasis on retaining the grassroots ideals of "low" barrier for entry with staking (however low you think 32 eth is nowadays), even though eth distribution would inevitably lead to significant centralisation using this system. I guess the pitfalls of design by committee. As I said before, Vitalik is lost without Gavin. Polkadot has a much, much better solution, and ethereum is probably going to have to spend more time correcting errors in architecture decisions to compensate.

>> No.57236601
File: 6 KB, 545x95, 2024-01-09 17_27_33-(20) polkadot celestia - Search _ X - Brave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so tiresome

>> No.57236676

what would be the correct choice? just sticking with ETH?

>> No.57236736
