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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57232295 No.57232295 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57232301
File: 534 KB, 1440x2097, 20240109_151756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link is about to have a maasive green dildo

>> No.57232307

Imagine if you invent a product that shoes that a piece of food is fresh. It's a cheap little widget, that costs a cent, and you put it in a piece of fruit or veg and it shows that it's fresh.
And you take it down to the market, excited because you're selling shovels to miners, every market stall will want this.
And then you realise that literally every single market stall, every single one, is selling stale food, and just wants you to fuck off.

>> No.57232323

So will it pump the price or nah

>> No.57232336

And then you realise that the large marble fronted buildings on the main square who hold all the money will gladly buy your product, since it saves them a lot of money proving how fresh their products are. And the market stalls no longer matter.

>> No.57232363

Anon, the top alts are BNB, Sol, XRP, and ADA.
>BNB is an afterthought tacked onto an exchange
>Sol is a chain that has failures and manual shudowns/resets every few weeks
>XRP is, well, XRP
>ADA is a non-functioning ghost chain

Fundamentals don't matter. At all.

>> No.57232372

Sounds scary
Could rug anytime soon

>> No.57232376


>> No.57232389

good metaphor
midwit. How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast?

>> No.57232441


Users not needed lmao

As long as there is more to dump on retards

>> No.57232966

CCIP usage has unironically ramped up. I don't know if all those Dune dashboards are picking up the transactions, but now whenever I visit the CCIP explorer page, there's always multiple transactions within the last minute. Just a month ago, whenever I checked the CCIP page the latest transactions were up to like 4 or 5 minutes past.

>> No.57233176

Chainlink pumped to high heavens last time because a bunch of sleeper dApps (DEFI) enabled by Chainlink blew up out of nowhere, no one saw that coming - no one saw shit like yearn, aave, etc. coming. Hopefully there are less blowouts this time, but even from that high volatile environment we got mainstays like Aave which is now a tier 1 defi institution... The tech has improved, institutions are here. FUDDING at this point is nothing but a pure ironic / sardonic past time - no need to participate.

>> No.57233246
File: 52 KB, 1781x395, 1688067427507086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chainlink pumped to high heavens last time because a bunch of sleeper dApps (DEFI) enabled by Chainlink blew up out of nowhere
Fuck no.
Chainlink started dumping from rank 5 right as Defi adoption started exploding.
See pic, the arrow is Link's sats and ranking ATH.

As Link's price went down, its adoption went massively up.

>> No.57233287

This. Scamming retards BTFO. They had their chance at decentralized markets and utterly failed. Now it’s time for the big boys to handle it.

>> No.57233296

honestly if ccip general access doesn't do anything within a few months, i will rope

>> No.57233307

>As Link's price went down, its adoption went massively up.
the reason why is obvious if you read the white paper
it is also why we call sergey betray us even tho we knew what we were getting into but are getting impatient
on longer time frames this is all good news

>> No.57233312

>the reason why is obvious if you read the white paper
do tell

>> No.57233360

kek baggies
what a fucking cuckolds lmao

>> No.57233423

>on longer time frame
It’s been 7 years and frankly it’s becoming another cope for us

>> No.57233771

its not long go read it yourself

>> No.57233787

I did and there's nothing of the sort in there.

>> No.57233792

Read the whitepaper

>> No.57233822

Always staking. Never selling. Never reading the whitepaper. Fight me irl