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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57176615 No.57176615 [Reply] [Original]

I've been out of a real job for almost 3 years. I apply every day, have a solid resume and website, 7 years experience and multiple strong positions at previous companies in this industry between 1 and 3 years, each.

I can't get a response. I can't get interviews. I can't get anything. I even started applying to things that I'm vastly overqualified for at a 25-50% cut of what I used to make. No call back. No response. Nothing.

I really can't take it anymore. My parents have started helping me with bills, but the pressure and stress coupled with their assistance makes it unironically worse. They can't afford it and neither can I. It's causing me massive depression, most days lately I stay in bed till well into the afternoon, haven't been eating either.

All I have is crypto, it really feels like my only chance. But It's a low 5fig portfolio and this recent flash crash just made me start crying. Nothing I do works, it never goes anywhere. I'm 32 and can't even afford to pay my basic ass bills. Had no breaks in my career until a covid layoff, and haven't been able to get back since.

Instead I work as an uber driver and fill the gaps with bartending. Meanwhile everyone treats me like trash and looks down on me because they're not "real" jobs.

NIGGER I can't get a real job to call me back despite my experience and portfolio of work. Despite being high-performing all my life and always being a good problem solver and extremely hard worker.

I tried my hand at running my own LLC, was able to rake in $22k last year from that kek. Wild success. Best part? Gov wants me to pay $3500 in biz taxes. They can suck my cock, as can every other aspect of the federal government. I'm done and not paying SHIT until I can afford a house, and if that doesn't happen then I guess that's it for me.

What the fuck do I do? I can honestly make it like this for about 3 more months, but if this doesn't change then I'm loading my 9mm and blowing my head off.
Fuck this world.

>> No.57176623

Didn't read a single fucking word fuddy. How's your sex life?

>> No.57176625

Better than it has been but I'm too fucked up so I just tell them to go away eventually.

>> No.57176633

Software right? Hope you make it anon. Pray for me too

>> No.57176638

Motion graphics. I studied design because I was a retard but then taught myself 3d and animation and all that shit on my own post college. Have 7 years of experience in it and am not the top of the top, but I'm pretty good.

But I'm a white male millennial, so I don't matter.

>> No.57176642

What's your field of expertise?

>> No.57176651

But yeah hope you can make it too anon. I'm about out of options.

>> No.57176652

list all of your monthly bills. why arent you living with your parents until you secure an income?

>> No.57176654

Nvm. Start animating porn.

>> No.57176681

I was living with my dad, but his trophy bitch gf moved in who's the worst caricature of a plastic bimbo goldigger you could possibly imagine, has no children and starting getting up my dads ass telling him to kick me out despite working full time at a bar and saving AND paying him $1k/mo in rent because "that's what adults do". So now I'm beyond being in the red, have 9k in CC debt and lose ground every month.

rent $1450
car $500
car insurance: $230
cell phone: $50
Internet: $50
cc1: $160
cc2: $120

btw NOT paying my taxes and NOT paying my 24k student loan lmao. I have ~30k in crypto. Was hoping to get it close to 60k and then sell and clear all my debts, and pay off a majority of the car, but this flash crash made me really just lose it.

>> No.57176697

I run SD on my PC, have thought about gening waifus but get too depressed when it doesn't work out quickly and give up. I've tried a couple times. I just want a normal fucking job like I used to have.

>> No.57176725

Have you thought about civil service? becoming a cop etc? How old are you?

>> No.57176740

I've been thinking about being a cop yes, but I live in Phoenix and am 32, don't speak spanish and it's very violent down here. Rather move back to the NW if I were to go that route.

Although I feel I'd be more happy as a firefighter, but that's another 18+ months of education that I don't have the time or money for.

>> No.57176761

Your dad could have dealt with her but chose not to.

>> No.57176778

>Motiton graphics / 3d
Meme field kek. Yeah you're fucked honestly, if you could have the comfort of living with your parents you could've possibly had a way out but it's actually over for you, just buy some shitty small cap and hope it moons and does a 10x in 2025 so you can sell it all, get a breather and get a real education somewhere or something, that's your only chance desu

>> No.57176792

Yes, I know, I told him to but he's a cuck and also fucked up his finances and they have a history so he knows he can hold onto her and not be alone. He divorced my mom when I was 16 and destroyed our family's stability. We used to be very wealthy and travel the world, but he lacks any semblance of wisdom at all and blew it all away. Had nothing when I was born, he peaked at $7M/yr and would always spend above his salary. Now at 65 he works at home depot and drivees uber as well because the tap has run out. I hate this life, feels like a giant joke, had a great childhood though so maybe this is how I pay for it.

>> No.57176804

It was a good field and I made good money for quite a while, but now its more inclusive so that means no white guys. Busted my ass for these skills.

>> No.57176815

Im gonna start treating anons more nice now because of this thread

>> No.57176820

Go on upwork or indeed or some other job offering site. Create a resume template and apply to every single job no matter if it has nothing to do with you. There's no penalty for trying. There's literally 100k listings. Unless you're smitten by god it's impossible to not find something. There's wfh jobs there that pay 2x what your faggy local companies do.

>> No.57176831

I've submitted 200 apps over the last couple of months through indeed. Got one interview and spent 3 weeks going back and forth with them kissing my ass about how great of a fit I would be, then they went with someone else kek.

>> No.57176852

Anon the truth is you don't care about possible solutions and just want to rant.

Thinking your a high-performer, a problem solver and an extremely hard worker. You know what I read between the lines. A fucking narcist. Blaming everything on everyone, thinking he deserves everything.

Tell in your next post what you could do better in your current situation and I will take some time to write some good advice.

>> No.57176877

Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is the average link-holder. Let it be your warning newfags that this is how you will end up if you hold link

>> No.57176898
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I feel you had 3 interviews in a week and none took me, until one of the other guys was so shit at the job that they called me in three weeks later and here I am. Keep up the facade and always be nice and also tell them your a Latino might help

>> No.57176906

I do care about solutions, but I also needed to rant. I don't know how to change careers. I applied for some sales roles, but have no experience in anything related and no one is willing to train me. I'd like to be a firefighter but don't have the resources to do it. That's why I wanted to get some good gains and then use them for this. For SOMETHING. But I can't pay for everything and make progress. I'm underwater and can't even get a basic graphic design job.

In my current situation I can spend more time driving, I hate it and its completely soul sucking but I can make some money that way. In my current situation I can pray that God pumps the hell out of SOLID and I can actually pay off all my debts this year. In my current situation, those are my options as I see it. If you see something else I could do I'd love to hear it. I don't mean to shoot down everyone's contributions and I sincerely appreciate the responses, but I'm just thinking out loud.

>> No.57176918
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I'm not reading that, but pic rel

>> No.57176925

I've been saying I'm two or more races, which is technically true if you break up haplogroups. And I have maintained friendliness and a good rapport with all of these interactions, but it doesn't seem to count for much. I thanked them and said please dont hesitate to reach out if there's anything I can help you with in the future, to no response.

>> No.57176928

>put tile in bathrooms
>make 90k
It's that fucking easy.
You do know how to line up a square with a square, right? You did pass kindergarten... right?

>> No.57176930

You seem pretty defeated so I know whatever concrete advice I give you, you're gonna lack the willpower to follow through. Not shitting on you, I understand bacuse I've felt been at the end of the road myself. Only piece of advice I have left is to not give up and not underestimate how quickly things can turn around.

Last ditch plan before you pick up the gun is to debtmaxx and move to the Philippines or Thailand. You can't handle this difficulty so might as well go play in the god mode sandbox.

>> No.57176938

You shouldn't be driving more, you should apply for low lever IT jobs. Think of IT support at your local hospital etc. Get your foot between the door, get some experience and certificates then shill yourself after a year for a higher role. Meanwhile you can still be bartending to supplement income.

Picky eaters can't be choosers and desu it sounds like you rather put your live on hold with working some braindead job and betting on crypto then accepting your in a fucked situation and need to get back on your feet.

>> No.57176942

What do I do to get into that trade
Good response, appreciate it. If I can make some good gains I might just cash out and do exactly that.

>> No.57176951

you are lumped in with millions of low dead end people unwilling to do anything and will most likely never achieve anything.

---you have become collateral damage

>It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything
>now, go do anything

>> No.57176978

What actionable steps should I take to get ready to apply for a low level IT role? I've heard about certs and all that before but don't know where to start. I taught myself a good amount of python and have some very basic understanding of Linux.
I did everything for over a decade man. I did everything I was supposed to, but I didn't realize how captured this industry would become with the ideologues, and ruined any network I could have had in college because I thought trump was funny and shared my opinion. I was just too naive.

>> No.57177041

Just search for IT support vacancies in your region. Then see what is necessary to get the job.

If you can fuck around in python then you can also look for entry data engineering jobs. If you can land one of those your really in for a treat.

Where do you live?

>> No.57177057

dude you're paying way too much on rent. since you can work online you should absolutely gtfo the usa. maybe your skills are needed in thailand? this is what 250$/mo apartment in bangkok, you can even find cheaper in smaller cities.

>> No.57177071

>was just too naive.
Yes you where.
Rule nr 1.
Never ever ever ever ever EVER post ANYTHING on ANY social network EVER that can be traced back to you.
Doesn't matter if you are a Trumpet lover or a PedoHitlerBiden fan. Doesn't matter. The western world and especially the US is incredible fractured and divided (divide and conquer, order out of chaos).
Rule nr 2.
Play to your strengths, always. You say you are a graphics designer. Then be the best at that! But as you are well aware, everyone thinks they can do graphics (they can't) and now with Ai, boomers truly think graphics designers are useless (they aren't)...
Rule nr 3.
If I was you, I'd grab some udemy courses during this winter sale. Do c# and js idiot to master courses.
I'll pick up Maya(pirated) or Blender and master them as well as much as possible.
I'll do a top 100 search on steam and find something YOU like, and something YOU enjoy playing and understand.
Then I'll use my newly mastered programming skills together with ChatGPT to make a small indie game with a narrow scope.
I'll also apply for programming jobs (junior) throughout the US and maybe even in Asia and Europe.

>tl,dr - experienced similar things and overcame them by sheer brute force

ps, don't kill yourself, that is a waste...

>> No.57177098

I just got back on my adderall perscription, so I can find the motivation once I have a plan. Guess I need to just assemble what that plan is. I'll look at how realistic a switch into IT could be and what I'll need to do.

I live just outside of Phoenix, in one of the nearby metros. I wanted to go into data science for a while when I was living with my dad, studied the course for it on coursera for like 6 months, got really far into it, but then the BITCH Moved in and threw my trajectory off bigtime. Lived in an airbnb for 2 months after I got in a huge fight with her, and then finally got this apartment at the end of last summer.

damn that looks nice. If this market actually is a bullrun that would definitely work out. Had $215k last time and didn't sell, won't happen this time.

Thank you brother, your clear thinking is calming. Those are fantastic ideas, I'll save this post and refer to it over the next few weeks as I orient my mentality.

>> No.57177146
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I feel for you anon
I usually dont mention this bc I dont want people to know about it, but maybe you should look into becoming a merchant mariner
you can just apply for a TWIC and an MMC and start applying for jobs, you can find more info in the sticky of the maritime general thread (/mg/) on >>>/n/
you work half the year, either 2 weeks on 2weeks off up to 6 months off 6 months off depending on the type of vessel
alternatively you could become an oil rig floorhand, I believe they work similar 2/2 or 4/4 schedules but I dont know anything about it

Im kind of in a similar spot and hoping that becoming a merchant mariner works out and gives me enough free time to /makeit/ in finance

>> No.57177172

Remember that none of us or nobody in general can understand your situation. Nobody will ever know what happened in your life to send you where you are or if you deserved it. You might be a lazy fuck or the most unlucky person in the world.
Doesn't matter.

The sense of victory you will feel when realize you've beaten the circumstances of your life is gonna send more dopamine to your brain than any wank you've ever had.

Not a joke, speaking from experience.

>> No.57177184

Snort some addy, and find a coin at 2 cents (like SEI was) with a decent website.
Scourge the regrets with gains unseen since pumping iron.

This world is fucked like a whore, so lets bust a nut.

>> No.57177199

not a website looking like tellor's please god no

>> No.57177208

I've always like boats and spent a lot of time on them as a kid. That's another option I hadn't considered. Never even heard of /n/ before lol, but very awesome recommendation, I appreciate it man, thank you. I will add this to a doc of these responses and give it some real thought.
> You might be a lazy fuck or the most unlucky person in the world.
A little of both at times, but lots of bad luck and bad timing too. I own up for my faults but yes, I'd rather focus on overcoming this shit, just sometimes it feels impossible. This has been massively helpful though, I really appreciate all you guys for taking the time to give your thoughts, I'm gonna figure this out.
Kek that's actually how I found SOLID, although no snorting, glad I at least got in on that. Still currently up like $13k so thank God, could be much worse.

>> No.57177211

>be me
>break into the EU from Sudan 5 years ago using money I got from love scamming old American women
>Germany gave me free food, free house

White men its over for you.

>> No.57177279

wagmi, we all have it bad or comically sad. None of us are perfect.

>> No.57177305

>breaking into the EU
bro belurus is a white country and they were sending iranians and libyans over there. they are the chess pieces not the chess players

>> No.57177400

you need to move NOW

the goal here is getting a room for rent, an apt all to yourself. I haven't paid more than $500 + utilities for rent in like 20 years. ideally you have a online gamer community where you can find roommates there. if not you have to go craigslist. ive lived with a bunch a people from craigslist, its really not that big of a deal. just make it clear you're a computer nerd(if you are), and you aren't expected to socialize. some people expect you to drink beer and watch football with them.

i feel like you can cut down on food costs if you tried. oats + fruit, eggs + frozen veggies, beans/rice/chicken/potatoe is my goto. no drinks - only filtered water from the tap. get a walmart bike and save on gas costs whenever possible.

also im not a financial expert but i think you need to declare bankruptcy and get those debts cleared. just accept you're never going to get a mortgage(you either pay in full or dont get one) and your credit score wont matter

>> No.57177405

***NOT*** an apt all to yourself. you're wasting a massive amount of money on a luxury

>> No.57177420

>, but this flash crash made me really just lose it.
there are always random -40/50% crashes during bullruns. it's just getting started. all major cryptos will go back to their ath and higher in 2024-25.
but again, you have way too many expenses so you either find a job in the usa or gtfo to southeast asia or south america. at least, find a cheaper place or find flatmates.
>rent $1450
way too much. just next to the usa this is a 250$ apartment. .
>car + insurance 730$
do you even use it much? if you could live near a supermarket you wouldnt need that car but as a burger it may be difficult to live without it.
would cost you a fraction of that in a 2nd world country.
you should be in ultra saving mode until you have revenues.
the good thing is that you dont have to pay rent and food is provided

>> No.57177437
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Anon there are a wealth of jobs out there. Keep applying, if you are struggling to get a job in your specialized field, just get a warehouse job or standard office job. Something so you can earn some cash. If you manage to save some for investing, seriously consider looking into the ALT market as a lot of coins are currently 80% down from their all time high prices. ADA, LTO, TRAC, FIL, and many more. You only get 1 life as you, anon.

>> No.57177471

also you need to realize and be prepared for the situation that THERE IS NO BULLRUN. we could very well be VERY close to the cycle top, so maybe we go to like 52k or so and then THATS IT, 90% drawdown from there.

EVERYONE WHO SAYS A HUGE BULLRUN TO 100K+ IS GUARANTEED IS COMPLETELY FULL OF SHIT AND CLUELESS. if you actually believe this, try to understand that you might be wrong and any time in the next 12mo could be the absolute top, including right now.

remember when its the actual top, nobody will think its the top, they'll think we go higher. whether thats 50k, 60k, or 70k. at some point people will start waking up to -50% crashes that aren't "just a dip" and soon extend into the typical -90% drawdowns we see time and time again.

>> No.57177481

what cryptos do you own? If they are accepted as collateral on Defi apps you could probably borrow against them and pay off your CCs

>> No.57177488

the other nice thing about the merchant marine is that the career advancement path is very clear cut
you gain "endorsements" (ordinary seaman, able bodied seaman, mate, third mate, master etc) from the coast guard based on boat time and training qualifications
so as long as you take some training courses in your off time youre basically guaranteed to get promoted and eventually become a captain if you stick with it for like 10-15 years

>> No.57177495









>> No.57177570

Paying of your debts with your investments mid cycle is the absolute worst you can do
In almost all cases its better to do the monthly payment and keep your wealth invested to make it generate more gains
If you pay of your debt you got nothing, you just ate your seedgrain
Even the sense of security is false because with no second stream of income at the first setback you are right back into debt

Tl;dr acquire second stream of income first

>> No.57178035

230 on car insurance what the fuck