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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57176008 No.57176008 [Reply] [Original]

I've been browsing /biz/ daily for hours for 5 years straight and I still haven't made it yet

>> No.57176062
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I've never got any alpha from here nor from reddit.

Unironically I get best alpha from YouTube and boomer media like CNBC.

>> No.57177276

browsing isn't productive

>> No.57177410

You don't earn enough money to buy meaningful amounts of crypto or buy a wide enough variety of crypto. So you miss the winners every single time, and make marginal gains or huge losses which you forget about by the time the next cycle rolls around. You only pay attention when we're in a bull run, then kick yourself for not investing part of your pay during the two previous years where crypto was on sale.

You are 99% of biz. You're here for life.

>> No.57177517

ask your personal ai how to start biz

>> No.57177600
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your time will come

>> No.57177865
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I've gotten good alpha, bad alpha, dirty scams, bad jannies. At the end of the day we're all making money at the expense of others, it could be with solana, dexscreener, viralx, link, avax. Whatever you pick, there is one thing you need to have clear: If you shill your bags, you shill them until the end.

>> No.57177897

7 years here, you can guess what I hold.

>> No.57177923

Because you're a midwit.

I'm legitimately retarded and I made it by going all in on anything I could find in the last few years and not knowing how to sell.

>> No.57177928
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4 years here. This is the final board I have to master then I am free.

>> No.57178444

That's because all of the alpha moved to CT and telegram after 2018. This place is a museum full of boomer neets.

>> No.57178451

oldfags remember when you could get actual apha here. the bullrun in 2017 you could come here and pick literally any random coin being shilled and do a 20x overnight. that's literally how easy it was. now absolutely nothing good gets shared here.

>> No.57178454


>> No.57178464

They said you need at least 2 bullrun to make it

So, another 3 years anon

>> No.57178471
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I have browsed this board since 2015 and have not bought a single cryptocurrency ever.

Yes I am now a millionaire.

>> No.57178618
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I've been here since the top of 2021. I made it in one cycle, even starting to buy at the top, because of this fucking place.

what the fuck have you been doing?

>> No.57178730

I read that in his voice kek

>> No.57178774
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>approaching 20 years

>> No.57178839
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most I made was 100k and that's it. feels being a mutt in a white mans market

>> No.57179230

what is CT

>> No.57179256

Next cycle Anon, we're going to make it in the next cycle.
Crypto Twitter, I guess.
But don't listen to him, CamjysmT retards still lurk here and have more followers than money.

>> No.57179283
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4 years. Need Chainlink to 7x to hit my retirement number.

>> No.57179316

Try 8 years.
8 years of suffering in this board.

>> No.57179381

its a place where you shitpost like on here, but instead of just being anonymous, you can create infinite variations of your own mental illness to interact with each other in an engaging way to suck in lonely people

>> No.57179391

I have one of those gigantic shits pressing against my arsehole, filling the anal cavity so much that it's becoming painful to bear.

Yet I don't want to shit, and I won't shit. You know why? (1/2)

>> No.57179403

Because if I shit now I could miss out on profit. That's what's important to me, now my prostate, not my intestinal health, not my anus - profit. If I'm shitting I'm unfocused, if I'm unfocused I'm not making smart moves in the market.

You want to make it big, anon? Stop shitting. For life. I vow to you that I haven't dropped a log in three months and in that time my gains have increased exponentially. My abdomen also is so large it looks fit to burst, but to me that's a sign of success, much like a frequent gym goer sees his visible abs as a sign of his hard work and dedication. (2/2)

>> No.57179662
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>bro lurked /biz/ daily for 5 years without making it
>didn't bought MAGA TRUMP once
Yikes, that sounds like a you problem

>> No.57179669

I take breaks. Came back after 18 months and aped into SOLID, working out pretty well so far lol.