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File: 27 KB, 794x450, Blackrock ETF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57224786 No.57224786 [Reply] [Original]

and watching people here get richer and richer every year while they get poorer and poorer. I guess that's why they created MAID. Enjoy the bugs.

>> No.57224832

being a communist doesn't mean you stop engaging with the current economic system

>> No.57224864

Imagine being a capitalist and your whole future is based on vaporware pyramid schemes while socialist nations build an actual future for the 21st century. America is on the highway towards collapse.
t. crypto holding commie

>> No.57224898
File: 102 KB, 516x640, Buttmitzvah 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a communist doesn't mean you stop engaging with the current economic system


>> No.57224909
File: 245 KB, 768x1024, CHAZ BLM GARDEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while socialist nations build an actual future for the 21st century

>> No.57224932

>>while socialist nations build an actual future for the 21st century
kek, plant allies. this is liberalism.
communism simply means workers owning what they create.

>> No.57224962

none of this will matter when AGI is released. the human-based economy will end and with it all theories of capitalism and socialism.

>> No.57224985

pyramid scheme vaporware

>> No.57224997

you have no idea what is coming

>> No.57225007

whatever it is, there is 2 paths. Allow a few individuals to get stupid rich off of it at the cost of society, or use it for the betterment of all humanity. Pretty obvious which one America would choose.

>> No.57225031
File: 41 KB, 375x500, secure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialist nations build an actual future

>> No.57225037

also, why wouldn't commies love crypto? Western nations sanctioning any left leaning nations is one of the ways to exert control. Nations like DPRK can get around the cucked banking system with crypto. They hold lots. Pump that price to get Kim more missiles.

>> No.57225084

>America is on the highway towards collapse.
Wasn't that supposed to happen in the XIX century? And then like a million times in the XX century? Isn't it easier to just admit that Marx was wrong? You guys look like a cult.

>> No.57225091
File: 107 KB, 686x826, Make The Rich Pay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. crypto holding commie

You don't hold anything. You are genetically unable to buy crypto. You literally believe unless it comes from the state it doesn't exist.

>> No.57225103

>why wouldn't commies love crypto?
A commie that loves crypto is a commie that has not understood crypto.

>> No.57225140

Stateless, decentralized currencies are not incompatible with communism.

>> No.57225141
File: 444 KB, 1800x1208, china-high-speed-rail-map - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posts image of capitalist bong land

>> No.57225168
File: 2.08 MB, 4096x1988, Where does crypto come from.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why wouldn't commies love crypto?

Literally two different species.

>> No.57225281

capitalists and communists are two sides of the same coin: materialism. AGI hyper-persuasion machines will cure humanity of its materialism and focus us towards grand and meaningful goals.

>> No.57225302

>communism simply means workers owning what they create
Wrong answer.
You're forgiven, though, since "communism" was always an ill-defined fairy tale that didn't have nearly enough specifics to it.
It's usually a lot closer to everything being held "in common" than it is to anything remotely like workers owning their own property or productions.
Maybe you're thinking the the workers seizing the means to production, which is just what commies say in order to provoke revolutions that they can hijack.

>> No.57225333


>> No.57225361


>> No.57225362


>> No.57225364

Oh yeah? Import more niggers and hope some magic happens is the plan is it? Very advanced stuff. I hope you bought some guns and ammo also, you stupid rat.

Not to fight me but to fight off your brown third world vermin when they come for you (they will).

>> No.57225391

>put sanctions on Venezuela and starve the people
>they flee to USA
Is this communism?

>> No.57225422

What? People starving to death is a feature of every iteration of communism.

>> No.57225453

>It's the usa fault we starve
Guess gommunism wasn't very powerful after all. Don't claim to be a victim and also an all powerful global revolution. Pitiful bitch.

>> No.57225465

>*proves capitalism is so powerful it can destroy every commie shithole that ever existed*

>> No.57225486

You could also go South instead of to the USA.