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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57180842 No.57180842 [Reply] [Original]

The real redpill is to put every spare dollar into the S&P500 and not think about it

>> No.57180849

If your salary is high then yes, it is the best option and you can retire relatively early.
For a poorfag, not so much.

>> No.57180855

Ok Boomer skelly. Question for u, imagine this is 2000, u inject full stack in s&p here and now u wait 8 years before reaching breakeven and 10 years before getting in profit

How would it feel not making money in 10 years

>> No.57180858

Lump sum at the top like a Chad yoloswaggins

>> No.57180861

>How would it feel not making money in 10 years
I should be asking you retards that question

>> No.57180862
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i tell me what do

>> No.57180874


>> No.57180882

If you're a poorfag making minimum wage you need to work on that, not wasting your time here.

How much profit have shitcoins made you? How much time did you spend "researching" which one to gamble on which could have bene spent working? How much sleep have you lost thinking about your wealth evaporating overnight because some Indian decided to pull the rug?

>> No.57180900

Even for middle class wages the S&P is hardly worth it. Buying crypto in the bear and selling in the bull is a lot better r/r wise.
The S&P is great if you want to preserve your already built up wealth with minimal risk (especially if you dca)

>> No.57180903

Someone has been watching / reading Jordan Belfort.

>> No.57180919

>not qqq

Try harder white boomer

>> No.57180979

Next crash will last over 16 years.
If you are willing to wait until 2045 then ok.

>> No.57181016
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>USD shits itself temporarily (for a decade)
>you lose everything
>crypto tears faces off entire world for a decade until USD is fixed then has a permanent strangle on USD forever
>you trusted the fagman companies

>> No.57181033

In 2022 i had ⅒ in cash for crypto and 9/10 in stockmarket. I started buying crypto in the bottom. I have made +80% total in crypto and i still have some in cash.
Stocks are +15%
So crypto has made in same timeframe 10 times more in %
Im kinda old in this and i have spent a lot of time. I have taken more out of crypto than i have invested so my hourly income is more than just what there is now /hours used.
I can say that i have made more money /hour that i would have made and now all new money are almost free as i know stuff and i just need to apply my knowledge.

Stockmarket is made to keep normies poor and thats why jews hate crypto.

>> No.57181195
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Since when did BTC went negative for 10 years? Im not saying it cannot happen but jfl if you think sp500 is just smooth sailing.

The gains are just too low. To get rich you cannot diversify too much, thats the real redpill. You have to take gambles and win. Im personally going all in on MSTR when the premium collapses as ETF smoke is clear.

>> No.57181245

Correct. My wife and I make a combined income of $220k. Our only debt is our mortgage. We put most of our take home income into sp500 and then gamble a few hundred or maybe a thousand USD every month in crypto, namely meme coins.
Because crypto only goes up, right retard?
Very correct. If these morons spent a year or two working on themselves, getting an education, and improving their outlook on life, they'd be able to have a great career, make great money, and can make even more on crypto (without fear of going broke if it dumps). But alas, they want a get rich quick scheme.
>Just time the market bro, it's so easy
At least it's not 2 more weeks :)
Good for you, but crypto is extremely volatile. You could have lost all of it. You also bought in during a bear market in crypto, os obviously it had better rewards.
Good point, risk pays off. That much is always true whether it's real estate, crypto, or index funds.

>> No.57181585

BTC went up, most crypto investor portfolios went down. BTC is like the S&P index fund of crypto, most people here tried to beat the market and ate shit just like most investors try to beat the S&P and eat shit