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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57165715 No.57165715 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't d0niggers consolidate into one project again instead of making shittier and jeetier clones that don't go anywhere? The more you dilute this shit the worse off you'll be with having to split funding and resources when casino hype returns for the bull market. Whatever the hell you all are doing now obviously isn't working.

>> No.57165721

i don't care to read what you said but i'm so fucking bullish for d0b0 eth

>> No.57165722

Greed and retardation, mainly.

>> No.57165726
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true d0br0s have only ever been with the real project. the only true d0b0 is on bsc.

>> No.57165731
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Hi! I'm an autist!

If everyone on /biz/ bought and shilled WinDoge98, imagine how high the price could go. Join the Borg. Be a virus. Make money.

Shill it to normies on Reddit and Twitter. Tell your friends about it. Get everyone running on the One True OS. Create endless SHILL THREADS on 4chan! Never surrender!

>> No.57166069

Eth was and remains a fucking disaster. The Original absolutely mogged it in a 24 hour come back, and the S0l version already ripped past its ATH within a couple of days.

>> No.57166108
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>> No.57166156

There has always been only one. Nobody cares about the jeet scams leeching off the name. 50b eoy.

>> No.57166277

i am financially bonked
also the coin i sold to buy this just 2x'd

>> No.57166482

BSC dogbat has always been the true dogbat.

>> No.57166530

My bonk is safe.

>> No.57167179

so this thing actually has a functioning 12% burn tax ?

>> No.57167197

lol no

lol no

lol no


>> No.57167499

Stfu and kill yourslef fggt.

The only dog bat that’s bullish is the og BSC one. It’s literally about to moon

>> No.57167520

This has to be a fudder.

>> No.57167590

Eth is the most solid one, bsc is just a matter of time before it gets back to 1m, the telegram group was nuked with cp, there is no og's backing it and no new developments.

>> No.57167915

>there is no og's backing it
Lmao it has all the og's except the "team" that has gone full retard with the eth escapede. ETH one doesn't have the tax function that is only now starting to work it's magic.

>> No.57168129

The Eth one was started by a couple of salty grifters that managed to lure over most of the old guard that got suckered into giving them free money via worthless nfts and an ico "donation". Arguably more miss managed than the original ever was, but bad timing was also a factor in why the eth clone failed.

>> No.57168476
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>> No.57168518

there's a new tg
just search [coin]2024

>> No.57168523


>> No.57168524

Who cares. They'll act as our exit liquidity. Bsc dogbat is king

>> No.57168670

Literally an angry pedo hates the original dog bat who else would spam the tg with cp. Its not floors its some unfunny freak working with the eth scam. Honestly the worst drama in crypto history was in the og. pizza t ghostbro santovi amy etc, bonkye west was the only good one and frankly also didnt make anything better. gayest shit ever I miss getting rugged by shit like deep brain chain, no one cares but the faggot jannies from og chat are literally obsessed with Justin and before I continue with esoteric gay retarded sperg ranting PSA: anyone who buys the eth version is literally supporting a man with cp that flooded the original bsc tg. Gn. Just fuckin buy bitcoin and wage, if you wanna bat dog buy sol b0nk or wait for a group of dudes who are normal and heterosexual to back this thing. sad, an unruggable safemoon ruined by gay drama

>> No.57168711

>Just fuckin buy bitcoin and wage
Actual retard reddit tier normie advice.

>> No.57168713
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new chains are so retarded. like jeets want a quick but and make another rug. theyre so stupid because they kill any traction of teh original contract for pennies

>> No.57168731

>casual sol shill
kys. Just as bad as the eth niggers
>unruggable safemoon
Literally why it's a smart hold it. Because it doesn't give a fuck what the down syndrome fud of the day is

>> No.57168741

Eh in a way it's free marketing since they always die after a pump and then people become aware of the one that always survives (bsc)

>> No.57168795

Should i just wait?

>> No.57168822

People "just waited" at 1M market cap. Smart thing to do is dca unironically. But it's your money. If you don't buy here, someone else will. I don't really give a shit since end of the day the markets will pump my bags regardless. 1M pump to 7M didn't surprise me. When it goes to 100M it won't surprise me. When it makes new aths it won't surprise me. Unironically it's an IQ test

>> No.57169235

>bsc is just a matter of time before it gets back to 1m

It cant go back to one mil,now its two mil

>> No.57169242


>> No.57169262

This project has been pure fail since that Argentinian retard dumped his bags so tire of these threads ITS OVER

>> No.57169273
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>> No.57169295

not if they lost all their capital. theyll never trust d0b0 again

>> No.57169502

You don't know how revival works. It's always why you missed the pump from 1-7m

>> No.57170217
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bsc d0b0 only dog bat.
still holding.
never selling.
50b eoy.
Simple as.

>> No.57170437


>> No.57171910

Agree, simple as

>> No.57172003


>> No.57172101

>jeetier clones
You answered your own question, saar.

>> No.57172129
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>> No.57172336

It's so simple. Newfags won't get it. They weren't here when the prophecy was unveiled.

>> No.57172788

I was there for it. I've held dog bat throughout the bear.

Will it hit 50b? It's certainly possible. Even hitting 5b would be incredible for me.

>> No.57172866

I've said it since it launched and I'll say it again.
No other shitcoin has the energy of this one.

50b is absolutely a possibility.

>> No.57173332

ATH when bonk bros… I’m so tired

>> No.57173678

I'm predicting around the halving. As today has shown even with sales on bat dog, the price has stayed steady thanks to an increase in BnB.

Once BnB goes nuts and does a x5 or x10 then bat dog will go utterly crazy. If BnB does a x10 then bat dog only has to do a x100 to get to 5bil and x1000 to get to the mythical 50B

>> No.57173689
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If you know you know.....

>> No.57174314

already made 2k off this and bought more d0b0 on bsc.

>> No.57174416
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>he sold a dogbat before 1m
Jesus Christ dude even the ETH one went to 5m

>> No.57174890

the best strategy imo. from here dog with bat coin has nowhere to go but upwards

>> No.57175295

It's true. I'm leaving you for GROKheroes

>> No.57176590

I am thinking of making a new token just for /biz/raelis, something where you guys can see the entire code for full transparency, no fake promises or complex projects. No psychos scamming schizos.
I still need to figure out the tokenomics tho
What are your fav kind of tokenomics?
Do you guys like d0b0s tax and reflection system?

>> No.57176600

d0b0 is a mess!

>> No.57176799
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