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57177542 No.57177542 [Reply] [Original]

Why are some groups richer than others?

>> No.57177550

quantum fluctuations

>> No.57177561

nepotism. india n arabia learned unity really well since the egyptian era.

>> No.57177619

Governments offer stuff like subsidies and tax breaks to companies to hire the immigrants they import. If you're a natural born citizen it's tough shit if you can't get a job and it's also completely your fault.

>> No.57177651

Aren't most Mexicans California? How do they live on $43k

>> No.57177673

They under report their earnings when in reality most of them are making 100k+ a year. They basically eat for free thanks to food stamps and also receive free health care and housing.

>> No.57177713

>when in reality most of them are making 100k+ a year


>> No.57177725

they live 15 to a slumhouse

>> No.57177747

I mean before taxes, since they don't report or pay taxes to the IRS

>> No.57177750

Asiatic peoples are like that.

>> No.57177751

Higher average IQs and nepotism

>> No.57177768

Purely socioeconomic factors.

>> No.57177815

even then I doubt it

>> No.57177840

>4 indian part time uber drivers live together that barely make enough to pay their lease, food, and car payments
>higher household income than all other Americans


>> No.57177846

white people that live in houses that were given to them don't really need to work, meanwhile immigrants that don't own homes and pay rent need to work like crazy and team up in order to survive.

>> No.57178284

Access to lines of credit and resources unavailable to people outside of the group

>> No.57178387

White supremacy of course.

>> No.57178864

The most shocking thing on this list is Pinoys

Is this from Chinese Philippinos moving to the States and calling themselves Philippino?

>> No.57178871

lmao at spics and niggers

>> No.57178877

eh, he may not be far off. i think 100 is a stretch but certainly 60-80 when you factor everything such as spic bucks, spicsurance, niggerphones, spic low cost housing which they also pile 3 generations into
>t. unfortunately cali fag

>> No.57178881
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Immigrants like Jews and Indians live mostly in many cities like NYC so it will be inflated. No one from India or Israel is from a small down in Alabama.

Also, we get the best of the best in the US. Look at the IQ of Indians in India and Jews in Israel, it is in the 80s.

There is also priority of education but that is minor factor.

>> No.57178907

I work in healthcare and tons of Filipinos are RNs. If both parents work those jobs that's easily a six figure household

>> No.57178926

No it’s because a Filipino in the US is born and bred to be a nurse because their immigrant parents are nurses. They do well in school because that’s what their entire identity relies on. It’s like chinks but instead of engineering and medicine it’s just nursing - nothing else. They have connections because a cousin or aunt or uncle to them is anyone that they or their family members vaguely know but because they’re all jungle gooks livin the American dream together, they’re all family. This is where the nepotism comes in to play. Then once they finish med school they walk away with little to no debt because their family subsidized it, they have good or excellent grades because they’re essentially surrounded by free tutors 24/7, and they have 100+ connections just from existing - no networking required. I love em but I also really really hate Filipinos just because of how easy it is for them to live life on auto pilot and never have to worry about money.
>gf of 3 years is Filipino and this summarizes her family and every other Filipino I know of

>> No.57178932


Literally 60% of Jews, Indians live in places like NYC and Los Angeles.

Same with other newer immigrants. Do the math.

>> No.57178934

>med school
Nursing school*

>> No.57178940

two dozen to a 3 bedroom house with a car lots worth of trucks parked on the driveway, the lawn, the street, your driveway, your lawn

>> No.57178948

>ignores population size

>> No.57179040

What does population size have to do with ethnicity?

>> No.57179042

Only the smart ones come over. Dumb ones stay home

>> No.57179422

this, it’s selection bias. to make it out of the mass of humanity in Asia and into the U.S. takes skill, existing money, or both

>> No.57179433



>> No.57179515

Whites are rich because of systemic racism. Every group richer than whites are rich because of hard work. Every group poorer than whites are poor because of systemic racism.

>> No.57179535

>white americans are better than average americans
tis true

>> No.57179576

nope, majority of black newborns adopted by good/rich/educated white families are still low iq, there are many studies on that

>> No.57179974

as a white goy i feel personally attacked for only making 100k last year, ill make it a point to earn more than the median kike salary this year

>> No.57180166

The amount of Indians and Philips in the US has gone up by several times compared to 2013, no longer the most prepared and higher caste of those countries are the ones coming so their median household income must be way down

>> No.57180254

It's propped up by the doctors and tech workers who pull in 140-240k easy. Indians are fucking everywhere in both.

>> No.57180269

retarded white people didn't learn it

>> No.57180372

We all know why jews are top spot. So many jewish institutions that finance them in every single endeavour you could think of, that help them get ahead of their competition and then they easily get promotions thanks to nepotism.

>> No.57180379

people who move to america are already pretty rich.
meanwhile you have some groups born in america that were fucked from day 1. Now someones going to respond angrily at my point.

>> No.57180389

We did. White people were the most unified and racist demographic until the allies beat the nazis, which allowed our governments to brainwash us into fucking niggers. :)

>> No.57180394
File: 2.67 MB, 327x338, vivek ramaswamy smile.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO how can anyone not laugh at the white race seeing this. completely financially dominated by browns, jews and asians. the only reason racists on 4chan are so obsessed with being white is because at least they are not as poor as spics and niggers.

>> No.57180422

Jews are WHITE though

>> No.57180435
File: 35 KB, 604x589, black jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, sure they are

>> No.57180498

this is the answer, especially with the group at the top

>> No.57180517



Not in any particular order.

>> No.57180527

mogged general?

>> No.57180610

IQ. Jews got like 20% of Nobels in the world and they are mostly white. Many asians high on this list also make sense because literally the smartest minds of billions of asians have been moving to US for decades.

>> No.57180617

>thai americans
>indonesian americans
>phillipino americans
>taiwanese americans
>malaysian americans
all chinks

>> No.57180895

>I also really really hate Filipinos just because of how easy it is for them to live life on auto pilot
you ever been to the philippines?

>> No.57180961

You’re upset because your mom was absent (too busy sucking dick in the back alley) and your dad was nonexistent (used your mom as a pump and dump and split). No one cares if you live or die in your drug infested who like with average unemployment rate of 15% so you had to enlist into the military for israel. That’s how your life always has been and will always be. You’re a literal farm animal to be slaughtered for rabbis.

>> No.57181013

And thanks to that americans can enjoy nice, competent and hot nurses. Win win.