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57173303 No.57173303 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone just sit around and not work because you have so much money? Everyone I see who is actually rich is still hustling

>> No.57173374
File: 174 KB, 1200x996, urmomandsister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live the NEET lifestyle:

>never go outside
>play videogames/watch movies or porn/browse the internet for 12+ hours a day
>dont have any offline or online friends
>never had a gf and never had the sex
>have millions of dollars from buying Ethereum and bunch of other coins early

>> No.57173399

If you have millions how come not make something of your life. Get fit, become chad, get gf and start a family?

>> No.57173426

All truthful besides the millions of dollars. You live with mommy and are poor.

>> No.57173433

I'm unemployed, looking for a job.
Don't have unemployment benefits.
Make my living off the stock market and crypto.

I identify as a neet anyways.

>> No.57173484

I did, I got married and have a house now so I have to work now. But my investments allow me enough freedom to not be a goyslave.

>> No.57173490

Aren't all ETH early adoptors pedos though?

>> No.57173515

I dont want to integrate into NPC society and all these things you mentioned are irrelevant to me.
why didnt you buy ETH as early as I did?
>You live with mommy
actually I still live in my parents house, dont really see why I should move out as the house is in a good place, I dont even pay rent despite having millions and there really is no reason for me to move anywhere.

>> No.57173567

uh no? how do you even come up with this?

>> No.57173610
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>> No.57173671

Vitalik is just playing devils advocate here, he isnt a pedophile

>> No.57173914
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I unironically wish I was you.

>decide NEET life wasn’t for me
>spend most of my crypto wealth escaping NEETdom and having the skills for a real job
>end up wanting to go back to NEET life

Sex is highly overrated too.

>> No.57173940

Literally based

>> No.57173988

I'm not "hustling" and you won't see me because I'm not an extraverted normie posting on social media. I spend my time with my family and my hobbies. My wife and I used to travel a ton but we have kids now.
>Inb4 muh work
Probably going to homeschool our kids, that sounds like good work to me

>> No.57174676

Typical obese loser biz poster LARP

>> No.57174694

Not just the neet lifestyle the hikkikomori lifestyle and lately i found out my father earns 5 digits. Did he ever financially help me out so im becoming less of loser? No - no popular clothes to fit in, no holiday trips, no drivers license, no car. but he still nags me about beeing a loser everyday even its also his fault and he could have preventet it. Hopefully he will regret it when hes old alone without grandchildreen.

>> No.57174725

Skinny autistic males with no animalistic drive that can design systems worth billions are prime suspects desu. Its like when you see a really old sickly looking British male with tiny glasses, you immediately know thats a potential predator.

>> No.57174727

Neetdom is peak comfy. The big problem is money, but once you figure that out you live like a king. No traffic, no nagging wife or kids, no no wageslavery, no debt. You are truly free like the Founding Fathers would have wanted.

>> No.57174735

I just live the jeet lifestyle

>> No.57174825

>become chad
not possible except maybe through surgery if you're already decent looking

>> No.57174834
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Got all i need

>> No.57174886

>Sex is highly overrated too.
I agree, I recently had a bunch of casual sex and it was fun and exciting at first but then it felt kind of pointless. Yeah it feels good, and seeing attractive naked women will never get old, but the sex is just meaningless, might as well be masturbating for all it's good for.
Sex with someone you're in a long term relationship with is 100x better though

>> No.57174924

Why would you see neets? They just stay inside their house playing vidya, shitposting, and drinking beer all day everyday

>> No.57174966

That’s the point, you don’t get to seev them because they are inside all day

>> No.57175313

typical coping post, does it destroy you internally that a NEET like me has more money than you?
not really

>> No.57175384

>not really
Anon he literally has colored unicorns, and little cartoon kitties on his clothes. Normal well adjusted males don't dress like that. Your observational skills are severely lacking.

You would be the first child to get groomed and molested because you don't have any survival instincts.

>> No.57175453

Vitalik is like Michael Jackson, hes harmless

>> No.57175469

Pic checks out. I can tell you are being truthful.

>> No.57175485

>and not work
I'm studying music production full time.
Then I also spend an additional 20 hours a week managing my portfolio and reading.
And another 10 just because I have shares in companies I can't sell and co-founders would bitch too much if they're doing all the work.

>> No.57175502

Isn't there an old twitter pic of Vitalik defending CP? I wouldn't trust that pale Russian.

>> No.57175535
File: 106 KB, 735x595, 1644946164217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What many people don't realize is that Vitalik is part of the same retarded cult as Bankman/Caroline/most every San Francisco tech faggot: LessWrong. Insane libertarian bullshit, being poly cucks, and imagining they've solved every imaginable problem through Bayesian statistics pretty much sum up these people.

>> No.57175619

see here >>57173671

you can shit on Vitalik as much as you want but he delivered and Ethereum has risen to the top because of his work and he solved all my money problems forever.
I can NEET forever thanks to Vitalik.

>> No.57175660

No, it doesn't work unless you're already a millionaire, that most NEETs are not, but if I could just stay at home doing nothing, just worrying about getting my cock sucked and watching my stacks grow to show off on Beoble i'd be happy af

>> No.57175711

What’s your purpose beyond hedonism, do you not have any higher calling?

>> No.57175722

I took a 2 week vacation where I just neet'd it up (NEETcation?) I long for that life now but the money is the hardest part. If employment gaps weren't marks of death I'd take a long pause from working.

>> No.57175734

I've been a libertarian my entire adult life and I've never heard of LessWrong being some kind of hub for libertarians. San Fran stereotype techfags like Bankman and Vitalik are hardly what I'd consider libertarian, in Vitalik's case he probably adopted some libertarian views and concerns to make his shitcoin more marketable (to early bitcoin adopters). So this tells me you just water down the term so much it becomes meaningless, but also convenient for you as a pejorative.

Do you ask the bit about "higher calling" to all the countless people waging? Or no you don't just because its the default normal.

>> No.57175741

NEETing isn't as bad as it sounds kek

>> No.57175759

lmao seething libertarian

>> No.57175812

So you're basically always working

>> No.57175818

Kek I despise your kind faggot, just get a fucking job and stfu

>> No.57175822
File: 12 KB, 467x356, 1619299447985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is a NEET

>> No.57175830

>do you not have any higher calling?
whats yours?

>> No.57175995
File: 174 KB, 1200x946, 1704319875581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need to get fit when you become rich. Why continue living like a slave who exerts himself? With money you can eat the best food, hire the best women and do the best drugs.

>> No.57176019
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Based. I'm sure your parents of proud you. I'm saying this unironically, having a rich son and living worry free is a blessing. Make sure to buy them something nice from time to time

>> No.57176213

my parents dont really need my money because they have a successfull business but I still try to buy them nice things for Christmas or their Birthdays or other Holidays, also renovated the Kitchen, fixed the Driveway and other stuff in the house, also paid some of their medical bills.
I probably can never fully repay them what I owe them. they are good people that always believed in me and always supported me even when things didnt look good.

>> No.57176364

>get crippling sick at 16 from an extremely rare kind of food poisoning from take out.
>get on the neetbux at 25
>make 2k a month on the neetbux
I go out to get what I absolutely need to survive and thats about it.

>> No.57177308

if you call that living

>> No.57178085

Yep, the dream is to find a NEET wife you can NEET together with.

>> No.57178150
File: 72 KB, 828x784, IMG_4391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>npc society

You are the NPC.
Go gym and inseminate women.

>> No.57178156
File: 45 KB, 600x603, 1325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do, i never actually leave the house, i just buy everything with the credit card, lately i switched to the XOR card because i don't get as much problems with that one and oh, i get to skip one extra step that the credit card has. It's a good buy

>> No.57178182

same, except it was btc for me and i only have 500k. Been going well the past 10 years. The thing is i worked jobs before and was competent, I just hated working so NEETing is my ideal life.

>> No.57179807

my guy. I had over 100k and lost it all in the last bull run. Starting university again at 30 and wage slaving most everday. Can I work for you? Surely you will get tired of the NEET life soon and want more? I trained for an Iron man and it sucked but it was one of the best things ive ever done, even travelling solo and wandering about some random country for a few weeks can be a lot of fun.

>> No.57179828

I'm semi-NEET. I get paid royalties so if I choose to not lift a finger for the entire year I'll still get around $60K.

>> No.57179856

if you aren't LARPing

can you unironically help a (((hyperinflated))) brother out?


>> No.57179864

I want to be able to support my parents in old age
I barely managed to get a good meal for Christmas
unironically based
godspeed anon

>> No.57179916


>> No.57179951

Surf the Kali Yuga and secure my Aryan bloodlines survival for the next golden age

>> No.57180092

>only have 500k
jesus money really is relative