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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 500x500, pregnantshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57156109 No.57156109 [Reply] [Original]

My butt is financially aborted. (BSC)

>> No.57156124

>I'm the owner, I want to rug you on sol pbutt
Yeah. No thanks Keegan. Think I'll buy some PBUTT on BSC. You're like the DOGE creator. You abandoned your creation and now it will prosper without you. Kek
I'm buying it out of pure spite

>> No.57156125

Itd getting impregnated on solana tho

>> No.57156140
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>> No.57156141

keegan didnt make the sol one though, I know it wasnt him

>> No.57156183

SOL one is reviving hard as shit rn, go check chart

>> No.57156189

who cares nigga the new website is nice and the LP is locked

>> No.57156261


>> No.57156281

looks like it's prepping for another run

>> No.57156283

I just love the fucking logo kekek

>> No.57156403

it is rugging upwards

>> No.57156422
File: 33 KB, 381x507, IMG_20240102_124009_357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sol one is aborting upwards

>> No.57156437

The pregnant butt pattern

>> No.57156465

I hope you faggot loose everything.

>> No.57156554

So SOL pbutt is going higher than BSC pbutt? How high was bsc ?

>> No.57156563

I've never seen anything like it.

>> No.57156595

solid TA right here

>> No.57156611
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>> No.57156634

Ok thanks for telling me

>> No.57156666

okay now buy it

>> No.57156739

PBUTT SOL bros, I just bought in, what am I in for?

>> No.57156748

see these quads? now you HAVE to buy pbutt on sol or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.57156770

A good time

>> No.57156797

I hate you sol niggers like you would not believe
Now you even stole pbutt

>> No.57156805

7 million marketcap

>> No.57156829

everything is pumping on sol, this aint nothing compared to other coins, still looks dead

>> No.57156840

Kek'd irl. Might go for a bag if this shit can keep up for a couple of hours.

>> No.57156880

okay tell me what to buy then good ser

>> No.57156930

Slow resurrection like our Lord Jesud

>> No.57156939

i migrated to the solana version. bsc was dead

>> No.57156945

Christmas miracle innit

>> No.57157010

Based. Ready to get fucking rich.

>> No.57157182

Bought five bucks of this shit, so it's now going to crash.

>> No.57157202


>> No.57157236

how much will i regret skipping this shit?

>> No.57157239

watch your butt anon teehee

>> No.57157252
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>> No.57157278

"Pregnant Butt'S $PBUTT home is Solana, or should I say Analos. You might think our home is bsc, but no... solana is the new bsc and so pbutt is home once again."

>> No.57157310

I've been on biz long enough to know that this stupid shit is going to a couple million at least. I'm still waiting for the Telegram group

Throw 10$ at it and close your eyes bro.

>> No.57157348

It either rugs monumentally in 24-48h or we are actually going to see PBUTT at 20M cap, people made money with fucking CUM ROCKET last time.

>> No.57157349
File: 93 KB, 400x392, pogfish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$100k breached lads

>> No.57157354

Ask me again when this shit hits the trending and 25M+ mcap

>> No.57157368

LP is burned brodda

>> No.57157408

Alright, time to throw some money at another ridiculous coin.
I have terrible luck with trading SOL, maybe SOL coins will make up for it.

>> No.57157522

Are you seriously gonna trade this coin? Buy and hold your sui stack before this moons

>> No.57157717
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lots of coins breaking 100k today

>> No.57157849

get your rope ready

>> No.57157855

Tradooooors >> holdoooors

>> No.57157859

going to zero

>> No.57157863

1) Kek
2) Get out

>> No.57158057

how many do i need sir?? im already priced out of the trilly stack

>> No.57158343

pajeet spotted

>> No.57158774

Pregnant butt is on analos. Just saying

>> No.57158869

I finally got this "analos" thing

>> No.57159090

SOL version dumping again. OG or bust.

>> No.57159114
File: 16 KB, 249x249, 1542062633343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy to announce I am not even on my PBUTT position. After this dip gets bought the next stop is a $1 mil market cap.

>> No.57159176

Disgusting icon/logo. Do not invest. Probable scam.

>> No.57159844

Thanks for the fud got a good entry

>> No.57159888

ayo I thought I missed the boat on this shit. can I slurp this at 40k mcap tho?

>> No.57159957

This is ridiculously early, I'd rather throw $50 at it now: if it goes to 1-10M (totally possible) it won't really matter whether you bought your PBUTT a but cheaper.
Also if someone becomes a butt billionaire has to post gainz here.

>> No.57159959

your digits are your answer anon, this is a 100m mcap project

>> No.57159985

that's fucking excessive, you would need like 10B mcap unless you entered with a fuckton of money, and if pregnant fucking butt goes that high I'll post my butt on /biz/.

>> No.57160250

This is a 69MC project but ok

>> No.57160995

this shit can go max 10m before rugging

>> No.57161016

india will be superpower at 2030

>> No.57161153

My butt is finally impregnanted.

>> No.57161163

Has anybody ever become a billionaire from shitcoins? I know some people had a couple of billions worth of SHIB at the peak, but were they actually able to cash it out?

>> No.57161231

What the fuck? This is still around?

>> No.57161808

one of my all time favs. shame this thing didn't fly on SOL.

>> No.57162048

Bought a bag just in case

>> No.57162447

it can fly if you hold the line, callers are looking at it

>> No.57162639

same, im thinking of adding a bag myself

>> No.57162691

Is this dead?

>> No.57162749

nope not dead on sol, if it didnt die at 15k why would it be dead now?

>> No.57162901

grandpa get on sol already

>> No.57163057

it's as dead as sergey's hunger for big macs

>> No.57163068


>> No.57163225

no and yes

>> No.57163429

hmm.. now it's a maybe not

>> No.57163483
File: 57 KB, 1080x1076, 8ZpF8UT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a mate who worked with dead bodies.
Said that dead babies will make suckling noises and motions with their mouth as their insides decompose, because the muscles for suckling are basically set to engage with any kind of pressure.
Stops a kid suffocating under the tit when they are tired.

Also means people carry around dead babies because they made a noise, despite being clearly dead. Gives people a false hope, and they will cling to it until it rots through their fingers.

>> No.57163530

Didnt read now I want my fucking cheese

>> No.57163556


>> No.57163668

based, fuck that guy

>> No.57163808

the more you know

>> No.57163876


>> No.57164651


>> No.57165203
