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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57152633 No.57152633 [Reply] [Original]

My gf unironically told me we should split the rent proportionally to our wages. I make more than 2x what she makes. Should I do it? Of so, why?
>>>/adv/ is telling me I definitely should do this.

>> No.57152644

Other thread here: >>>/adv/30485982

>> No.57152672

No dude you shouldn’t. Offer to buy some extra groceries from time to time but don’t do that, her expectations would be of you covering everything

>> No.57152687

If youre paying more then youre in charge, make sure she knows that. healthy for the sexual dynamic.

>> No.57152705

How about you pay it all and call the shots on the whole relationship

>> No.57152712


>> No.57152727

I pay the rent and most of the bills but my girlfriend cooks and cleans more than I do. It’s not that bad.

>> No.57152747

You should live separately.

>> No.57152804

Say yes and then give up your job so that she has to pay the whole rent

>> No.57152821

got basically the same deal myself. I pay for groceries and gf does all the cooking and cleaning. other bills we split 50/50. I also paid for a brush drill attachement, vacuum robot, food processor, etc to make her life easier

it's a great deal for me

>> No.57152858

That's retarded. It's not like she's only living in 1/3 of the house/apartment or anything. If I was you I wouldn't be opposed to paying a bit more than her (this is assuming you're very serious about her and this relationship) but her proposing that idea sends all sorts of red flags to me.

>> No.57152866

here is the problem, if you split like that, that equates you relative efforts, meaning you are equal to her > you must realize that this is a problem
you are superior to her, and you should affirm that and not the equality

>> No.57152886


>> No.57152898


>> No.57152900

>Ctrl+F 'do anal?'
holyfuck adv is worse than useless

>> No.57152947

“Not ‘till we’re married bitch”

>> No.57152968

even worse
you cannot be on equal ground married
don't work
she need to swallow and take on your name

>> No.57152978

Say yes but only if she knows you're in charge

>> No.57152996

its the closest thing to reddit on this dagestani knitting forum

>> No.57153024

i paid it in full but i made sure she pay her part in bed

>> No.57153075

Either 50/50 or pay it all. She's trying to worm her way out of paying 50/50 but she wants to still pretend she's your equal. Can't have it both ways. Either 50/50 or she has to live with the fact that you're in charge and she's a freeloader.

>> No.57153102

Why does she even know how much you really make? I guess pay proportionally and dont hold a grudge if you love her

>> No.57153114
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>Quit your job
>Yolo everything into a business or similar until you're able to live off your investments
>Reinvest all profits anyway
>Tell her she has to pay 100% of everything because your income is nil
> fuck her sister
>wipe your dick on her curtains
>execute exit strategy

>> No.57153124

She saw that in a movie. Let me see if I can find it for you.

>> No.57153153

Here you go
It's on Hulu. Check her watch history.

>> No.57153154

Holy keyed

>> No.57153163

If it's in there, you're gonna need to watch it and outdo that guy in dominance.

>> No.57153167

Women being impressionable is an understatement

>> No.57153178

I assume she’s white so if you’re already helping financially there’s no value in that relationship. Best to jump ship now in favour of a seamonkey. Set sails for brighter shores and COME HOME WHITE MAN to seamonkey land

>> No.57153220

That is disgusting. Fuck you for sharing that even

>> No.57153246

>I'll agree to do this thing you saw in a movie
>when you agree to do this thing I saw in an, uh, movie..

>> No.57153252

yeah 2 minutes of that shit went a long way

>> No.57153353


>> No.57153445

Splitting 50/50 on rent is how breakups happen.

>> No.57153447

and how did it go? How do you think she felt on your stance about it...Still together; stronger than ever?

>> No.57153463

You best know what is influencing the women in your life, anon.

>> No.57153476
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>> No.57153489

Oh wait...
You're a jew. Nevermind.

>> No.57153499

>my girlfriend knows my wage

>> No.57153556

She is 100% of the maintenance of your life. 50% is generous.

>> No.57153559

Still together, yeah. Things are relatively fine, just like any other relationship.
This made me realize /biz/ is actually more realistic than /adv/, which is full of actual simps and virgins, as some other anon said in that thread. Not that I care much about /adv/, but it's an interesting fact, nonetheless.

>> No.57153574

Get a new gf ASAP. Make sure the woman you court knows you have a gf so she thinks better of herself that you left another woman for her. Also, do not split proportionally unless she is at your beckon call.

>> No.57153579
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Fair point. Very fair point.

>> No.57153607

Absolutely disgusting I had to turn it off half way

>> No.57153621

I do this but I'm married. It's probably different since I'm married but still. I work and my wife cooks and cleans. Works out fine for us.

>> No.57153655

It really doesn't matter but I feel like OPs. GF is just preparing to leave. I don't see why OP needs to give her money. She is already lucky to have someone to take half the cost of the roof over her head. Asking to pay more than her is insult, greed and narcissist selfish tier.

That OP earns more doesn't matter. If OP earned so much more he'd get a villa or house . Then she'd pay him some or maybe not . But clearly op doesn't make mega bux.so his gf is selfish

>> No.57153669

If she's choking on your dick every day

>> No.57153678
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Whaaaaaat?? She's a BIG girl

>> No.57153695

So you have to pay your girlfriend to sleep with you

>> No.57153705

Pay the entire rent you fucking redditor

>> No.57153711

This basically boils down to: Women.
She wants the benefits of standing at the finish line, but only the promotional cost of having not put in the effort.
She wants to benefit with equality without contributing with equality.

>> No.57153732

Just move into a place that you can afford alone and let her know that you have to move out, but she can come over to your place whenever she likes.
And if you are already in a place you can afford, advise her to move into a place she can afford.

>> No.57153745

[this is fun]

>> No.57153757

Women are so useless they can't earn their fair share and carry the same burden men to in order to afford things.

>> No.57153839

You pay rent and utilities and she pays for groceries, cooks, cleans and gives sex.

I don’t understand what’s so hard about that?

>> No.57153877

I got married once. The chick never lived on her own. Moved from her parent's house to my house.
Bitch contributed nothing and spent more money than I could bring in.
Kicked her out after she broke her neck on her 2nd DUI (she racked up three in 9 months).
If this chick is coming to like this, she iOS not a contributor, she is a consumer. She sees you as a means of leverage.
How much does she split the bill when you go out?
How much does she split the gas if you drive?
This thing is not a net benefit. She does not love you.
She is looking to leverage you.
[But you will know the truth if you look.]

>> No.57154058

Pay 100% of the bills or you don't have what it takes to support her and a family. Why the FUCK are you living with a woman if you aren't going to start a family? And what are you going to do when she gets pregnant if you're dependent on her income? Either earn more or find a cheaper place to stay. Nothing will make her drier than being a cheap ass

>> No.57154103

>Why the FUCK are you living with a woman if you aren't going to start a family?
Why not? Knowing the reason we live together is none of your business.

>> No.57154108

>women aren't capable of producing the same as men but should have the same rights.


>> No.57154305

/adv/ regularly has threads about whether a woman being a virgin matters or not and 80% of the answers are reddit-tier nonsense about how only incels care about that stuff. /biz/ tends to attract a crowd that actually understands, for whatever reason, the woman question. Maybe because people here have financially lost out via divorce or it attracts the personality types inclined to invest in crypto etc.

>> No.57154319

This plays out on a society-wide scale too. Women are a net tax drain. Personally, I don't care if they are if they're at least devoted to their families and raising the next generation in a righteous manner. But even that is asking too much of them these days

>> No.57154341

Tell her if she wants you to provide for her, she needs to provide you with children. 1 child = proportional rent. 3 children = all her basic living expenses paid.

>> No.57154350

I would be happy to financially support a woman if it were the right one. I think both men and women have strayed too far from traditional values. I think if you try providing for something other than yourself you will find more fulfillment from life in general, as would women find life more fulfilling supporting a provider. This dynamic is deeply engrained in the relationship between our genders from nearly all of human history.

>> No.57154366

Correct. But we live in upside down world where women want to larp as men and not face the conequences of what being a man entails

>> No.57154378

You shouldn't be living with a woman that isn't family outside of marriage.

>> No.57154394

It's almost as if God ordained a natural order that brings the best out of men and women

>> No.57154424

>muh god

>> No.57154481

>Our God.
FTFY, comrade.

>> No.57154993

Go back to redd1t, faggot

>> No.57155012

Have a (((you))) faggot

>> No.57155125


>> No.57155247

Fuck off commies

>> No.57155313

The absolute state.

>> No.57155347

When I was first married as a wagie working full time my wife just stayed home with no kids. And I loved it. She was always baking something and making extra for the freezer. She was a freaking food factory. I’d rather have that than her making money.

>> No.57155352

>Personally, I don't care if they are if they're at least devoted to their families and raising the next generation in a righteous manner.

Nah, they'd rather spawncamp headshot their kids in the womb at (((Planned Parenthood))) in order to clock into "work" the next week to spend 45 hours making PP presentation and Excel spreadsheets, then pretend to enjoy a weekend clubbing, whoring, drinking, then waking up Monday to repeat the cycle... instead of raising children with a faithful loving husband.
If nothing else, at least you'll have the satisfaction of watching the chickens come home to roost some day.

>> No.57155363

What happened?

>> No.57155367

If it's none of his business, then why ask for advice regarding your shared living situation on 4chan...?

>> No.57155378 [DELETED] 

>Why the FUCK are you living with a woman if you aren't going to start a family? And
We still have men on 4chan

>> No.57155517

>women actually think this is a cute and functional relationship, backed with the gay poppy music
This is so hyper autistic KEK, a real man would just dump this retarded bitch

>> No.57155528

I see so many women in their 30s getting more desperate for a man while they don’t provide shit to a relationship.
Not a virgin. Can maybe bear one mentally retarded kid. Maybe already has some from other men. Often didn’t take care of themselves if not outright fat whales.
No reason for me to give a single fuck.

>> No.57155643

>instead of raising children with a faithful loving husband
I'm a white collar wagie. One time some chick on maternity leave came in to see her team and brought her baby with her. Two zoomer girls in my team heard this chick's baby making happy squeals in the main kitchen area and they both immediately sprang up to see the baby as if instinctually. Seeing this happen, all I could think was what are you two doing here, go out and have a few of those yourself with a devoted husband. Women have no self awareness

>> No.57155649

This. Men are supposed to be providers. The more dependent a woman, the more submissive/obedient/womanly.

>> No.57155658
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/adv/ is the most reddit board on the site. It's probably a good idea to do the exact opposite of what they tell you

>> No.57155674
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You shouldn't cohabitate. It's a sin and it never works out. Sex and cohabitation are for marriage, but you don't want to marry that woman because she's loose. Do you know what you call a woman who lives with a man and sleeps with him? A concubine.

>> No.57155924
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I’m married so the situation is different but I cover all the bills and rent. Here’s how it works for us:

I make 2.2x my wife’s salary but we live in Germany so I’m tax class 5 and she’s class 3 - in other words I pay less tax and have more net income.

I cover the rent, bills, house keeper and 50% of the groceries (we don’t really count but usually we alternate once a week)

If we changed rates to 4/4 I’d have her split the bills with me since I’d lose around 800€ a month in tax.

We never argued about it because she knows housing costs split 50/50 would be more than she loses out on net income so we’re both fine with it.

>> No.57155934

I'm class 3 she's 5*

>> No.57155971

imagine being this much of a fucking faggot walking on eggshells in your own home caring about portions and tax brackets
its like you are anticipating a divorce

>> No.57155979


I mean while you were studying engineering, her main focus was getting dicked by college chads, which only left her enough time to do some bullshit alpha degree.

So yeah, obviously, you now paying far more is only fair OP. Don't be a cuck.

>> No.57156148

that's actually not a bad point. though in my case while I was studying my gf was still in school and I was the first guy to have sex with her

>> No.57156187

You do realise you can get all the excess tax paid back on your tax return right? The money doesn’t just get lost. Year on year there is no difference between class 3+5 vs 4+4.

>> No.57156197

not to mention you got to feel useful, powerful, and dominant. All the things a man should naturally derive self respect from

I dated a girl for 6 years I went 50/50 with out of highschool and while it was certainly the only way were going to survive, I couldn't help but treat her like the roommate she was, and she couldn't help nag me but like the tired and over exerted female she was. I can't provide much but I can provide basic living expenses to a woman and I intend to do so if she is wife material. She may need to work a few hours a week to pay her personal bills but thats it. I'd still contribute to the household, as I maintain it 100% as a bachelor already, but at least I'd get to feel useful.

>> No.57156460

Sure year on year there's no difference but month by month is where the extra 800€ (in my case) comes in handy, especially with DCA into crypto.

The power dynamics change a lot (for the positive imo) since I don't need her money to cover anything

>> No.57156560

if you like having a girlfriend i would do it buddy.

>> No.57156565

retards. in the age of social media all she has to do is make a conveniently worded reddit post and get sisters telling her to leave OP and then she will monkey branch because she feels validated.

>> No.57156568

wow germany is so cucked holy shit

>> No.57156622

socialism is fine if you sinking into the pink

>> No.57156919

Just slap her in the pussy, pay the whole thing yourself, tell her to stop working, and blow your load inside

>> No.57156966
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Tell her you agree but only if she compensates you in the form of blowjobs on demand for you. Get it in writing too!

>> No.57156988

It's funny how you guys think that paying for everything is how you get pussy/power.

I split everything 50/50 with my girlfriend and she's literally never refused sex, and she's clearly the submissive/more agreeable one.

The only extra thing I do, is that I invest her money as well as my own. And in returns she typically cooks.

I mean I've had bitch girlfriends in the past as well when I was younger. But that doesn't mean they are all like that. You guys need to stop being such mega cucks, and dump those narcissistic whores.

>> No.57157001

I just wanted to start a funny thread. This shit is obviously controversial, and when /adv/ told me to pay more I knew if I posted it here it would become some sort of war.
Also, why would you need to know why we live together? You only need to know that fact, that's all.

>> No.57157013

If she cooks, cleans and takes care of the children, you pay for everything (if you can). If she does not enjoy sucking your dick in general, that's a better reason to find one that does.

>> No.57157039

>single parents black
i guess german autism is getting in the way of political correctness

>> No.57157063

OP, This is a sad and ridiculous question. Nothing against you personally, it's just sad our society has come to this. Men and women are not equal. Women have a small time window to breed and they need a provider to do so. 1) Does she cook for you? do your laundry? listen to your rambling stories? suck your dick? does she get dressed nice, do her hair, and attend events with you as your partner? Then she doesn't need to work outside the home, she already has a full time job in the home. 2) her salary should not be 50% of yours, you are probably aware of this thing called gender based wage discrimination. women in the US make 70% of men's salaries at the same job. She shouldn't have to pay 85% of her income for the privilege of being your live-in concubine. Are you even going to marry this woman or keep her on for free?

>> No.57157070

What kind of pathetic man would make their girl go 50/50 if they make 1/2 of what you make ? She should have already dumped you. Feminism fucked guys up too and it shows , men should want to provide for their family. Your wife ideally shouldn’t even be working

>> No.57157102

I'm pretty sure she could get a better paid job if she was willing to negotiate. But she won't because it makes her uncomfortable. And she won't discuss that with me.
So, her wage is not my problem.

>> No.57157106


>we should still provide for our woman, based on non-existent historic tradition

I mean sure, I'll take care of my girlfriend if she's pregnant/taking care of our child. But I'm not just going to be a cuck that pays my girlfriend to be with me, after she's had literally the exact same opportunities that I've had.

>> No.57157130


It's the society they asked for, retard. You can't demand equal rights, equal treatment, EXCEPT on all of the counts that happen to favor you. She's perfectly capable of paying her own fucking rent.

Yes, our society has warped. Thank the kikes, thank the feminists, it's still reality and it won't be changing for a very long time, men don't need to martyr themselves out of some kind of misled honor about it. These times are fake and gay, just keep living.

>> No.57157169
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Here in the netherlands women between ages 20-30 earn more than men in the same age bracket.
You should pay based on the median gender salary. And if she has to pay more it's because she's failed as a woman and should be punished for life.
Why the fuck would you even want to live with a failure of a woman. Why would you need to pay for her mistakes in life, not doing well enough in school, picking some art study of whatever from a shit school, sucking at job interviews. All her flaws, her problems, her life to deal with those failures.
You fucking beta retard actually considering putting up with that and PAYING on top of that???
She better have massive milkers. But then again you are paying for a female companionship and not for any of her qualities beside her body, because clearly there aren't any. Might as well pay a prostitute who probably fucks better than she does.

>> No.57157170

It’s absurd. Women want all the benefits of feminism and all the benefits of traditionalism at the same time. They want their cake and to eat it too.

Women are receiving the majority of college degrees. Women are favored in hiring processes. Women are getting lucrative corporate jobs out of college. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if zoomettes are out-earning zoomers.

>> No.57157273

Women can't be failures from a career point of view. It's like sayin men who don't raise children are failures. Gender has a role. Women give birth and raise YOUR children. If they do, they are not a failure. Be a man and take care of your family.

>> No.57157296

>t wouldn’t surprise me at all if zoomettes are out-earning zoomers.
They are. 60-70% of new hires are women
>t. lawyer

>> No.57157312

Idk, I suppose it would add context and might make it easier for people to give you advice. Good luck either way, and don't let 'love' blind you completely, be pragmatic.

>> No.57157330

Bullish for fine-aged millennial cock.

>> No.57157338

See >>57153353 and >>57153559

>> No.57157344


There are real adult men on this board who are actually living real life, whereas /adv/ is full of shut ins and children who probably sympathize more with the deadbeat immature gf

>> No.57157444

You know, for all the smarts that they have, they're still all women at the end of the day and will act as such. It's probably worse in white collar wagie jobs because they have massive chips on their shoulders

>> No.57157489

Depends on what kind of relationship you two are going for. If you fill traditional gender roles with her doing most of the housework then it is expected for you to be the provider. If you have the more modern style of relationship where you are considered equals and traditional gender roles are not followed, then no, you should split 50/50 or else you are being taken advantage of.

>> No.57157504

The issue is even if women want to larp as equals they will eventually revert to the desire to be provided for and slack off on agreed duties

>> No.57157620

My wife is using our crypto to pay her son's rent.

>> No.57157627

Imagine having a gf

>> No.57158587

why can't your son support himself? did you raise him to be globohomo faggot?

>> No.57158680

Does she pay for her other boyfriend's rent too?

>> No.57158803

I dunno. if you lost your job, would she start paying 100% of the rent until you got a new job? or would she expect you to tap into your savings and continue to pay twice as much rent as her while looking for a new job? if you guys have been living together longer then 6 months and you have been splitting it 50/50, but now she wants to change her contribution, that scenario would definitely raise eyebrows. that type of conversation would mean she's resentful of your job and the relationship is kind of shaky.

>> No.57158831

lmao do it op

>> No.57159047

>not making enough money to fully support a woman
When is your sex change procedure, ma'am?

>> No.57159100

Why are you doing this here? Gf and you should get married and she should stay at home.

>> No.57159156

tell her if that's the case then you have the say, if not fuck her off

>> No.57159327

would be interesting if women were good. a lot are not.

>> No.57159358

This. I dont mind paying for my 22yo gfs dinner and coffee. But im expecting my dick sucked when shes on period and im NEVER eating her out.

>> No.57159377

you're missing out 22 y/o pussy tastes like hope

>> No.57159521

Say yes and then immediately after quit your job and tell her since you make nothing now she has to pay 100% of the rent, congratulations on your new neet life.

>> No.57159687

Yes. Actually, cover it all. A woman should only work for paying for her stupid woman hobbies if she has a man who earns well. Imagine forcing your girl to slave away for pennies just so you don't feel ripped off lmao

>> No.57159747

OK cuck.

>> No.57159773

>not eating pussy
Finally someone who said it out loud. Why did eating pussy ever become a sexual expectation? It's like a hetero man's equivalent for sucking dick and swallowing, and god forbid she squirts on your face

>> No.57159778

The answer was always "it depends on the relationship" and since the answer is "i'm not sure this is the one", don't split the rent proportionally.

>> No.57159937

They are, and this is despite men being willing to work harder on average. Everything in society is setup for them to succeed, from school to hiring processes in high paying fields. Men have been getting shafted so hard on so many levels, and the craziest part is women are unhappier than ever. What fucking times we live in.

>> No.57159990

This. I wouldn't mind having this arrangement with a gf if I was feeling generous and I offered it. But a girl asking for it screams gold digger/entitled.
It's not a fair solution, it's equivalent to a shop changing its prices based on how much a customer earns. It only makes sense for you to pay twice as much for something if you're using twice as much of it as she does.
The logical next step is pooling all your money so that you don't have more disposable income than she does. Might sound nice but it's dangerous as fuck in a world where women aren't expected to be loyal or faithful. Women's rights killed traditional relationships.

>> No.57160554

This thread is filled with garbage advice from masturbation addicted incels who clearly have never interacted with women. If she hasn't given you children then there is zero reason to be living with her or 'providing for her'. You aren't even married and yet you are living with her, which means in her eyes you are basically already married. If she doesn't get pregnant in 1-2 years she will end up dumping you, possibly cucking you as well. All the incels in this thread going on about 'suck muh dick' and 'does she fuck you every day?' are retards, being in a relationship is not about having your own personal use living fleshlight it is about children, money, family alliances, etc. God save anyone who would take advice from random anonymous strangers on this board of all places.

>> No.57160947

>muh god

>> No.57161250

I think it depends on the guy. For whatever reason I really like using my mouth during sex, so eating someone out can make me orgasm hands-free.

>> No.57162541


>> No.57163827

He did the right thing. I can't imagine being so financially cucked that I'd have my woman to pay for anything.

>> No.57163896

My gf pays rent. Quit being a pushover dude. At least 50/50.

>> No.57163899

If you're not earning 10x more as her you already lost the societal ladder. I'm not paying for my girl for her, I'm doing it to feel like a real man not some fucking broke faggot.

>> No.57165130

boy you sure do pick winners


>> No.57165181

50/50 anything less and the relationship will end

>> No.57165184
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LMFAO the first reply made me loose my sides.

>> No.57165262

Ooooh you're right faggot. I forgot we come on an anonymous board to just share our wins. Go back to FB you fucking kike.

>> No.57165271

I missed the. Thanks for double-tapping

>> No.57165590

easily the shittiest board on this site let alone a reddit colony

>> No.57165697

they're probably still married but now she has kids as a reason to stay at home. she sounds like a real gem.

>> No.57166722

she needs to cook and clean proportional to how much extra you are paying

>> No.57166880
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My gf doesn't pay ANY rent, and it actually saves me money. For some reason /biz/ specifically keeps eating my post so I posted here >>>/adv/30493342

>> No.57166895

so why aren't you marrying her? Spending time with a woman over years without putting a ring or a baby in it is wasting her time and yours. Dating is for marriage.

>> No.57166969

An engagement is coming soon. We're both young and were each other's firsts so we wanted to be very careful about rushing into things but now that it's been five years and have been on our own living together and being together out in the real world I'm thinking it's time.

>> No.57167026

Man if this is all true I am happy for you anon and wish you a happy life.
As someone married, one word of advice: resolve to never fight. All the marriages I saw succeed until death they never fought.

>I just wanted to make sure, dating forever with no prospect of ever getting married is a plague upon our generation, I am sure you understand somewhat.