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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57190930 No.57190930 [Reply] [Original]

Net worth

>> No.57190954

net worth

Stil feel fucking terrible and lacking behind, how the fuck do you cope op?

>> No.57190959

he doesnt cope, it eats him from the inside until he is no longer

>> No.57190960

You sound depressing, kek.

>> No.57190970
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Net worth
>20k AUD
>29k crypto

>> No.57191071

are you guys also early 30s identifying as a 29 year old? I told myself I'll never acknowledge any birthday past 29

>> No.57191082
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>Pension €20,000

>> No.57191094

My man, I AM depressing. I don't understand how people that are forced to slave like me and you can be joyful

I'm actually 28 but have my birthday in 2 weeks. I fear my 30th birthday because it's attached to goals that are still far away (reaching 800k networth and having a job that I don't completely hate for example)

>> No.57191136

net worth
>$96,000 AUD

>Stil feel fucking terrible and lacking behind
This. i'm about to hit 6 figure hell and i remember back when i had 10k saved i told myself "when i hit 100k i'll feel rich as fuck" LMAO

>> No.57192712
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>net worth
>$140,000 canadian dollars

its fucking over

>> No.57192736
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Just recently found out I'd lost count at some point and I'm not really 40, I'm only 39. Feelin' good.
Only $5k net worth though.

>> No.57192742

minimum wage

>> No.57193277

I posted this before, but this is how I got to $1mil NW in around 7 years. This is after I went to college for finance, but went to a shit school and graduated with a small amount of debt. So I had some advantage but no CS degree, no family connections, and I didn't hit it big in one place.

>Until you're making $120k+ salary you should be putting max effort into your career. This doesn't mean being good at your job, it means making yourself an ideal candidate for promotion and/or job hopping. You should be targeting minimum raises of 15-20% per year and if there's no clear path to do so at your current job you'll need to start looking asap. Once you get a role with manager or director in the title things will be easier because recruiters are dumb.

>after doing this for 3-5 years you'll likely hit a ceiling. I realized to make it to the next level I needed decades of experience and/or connections. So I went to a small company that would respect my larger company experience and make me an executive/partner. Got equity, a bit more salary, and more room to grow.

>Investing is rather simple. At the start just hit employer match on a trad 401k, then 75% of your remaining savings should be put into a HYSA to save for a multi-family and 25% into risky shit if you want (crypto, etc.). Once you get a multi-family you can start taking larger risks with investing and your career since your cost of living is subsidized.

That's pretty much it. I currently have a nice distribution of wealth between my business equity, cash, investments, 401k, and property. Best part is having the subsidized living costs. If I really wanted to, we could live in my multifamily in a decent part of town with a good school for $200/month and be a barista or some shit.

Honestly though still feels rough when planning for a family and all that. Job uncertainty, inflation, housing costs if I want a larger home, shit is absolutely brutal if you want anything nice.

>> No.57193287

Net worth
>17k cash 10k car

>> No.57193304

Also I’m a virgin had a blowjob once tho

>> No.57193339

>what someone who had infinite opportunity and their hand held through early adulthood looks like
>what someone who actually had to work from the ground up on their own merit looks like
good job OP 10k before 30 is no small potatoes for someone that didn't have life fed to them on a silver spoon

>> No.57193354

start waiting tables at a reasonably decent restaurant. Its the biggest jump in salary you can make with no education or experience or training. from there you can have some hope to build a path forward. right now is the time to lock in, I would suggest school. dont waste any more time, make a plan and stick to it

>> No.57193397
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>£70,000 liquid
>£16,000 pension

>> No.57193403

Yeah, good luck ever getting a house in canada with those stats canuckbro... It's grim.

>> No.57193407
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>6 figure hell
>in AUD

>> No.57193417

>20k in crypto
>25k in cash
>no debt
>paid off car
I NEED to make it this cycle

>> No.57193428

>17k cash, 10k car

never ever ever ever EVER going to make it

>> No.57193454

200k CHF
wish i could form my own bakery and be self employed

>> No.57193523

>Net worth
>$250,000 because of a house I inherited plus 2 cars.
>Total money in the bank $2,000

Should I just sell the house and use it as leverage?

>> No.57193541

Net worth
And I'm a mechanic.
Next to doctors, I'm the 2nd to last person getting murdered during an apocalypse.

>> No.57193559

>use it as leverage
Leverage typically refers to borrowing against assets, not selling them. What do you do for work? The fact that you have a free house and only $2800 in the bank is kinda nuts.

You could definitely turn this into a bunch more in a short amount of time with a little planning and effort.

>> No.57193591

>$500k in house equity (still owe $250k)
>$30k in cash
>$75k in tech stocks (google/microsoft/amazon) honestly should probably sell these
>$450k in index funds (etfs)
>$5k in crypto (lost ~$15k gambling on shitcoins lol)

I am very lucky my parents gave me $200k for a house around 5 years ago. They also paid for my university degree. Everything else is from working my way up to a fairly high income tech job ($150k base with potential for ~$50k stock/bonus). Financially this has been a very good year for me. I just updated my spreadsheet and since October of last year my NW is up over $100k. To be fair the stock market went up ~10% since then. Kinda crazy how much it can increase just when the stock market does well.

>Also ~$250k in retirement accounts (won't touch til 65, don't really count this in net worth it's just "gravy on top")

My biggest advice is to go into big tech. The stock they give you will compound over many years.

>> No.57193630

How did you learn mechanic stuff I want to be a black finger

>> No.57193701

guess who is heading for economic collapse :) protip: you

>> No.57193744


>> No.57193828

>29 (30 in 10 days)
Net worth
Sucks to live in a highly taxed hellhole

>> No.57193842

Are you insinuating that Australia is somehow more economically stable than the US? lmao

>worse gdp both gross and per capita
>worse gdp growth
>the largest australian company would barely crack the US top 50
>Aus economy is almost entirely dependent on US and China
>GDP growth this year in Australia is less than half the US despite not tightening their QE policies as much
>all the currencies tied to your monarchy have rapidly devalued compared to USD over the past 10 years.

List could go on. Not saying we're in a good spot, but if we're not doing well you guys have been toast for a while.

>> No.57193857

Net worth

absolutely gonna make it

>> No.57193860 [DELETED] 
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>needs protection

>> No.57193874

>My biggest advice is to go into big tech.
How? Seems like it's near impossible to even get an interview unless you come from a top tier school, have connections, dei, and usually from what I've seen all of the above.

>> No.57193896

>Mortgage owner
>£209 in bank

>> No.57193905

first year I actually owe money on my return due to taxable dividends/interest

>> No.57193921

I have friends who got into super high paying jobs (from shitty schools) just by working at a small/medium tech company for 1-2 years and then leetcoding hard. If you can't get interviews straight out of school, they seem to be more willing to interview you if you have 1-2 years of experience at a smaller tech company first.

>> No.57194074

Makes sense, I'm also not really looking or applying for stuff now. Just curious really because of what I applied to in the past. Also I was applying to non-coding positions which are probably much more difficult to differentiate yourself on.

>> No.57194087

>non-coding positions
Yeah, that can be more difficult, if it's PM-type positions then some extra experience at a diff company really helps I think. Regardless, you'll make it bro

>> No.57194141

>too much of a mouth breather to see that i was talking to a brit

>> No.57194316
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I survived the early 2010's vape industry, worked with guys building stores and rewiring project tables, moved onto a company's convention team and built sets for them and wired them, then the industry tanked. Did a few odd jobs with some lighting and security crews for a few years. Walked into a position for a battery technician and they offered me a slot for working on forklifts. Took it. Now I work on the white blood cells of all the world's industries. Five years under the belt now.
All because I applied to a vape store once.

>> No.57194407

Hi safe bro

>55k in fucking untaxed crypto
>Apartment ready to pump with housing market, condolences to everyone that do not own one yet it might get rough

>> No.57194452

lots of people laugh at AUD, pretty impossible to narrow it down. Seems like they outpace you guys economically as well, over doubling your gdp growth this past year.

>> No.57194477

net worth
>$3.5 million

bought link in 2018

>> No.57194522

>feels good man

>> No.57194561

>There are incels with a networth <1 million


>> No.57194578
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>> No.57194610

>14k€ cash
>6k€ etf
I'm from east EU, so I'm europoor^2. I'm putting 1k per month into etf's now. Currently applying to burger remote jobs but I think they don't like slavoids that much...

>> No.57194619


any thirdie bros ITT?
how do you plan on making it?

>> No.57194646

>weed business equity(30% at $500k valuation)
>$40k stocks
>$30k crypto
>$15k cash

>> No.57194663

this is good because you already own a house, r-right?

>> No.57194670

19 with a 250k networth, not sure why you are so happy op

>> No.57194692

Similar situation, 28 going on 29 this year and I just hit $200k shitty Canada bucks. Don't have any hope of buying a house especially with the country seemingly in decline. Honestly thinking of getting the hell out, but I also feel like I'm getting too old

>> No.57194718

Your Aussie. You’ll be fine. How much value in real estate do you stand to inherit when your boomer/s die, be honest.

>> No.57194821

>lacking behind
Lack is the complete absence of something while lag is a delay, air go you are lagging behind.

>> No.57194905

>air go
you are lacking a brain my brother in Christ

>> No.57194926


The only reason my car is that much is it was a “gift” from my dad.

I paid 7k for it. It’s really worth 13k but I owe 3k so listed as 10k.

Unless you’re just saying I am poor, which I am.

>> No.57194959

Also I actually had to move to live alone to work a job for two years. I couldn’t save sh it because I couldn’t leech off my parents. 62k/yesr for two years got wiped.

>> No.57194961

This is a correct usage of the word lacking. It conveys absence/deficiency/void/ expect era...

>> No.57194973


>> No.57195012

>120k portfolio
>42k salary
>living rent free

how am i doing /biz/?

>> No.57195016

If you only care about money you will enver be happy no matter how much you get.
You need to focus on what you can buy for the money and appreciate that.

Whether it's to pay for a family, a house, travels, early retirement, your hobbies or just the safety of finacial stability. It doesn't matter but you need to find some reason to earn money other than just seeing a number in your bank account go up.

>> No.57195028

lacking is correct, air go on the other hand...

>> No.57195034

>being put at a disadvantage before you even start is good because... it just is okay!?

>> No.57195060

I hoped you'd catch the "expect era" as well.
And wallah, now you have learned some commonly used English phrases in their misspelled states just like "lacking behind".

>> No.57195061

>I chose the life I was born into

>> No.57195069

that is insanely impressive for your wage and age. When did you commit to financial discipline?

>> No.57195081

36 years old
I don’t know how to calculate net worth
64k in mortgage debt
Home is worth 130k
I make 1250 per month and last year made 26k
Hope to finish a worthless humanities college degree this year and hope to switch to white collar work maybe. Maybe even move from my Yuri poor country to Ireland.

>> No.57195085

based actually useful human

>> No.57195106

>less than 1k cash
>6k truck
>1.5k motorcycle
>about $20/hr wage
my life sux rn

>> No.57195117

You already won at life anon. Basically only European country worth living in

>> No.57195139

Where are all the biz millionaires?
A couple of years ago or so, there were tons of posts of people supposedly getting x100s left and right, and everyone was supposedly a millionaire

Did everyone with money fuck off outta this place?
Or were those just pajeet larpers shilling their coins before mods became much stricter here?

>> No.57195154

What are you burning that 20 an hour on?

>> No.57195191

Parents have a responsibility to their offspring and while most people agree with this very few actually apply this.

>> No.57195277

net worth
>$85k maybe $105k
>$35k pension
>$20k cash
>$30k crypto
>$20k in car (depends on if u count this)

>> No.57195296

buy a motorcycle so you can go fast while ur sad

>> No.57195331

>net worth

>> No.57195350

Are you defining giving money to your offspring as part of these obligations?

>> No.57195379

29yo, $4k networth, it burns my soul like hell, I just need decent income and not much, just 48k per year, hell even 24k per year and I would be happy

>> No.57195402

just curious what is your career and what sort of efforts have you put in to advance it?

>> No.57195438

Imagine posting your shit in a glowie datamining thread.

>over 9000 glowie tongues stored in my anus

>> No.57195534

Mechanical Engineering, Egyptian, our economy is doomed and the currency devalued many times, right now $2k equals nearly 100k EGP which 'd allow me to live comfortably like a lower middle class

>> No.57195611

Yeet everything into Bitcoin and then buy a house in 2025.

>> No.57195655

32, roughly 600k but almost none of it is liquid... got a life insurance savings account, 401k, roth ira, house equity, crypto, etc.

>> No.57195699
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Net worth

>> No.57195742


>> No.57195779

I grew up dirt poor with a single mother and 3 brothers you little fucker. I make minimum wage in taxrapistan and got to six figures by saving 60% of my shitty income by taking every extra mile I can and invest in crypto while you were probably too scared or disinterested to do so yourself, but nice coping and projecting

>> No.57196011
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Finally some real people that are being honest about their net worth in this thread. Sick of faggots larping that they have 6-7 figs, it's pathetic.

>> No.57196066
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>Anyone with more money than me is larping and anyone with less money than me is being honest.

>> No.57196230

Just curious what makes you think my post is a larp >>57193277.

I understand the feeling when people don't give specifics and say vague stuff, but what I laid out is extremely repeatable and will generate solid results.

I'm just curious what you feel is outlandish or is there anything more I could elaborate on? Idk why I care, but I kinda hope this could help someone that didn't have direction. There were many times I was super depressed and wasn't sure if what I was doing was going to pay off, and many times I almost straight up quit. But I'm glad I didn't and that I kept following my plan.

>> No.57196326

Goddamn, that's brutal. Have you tried posting on upwork and similar sites? Even small amounts of contract work at severely reduced wages compared to the US, or other higher wage countries, would smash your financial goals.

Do you have any connections or people you can reach out to in other countries? Or have you thought about searching for jobs in other industries.

Our company works with some staffing agency that puts together teams for onsite equipment repair. Essentially guys go out for 3-5 months and make $18 USD an hour puttin in 60 hour weeks to clean and repair ag equipment. I feel like a staffing agency like that would love someone with an actual technical background that they could send out as a team lead, especially if your English is good. I have to imagine there are similar opportunities in the EU.

>> No.57196369

Same question to you>>57196230

>> No.57196536

I won't pretend I've had good spending habits until now. Expenses are 1400/month so that is a lot of it. I have committed myself to financial discipline. I'm a waiter so I can't budget formulaically but I can save 100% of my income outside of expenses and an allotment for food/gas/recreation but what is left is up to luck

>> No.57196855


Most of the people I responded to have more money than me. I've just got enough common sense to know very few people on this board actually have 6 figures.

>> No.57197028

it's really not that hard, I was up 14% because of normie ETFs like VTI, VXUS, and a bit of SGOV.

>> No.57197424

You have no idea how socially stunted I am and I'm lucky to be consultant level

>> No.57197473
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Based, if only I could personally strangle to death every /biz/ LARPer who has over 50k and thinks he's depressed and hopeless knowing he's one of most privileged human to ever live

>> No.57197487

You must be pretty young.