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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 201 KB, 1360x884, vtccip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57170497 No.57170497 [Reply] [Original]

(I need a quick morale boost)


>> No.57170519

LINK CCIP is the natural choice. The service is free, after all. When the service stops being free, companies will use a different, better service.

>> No.57170539

The term CCIP originally comes from an ETH proposal to add a certain functionality. It didn't come, atleast not natively to Ethereum.

Sergey/Steve picked up this concept and terminology, and used it to refer to their version of "CCIP". Since Chainlink added that functionality to their system, CCIP is now mostly used in terms relating to the Chainlink version of CCIP.

>> No.57170571

this is ENS's CCIP, different to chainlink's CCIP, sorry stinkers

>> No.57170578

LINK CCIP is just one of many. Personally I prefer BAND's CCIP. The Witnet CCIP and Mobius CCIP is looking promising too. Slow and steady wins the race.

>> No.57170609


>> No.57170824

yes sir the basterd link ccip is a obviously scam, there are many better CCIP's that are not scamming

>> No.57170843
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>> No.57170844

Kek, shut up bro
What about the parsiq CCIP, heard that was really top notch too
But seriously, time for this retardfud is past. Time to bask. Been long enough.

>> No.57171004
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>different to chainlink's CCIP

>> No.57171087

ENS is a fucking rent seeking scam.

>> No.57171142

Fun fact, the head of ccip was one of the auditors of the LINK token

>> No.57171167

Who fucking cares. CCIP is not coming out anytime soon. its been delayed since 2022 and its going to be delayed in 2024

>> No.57171176

CCIP has been on mainnet for like 6 months, anon

>> No.57171195

ICP makes ccip obsolete, cope loinkie

>> No.57171224

moneyskelly will never reference link since he hates Sergey for some reason (probably a difference in choice of meals)

>> No.57171244


>> No.57171355

There are a lot of good ccip now we don't need just 1 especially if the holders are known racist

>> No.57171397


>> No.57171409

Its sad that this board cannot give a straight answer. Why would anyone want to participate in perpetuating a misinformation board? Honestly.

>> No.57171428

almost like someone wants the newfag tourists to go back huh

lurk more

>> No.57171463
File: 693 KB, 2362x1330, linkshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for some reason

>> No.57171500

for me, its Enigma's CCIP; the discerning crypto dev's choice for all CCIP functionality

>> No.57171589

>walled off mainnet beta

you knew what i was going to respond with and you still posted

>> No.57171598

>>walled off mainnet beta
That's how the price feeds for instance still are.
And yet they power nearly all of Defi.

>> No.57171615

stop cope posting. i dont wanna go round and round with you

>> No.57171631

>i dont wanna go round and round with you
You'd be going round and round without me, all I'm doing is stating straightforward facts.

>> No.57171665

you're not. your just using pilpul. technically ccip is on ETH main network, but its a test for eth main network(the team says this too). if it was not in testing phase on eth main NETWORK. then it would not be walled off like it is.

>> No.57171666

hint: when not on /biz, assume nobody gives a fuck about chainlink.

>> No.57171690

ENS pumped link is shitting the bed lmao

>> No.57171731

>technically ccip is on ETH main network
And Arbitrum mainnet, and Avalanche mainnet, and Base mainnet, and BNB mainnet, and Optimism mainnet, and Polygon mainnet.

>f it was not in testing phase on eth main NETWORK. then it would not be walled off like it is.
By this logic, the price feeds are still in testing phase.

>> No.57171773

>And Arbitrum mainnet, and Avalanche mainnet, and Base mainnet, and BNB mainnet, and Optimism mainnet, and Polygon mainnet.
they are still walled off. you need to apply to get access to them you stupid faggot.
>By this logic, the price feeds are still in testing phase.
why are you fudding chainlink bro

>> No.57171789

>they are still walled off.
So are the price feeds.
And yet they've been powering most of Defi for years now.

>> No.57171954
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>> No.57172526

>And yet they power nearly all of Defi.
until link moves off the walled instance it will suffer performance i think. although its still a viable need and essential for defi, everyone knows its walled off and thus no need to focus on buying link. im ok with the wall for a bit, crypto is still too young to loosen up link but thats me being honest against my investment desires to see link pump. there just isnt enough smart contract volume yet.

>> No.57172543

>thus no need to focus on buying link
If you're using defi, you're indirectly buying Link.

Yes these node rewards come from the uncirculating supply, but so do 95% of node/miner rewards for Bitcoin, Avax, Solana, etc.

>> No.57172576


>> No.57172651

>ENS up 40%
>Link down 10%
g*d i hate crypto niggers so hard it's unreal

>> No.57172660


refute this

>> No.57172723

>ENS doesn't use CCIP
>it actually uses CCIP
smartest link fuddie

>> No.57172809

Reminder that Chainlink CCIP is not what Vitalik is talking about. CCIP is a standard that allows for querying of off chain data. Chainlink CCIP "cross chain interoperability protocol" is a bridge. Not what Vitalik is referring to.


>> No.57172838

>you're indirectly buying Link.
not really no. you use link but not buying it. if so it would have done better than with every defi tx as a buy order.

>> No.57172840
File: 31 KB, 751x307, vitalik blog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what Money Skeleton did reference? Cowswap (COW)

>> No.57172999

>you use link but not buying it
No, you're not using Link, the nodes are.
But you are paying for that Link, indirectly.

>> No.57173389
File: 21 KB, 600x414, 1704305910866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink really hired 1000 hr roasties and spent billions of dollars on development to make a protocol with less daily revenue than a single teenage nigger selling crack on the corner in chicago

>> No.57173538

Tellor oracles are better