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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 900x629, 1674978414223233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57213727 No.57213727 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/ has lost its meaning long time ago. When this used to be good source of information, now it just corrupted playground for jannies.

Do not expect to see any equal discussion about different projects, jannies have their own favorites they are pushing when they want to grow value of their bags, or they keep away, or get them banned enough time, all new promising projects so they can fill their bags cheap as possible.

Of course there are also few projects what they keep banned just because, which is really sad to see what this place has become.

As real oldfag, been here since 2004, its so funny to see how place, what used to be big anarchist middle finger here on internet, has turned to some playground for few greedy small minded retards.

When this used to be place to hear first about all good things, now you hear about them after its too late to turn that 30$ in to millions.

>> No.57213739

then leave

>> No.57213755

Left long time ago

>> No.57213756

there was no biz in 2004
it forked from /g/, after ethereum and all the other me too cryptos

>> No.57213852

>there was no biz in 2004
No shit, Sherlock?

That wasnt the point. Point was i have been here long enough to see how this was, how this has evolved.

You probably dont even remember when /biz/ front page was full of threads about new projects, including all the information from contract to tg channels and rest of that.

Whats even more confusing is how you never know if its "advetizing", what gets you banned", if you post that kind of thread with all information possible, when same time front page can have several threads about different project and no janny is not worried about advetizing.

Official thread about [coin] can be just official thread or advetizing, depending on how much jannies have invested in, or if they see it as competition.

Boring. This noncense is killing this place.

>> No.57214009

where can i go for good discussion and learning

>> No.57214042

where are you active if not here? discord? twatter?

>> No.57214043

I'm serious btw

>> No.57214049

No such place. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.57214051

I was here in 2004 and saying that is fucking irrelevant to /biz

>> No.57214057

I would pay for a decent discord

>> No.57214087

>sell in 2016
>miss bull run
>buy during AI craze in 2023
Yeah, I don't know about this anymore.

>> No.57214200

Thats the problem. /biz/ used to be place where you got all information, now you need to browse zillion reddit, tg, twatter and other platforms to find anything.

This works now only for jannies. Look at front page, full of shit.

There has been shitty threads before, but now threads are most of the time just pure zero posts.

Havent been here a while, but last time i have seen traditional "official" thread including all information was DBI threads, and even those were pushed by jannies, when everything else was banned.

>> No.57214246

I understand retard like you cant get the point, and most likely you found 4chan around 5 years ago.

>> No.57214249

this, FUCK jannies
what? that shithole improved since 08? big doubt

>> No.57214372

Use seachan

https ://sfjch-siaaa-aaaak-qarnq- cai.ic0.app/biz

>> No.57214397
File: 74 KB, 689x165, fuck jannies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It's sad what's become of /biz/.

>> No.57214437

why i'll never buy a pass ever again. fuck jannies, jannies can eat shit

>> No.57214686

/biz on seachan unfortunately is just an ICP circlejerk.

>> No.57215034

That platform is annoying.

>> No.57215064

>As real oldfag, been here since 2004
biz isnt that old. I was here the day it was created and it was a cesspool of doge memes & beggining
>When this used to be place to hear first about all good things
Never was

>> No.57215071

>memes & beggining
Meant begging
>it forked from /g/
Wrong. It forked from /b/ when it was overrun with doge threads for several weeks on end

>> No.57215112

>biz isnt that old.

No shit, Sherlock.

There is no reason to point out how you are just another retard who miss whole point.

>> No.57215538

Your point is that the original smart people posting here got tired of whiny leeching cunts like you and fuck off'd. Check yourself, what do you bring to the table?

>> No.57215593

it's the 2004 part. like he's entitled to not have to wade through shit while that is what 4chan is and has been since 2004.

>> No.57215679
File: 337 KB, 864x1920, Screenshot_20240108-014836~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is joke

>> No.57215688
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>> No.57215697
File: 194 KB, 864x927, Screenshot_20240108-020219~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ 2024

>> No.57215702

T H I S. See Kenis for reference.

>> No.57215757

Thanks all the retards that shilled this website to normies. Now, 90% of /biz are pajeets trying to scam Anons, some normie faggots trying to get spoonfeed, and a minority of trannied trying to demoralize 24/7

>> No.57215765

>Your point is that the original smart people posting here got tired of whiny leeching cunts like you and fuck off'd.

Just point out where i said that? What it has to do with fact how projects getbshut down or banned when announced over here, like it used to be innthe beginning?

You must stop eating that led based paint. My point was just to say i have been here long enough to know how this used to be.

You dont realize this; this used to be all of us laughing at normies, giving them big middle finger from here, mids, jannies and anons all together.

Now its jan nies givin us middle finger for trying to do same as all these years before, and all because they have nice eay to gaun good profits all for them self.

>> No.57215799

>Now, 90% of /biz are pajeets trying to scam Anons,

Fuck you and your pajeets, take your meds. It has been like this all the time, only things what have changed are your kind of retards repeating that pajeet mantra and jan nies who shut down all good threads. In the old days it was anons who found out innblink of anbeye if sonething was scam, now your kind of fuckfaces keep shouting that in every thread just in case because thats all you know.

>> No.57215921

Remember how here used to be official threads with all info needed? Look at those ads/banners. Not single thread about any of them, same thing was few months with that canine with hitting object in palm. It had ads, but jan nies banned everyone who was trying to make even one official thread with all info included.

This is /biz/ 2024, sand box for jan nies.

>> No.57215940

dude they let jeets shill obvious as fuk scams now on this board, and delete any good alpha. That's why most of the discussions have died. Just look at the average quality of threads now. And we have 1000 fedposts on this board daily.

>> No.57216021

>Just look at the average quality of threads now.

You cant have any quality threads if they get banned.

Just for fun, try to make canine with hitting object in its pawns-thread. Download og picture and use it. Try to include any important information including contract, webpage, tg and so on.

If by some miracle you get it through, it will get deleted and you willget banned.

Not all like that coin, i get it, but its not any pajeet rug pull. Who jan nies are trying to protect by deciding what coins are kosher and what are not? Its not about protecting anons or board, its just because for any possible reason they want to shut down some projects and support other ones they have big bags.

>> No.57216736

>DBI threads
Decent attempt at a shitcoin, but fuck them I think I lost money on it. Don't really remember this is all a blur.

>> No.57216846

>You cant have any quality threads if they get banned.
That applies to all boards now - fuck me this website is dead but the rest of the internet fucking blows. Most of 4chan is just fucking twatter screenshots or reddit colonies nowadays (/k/ might as well just be /r/NCD, /pol/ is filled with /PTG/ cancer, and the /gme/ generals on /biz/ killed the board along with the pajeet scam coins) or a few long running generals (/biz/ would be dead if /smg/ wasn't a thing).

The joke is, since this place is hurting so much you can post essentially whatever you want nowadays because jannies don't dare banning active posters anymore because they knew they went too overboard with their moderation. Most of 4chan migrated to either twatter or discord/telegram or said fuck it because unless you are posting racial slurs, you can say whatever the fuck you want and there is far more content (even if those platforms are heavily censored).

Anyhow, I am taking another break from this place and I hope this time I am finally free from this shithole.

>> No.57216883

>its just because for any possible reason they want to shut down some projects and support other ones they have big bags.
It's literally that. There are how many thousands of cryptos and you literally only see a handful of them ever discussed here. If you filtered chainlink threads you ended up filtering 50-70% of the board but the jannies let chainlink spam exist because they clearly have big bags of that shit.

Oh and I will add that even fucking reddit is dead because of their retarded decisions last year. It's crazy how much twatter absorbed reddit and 4chan's user base because of retarded decisions.

>> No.57216946

>follow this chart
>sell everything in 2019
>buy back in in 2023
does /biz/ really?

>> No.57216984

I wasn't lurking biz again til a few months ago (I'll admit I was mostly here for tte bullruns). I bought a bag of DBI and OGSM specifically because I saw jannies nuking threads about them. It sucks, and we can bitch all we want, but their greed gives a little cheat code for anyone willing to watch the threads here.

>> No.57217032

All of your screenshots are just bitching :D WOW I AM A SMART BOY USING A WHITESPACE LOOK AT ME ALSO FUCK JANNIES and then crying afterwards.
>I didn't say that
No shit :D are you not smart enough to understand what I meant by that? Also still ZERO useful sentences from you. If you really don't see what is the reason for stricter moderation policy I can't help you. But let me day this: we do not live in 2004 anymore. Lot of things have changed. /biz/ is not separated from reality around it.

>> No.57217045
File: 12 KB, 225x225, LUEshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we do not live in 2004 anymore. Lot of things have changed.
For the worse. The internet was a way cooler place back then.

>> No.57217056
File: 5 KB, 404x451, LUEshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LUEshi deserves better quality

>> No.57217067

fuuuu an anon of culture. LUE crew checking in.

>> No.57217076

5 years is a long time to spend on an image board.

>> No.57217082

Thank you Captain Obvious. Also
>whines how old times were better
>posts ASCII art as a fucking JPEG screenshot
BAKA my head for such ironic stupidity

>> No.57217120 [DELETED] 


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>posts ASCII art as a fucking JPEG screenshot
The blue GameFAQs background needed to be there. Full image is too big for character limits

>> No.57217139

Shut the fuck up you cancerous, retarded newfag. This site has been unsalvageable since you fags migrated over from plebbit years ago.

You don't know what the fuck this place was before you arrived nor do you care. YOU'RE THE NPC. YOU'RE THE NORMIE SCUM. Imagine going on fucking Discord or social media sites like Twitter and thinking you're not a fucking NPC.

You fags are the internet equivalent to retarded, third-worlders ruining first world nations with your presence. So, either shut the fuck up to lurk moar, or go back.

>> No.57217149

LUE was great. I still regret missing the sign-up (along with losing my original GameFAQs account). I wonder what it's like now.

>> No.57217181

Pretty spot-on regarding what's happened

>> No.57217203

Fourchan’s demise was inevitable once it became socially relevant. Now, virtually every board is flooded with bad actors and shills alike to disrupt its impact and scam people. The beginning of the end was Jessie Slaughter.

>> No.57217204

Hiroshima is responsible for this.
He doesn't care about the platform which is now entirely under the control of the us government.

I wish I had found out about the corruption sooner.

You will have to use the old fashioned way.
Use twitter and youtube to find real people with a proper track record, no ego and positive mindset, and who don't hide their losing trades.

>> No.57217395
File: 102 KB, 592x438, benners_prophecies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chart was made by Ohio hillbilly in 1850 based on prices of cow shit and potatoes in his local market. Anyone who follows it is a fucking retard.

>> No.57217413
File: 380 KB, 400x231, b95bf7ef-064f-461d-a864-fee7deb306bb_text.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this used to be good source of information
>different projects
>promising projects
there is Bitcoin and then there's all the rest

>> No.57217416

This was never a place to hear about good investments, that's just a weird rumor that redditors think about us. The signal to noise was always about as bad as it is. OP is probably some shitcoin merchant mad that jannies have been deleting his shitcoin thread.

>> No.57217435


I agree bro. It's no longer the same.

>> No.57217513

Well put.

>> No.57217545


>> No.57217548


Ordinals have been making more gains than anything for a year and I've literally never seen a single brc20 thread on this god forsaken board

>> No.57217627

back to plebbit, spacing faggot. you're an imposter. /biz/ is comfy stop shitting this board up with jeet tier threads.

>> No.57218447

Jannies scam you because you allow them to.
Copy-paste a website with CIA grade trackers and get ready to knock at the door and have some tea with biscuits with one of the 4chan moderators then through that 1 mod dox them all. You'll become a billionaire.
Only a retatd who doesn't understand the value of /biz/ janitor and moderator personal information would not pay bate minimum 2000$.
The janitors and moderators type with emoticons and shittalk you like Runescape toddlers and bots. But this is real fucking money we're dealing with here. Not Jimmy's 1day lunch money. If you can't see the difference between a janitor deleting your post on /tv/ and a post on /biz/ that would have made you a millionaire then you deserve to be the toddler's bitch.

>> No.57219852

>I bought a bag of DBI and OGSM specifically because I saw jannies nuking threads about them

It was ridiculous how jannies pushed DBI

>you really don't see what is the reason for stricter moderation policy

Yeah, tell me what is reason? Who they are protecting when they shut down and ban discussion about canine with hitting object in pawns? Strict moderation policy is just excuse, and you are obviously mentally handicapped if you dont see it.

>But let me day this: we do not live in 2004 anymore.

No shit, Sherlock? Did i say that? Did i say i WISH we would be living 2004? No, it was just something for n00bs like you to let you know i have seen long enough how this was, and how this is now. To give a hint i can tell difference. It was just something to let you know i have been here before you open your mouth and blame me newfag, which usually is that first one from retards like you who have hard time to understand point of thread, and are picking totally irrelevant information which they argue about.

Just like you do, and have done all this time.

>All of your screenshots are just bitching :D WOW I AM A SMART BOY USING A WHITESPACE LOOK AT ME ALSO FUCK JANNIES and then crying afterwards.

And you claim there is reason for "strict" moderation, but cant explain why i get two day autoban for trying to get through that post i had to make screencap? I get banned for typing name of crypto?

Nah, you are just another retard, and more you post, more you point it out.

>> No.57219870

You are genuine IQ 70? Cant be higher than 80.

>> No.57219895

>This was never a place to hear about good investments

Still you heard here first about all of them shitcoins what could turn 20$ to million.

You used to hear, not anymore. Now they get released after jannies have bought them with cheap price and first pump is befind. Just like kenis. You are retard if you dont see that.

>> No.57219920

>back to plebbit, spacing faggot. you're an imposter.

Only newfag thinks spacing is from reddit, when in fact it was taken from 4chan to reddit during 2005-2007 /b/ holocaust wars; people made so long posts spacing was more than usefull.

Today, anyone using "spacing" as an argument, its just easiest way to spot genuine newfag.

>> No.57219939
File: 3.36 MB, 4160x2773, 52899816545_5cc3d93523_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board never had meaning

>muh chainlink
chuds fell in love with chainlink due to the schizo memes around saturn and cults.

i attended the last smartcon and i got very disappointed to meet the real ChainlinkGod or Ken or any of the other "Link Marines". You are all midwits that got played into thinking a 2017 ICO token would have any future

>> No.57220148

>chuds fell in love with chainlink due to the schizo memes around saturn and cults.

Retards like you are cancer of this board. This thread is not about LINK or have any special connection to LINK.

>> No.57220156

>cancer of this board
this board survives thanks to the cancer that is Chainlink.

>> No.57220172

2024 will have a massive crypto pump for purposes of raising election and cheating funds.

>> No.57220272

it died before the jannies got obviously corrupted
back in the summer of defi 2020 this place got overran with all manners of filth because of the obvious reason, then in 2021 it got real bad with every indian village sending its finest
at this point it became near impossible to distinguish the gem from the curry not in the loo, after that came the total janny corruption

the point is that due to pure darwinism and survival of your capital people stopped using this place to find low mc coins so the alpha generators and seekers were gone first
right now biz is either a place to discuss general macro, large cap coins or counter trade whatever the jannies allow to swamp the board
thats the joke of it all all the effort of the tranny janny is just signalling when the rug is about to happen and get out if you were in

most of the old brigade also made it enough that they dont care about low mc projects anymore and the market evolved where last cycles large cap is still a good choice right now
to my knowledge their exists no place where you can have real small projects discussion but then i was thrown out of the biz discord for inactivity so no idea if thats still good

>> No.57220279
File: 17 KB, 554x554, 1704081722138356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao no you didn't. You're still here, nigger

>> No.57220290

Yes this place is dog shit compared to the past
It's really no help at all

>> No.57220302

>near impossible to distinguish
Not really.

>> No.57220354

That's a good example of how shit this place is

>> No.57220373

>Most of 4chan migrated to either twatter or discord/telegram or said fuck it
must be saying fuck it, cause the unique dynamic this place use to have cannot be replicate on non anonymous places
twatter is absolute garbage, do you ever check the comments there, so there is no discussion just its the go to communication channel for official news from projects and such
most discord/tg suffers from the same ego politics that 4chan was supposed to stop, now do you know of some hidden promised land there, cause i certainly never found it and despite all its many flaws this place still is the best there is
dont forget it always was digging for diamonds in a mountain of shit

and at least the heavy handed janny got booted, remember when even cybercafe brazil anon got banned and or posting any picture of hunter schafer fully clothed so safe for work would result in an instaban because him passing triggered the tranny janny so hard it was seething uncontrollably with rage, so at least its a step in the right direction one is allowed to post funny things again here
i am still undecided if it really was demoralizing fedposting to disrupt all entrepreneur threads or if there werent enough of alpha posters present to sustain them

>> No.57220476

yeah ok thats true you didnt need too much skill to spot the curry
i should have rephrased it, i meant the amount of shit being thrown on here daily was getting too great to efficiently sort through to find the gems
it wasnt that suddenly the jeets smelled less of curry it was that their presence was so great the whole board became a curry dish

>> No.57220531

>it got real bad with every indian village sending its finest
>at this point it became near impossible to distinguish the gem from the curry

/b/ was never good if you think about amount of scam threads, but atleast everything got through. Power of /biz/ has been always that hivemind what reveals pretty much every possible flaw about any new project.

Also, you used to see frontpage full of official threads, scam or not, with every possible info included beginning from contract. You dont see any of that anymore.

You cant prevent people trying to scam, no matter how much you moderate, but this should be as it was, good source to browse different threads and making your own decision about what you are interested.

Its also pure shit when board, what should be for discussion about all buisness and crypto, have bunch of no no names you are not allowed to even mention; what is so dangerous about those tokens? Nothing, some names are banned only because some jannie decided to ban it. There is no other reason.

There should be no banned names for any crypto.

>> No.57220597

fuck this graph
the market went ballistic in 2019

>> No.57220623

>fuck this graph
>the market went ballistic in 2019

Its for atraction, not for starement, retard.

>> No.57220635

esl moment

>> No.57220657

>There should be no banned names for any crypto.
i fully agree with you here, but that time is gone forever
also look at the other part of my post, most people here made it far enough along the path they are happy with the big projects and dont bother with shitcoins anymore
hivemind is still the best to discuss macro, the threads were buried in shit but for the past year /biz/ outperformed all the big money analysts on fucking macro something we didnt even acknowledged until jan 2022 and didnt know jack and shit about, yet the hivemind triumphs, helps too that nobody is paying to shill macro discussion as you cant pump and dump the US10Y or DXY

>> No.57221299

Yep never once have I seen a STX thread

>> No.57221677

yep ive been banned for "advertising" coins that went 2x-5x after my posts. meanwhile theirs other shitcoins all over the board that dont get banned. love how the jannies let the demoralization threads go to the top, shits fucked up

>> No.57221740

that came way later noob. assblaster put us on. please go back to redit.

>> No.57222820

>but that time is gone forever

Says who? What makes it so permanent?

>also look at the other part of my post, most people here made it far enough along the path they are happy with the big projects and dont bother with shitcoins anymore

"Most people" is only in your head. Who are you, or anyone else, to say what makes them happy or what they want to see? Its all in your head.

>yep ive been banned for "advertising" coins that went 2x-5x after my posts. meanwhile theirs other shitcoins all over the board that dont get banned. love how the jannies let the demoralization threads go to the top, shits fucked up

This is the problem. I got even banned for trying to post reply on this thread, on my own thread, by mentioning some word what is on banned list. I still have no idea what word it was.

>> No.57222869


>they are happy with the big projects and dont bother with shitcoins anymore

Not true. Cant say about others, but i still want to be first one to hear about any shitcoin what can turn 20$ to million.

You can have those "real projects", fuck them, im here hunting any possibility to make money, i dont give a fuck if some crypto might make me cup of coffee 5 sec faster.

>> No.57223041
File: 416 KB, 1000x955, Slice-of-Paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when there were genuine money making threads /biz/ threads on /g/ [idgaf if you don't know how the old boards were] not just shitty pajeet scam coins

Seriously, every fucking thread is just scam coins, people that are trying to pump their bags because they bought at the peak [xrp et al], gay precious metal schizo that think the economy will collapse and turn into the dark ages, or stock market generals were people think they the next warren buffet with their shitty stock tips

[reddit space]

Take a look at the catalogue, almost every threads sucks balls
>No real money making advice
>No niche Machiavellian money making ideas
>No advice on careers
>No insider tips
>Not even fucking meme-ing about your career/major

I only come here out of sheer habit when I open 4chan, and 8/10 times the threads that are alive all suck so I don't even bother to stay here

Before you reply to me saying biz[even on g] always sucked, you're 100% wrong. I made a lot of money following the blogspot money making method and I had atleast 250 other oldfags as fellow subscribers/followers that game'd Google Adsense.

Shit used to be so cash

>> No.57223322

how to tell me you are poor without telling me you are poor

>> No.57224161

And your point is?

>> No.57224343

Sorry, forgat this board is only for rich anons like you who are looking serious projects from 4chan.