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57162383 No.57162383 [Reply] [Original]

Is marrying into wealth a realistic plan in 2024? I'm six feet, white with blue eyes, have decent face, muscle, and body fat %, and have a degree. Am willing to convert to any religion. I know it sounds like a long shot but considering Bill Gates's daughter married a literal nigger I figure it's at least as possible as making it in crypto.

>> No.57162404

You can do whatever you want, wouldn't it feel better if you made it with crypto?

>> No.57162415

Girls make mistakes. Learn to forgive and grow up.

>> No.57162421
File: 18 KB, 500x500, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm six feet, white with blue eyes, have decent face, muscle, and body fat %, and have a degree.

LMAO, not even close to high enough stats to bag a wealthy (>2mil NW) woman these days. I have a rich friend who is a part of an old money country club that I get to go to with him once in a while. The women members there all have GIGACHAD boyfriends, I'm talking 6'5, surgeon/lawyer/business owner making 7 figs a year, shredded, high IQ. If you think being "white with blue eyes" and "having a degree" comes slightly close to these guys you are sorely mistaken.

>> No.57162453


basically your gameplan is to find the girl, talk to the girl and hypermanipulate her with cia mkultra tier tactics to make her love only you

basically just make it your life goal to marry her

it's much easier when the girl has a distant father, bad upbringing or few female friends

>> No.57162477

Marrying into wealth is such an extremely feminine trait you'll have to be in the top 0.001% of males to make up for it.

Just let the women be women and the men be men.

>> No.57162543

This, but I also know a couple of clueless guys who married into wealth. One literally got in a fight for a girl at a bar and she turned out to be a surgeon. Married him. He has no education is nothing special. The thing with those cases is its just luck.

But yea, this board doesn't seem to understand gigachad. Aka the guy who is a surgeon and owns the hospital. Aka the literal 1%

>> No.57162545

imagine taking arbitrary metrics from deprecated incel cesspools and making that your personality
you have a better chance should you become trans since you have effeminate features like white skin and blue eyes

>> No.57162576

She already broke up with nig and is dating Sir Paul McCartneys grandson who is also going to inherit a billion now. The nig was just some weird humiliation ritual for bill by khazars but now she snapped into protecting dynasty mode

>> No.57162577

>but considering Bill Gates's daughter married a literal nigger I figure it's at least as possible as making it in crypto.

youre misguided. you think the nigger was the best she could do by your value system? she CHOSE a monkey that spites your values deliberately.

women dont care about money in first world countries. its all about being a big handsome savage.

>> No.57162585

Marry a nurse you retard

>> No.57162601

you have the brain of a woman

>> No.57162603

girls with wealthy dads won't give you the time of day. They already have a harem of rich fuckboys surrounding them. Rich fuckboys are the preppy type who went to an ivy league school, played collegiate sports, and work in finance making 500k-1mm a year by the time they are 30. You literally have zero chance marrying into wealth if you yourself are not wealthy, or you yourself do not come from a rich connected family. Its sad but true. Women want stability, good looks, tall guys, with many friends, connections and millions in their bank account.

>> No.57162638

Agree 100%. High IQ, 6'5 minimum, ivy league school, and played sports is what these women look for. Plus you already have to be in their social circle for her to even acknowledge that you exist. Zero chance you even have a shot at getting her attention if you are just a slightly above average white guy with no connections and a sub 3million net worth. 500k annual income is a MINIMUM for these types of women. They want the 4 million dollar penthouse in the city and a connected 6'5 chad to pamper them

>> No.57162680

you sound... disturbed?

>> No.57162777

All women, every the wealthy ones, crave the Big Black Cock...

It's in white women's DNA to sit on massive brown dicks to get bred out of whiteness which is a genetic weakness

>> No.57162778
File: 1.07 MB, 1363x876, 164821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The majority of you white boys are absolute fucking weak pussies more concerned with who black guys are fucking. What the fuck is wrong with you people man it's absolutely pathetic

>> No.57162802

poor guy, he can't even touch the borders of her pussy now she got stretched by a massive black BVLL

>> No.57162815

Realistically? No. Possible? Yes

>> No.57162839
File: 1.74 MB, 1499x1500, 1604103838779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething brownoid. Europeans have the highest degree of sexual dimorphism. Blacks and asians have the lowest.

>> No.57162844
File: 156 KB, 259x360, ewww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell of her jewish asshole... EWWWWW

>> No.57162863

Black men are the 2nd highest people on the new modern caste system, just underneath Jews. They are extremely desirable

>> No.57162879
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Or… you could invest in crypto and fuck whoever you want.

>> No.57162928

even as a bbc cuck troll i laughed at this bullshit

>> No.57162932

Black men on dating apps are the lowest 1% of black men is why. 99% of black men are not on the dating apps and meeting and fucking hot girls every week just by living life while also being highly charismatic, fit and having a huge bulge in pants

>> No.57162939

Yes, but you're probably the type with such a fragile ego you'll fuck it up because the game means you submit to what the money (i.e. family) says.

>> No.57162944

they got all the obese cashiers in my local walmart, Cletus was seething so hard

>> No.57162989

It only makes the brown animals even less desirable as the propaganda machine grows louder while the visible results for all to see embarrassingly languish.

>> No.57163475

demoralization trolls itt

>> No.57163525

she also looks like a kardashian clone so....you need to find a wealthy kardashian clone, harder than it looks considering most bitches are looking to do absolutely nothing but spend the money

>> No.57163585

Doomer negative meanies ITT
This. It's mean and useless. We can all make it with a nice woman. All of us if we will let it happen.

>> No.57163649

She looks mean

>> No.57164073

Have we ever considered that white women are the apex predator / enemy of the world?

Look at how they have y'all fighting over the same pussy. Strange, isn't it.
All the black men desperately want to please white women with muh dick, going as far as to literally inject themselves with testosterone from age 12.
All the brown and yellow men desperately want to buy Stacey's love.
All the white guys are insecure enough to autistically grind business and forego actual love/life passions just to make sure their lineage stays intact.

Hmm. Interesting, isn't it.
And the funny thing is that they are pretty average. Like look at this girl. She doesn't have any boobs, joke figure, no ass. Butter face.

>> No.57164167

you felt for troll posts midwit

>> No.57164396

>troll posts
>24/7 seething on a business board between brown/black incel males and white incel males about muh yt woohman
Death to this genotype asap.
Nothing but whores and parasites.

>> No.57164622

Men who lack masculine features and marry below average women have the prettiest daughters. Is this a survival adaptation? He is guaranteed to have grandchildren and if she finds a BWC chad, Bill's genes will persist for another generation.

>> No.57164648

Sadly, your personality will prevent it.

>> No.57164683

This was just a hazing.

>> No.57164793

I’m 6 feet, brown eyes/hair. My wife’s family is rich. They gave us a million in real estate and a couple hundred thousand in cash. They also have her on a fake payroll for 350k/yr. I’m also pretty average looks wise just crypto neet status.

>> No.57165144
File: 155 KB, 916x721, bubuhmy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black men on dating apps are the lowest 1% of black men is why

>> No.57165163

They already broke up

>> No.57165307

Graduate HS early, then graduate college in three years. Apply to every glowie position you cold possibly fit. They might position you with some Arab or Mexican (read: South of America) chick who'd dad owns shit.