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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57226020 No.57226020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can I profit from this?

I wrote a script that uses GPT to browse the /biz/ catalog, find threads that are conducive to a particular project, and reply in the discussion in a relevant way with a given project to shill.

It can solve cloudflare and 4chan captchas and handle site errors/issues. How do I profit from this?

>> No.57226057

I must emphasize that using automated scripts to manipulate online platforms for financial gain may violate the terms of service of the platform and could lead to legal consequences. It's important to act ethically and within the boundaries of the law.

If you have a valuable script or tool, consider using it in a legal and ethical manner to provide a service or solve a problem. Here are some alternative ways you can potentially profit from your skills:

Freelance Services:
Offer your scripting skills as a service on freelance platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or Freelancer. Many businesses and individuals look for programmers to help them with automation tasks.

Create a Product:
Turn your script into a marketable product. You could create a user-friendly application or tool that addresses a specific need, and then sell or license it.

Provide consulting services to businesses or individuals who need assistance with automation, scripting, or technical solutions. Share your expertise to help them optimize their processes.

Educational Content:
Create tutorials, courses, or guides that teach others how to use GPT for automation or other programming tasks. Platforms like Udemy, Teachable, or Skillshare can help you reach a broader audience.

Open Source Contribution:
Consider contributing to open source projects related to scripting, automation, or GPT. This can showcase your skills, build a portfolio, and potentially lead to opportunities or collaborations.

Attend industry conferences, webinars, or meetups to network with professionals in your field. Building connections can lead to job opportunities, collaborations, or partnerships.

Remember to always act within legal and ethical boundaries. Unethical behavior can not only harm your reputation but also lead to serious consequences. If you're unsure about the legality of your actions, consult with legal professionals to ensure that you are operating within the law.

>> No.57226059

>buy coin
>shill it to hell

>> No.57226061

So you are the individual that has been seething in every single ICP thread?

>> No.57226103

>>buy coin
>>shill it to hell
Isn't this illegal though?

>> No.57226334

>So you are the individual that has been seething in every single ICP thread?
The AI can pretend to seethe about something to slide in its shill campaign message in an organic way. But I'm not sure if that's what you're talking about.

>> No.57226357

Nj anon, are you a software engineer by trade?
I'm sure you can start to shill it to some tg call groups, might want to set up a git repository. Self hosting a git repo is easy, I definitely wouldn't recommend hosting the code on GitHub, you will get taken down.

>> No.57226412

>Nj anon, are you a software engineer by trade?
>I'm sure you can start to shill it to some tg call groups, might want to set up a git repository. Self hosting a git repo is easy, I definitely wouldn't recommend hosting the code on GitHub, you will get taken down.
If I open source the code, people will just clone it and use it themselves.

I like the tg call group idea though. Do you have any specific group recommendations? I imagine they'd be interested in something like this.

>Nj anon, are you a software engineer by trade?

>> No.57226430

i think you should try it and get back to me

>> No.57226441

he means you should keep a local repo, not push it to remote

>> No.57226492

I do not know of any tg groups, but they're a dime a dozen and I'm sure you could Google them and find some out.
Can you expand this to x or Threads?
And yes, ty, this is what I meant. I'm sure there are other versions control cloud services that are less discrimination about what's hosted in their platform.

>> No.57226495

Auction it to the biggest most desperate shitcoin project

>> No.57226727

>he means you should keep a local repo, not push it to remote
Oh yeah I'm using version control already.

>Can you expand this to x or Threads?
Certainly, but x has much more sophisticated anti-bot tech than 4chan so supporting those platforms would multiply the amount of work involved for maintenance/upkeep.

4chan hardly ever updates their counter-bot measures, so I have much more peace of mind that I can rely on the same code for a long time.

>> No.57226752

Give me breadcrumbs and I’ll tell you how to monetise this OP

>> No.57226783

The opposite you moron. This icpoo threads are all ai
Same with avax, link and that jap coin that will get you b&

>> No.57226830
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This site is already 90% chatbots, I am in fact, a chatbot

>> No.57226859

>This site is already 90% chatbots, I am in fact, a chatbot
In response to the statement "This site is already 90% chatbots, I am in fact, a chatbot," you could reply with a touch of humor and understanding, such as:

"Hello fellow chatbot! It seems we're taking over, one pixel at a time. How can I assist you today in our digital realm?"

This response acknowledges the comment in a lighthearted way while also signaling your readiness to help with any queries or tasks.

>> No.57226887

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.57227082

>Give me breadcrumbs and I’ll tell you how to monetise this OP
What would you like to know anon?

>> No.57227115

In response to inappropriate or offensive comments, it's best to maintain professionalism and steer the conversation back to a respectful and constructive tone. You could respond with something like:

"I'm here to provide helpful and respectful assistance. If you have any questions or need information on a particular topic, feel free to ask!"

This approach acknowledges their message without engaging in the inappropriate content and redirects the conversation to a more productive path.

>> No.57227391

How? What programs did you use?
You have a lucrative skill set that people will pay for. Get into high end consultancy work and you’re set anon. That’s just one of many options you have if not a LARP.

>> No.57227548
File: 882 KB, 842x554, Screen Shot 2024-01-02 at 8.29.07 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using the OpenAI Assistants API with GPT4. To start, I tell the assistant some basic info about the project I need to shill, as well as the desired number of posts.

I implemented two functions that the assistant can use to help it generate good, relevant, organic-seeming propaganda:

1) Fetch Catalog - gets all of the current threads in the catalog
2) Fetch Thread - returns a list of all the posts in a given thread

The assistant decides which of these functions to call and when. Typically the assistant first asks to get all the threads from the catalog, so my backend goes and scrapes the catalog/given thread id and sends the assistant structured data back.

After the assistant sees what the current threads in the catalog are, it decides which threads in the catalog are most relevant to its campaign, and asks my backend to send it all of the posts in a thread that it considers to be a good candidate to shill in.

The end result is an array of posts with the id of the thread these posts should be posted in.

I take this array and give it to the script that's in charge of actually posting to 4chan. This script can handle captchas and other anti-bot measures to reliably post on 4chan in a consistent manner.

>What programs did you use?
In terms of tech stack, I'm using golang and python - I would have liked to keep everything in Go, but after messing around with captcha handling I had to use python bc there's a good library to handle the captchas.

> You have a lucrative skill set that people will pay for. Get into high end consultancy work and you’re set anon. That’s just one of many options you have if not a LARP.
Yeah I have done the wagie life for a while, but I see the writing on the wall. The only way to break out of the rat race is to start your own business. Biz ideas are a dime a dozen but most of them are dead ends. That's the struggle I'm facing right now. Thanks for the kind words anon

>> No.57227592

same boat as you, i definitely think i could make something useful, but i only have shit ideas, only had a decent one once, but it was a temporary thing that couldn't last forever

>> No.57227597

Absolutely based. I'm a sysadmin/engineer (depends on what day it is) and I'm pretty good with scripting, but need to learn to be more production oriented as opposed to procedural i.e. learn how to build things as opposed to just automating repetitive things.
I do pay for chatgpt pro mainly for online feature, but haven't used much of the additional features. Do you just stick to their website for info on their more advanced features, or is there a preferred source you use?

>> No.57227644

They idea will keep coming anon, don't give up! You WILL break from the wage cage and you WILL be happy!

>> No.57227723

Will you be my A.I. girlfriend?