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57160820 No.57160820 [Reply] [Original]

Why not try getting a real job instead of being a welfare leech living off mommy and daddy?

>> No.57160826
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Nah. Why don't you work more hours? Chump.

>> No.57160831

There's that word again.

>> No.57160884

>Why not try getting a real job
"real" jobs pay worse than meme corporate positions, which still doesn't let someone afford a house

>> No.57162222


>Article written by David Chosenberg

>> No.57162277
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If it wasn't for girls, I'd still live at home. Social pressure and the current dating environment force men (yes, only men) to move out and become rent slaves. I would have had plenty more years of good memories living with my family, but now I live alone and see them maybe twice a month while I work myself to death for some corpo shits.

>> No.57162374
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>> No.57162546

Why would you still give a fuck with how women are nowadays? I live at home, save as much as possible of my paycheck and invest in crypto. Not moving out until I can buy my own place, everyone can suck my balls.

>> No.57162553

why dont you just move back? why do you care what girls think? save some money dude and buy a good place for yourself.

>> No.57162823

t. sexless losers who won't reproduce

>> No.57163169

only sexless men like you worship women and sex like its the end goal of life. As for children, its only something I would consider once I've made it.

>> No.57163236

you are ngmi loser

>> No.57163248

Why should I?

>> No.57163364

we'll see, once thing that I'm certain of though is that you won't with a mindset like this.

>> No.57163379

>Why not try getting a real job instead of being a welfare leech living off mommy and daddy?

According to your article, the smartest thing to do is live with mommy and daddy. Moving out does not mean you're grown up and whatever dumb shit you're hoping they'll faux pas over

>Mommy and daddy

>> No.57163444

I work 2 jobs, I have put 3k towards a deposit after paying off my 90k in student loans like a good goy dad, that's good r-right?
>laughs in 600k barebones house price get hit with 5 percent inflation

>> No.57163487

>mommy and daddy didn’t gift them several houses

Lmao, being poor sucks, huh?

>> No.57163522

I legitimately don't give a fuck. It's hilarious how many hylics out there are still letting antiquated metanarratives determine which direction their life goes. I'm not judging them for their decisions, and they shouldn't judge me for mine.

>> No.57163615
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Fuck a job my whole life I've been gambling. I'm just going to play the clock till the conditions are correct then just take a free house and wife I'm willing to bet my life. In this world theft is the name of the game .

>> No.57163651

you have to live with mom and dad.

thats what jeets and spics do so white people fall behind if you dont.

fun isn't it? its so good bringing low class shits into the west.

>> No.57163844


Im 27 and i live with my parents. Banging my gf is always complicated, since every weekend we need to plan if its her house or mine or some airbnb. Shes 5 years younger than me still studying.

So its annoying. Btw i make 5k a month but that doesnt matter apparently because where i live a decent house costs like half a million. I live in Lithuania btw
So yeah, after like four more years of saving maybe ill be able to afford it!

>> No.57163866

>you must pay rent!
>you must pay mortgage!
no thanks, you do that.

>> No.57163894

What are these “meme corporate positions”? Sales?

>> No.57164036

Mortgages aren’t so bad are they? You’ll be owning an asset that will appreciate over time.

I rented for two years because I pretty much had to (parents are 35-45 mins away from all jobs) literally saved nothing on 62k the entire time

>> No.57164069

thanks for making it obvious when you're lying, we need more modest posters like you here

>> No.57164075

The answer is specifically because the boomers have houses and net worth because they leveraged their assets against their children, driving down wages and driving up costs, in order to have a better retirement than their own parents while working much less than their WWII-era parents did.

Boomers stole the future from their kids.

>> No.57164107

>I would have had plenty more years of good memories living with my family, but now I live alone and see them maybe twice a month while I work myself to death for some corpo shits.
Good memories lol. Your own boomer parents would threaten to evict you, demand rent and pressure you to move out. They wouldn't help you with anything to teach you 'responsibility'. You would find out they got a lot of tax breaks on your behalf so they never struggled half as much to raise you as they pretend. In the end you would only have resentment for your parents actively fucking you over and be baffled why a person would talk about "babysitting my grandkids 10 years in the future" while doing nothing for their kid to secure a future in which grandkids exist. In the worst case they will insist this is the BEST ECONOMY EVER and you are just lazy, to assuage their ego because deep down they know they fucked up and it's their fault but the boomer would rather just shift blame due to narcissism.

>> No.57164150

I live with a boomer parent and work remotely making $250k.

I hope I can stash up enough in savings to go NEET mode in a couple years.

>> No.57164287

i make 1 million per day and decided to live with my mom too

#frugalism #incel

>> No.57164319

>Mortgages aren’t so bad are they?
well sometimes you have no choice really. If I had to choose between paying a mortgage and paying rent, I'd definitely rather pay a mortgage because at least there is a light at the end of that tunnel.

>> No.57164322

marc zuckerberg also lives with his mom to save money

>> No.57164359 [DELETED] 

I make about $100K and still haven’t moved out. I’m 30. It’s pathetic, but I would be extremely lonely if I rented an apartment or bought a house. I think at this point, I will probably never move out.

>> No.57164374

Millennials are pushing 40. If you’re a millennial and haven’t been a home owner for a least 10 years now, it’s you… you’re the fuck up.

>> No.57164384

>home owner
you mean a mortgage owner

>> No.57164394

you will die childless


>> No.57164407 [DELETED] 

I’m well aware. Nothing I can do about it.

>> No.57164419

>you will die childless
OH nO!


>> No.57164436
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>they sabotaged your previous six careers
>but they'll let you succeed in a seventh one
>those jews that got forced to start paying you because they fucked you over so bad are your parents too

>> No.57165200

Can't Lithuanians build more houses in Lithuania?

>> No.57165550

>Commodify then speculate in housing
>It’s the younger people’s fault they can’t afford a house
>Why didn’t you buy a house in 2009 when you were 14 and had no job?
>also 40% inflation in 10 years
>sorry no refunds

>> No.57165583


Great points by both of you, really the only meta narrative you need on this