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57205910 No.57205910 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I go on social I media I see tons of people my age (early-mid 20's) with nice houses, cars, taking expensive vacations, motorcycles, etc...
what the fuck did I do wrong

>> No.57205924

The people you see on social media are the top 0.1% unironically, don't worry about them, the average early-mid 20s person is working in shitty retail or similar jobs

>> No.57205933

If you are a college educated white male, hard working and slightly smarter than your peers, also not a sperg than you should be making 200k a year easy. After that what you do with your money is your decision but if you invest wisely you should be a millionaire. Also it should be noted if you had any social media presence or just an internet connection really, it was easy to get a side hustle going,

>> No.57205935

>everytime I go on social media

>> No.57205997

You can get a decent 2nd hand motorcycle for 1k

>> No.57206055

>what the fuck did I do wrong
You went on social media you fucking NPC normie faggot reddit loser go back. Fuck I hate you blue pilled retards.

>> No.57206066

>muh blue pill/red pill

the crazy part is you don't even realize how cringe this comment is

>> No.57206089

What is not crazy or surprising is you failed to understand the depths of my comment or take the sage advice within but just read it on the surface level like the NPC faggot zoomie retard you are. Go back.

>> No.57207074

poor people aren't going online and flexing themselves being poor

>> No.57207102

The whole point of social media is to make your life appear more glamorous that it really is. Don't make the mistake of assuming everyone lives like that. And even the high earners who have very nice things have probably gone into debt up to their eyeballs to get them.

>> No.57207118

Don't set standards from the internet. It's the male equivalent of those 5/10 girls who genuinely think they can and probably will get their 6'6" decamillionaire husband. Instead, look away from this computer monitor, stop for a moment, and think about your life. Think about where you're living; think about how most days are spent. You have to stop and really look at your life to determine what it is you actually want. Other people and their lives should not dictate what you want.

>> No.57207120

>social media
unless it's a celebrity they're mostly larping(in heavy debt).

>> No.57207132

How does most people living like shit suppose to make us feel better that there are rich assholes living the high life

>> No.57207135

>you should be making 200k a year easy.

>> No.57207145

None of it is owned. They're all in reckless debt.

>> No.57207146

They just have a lot debt

>> No.57207153


Should learn to be content with what you have and care less about what other people spend their money on. Also, worth mentioning that you are the rich asshole to the other 80% of the people on this planet. Just something to think about.

>> No.57207249
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I'm at 150k at my job, but I make an additional 100k in my investments each year

>> No.57207251

You know top 5 percent make that much right

>> No.57207391

It's not representative because you're not seeing random photos from random people in their twenties. People are more likely to post impressive and flattering photos.
Beyond that, it could be due to good luck, trickery (e.g. the nice car is rented or his uncle's), family money, irresponsible amounts of debt, advertising, or prostitution.

>> No.57207644

rich =/= wealthy. Most people spend everything they have on appearance. Wealth is hidden, its invested, its saved, its humble and modest. Sure, they may make a lot, but when the margins of what you have materially and what ability you have to continue to grow are next to none, you will be outpaced by people making much less than you.

Believe it or not, alot of those people with nice houses and nice cars are in the same boat as the people in 1 bed apartments with a beater car and a low wage. They're no more apt to deal with a layoff or major emergency that puts their income at risk for more than a few months than the other and likely aren't equipped to retire well or young either.

>> No.57207728

average white guy in his 20s makes 80 a year

>> No.57207791

You realize social media is fake, right?

>> No.57207910

I work with a bunch of 20 something's who make around 50k. They dress to impress and get their Starbucks every morning. I make double and feel poor af. I'm worried for these dumb kids

>> No.57207920

Oh and I drink office coffee and wear tshirts because I've reached an age where I don't give a fuck

>> No.57207978


>> No.57207979

It's literally all just high end escorts and gay guys with rich parents. That's all it fucking is. It's so tiresome.

Yeah, and a lot of them end up getting robbed or kidnapped because of how stupid they are posting their entire lives on social media.

>> No.57208005

There is literally nothing worse than a woman that think's she an 8, but she's really a 6. You just feel sorry for them.

>> No.57208041
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I'm 26.
A third of the people my age that I know make $200-400k
A third are still at college
A third are low-tier wagies who live with their parents and spend all their money on travelling and other bullshit.

>> No.57208102

I have told people who I know are well off that I have zero debt and, more than once, been surprised how they seemed jealous of my measly 60k/year living

>> No.57208118

so the average is 200k these days

>> No.57208119

thanks anon appreciate this post

>> No.57208140

If they're really good looking, then they are probably Only Fans whores, escorts, or influencers of some sort, perhaps a combination of both. Otherwise they're probably in massive debt or faking it. The exception would be someone who actually made it.

>> No.57208154
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It’s literally not true stop letting larping retards demoralize you

>> No.57208159

Every time they post a photo of them on vacation eating a fancy meal, notice how you never see any photos of the person taking their photo. That's because it's the old sugar daddy and his saggy balls that's taking the photos of them loll

>> No.57208233

I can also vouch for this. I'm the guy with the saggy balls taking the photo

>> No.57208267

Exactly. Sugar "dating" is surprisingly more common than you'd think. All women are whores.
t. knower

>> No.57208389

As I've gotten older and more successful I've learned to embrace the simplicity of women. Don't judge them for their ways. They're such emotional creatures they literally change their morals and values from day to day

>> No.57209345
File: 451 KB, 1108x598, IMG_8446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like you
And you

And you

who casually post
> i make X amount a year
Like its nothing or say
>my investment makes X amount
Like its nothing

Should be forced to say what they do for work and what “investments” they have.

Because we all know when you type some stupid shit like
>i invested in microsoft!

We will know that in fact you didint make 100k last year. Nor the year before that. Because youre a filthy liar.

And we see that microsoft is in fact exactly where it was now as it was 2 years ago

Also, youre a FAGgOT larper

>> No.57209363

I dont even care what females think anymore. I just go about my business and focus on my life and enjoy my hobbies and passions.

>> No.57209528

I just wish I could get some stable (internet?) income that's around $1-2k per month, this would be enough in my Eastern European shithole but every internet thing seems to be a scam nowadays.

>> No.57209571

Would you do remote work for call center?

>> No.57209580

Maybe don't spend 20 hours per day on a Peruvian forum for handcrafting straw hats and you would also make some money?

>> No.57209583

no, i have a speech impediment and that will be replaced by AI long before i would be able to save any money from that

>> No.57209871
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kinda dis. the successful ones come from rich families. every other youtube or tik tok faggot fakes being rich 24/7 like those island boy, clickbait, incest faggots.

>> No.57210682

being born to the right or wrong class

>> No.57210708

I'm at about 214 in software right now because I chose to go the university route. But good job riling the brokies up.

>> No.57210740

Wise brother, you are correct.
Many don't understand that it is a demoralization and social engineering campaign. They know what they are doing when they put low IQ and low skill people in rich and famous places. It's all conditioning to get you to be a slave and follow the stars.

>> No.57211145

Yea of americans. Now exclude non whites. Now exclude women. Now exclude people without a bachelors degree. The next three parts don't have official data so just exclude the bottom half for all three traits and yea (who are already college educated white men) and yes most those people will be making that much money. Its like you people need a guide just to read posts on here.

>> No.57211219

they're taking loans and paying by credit card

>> No.57211344
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>Every time I go on social I media
You answered your own question

>> No.57211445

They have better parents than you. If your parents are rich life is ez, if your parents are poor or have boomer brainrot your life will always suck. Sorry zoomie that's just how it is.

>> No.57211452

95% making that much are over 50 years old. Your posts are gay and retarded, you should kys.

>> No.57211468

shill liar you got everything handed to you from your parents otherwise you would explain how you can get 200k a year instead you just write drivel on how everyone is supposed to make 200k a year or you are poor
tell me why it's good to be rich in america
why is it good to be rich in america?
do you know why it's good to be rich in america??

>> No.57211488

>Maybe don't spend 20 hours per day on a Peruvian forum for handcrafting straw hats and you would also make some money?
you're all so fucking retarded when it's a basket weaving forum and someone I know is employed 140k a year as a professional artist basket weaver, why do you go on an anime website to say it is more than an anime website?

>> No.57212668
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School teacher

Own BTC and rental property in another state

Why are you so angry?

>> No.57213240

>How does most people living like shit suppose to make us feel better that there are rich assholes living the high life
Who gives a fuck about how you feel? You have to be good, get good or die trying.
t. someone working to get good.

>> No.57214533

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