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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 250x250, solid_logo_200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57167667 No.57167667 [Reply] [Original]

We all want to make money right? So why not just all start shilling SOLID everywhere? Buy up your baggies now and let's all promote the shit out of it on every forum you can find, i stand by the project so why not inform others who might not know about it yet. Pros/Cons and thoughts to this I'm open to hear, just seems like the logical thing to do unless I'm missing something.

>> No.57167678

delete this

i'm still accumulating

>> No.57167688

>So why not just all start shilling SOLID everywhere?

I can tell you just bought but I have very bad news for you: you are about to be dumped on by early investors, and it's going to hurt. A lot.

>> No.57167699
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SOLID will take us to the moon bros

>> No.57167707

Nah I got a nice baggie before this massive pump. Not as early as I would have liked but still up a decent amount

>> No.57167717

While I agree it still makes sense though doesn't it. The 4chan community has done some shit through the years, i can't see why /biz/ couldn't be influential, especially in this space

>> No.57167730

>I've just bought
>I have no more money to continue buying
>I'll use a reverse fud technique so I look like a poorfag
Either way anon, SOLID is going to pump upwards, it's guaranteed, the more time to accumulate the better

>> No.57167736

/biz/ is a hive of gambling addicts anon.
The quality of posters had dropped off a cliff, though you're right we could do something about it.
With SOLID however it's still early days.
It's just gone back to Fantom and is currently having it's fourth audit.
We still have other L2'S to integrate with.
Can imagine by Spring we will have at least one CEX listing too.
Realistically speaking, all /biz/ needs to do to spread SOLID is get it on CT

>> No.57167752

There's no reason why SOLID won't become the #1 Dex on ETH.
It's cheaper and the same to use as any other Dex the only issue being current liquidity but that's to be expected when starting out.

>> No.57167756

Now see that's what I was after, pros and cons. I agree more time to accumulate more is good, like I kinda want a dump so i feel comfortable buying more and not at like a 10x in a week situation. The same point stands though, why can't /biz/ pull some market manipulation

>> No.57167773

And it doesn't just have to be for SOLID either. It could be for anything. Wallstreet bets pulled the whole gamestop thing

>> No.57167798


>> No.57167942
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>> No.57167953

Pretty sure this is a reverse fud attempt by a horrendously priced out seething and coping anon, kek.

>> No.57167961

Look bro just forget solid for a minute then. Why couldn't /biz/ do it for any other crypto? Like pull some 4chan shit, market manipulation. It's doable

>> No.57167975


>no roadmap
>"founded" by roosh who is a known pajeet scammer
>rewards don't even work
>no mention of this besides biz and a handful of people on ct spamming "SOLID MOON" bs

yeah no thanks

>> No.57167992

We did it with Link. OG linkies will remember the absolute psyop we ran on reddit to get them to stay away while biz acoomulated. The seethe was unprecedented when we finally let it rip.

4chan made LINK what it is. All the normies were saying it: "Buy Chainlink".

We did that.

>> No.57167995

Hello copeanon. Let me counter this with some red pills

- Small cap omnichain dex already #2 volume on FTM. Currently beating Sushiswap on ETH

- Early access to Chainlink's CCIP network among big boys like Aave and Synthetix
- Provide a 'Concentrated Capital' feature that enables lower fees and attracts more liquidity. This is their edge over other dexes (even Uniswap)
- Other protocols can implement these features; Lido Finance and Paraswap have already done so
- Regularly shilled by the Fantom Foundation twitter

>> No.57168001

SOLID is just the coin of the minute so forget about that as a specific. But why couldn't /biz/ all get together and pull some 4chan shit. There is enough money on here, enough dumb degenerates to pull it off. And it could make us all a shit load of money

>> No.57168041
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>> No.57168045

It is kind of happening with solid. First we shill it amongst ourselves so we can all get bags, then we unleash it on normies.

We cant just pump any old coin. We need to be finding alpha and keeping it within 4chan. Lowcaps with real use cases like LINK was.

>> No.57168047
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lmao, this shitcoin is going NOWHERE. The volume is nothing but steth and usdc-usdt pairs. These pairs make no revenue and are extremely easy to spoof and add liquidity to. Roosh added some bullshit liquidity and then turned on his jeet farms to spam /biz/ with five-ten threads at a time. They're a worse version of Velodrome and other 3,3s claiming to have some gas efficiency bullshit no one cares about. Routers are not gonna route to this shit. They're boxed out of any good chains (which is why they launched on scamtom, a dead fucking chain) and they're such toxic personalities they can't secure even basic partnerships and credibility

>> No.57168050

the funniest thing is how similar it feels to fake product reviews

>> No.57168080


ok i'll bite pajeet. who the fuck cares about fantom? and see >>57168047

so why shill solid instead of a low mcap coin not ruggable by roosh and his brownie village? this already 10x'd the past week

not to mention it's obvious the same handful of people are shilling this shitcoin by the way the talk, just look at the archives, literally identical posts on threads

>> No.57168085

yeh but who gives a fuck? so long as we buy early and its a solid of enough product for other people to want to buy in too. mate crypto in of itself aint really doing fuck all, really. its all based on a dream and what it could potentially do

>> No.57168101

yeh why not? thats what im asking. why cant /biz/ get around any coins as a community buy our bags, which in turn pumps the shit out of them. promote the shit out of them. and then everyone on /biz/ sells for a profit. fucking gamestop this shit boys

>> No.57168112
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>they can't secure even basic partnerships and credibility

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.57168114

i have been seeing it happen with SOLID, which is why i am bringing it up. this community has pumped this coin and now other people are going to begin paying attention and buying in. /biz/ is the early adopters so we stand to make the most. why not we all get together and do it with every coin? we are apparently coming into a bull market, its the perfect opportunity for market manipulation

>> No.57168130

Lol, I cant wait for $20 you're going to seethe so fucking hard.

>> No.57168183
File: 23 KB, 512x512, solid1girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i shill this every hour kek

>> No.57168190

but i have a low stack.i was waiting for a little dump to 3 or 2.5 but fuck i might not be able to accumulate this way

>> No.57168205

>announcing a partnership with kyberswal
>after they got hacked
>fired most of their staff
>LP funds held hostage

>> No.57168265

how did you get it to write solid on the shirt legibly?

>> No.57168339

Agreed, needs more spread to twitter and r*ddit to really blow up this token.

>> No.57168362

you need to somehow convince ansem to shill it, but its not on solana so good luck

>> No.57168382


>> No.57168439

not on Solana YET

>> No.57168446

Was about to post this. Imagine the influx.

>> No.57168479


SOLID won't make it, for two reasons:
- The devs do not understand the concept of how important liquidity and volume is for a token
- They do not pursue any CEX listing

this will never gonna make it

>> No.57168500

Its already making it retard. It's barely up and running and already has this kind of momentum and interest, once it's fully running on 10 chains offering the best fees it'll be in huge demand.

>> No.57168504

>devs are not pursuing any CEX listing
jfc anon, please come with some decent FUD at least...

>> No.57168517


liquidity is fragmented, volume is extremely low

CEXs are "not on the agenda" rn. and when they are, SOLID tokens are distributed among so many chains, no CEX will accept SOLID because of fragmented liquidity on each chain

it's a losing battle

>> No.57168522

Have they explicitly stated they don’t “pursue” cex listing, Ranjesh?

>> No.57168531
File: 189 KB, 1080x2434, Screenshot_20240103_103958_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The devs do not understand the concept of how important liquidity and volume is for a token
They mentioned before they have liquidity stashed to be added gradually as the volume grows. Take a look at picrel, it's steadily rising according to the volume and mcap

>They do not pursue any CEX listing
Show me where they state this. This is a huge assumption on your part.

>> No.57168534
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<--- case in point

>> No.57168546

I dont think thats entirely true, roosh said he's aiming for a coinbase listing, but not until its been developed quite a bit more.

>> No.57168547

so lets fuck off SOLID and pump something else then?

>> No.57168555
File: 70 KB, 1080x200, Screenshot_20240103_105046_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Much more recently..

>> No.57168557

that's not what I meant, it's illogical for them to pursue CEX listing rn, they're not a meme coin but utility token.
Sure CEX listing should be pursued at some point, but not before they have their main selling points in place and working. They're way too small/early for a CEX listing right now.

>> No.57168565

So? It's a defi tool, if you want to use defi you need to get on chain. Its not a priority, they're not ruling it out though.

>> No.57168578


imagine believing what that pajeet has to say LMFAOOOO

>> No.57168584


don't pretend like we are here for the product

this thread shills SOLID, the token

the token is not worthy to be invested in if liquidity and volume are extremely low. and it will stay this way forever, if the team does not pursue CEX listings

roosh might know the concept of 'numba up', but he doesn't know about liquidity, volume and market makers

>> No.57168597

Hes making me a lot of money bro, have fun staying poor.
I only buy projects based on tech, this one wins in the current landscape, simple as.
>but he doesn't know about liquidity, volume and market makers
This dude has been working with more money than you'll likely ever see in your life for years now, shut the fuck up.

>> No.57168601
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>Posts weak fud
>Within 5 minutes get multiple replies deconstructing and debunking said fud


Solid really lives in your head rent free :)

>> No.57168606

>don't pretend like we are here for the product
this is a strict utility token thread where value is derived not from hype but from purpose

Maybe go invest in some tax meme token, they have great liquidity!

>> No.57168611

CEX listing = endless dumping

>> No.57168623

mexc will list anything for 50k

>> No.57168630

And dump it into oblivion.

>> No.57168636


roosh might pay for 4chan shills, but he won't pay for legit cex listings

i guess night clubs in cyprus are not as profitable as people think


if you cope any harder, you might get a stroke

>> No.57168649

Fuck off with your gay reddit spacing nigger

>> No.57168657

The only coping is you. Assuming anyone is paid to shill. You have been grasping this straw for as long as you have been watching this go parabolic from the sideline.

And they literally claimed they want to pursuit Kraken, Coinbase and Binance. Scroll up.

>> No.57168659

anyone who spaces like that is always a fucking faggot, EVERY single time. I automatically filter faggots like you out

>> No.57168668

same faggot on diff IP

>> No.57168704


what you guys do not understand is that roosh might have a lucky hand in picking great tokens, but this time he is in the driver seat, and he has no clue what to do

he made millions with Fantom when the Fantom Foundation pumped the price upwards with CEX listings, Andre and aggressive market makers

now, he has no CEX, no Andre, and no market makers

>> No.57168715

60k actually

>> No.57168750

what you dont understand is that its not just roosh, you think he doesnt have a network of people to talk to? He knows the guys at fantom foundation, he knows andre, he knows all these people in the space. How'd he get all those endorsements and partnerships? Oh, because he knows what he's doing, dipshit.

>> No.57168801


>> No.57168950

Remember Soldiers, It only pumped 40% TODAY.
Better to wait that the consensus is present if you are unsure and buy at a relative good price of $5 or $10. So you can be CERTAIN.

It is the only v3,3 token used for Bridge project + PERP and DEX on 10 incoming chains. ONE unique SOLID token. All values accrued to the same token. Sounds too good to be true.

$LINK CCIP whitelisting + LIDO partnership + $SYMM partnership.
#Solidly TOP #2 DEX on $ETH and $FTM.

>> No.57168966

i know roosh is reading these threads,can you explain the liqudity crisis that anons >>57168479
here are questioning?

>> No.57168990

Not Roosh, but there is no crisis. It's weak fud. See >>57168531. Liquidity is healthy and proportionate to the current state.

>> No.57169064
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this fuck shit has 5 twitter follower 0 marketing i see the rug coming soon

>> No.57169075
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That's a fake, chud.

>> No.57169130
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>there are people like this frequenting the board
No wonder some of you will never make it

>> No.57169162


SOLID will always be a niche defi token like ANGLE, PRISMA, BTRFLY, LON, BIFI, ParaSwap, etc.

Why? Because Roosh doesn't understand how market makers and centralized exchanges helped tokens such as FTM grow to where they are. he thinks those tokens pump naturally into the top 100. if he'd pay a MM and a cex, increase liquidity and volume and make SOLID a more tradeable token, then maybe he would succeed. but he won't

>> No.57169196

end of the day it doesnt really matter what SOLID is and does. what matters is the friends we made along the way. i mean what matters is the fact /biz/ pumped this shit up to where it is right now. we have buying power, we could make any shit coin do this.

>> No.57169203

That's the third time you post this same narrative.

They literally said they want to be on Kraken, Coinbase and Binance. Liquidity is being added when needed gradually.

If it's niche, why is it already surpassing Sushiswap?

>> No.57169272

They are talking about Wintermute

>> No.57169283

>We are getting the first wave of complete retards

Bulish as fuck my boy. Silly money is starting to pour in. Imagine what SOLID will be worth in 2025. WAGMI.

>> No.57169650

nice lil debate we have here. Can I ask the group against Solid what token should biz invest in instead?

>> No.57169836

Because the fully diluted to mc ratio is absolutely retarded. kys

>> No.57169883

the fact that there is so much fud and seething from this token is the reason I keep buying more of it
don't be fooled, there is no one on this board looking out for anyone's financial well-being other than their own
I just bought another 100 and I am rock SOLID

>> No.57170534

They are mad they didn't buy in a week ago. No need to be mad it's so early still.

>> No.57170729

>I am rock SOLID
kek'd, need to buy more

>> No.57170925
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Solid Chan is a cutie

>> No.57171078

There is no debate about that, everyone is out for themselves. However why wouldn't everyone get together to do something that is best in everyone's interests? This massive dump is a prime example, if all of /biz/ started pumping everything they had into SOLID when the market started dumping. We would not only have filled our bags at a lower price but also artificially bumped up the price of SOLID, retaining the profits we had made previously. There is enough money and enough influence here on /biz/ to do that. Wallstreet bets had gamestop, /biz/ has the power to do something similar

>> No.57171109

this is the twitter in marketcap website if it's fake they are doing a terrible job in communication

>> No.57171135

this is the twitter link in marketcap website if it's fake they are doing a terrible job in communications

>> No.57171221

This psyop is actually how I found 4chan lol. Shame it was a straight up dive off the cliff after that, and now /biz/ is just random jeets spamming one rugpull scam after another.
I wish it could be different, but a combination of maturation of the crypto space in general (people now having spent almost 8 years being burned by scams) and the fact that /biz/ even at its best is a herd of cats on steroids makes it unlikely.

>> No.57171350

Yeh because /biz/ is full of absolute degenerates. However that very fact is exactly why as a community we could pull off something big. People on here are spastic enough to gamble their life savings and dedicated enough to launch full blown campaigns, if we all got behind it. The OGs

>> No.57171362
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that would be great. I'm here since 2016 (still haven't made it kek) and post quality is dropping continuously.
Maybe if there was a platform that only allowed seasoned oldfags and motivated individuals to discuss.

>> No.57171371
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>why not just all start shilling SOLID
because we're in 2024, and getting rich off shitcoins hasn't been a thing for years

>> No.57171438

Instant gratification "investors" are destined to lose. Long-term investment is destined to succeed.

>> No.57171447

Which is why we artificially make it a thing. SOLID has pumped recently heavily due to the shilling it has received here on /biz/ make no mistake there is money on this forum. Alot of it, enough to influence a smaller market cap coin like SOLID. Add that in with a full blown propaganda campaign launched by /biz/ on other forums and websites and I could easily see multiple other coins pumping aswel

>> No.57171597

roosh’s money to pay for 4chan chills is out

from here on only dumping

>> No.57171877

Why is there only 7m circulating supply when the total is 82m and max 100m?

>> No.57172373

we need to penetrate crypto twitter and hype up the tards there so their liq flows into SOLID

but they are retarded they will probably be swapping on uniswap

>> No.57172397

desu we need to create more of these

>> No.57172743

Is there any other project like solid that has the same purpose or saved gas like solid? What makes solid really the best out of all options

>> No.57173193

>Is there any other project like solid that has the same purpose or saved gas like solid? What makes solid really the best out of all options

>> No.57173256

If I provide liquidity on their SOLID/WETH pool what rewards will I get? Just ETH, just SOLID or a mix of the two coins?
I never done defi.

>> No.57173577

>please pump my bags
>and shill them too!
lol no

>> No.57174940


>> No.57175237

this is now the last SOLID thread

soon this one will also be archived

hope you all sold at the top

>> No.57175250

Look solidly fags came and fudded cobraswap for no reason and are now dying
enjoy your scam token
you can always migrate to a real coin
>we are on binance not eth

>> No.57175283
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Also zoom out. You missed out. Cope more.

>> No.57175320

roosh won’t fuck you lil guppy, you can stop shilling his shitcoin

>> No.57175373

I love how smug you are when the anons that bought during the OG shill thread are up 300%. Pretty sure you are just coping that you aren't one of them

>> No.57175466

i own both coins but the cobra contract is 100% a scam. it wont go anywhere. im going to ride it and hope i get out before they rug it. youre either a moron or part of their team. either way fuck off and maybe learn some solidity too.

>> No.57175486

Wait.. are you one of those cobra fags? Lol... Opinion disgarded.

>> No.57175490

cobra fags are shit scared im going to drop a bombshell thread on their scam token contract. ill do it soon to shut these fags up.

>> No.57175505

>literally on his knees looking for a personal army to shill his bags
>no I don’t think I will
>haha cope lol
I don’t think you understand how cope works desu

>> No.57175821
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>> No.57176097

See you at $1000

>> No.57176123


>> No.57176162

Lol wtf was THAT???

>> No.57176176

Now that's a spicy dip kek
Another whale bites the dust, and he took a massive slippage cut to his arm too

>> No.57176187

*slippage cut to his sell
wtf autocorrect
I have weth sitting on the sidelines for such an occasion, not sure when to buy, I might start dca'ing at this point

>> No.57176192


exactly what Roosh and his idiots do not understand:

liquidity low. volume low. one seller enough to dump it to zero.

no CEX or market maker, no moon.

>> No.57176195

this i wanted yo buy the dip but the swap isnt giving me realtime prices

>> No.57176259

This shit is going back to 1.3, and its over for it if it doesnt hold that

>> No.57176292

Crypto moves fast

>> No.57176349

I bought the dip :^)

>> No.57176361

Good man

>> No.57176379

Doing God's work anon

>> No.57176475

>Another whale bites the dust
Now THAT’S What I Call COPE

>> No.57176487

there's a few malicious sellers, its funny how their dumps get eaten, watch them send their funds back to a cex then to a new wallet to rebuy again because they failed

>> No.57176567


'malicious sellers'

It's amazing how gullible people can be

>> No.57176579

No such thing as malicious sellers. Only profit takers.

>> No.57176603

Lol you don't just dump 15k with a -22% impact to take profit you fucking spastic.
spacing rofl

>> No.57176605

>oh no, people are selling the scam!

>> No.57176617

it's funny that -22% price impact on a measily $50k sell order is not a red flag to you

>> No.57176626

its not measly, you must be new to crypto faggot, go get chatgpt to teach you what liquidity pools are

>> No.57176641

I'm utterly convinced that SOLID is this cycle's RUBIC. Yes, they're different in what they do, but they're still dex based. You can get a 20x on SOLID from here, but quickly cash out before a "hack" happens, kinda like what happened to Pubic last cycle.

>> No.57176684

Honestly am getting Rubic vibes but idgaf I'm all in.

>> No.57176692

I'll probably sell at least half of my position if it 10xs, I agree though

>> No.57176774


I thought 80% or so was locked and used to pay out dividends or something, but some other guy can probably explain it a lot better

>> No.57176785

Yeah about 85% is locked up for the next 4 years afaik

>> No.57176874


>> No.57176947

is Roosh the same as RooshV?

>> No.57177140


>> No.57177344

Okay, if he was I would've bought

>> No.57177524

its a new coin this shit always happens.

>> No.57177689

What happens after 4 years? What would happen to these tokens?

>> No.57177959

They are redeemed by the village

>> No.57178166

uh bros where is the hype for this besides discord/4chin?why isnt roosh paying for any listing when we are pumping

>> No.57178193

Is this modifiable in anyway? Let's say SOLID just moons like crazy and someone wants to cash out, is it possible for someone to modify the contract to unlock the tokens?

>> No.57178229

Should I put 10k in this now or wait for a dip

>> No.57178265

No your tokens are locked in a nft. You can sell the nft but the tokens underlying tokens stay locked. Bridging keeps your tokens locked for 4 years until you bridge back so some percentage is permalocked.

>> No.57178276

>wait for a dip
Was a 25% decrease overnight not a dip?

>> No.57178292

Wait, so if I purchase SOLID right now on cowswap or the solidly website, it get's locked automatically? I don't want to stake or lock anything, I just want to buy and hold with the option to liquidate anytime I wish.

>> No.57178423

you can just swap for SOLID on solidly.com or any DEX that offers it, dont need to bother with staking or locking or anything

>> No.57178425

its not much of a dip when it 10x within a month

>> No.57178465

dude get in NOW. you just had a dip to 2.80 now its back to 3.09

waiting around for that perfect entry is retarded. the 10x you talk about isnt that big of a deal considering market cap. this will 10x again by the end of the month. the last dip like this was gobbled in 30 minutes.

hesitation will keep you poor.

>> No.57178477

no, buying the coins is like buying the coins. the nft thing he is talking about is what hapoens when you stake your coins. completely different subject.

>> No.57178495

how do i buy i then?

>> No.57178501


>> No.57178541

solidly.com and you use it just like you would uniswap. you have to connect your wallet before you see the coin list properly (a bit of a bug). you swap eth or weth for it.

>> No.57179043

Preferrably WETH since they claim it requires 25% less in fees. And the fees are pretty cheap between $3-5 atm

>> No.57179049

buy NXRA

>> No.57179050

Itll automatically wrap ETH, the claim about the fees are false.

>> No.57179088

this. they have plenty of liquidity.

>> No.57179518

I can't wait to see those on Coinbase and Binance! I usually do my trading there, but I'm all about keeping my stuff safe in self-custody wallets like Trustwallet and MetaMask. BrillionFi caught my eye too—looks like it's got some rad user-focused features that could be a solid alternative.

>> No.57179548
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No need for a heads-up before snagging NXRA; it's leading in RWA, the next big thing for sure. DUA's solid too since Brillionfi's diving into RWA alongside its smart wallet features.