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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 256 KB, 1317x1351, Hbar Marketing facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57202335 No.57202335 [Reply] [Original]

Someone fud me on Hedera (Ticker: HBAR). It sounds too good to be true.

>> No.57202363

>fud mining thread
there is no fud, just seething pakis who know their shitcoin will become obsolete. hedera and btc are all thats needed everything else is a worthless shitcoin. cap this.

>> No.57202433

high inflation, so you'll get rekt long-term holding. nobody uses the chain.

>> No.57202513

basically all the problems of solana (centralized, high inflation) with no users and no real dapps/projects

>> No.57203051

What's so good about it?

>> No.57203199

It has an infinite supply, and the VC founders currently hold 85% of the circulating supply. Have fun getting dumped on in perpetuity by the likes of Blackrock, Microsoft, SoftBank, and Saudi Aramco.

>> No.57203209

It has a capped supply of 50 billion so no longer and is at 33 billion circulating so the worst in can inflate is another 40%. Your fud is midwit tier

>> No.57203287

it doesnt have an infinite supply...

>> No.57203566

ALGO & HBAR are last cycle coins that didn't even pump unlike LINK & ICP. Also, I literally have no idea what HBAR does.

>> No.57203585

LINK - not needed JSON/REST coin. Kicked off this cycle, thank you Serfat.
ICP - distributed anon cloud hosting, except centralized and useless. Helped keep cycle going, thank you Dominic (she/her)
ALGO - no one uses, didn't pump, wasted all money on Hillary cameo, Trans
HBAR - I literally have no idea, I know baggies sold houses to buy at .6

>> No.57203772
File: 2.86 MB, 3266x3474, 114866936_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no limit on supply, lemon himself said they can just create more tokens. First they'll dump their current reserves on the market though

>> No.57204880

-20% lol...
Have some insider info, hbar spidey is a sell signal
Maybe heh
Love u

>> No.57204936
File: 7 KB, 250x250, IMG_0540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they’ve moved on from shitting on fantom trannies
>they brag about hiring half of Mumbai
So this trash is barely up 2x from October, meanwhile based mango chads up 5-10x from that same time frame.

>> No.57206118

it makes cryptobros into r/buttcoin, if that doesnt make you bullish then idk.

>> No.57206285
File: 586 KB, 320x293, 3209898090909097878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57206529
File: 5 KB, 148x137, images (37).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But buttcoin bros won't ever love us because dlt plugins won't ever be used in the new interoperable digital infrastructure being built everywhere because they just won't ok

>> No.57206603

Does this have any differentiating characteristics at all?

>> No.57206902

Xsauce now higher than Hbar... the run will be fantastic as hbar price increases and TVL increases on Sauce.

>> No.57206919

They will always have sauceinu

>> No.57206993
File: 116 KB, 1638x525, grelllfff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a $GRELF world now. Sauceinus pump was fake and propped up by sauce doing a 7x in price, enjoy being dumped on by a "general council" on a fucking shitcoin lmao.

>> No.57207035

It's made me sad to hold for years. Maybe it will at some point make me happy, but I expect I'll look at it comparatively as opportunity cost.
I did a lot of research a couple years ago maybe and bought a lot, and then the market dumped and hbar has just been unimpressive and unresponsive to every piece of good news. It feels LINK tier in the hand.

>> No.57208325

yes it does

>> No.57208529

Yes, the globo-homo shitcoin will surely make you a bazillionaire.