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57197128 No.57197128 [Reply] [Original]

realize you were being scammed? Btw the advocates are taking an absolute beating on twitter

>> No.57197134

Icp makes chainshit obsolete

>> No.57197141

For me the first red flag was when they deleted the Lady Luck post. But then I confirmed the scam with the 2022 CCIP announcement. Sergey announced it knowing full well there was 100% chance of no release. Sickening

>> No.57197140

ironically the paid fudders make the best advocates

>> No.57197144

fudcucks basically did the equivalent of a full time job this entire past year fudding every single day, creating dozens of twitter fud accounts, not just raid fudded on twitter but screenshotted their tweets and then did the same on /biz/, endlessly airplane mode on and off to switch IPs just to fud on /biz/ as much as possible, collected and arranged hundreds of gay sissy cuckold images just so they can post more fud etc etc.
just look at this thread, now they are screenshotting /biz/ posts, posting them on twitter and then screenshotting twitter posts of these /biz/ posts back on /biz/ again lmao. literal full time job slaves

all that and STILL they just watched early access get filled in mere 5 hours lmao

>> No.57197151

Ok but stick to the topic, when did you realize it was a scam

>> No.57197168

is advocate your new keyword? seeing it around past couple days

>> No.57197186

>the advocates are taking an absolute beating on twitter
I don’t care about advocates and I don’t care about twitter.
And I also don’t give a flying fucking shit about chainlink.
Just stop spamming, PLEASE.
It’s been years of this shit

>> No.57197215
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>even trx is beating link

>> No.57197253

Seems like you care. When did you realize the scam tho

>> No.57197264

>le conspirathy

Cringe. Dont take it out on me that your cult leader cucks you

>> No.57197270

It's the fudcuck analog to the marines' "Bulgarians", though they've been saying it for about a year now. It's the hairbrained idea that someone is being paid to shill LINK on the most hated site on the internet. I mean, it makes more sense that you'd come here to try to get people to sell rather than to buy because this place has been a stronghold of LINK support since the ICO. So shills would essentially be preaching to the choir. Bulgarians, on the other hand, might actually convince some nulinkers to sell, which they're trying their damndest to do. But as the pasta pointed out already in this thread, the pool still filled in less than 5 hours, so it doesn't seem like it's working on anyone but the newest fags.

>> No.57197280

3 fully staked wallets. Never selling. Link is the safest/smartest investment in crypto.

When did you realize you're a tranny?

>> No.57197548

>tfw too smart to make money
THE gme of crypto

>> No.57197592

lol one of the WORST investments in crypto over the last 3 years

>> No.57197605

I think you're scamming me right now by generously putting your free time into demoralizing linkies.

>> No.57197620

sophomore year of high school

>> No.57198098

awww adem the cumbrain and apeyieldrugaddict's pet dog / lackey thing is trying to make an attention begging thread of his own now
so cute!

>> No.57198226

But CLL literally offers people the opportunity to become an advocate on their website?

>> No.57198721

So you dont wanna answer the question do you? Just let us know when you knew buddy, its not that hard…

>> No.57198729

Lmao culties are so broken they dont even realize the advocate title is created by their own cult. Hahahahahaha THE cuckolds of crypto

>> No.57198906


surpassing gme and xrp delusion

>> No.57198950

Link will win

>> No.57198955

Kek baggies
>Jan 1, 2021
BTC: $29,125
ETH: $750
LINK: $12.25
AVAX: $3.66
DOGE: $0.005
MATIC: $0.02
SOL: $1.50
BNB: $37.14
ADA: $0.17
TRX: $0.02

>Jan 1 2024
BTC: $45,000
ETH: $2,380
LINK: $15.75
AVAX: $42.25
DOGE: $0.09
MATIC: $1.01
SOL: $111.20
BNB: $318.09
ADA: $0.62
TRX: $0.10

>> No.57200144

i don't care. sold it all for pyth and looking to buy supra as well. Just the oracle tokens I want to hold.

>> No.57200159

These are damning numbers, linkies

>> No.57200186

Link really is a piece of shit huh . I remember buying this crap a few years ago but then quickly rotated out. Best financial decision I've ever made. And I've made several horrible financial decisions

>> No.57200195

A colleague shilled me Solana at $2 .. I looked at it and said "oh, looks like it has mooned already".

I still want to beat myself up for not selling my LINK stack and put it in Solana instead ... FUCK ME

>> No.57200218
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>> No.57200405
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Living, rent-free.

>> No.57200510

>another fud thread

>> No.57200518

do you guys think chainlinkgod will go akira mode soon and defeat these awful fudders?

>> No.57200535

Mogged by Tron and Cardano is nightmare fuel

>> No.57200603

He literally told people to diversify into other assets because it’ll take time for chainlink to be adopted. If that isn’t bearish coming from your top advocate I don’t know what is.

>> No.57200694

I'm not selling LOL

>> No.57201030

For me it was when their stall was outside the literal toilets, at SIBOS. So, 8 years ago?

>> No.57201565

>realize you were being scammed?
when I saw Sergey and Rory chasing Jussy Smullet with a noose and big macs in downtown Chicago, traumatic af.
Still all in tho.

>> No.57201583
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I want to watch linkies crash and burn. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.57201752

This faggot of fishy had to remove the title from his bio because he was being dunked on and ratioed over the last weeks lol.
When advocates get their shit pushed in they systematically block you too.
But the grift is starting to crumble, the replies to the vodafone post are hilarious. Just wait for the next massive Sergey dump to Binance for shit to really take speed.

I definitely think there is a case for a lawsuit at this stage considering CLL has completely hollowed out the token utility, that they promoted notorious scammers (Celsius, SBF, Linkpool) and that they systematically lied about releasing products to lead investors (CCIP in 2021...).

>> No.57202508
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Imagine blogging on 4channel about how your twitter crush ghosted you.

>> No.57202876

Literally sold the first link I've sold in 5 years today and it feels shit.

Just come to terms with the fact I've been married to a deadcoin for years and missing out on the market.

>> No.57202889
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>Literally sold the first link I've sold

>> No.57202936

About 2 weeks ago. Going to miss another bullrun. Unfortunately I don’t know what to swap it to. Btc, eth? I’ve already started swapping for shitcoins

>> No.57203370


>> No.57203409
File: 242 KB, 1500x1500, 1704565509097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*sprays link advocate repellant itt*
>Jan 1, 2021
BTC: $29,125
ETH: $750
LINK: $12.25
AVAX: $3.66
DOGE: $0.005
MATIC: $0.02
SOL: $1.50
BNB: $37.14
ADA: $0.17
TRX: $0.02

>Jan 1 2024
BTC: $45,000
ETH: $2,380
LINK: $15.75
AVAX: $42.25
DOGE: $0.09
MATIC: $1.01
SOL: $111.20
BNB: $318.09
ADA: $0.62
TRX: $0.10

>> No.57203451

ICP is the future. Sell your Chainshit for a real player.

>> No.57203491

Damn, imagine if you'd sold your LINK for SOL in Jan 2021 and staked your SOL and qualified for the $20,000 Jito airdrop and used some of your 50x SOL profits to buy the Saga phone and got the Saga Genesis Token which qualified you for endless future airdrops and NFT drops.