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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57186422 No.57186422 [Reply] [Original]

There is absolutely no way this bullrun is happening. There is ZERO chance. I am in multiple discord and twitter communities and literally everyone is 100% sure of themselves that there will be a parabolic bull market in the next 18 months. I see kids joining in saying "this is my first bullrun" like it's a guaranteed thing that everyone gets to experience every four years.

We have the ETFs coming online where our owners say things like "we will tame bitcoin". Volatility will die out quickly. No big moves up will ever happen again. Think bitcoin is slow now? It will move at the pace of the S&P soon and for the rest of your life.

>> No.57186441

>It will move at the pace of the S&P soon and for the rest of your life.
yes but after institutions come in the space so there is still one last big run before it calms down

>> No.57186445

>It will move at the pace of the S&P soon and for the rest of your life.
unironically already enough to make it. that would equal 3 yearly wages of gains.

>> No.57186496

Yes, the institutions about to come into bitcoin are infamous for what they did to gold & silver when they got their ETF's (hint hint: gold & silver have been extremely stagnant over the past couple of decades, boomers are the ultimate bagholders).

Besides that OP, you're forgetting about the massive liquidity inflow into gold when it got it's first ETF. It was after the first inflow when the slow rugging started, so maybe sell BTC after it gets it's instant 5-10x from the ETF's going live?

>> No.57186524

Btcs price action will become 10 times gayer and there'll be a Blackrock gap like the cme gap

>> No.57186812

Ding ding ding ding

Fucking finally someone gets it. Can't believe the crypto scene is so red pilled but also so blind to this.

The ETF will hold shitloads of BTC, which you can't track actively as an investor allowing all kind of fuckery.

Meanwhile they will make it harder for you to hold legally bitcoin yourself. I think they will mark a lot of bitcoin of being dirty (used previously in illegal services). So you are not able to cash out or trade it for goods or services.

Do this for a while you've corned the whole BTC market. And now you can slowly dump the price of BTC.

When the price dumps the normies get out, crypto is dead and everyone moves on.

And that's how you kill an asset.

>> No.57186823

Are you going to eat that?

>> No.57186876

>which you can't track actively
You can

>> No.57187008

>5-10x from the ETF's going live?
BTC has already made 99.8% of its gains it will ever make, it has a potential 5x in from here in the next TWO bull markets. The top is likely somewhere around 100k USD + or - 10k, which is only another 100% (conservatively) from here. GLHF. Then a potential 75% pullback (diminished volatility) to around 25k and then a weak as piss bull run to less than 0.5x of the potential 2025 ATH, and this will be in 2029.
Yes there will be a bull market, NO you wont get rich holding BTC and ETH.
Financial darwinism is a real thing, in other words.
The rick/adjusted returns ARENT THE SAME.
Speculate on alts with 20-25k whilst you hold some BTC/ETH as your basic savings account, you literally have 12-16 months to do this before it gets even harder again.
Late fags don't win.

>> No.57187030

No you can't, see all the fuckery of Tether. If you want you can make it unclear af if you hold any actual bitcoin and how much you hold.

>> No.57187045

>kill an asset
Yeah, no.

The concept of this happening is just proof that crypto is a scam all the way down. It's intrinsic value is 0. Get out now.

>> No.57187050

Seethe, tranny.

>> No.57187476

no its tulip mania

>> No.57187484

The etf thing is so retarded. U can't even transfer it, no wallet. Just a paper receipt. REJECT IT GARY

>> No.57187491

People like you is why it will happen

>> No.57187497

wrong. Gold blew up. and THEN went stagnant.

thats what we’re looking at. one seismic bullrun and then its over forever.

>> No.57187500

t. sidelined & seething

>> No.57187564

I bought BTC from 23k-6k usd
ETH @ 1-6k - 1.3k usd
SOL @ 20 usd
HLM @ 2 usd
LINK @ 6 usd
This is literally all been in the last 12 months.

Have all been in the last 6 months.
I'm literally trying to help retards and newfags.

>> No.57187573

When this board and every other counter-trade indicator was calling for 8k (lol)

>> No.57187582

so true king. seethe more

>> No.57187602

Confirmed. It's actually not happening because you want us to say that it IS happening because you're obviously lying.

Thats a shame. I wish you 3rd worlders would make some money so you can buy some fucking brooms, trash bags, and paint to make your part of the world not look like shit.

>> No.57187607
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>> No.57187670

But the way they did that was force almost all volume of trade into fake paper contracts and a physical vault that is by law forbidden to audit
Btc fixes this because everyone can see the chain since its very nature means total transparency
Also unlike gold the majority of supply which is hardcapped is out in the wild they cant manipulate it like gold
They were way too late with the etf, if it launched in 2015 they could take control, not anymore

>> No.57187706

Same. For the past 3 months everywhere I look I see euphoria, from shills mostly. Especially after the fake ETF tweet. Nobody is BUYING. I haven't spoken to a single person who is actively buying. Everyone is simply not selling. So market makers can easily pump alts 3-4x. Admittedly, retail sellers who DCA'd or got lucky timing the local bottom are making some money off these pumps but market makers aren't letting them cash out to USD without dumping the price. All the real liquidity is in USDT, BTC, or ETH.

>> No.57188491

Youre fucking RETARDES if yoj think the target audiencr of ETFs want custody of the asset


>> No.57188622
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Lmao nigger, ETFs are gonna do nothing but get BTC going full parabolic, I have my money ready to scoop several things on Rango as soon as that starts happening

>> No.57188629

KEK, are niggers using aggregators still?

>> No.57188632

No shit why we hate niggers and jews but over anyone sloys

>> No.57188639
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Get your facts straight

>> No.57188641

Anon, ngmi, cope

>> No.57188694

The only reason you would hold gold is to oneday redeem it for fiat. Other than that there is no point in hoarding it or holding it. To (you) it has no value. To the buyer it does.

During times of economic crisis and panic liquidity has flown to precious metals and physical assets. Money doesn’t disappear it flows inward. That’s why after this bullrun you want to sell your bitcoin/stock profits for silver. We’re poised for an economic recession for years to come. Silver is heavily shorted to the point that after all that downward pressure. It will eventually come back to being as valuable as platinum or gold.

>> No.57189351
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Do you even know what a blockchain is, retarded nigger?

>> No.57189385
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Why are you illiterate faggots comparing a commodity to crypto currencies?

The two couldn't be more different than the other.

Holy shit this thread has the dumbest takes I have seen in a big while.

>I feel like I'm dying of ligma just by reading this drivel

>> No.57189448

I'm afraid this anon gets it.
Top is perhaps 80k this cycle and then a.decade of bear

>> No.57189515

confirmed it's over thanks anon

>> No.57189537

i say le bearish scenario therefore i am smart

>> No.57189602
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>discord and twitter
new fags pay attention
/biz/ always has been and always will be a /pol/ board. We rolled our eth into ICP.

>> No.57189670

Shoeshine boys were hawking stocks sure, but the broad markets still up 40,000% from 1924. Don’t doubt a new paradigm retard

>> No.57189732

>da heckin hedgies are short laddering da shiny rocks!
Retard. Long term market manipulation is impossible, gold has performed exactly as one would expect a mature (fully capitalized) Money with 2% annual mining inflation to perform. BTC still needs to 20x to get to Au level "boring", and even then it'll outperform as it's inflation rate is less than Au and falling

>> No.57189741

No, he doesn't get it. And neither do you.

>> No.57189773
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>Twitter doomers and Discord femboys think it's not happening
>Beoble and biz men think it's happening
I am a man.

>> No.57189796

they're delusional and/ or inexperienced kooks
you got it anon, you got it

>> No.57189861

>discord and twitter
I'm going to have to go with the crucible of /pol/ on this one.

>> No.57189888

>Meanwhile they will make it harder for you to hold legally bitcoin yourself. I think they will mark a lot of bitcoin of being dirty (used previously in illegal services). So you are not able to cash out or trade it for goods or services.
What language is this?

>> No.57189902

>mad, nervous and poor

>> No.57189927

BTC, like Au, is a Money (unit of account), not currency (transactional media), the monetary value of Money is a product of a money's "moneyness", that is, how well it approximates a perfect money. Perfect money has universal acceptance so network effect is a large fraction of a money's value, this is the cause of the OG shitcoin (Ag) fall, not manipulation, without currency demand for a poor money like silver it quickly loses all it's money value to superior Money like Au, and now Au will follow Ag on the path to industrial metal being outclassed by a still superior Money (BTC).

>> No.57189932

Whether it is or isn't, I'm sick of all the crypto "news" sources trying to make something out of nothing. "Three Coins To Invest In Today" clickbait that tells you to buy two mainstream coins and then heavily and aggressively push some literally-who token they either got paid to promote or are heavily invested in already

>> No.57189992
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; )

>> No.57190050

Look at the current narrative.
>Tucker pushing s&p instead of money managers >>57189702
>>boomers move inheritances into the s&p, drawing cash away from small/mid-caps and providing exit liquidity
>investment banks cash out and move into crypto
Insert some longer-term plan to give the nogs reparations just in time for some massive doge pump and dump in five years.
I mean... does that seem COMPLETELY unfeasible?

>> No.57190060

>>57189861 should have been >57189602 in

>> No.57190087

See above.

>> No.57190092

Fucked me up for a second, thx for the clarification. You're good anon keep spreading the truth.

>> No.57190183
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