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File: 547 KB, 885x1074, solid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57150261 No.57150261 [Reply] [Original]


$3 breached!!

>> No.57150413


>> No.57150440

what is a realistic mcap for this trashcoin? you negros reckon it can reach a billie? be honest, dont hit me with your jeetspeech, i already hold bags

>> No.57150453

we got in early, the ride up hasn't even begun

Solidly will be 1b market cap by end of next year

>> No.57150461

>lets shill this shitcoin that was dumped back in 2021 by andre cronje after he rugged the whole ecosystem and took "a break" from crypto
inb4 he does it again and runs again with all your money

>> No.57150466
File: 216 KB, 1080x1574, 494C0825-A886-41CA-9683-E078538450EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my prediction for this year 2024

>> No.57150479
File: 2.04 MB, 576x1024, How I Budget My 75K Salary.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are assuming that nobody is going to use any other dex other than Solidly. Are you that confident? Even here on biz people are confused on how to obtain it. Normies are like in pic need coinbase support.

>> No.57150485
File: 88 KB, 1290x638, 809046D1-9A88-48DA-BAA1-6915D8E8E23A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solidly got a MAGIC CAT

$20 in JANUARY

>> No.57150494

Don't buy faggot if you don't care. Mc could reach uniswap levels. Now fuck off

>> No.57150507

The only issue with Solidly is liquidity and that'd going to be solved before this quarter is gone

>> No.57150508

$5000 usd per SOLID

>> No.57150512


Hence it's still early

The fees on it are unmatched at the moment so things are looking good, maybe a competitor will arise and cuck us

>> No.57150541

I think they need to put some work into the actual solidly interface first. Uniswap is so much more refined and polished.

>> No.57150547

$3.15 you blessed chads

>> No.57150558
File: 77 KB, 1288x106, 1693092317617481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Normies are like in pic need coinbase support.
You're gonna rope if you keep just missing these cheap prices

>> No.57150563

I don't think you can cut any more corners on the fees or code.
>wayback.com -> uni looks dogshit

OMG guys I literally can't breathe. I can't believe that I finally managed (after 4 years) to catch a GOOD project. I am so fucking ready to be able to have daily threads on this in our general

>> No.57150675

Looks better the solidly does atm

>> No.57150703

Solidly looks great, it will continue to grow and be developed, the ui shit is easy, its the partnerships and tech that are hard, and they nailed those.

>> No.57150805


>> No.57150817


>> No.57150862

It's crypto...
isn't this like looking at a watch and yelling "clock"?

>> No.57150875
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Yea i invested in this shit knowing its a scam but its an amount i can afford to lose. I wanna learn my lesson again desu. But on the 1% chance i’m wrong this is an easy 100x.

>> No.57150901
File: 351 KB, 1080x912, Screenshot_20240101_190133_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a scam be eligible for this? Like Spookyswap, Paraswap and LayerZero?

>> No.57150928

This. The sheer bullishness of this project and its partnerships just insta-destroys any potential fud. next stop: $5.

>> No.57150938

It didn't come out in 2021 and he's not involved with the current Solidly team. Get your facts straight.

>> No.57150942

Wasn't someone claiming that solidly labs and solidly different teams?

>> No.57150984

its not

>> No.57150998

Who is Roosh?

>> No.57151009

Big early whale in FTM and LINK and part of the SYMM team, basically the funding master

>> No.57151137
File: 128 KB, 1000x946, meme (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need a 4 dollar waiting room sers

>> No.57151192

you're a newfag. solidly launched in 2021 by andre cronje. roosh bought all the tokens and did a 51% attack. i know it because i lost money. now they launch again with the exact same narrative. im not touching this shit. also fuck andre he was the reason it crashed because he announced that he will terminate all projects he worked on.

>> No.57151206

If that was true why would Andre still vest his veSOLID? That isn't what happened either. Andre tanked the price and took off, he's not involved at all other than being a holder, and a LOCKED one at that.

>> No.57151227

DEXG vibes desu

>> No.57151228

do you really believe that? andre is a grifter just like that other fat italian that brought MIM (magic internet money). they're known for scamming the ecosystem. andre lost all credibility thats why fantom is completely dead. and even if andre isnt involved i see that roosh is involved now. that french whale has deep fucking pockets and will probably profit a shit ton from you guys being exit liquidity. this said it will probably pump and i hope you guys make money but just know when to jump ship.

>> No.57151243

This is low IQ fud, andre designed some of the most innovative tech in the space, and Roosh is an autist who loves this shit and literally lives in the degen community. The tech works and speaks for itself, people will naturally use the most efficient dex, and their crosschain solution is completely novel while also being the most efficient. Speaks for itself.

>> No.57151250

$4 EOD

>> No.57151279

i know he built some great dapps but like i said he lost all credibility when he announced his departure and termination of a bunch of protocols he created. at that time he was sitting on a $200m portfolio. he made money and ran off. and now he's back right before the bullrun kicks again. also tech wise solidly is just another so called uniswap killer outside ethereum. we have 1inch for that. theres a reason 1inch has the biggest volume of all dex aggregators. because their tech speaks for itself and you can't beat their algorithm. im not here to fud just plain facts. make money and move on.

>> No.57151305

solidly is more efficient than 1inch though just go compare swaps.
andre has emotional problems and everyone knows that already. its why its bullish hes not on this team.

>> No.57151352

I boughted. I’m not missing out on yet another /biz prediction

>> No.57151366
File: 251 KB, 1067x1331, 56777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare how? theres barely any liquidity as far as i can see. try the same swap im showing pic related and lets compare

>> No.57151376

Damn, good old days, although that one was quite a disaster – this one at least doesn't promise money out of thin air, it's a quite modest project that might grow, but they need more polish.

>> No.57151391
File: 930 KB, 2504x940, 1679861409385505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have enough liquidity yet for a $23M you fucking fruitcake, the TVL isn;t even half that. It's like asking why you couldn't make a 23M swap on BTC when it was at $2

>> No.57151403

Why is it dumping?

>> No.57151412

It broke out of $3 like an hour ago, and now its' $3.27
Don't know why I waste time on you retards honestly

>> No.57151419

I bought $500 worth not even 30 minutes ago and it’s gone up since

>> No.57151424

The SOLID way

>> No.57151461

There was a bug in the display and it was displaying a dump to $2.37 in the last hour, but after refreshing the page it got corrected.
Is this a known bug with the price chart from CMC?

>> No.57151469

Use dextools instead, CMC charts suck https://www.dextools.io/app/en/ether/pair-explorer/0x53cce50d77f4e18c8bb633dd1c2fbe99e0fb71be

>> No.57151493

meh since you mentioned crosschain i was assuming its an aggregator but it looks like a normal amm dex then. so to say its more efficient remains to be seen.

>> No.57151510

they offer proofs of gas savings, and you should read up on their 2,3 crosschain solution.

>> No.57151527

I bought this using eth which sucks because gas fees, is there a better way to buy this in the future?

>> No.57151536

Solidly gas fees have been between $3-7 which has been really nice. Much cheaper on FTM (usually >.01c), and also the token on FTM side is slightly cheaper. It was more expensive for a few days, but good arb opportunity rn.

>> No.57151549

thanks will check it out

>> No.57151554

yw, good luck bro.

>> No.57151579

>>57151527 Solidly literally has the cheapest gas fees on mainnet

>> No.57151588

Wait a minute. Geckoterminal says 25m marketcap. Dextools 11m

Which one is it?

>> No.57151601
File: 33 KB, 464x244, 1700104430257306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its crosschain between FTM and ETH right now, so it's hard to find, most reliable is the infobot in the discord right now, but it'll get listed more as it grows

>> No.57151632

holy shit, is 4chan solely pumping this shitcoin to $4 EOD? No one is talking about it on Twitter or anywhere else.

>> No.57151640

4chan degens know once it hits ct its going to be above $5, this is still cheap, barely just gaining traction.

>> No.57151655

Now imagine what happens when they notice and start talking about it.

>> No.57151667

i put LP in the fantom / solid pool like 5 days ago and i cant figure out how to get rewards from the supposed 700% APR. It just gives a JSON error on the rewards page.
are rewards only working on ETH?

>> No.57151670

Whats ct?
Anyways, I'm 99% sure this will turn out to be the next shib. Same exact pattern it had early 2020. The feeling is also the same. It's just too bullish at this point. Twitter and redditfags will hear about this way to late. Maybe at 200m cap

>> No.57151683

FTM rewarder needed extra time because theres a lot of backend changes, but they've been accruing like normal, team says ETA for ftm rewarder is before next epoch, likely sometime late Wednesday night.
Crypto twitter, but yeah its going to explode, too much bullish potential

>> No.57151687

CT is Crypto twitter
Next to no one is on to this.
It took a couple hours for the post about Fantom gas program to be posted here.
Once twitter get in on this and see the circulating supply, usecase etc we'll be over $10 the day

>> No.57151836

Giga god candle is loading...

>> No.57151845

Gonna blow past $4 like its nothing

>> No.57151939

I have about 800 I can put in as LP. Is it worth it or should I purchase more using the wEth?

>> No.57151998

big thanks to the anon who shouted this in the NEON thread, biz is finally turning around.

>> No.57152211
File: 1.16 MB, 1440x1440, 856EACC3-A83A-486D-AC91-B14DF9F43A4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me. you need more. it is going 3 digits

>> No.57152244

Try 5 digits.

>> No.57152306


>> No.57152321

based digitsbros, WAGMI

>> No.57152427

Based. Upped my holds. Checked and God bless.

>> No.57152714
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>> No.57153206

Kyber integration complete
Second L2

>> No.57153478

When this launch on a third chain it will be the day it push to $10

>> No.57153793

So how can you tell /know for certain that 95% of the tokens are forever locked? Why and how are they locked and how many are circulating?
I am coinbase normie, I could buy with wallet but I don’t know if this shit is worth the gas fees

>> No.57153940

Go find the lock contract, find when most of the lock dates are, that should tell you how long the tokens are locked for. That being said, the lock is as an NFT that can still be traded OTC, but if you want to trade OTC veSolid you are going to get absolutely clobbered lol, basically its only a way for people that decide they dont think solidly is going to survive to get some form of exit money, but its like, a 30%+ loss just from locking then selling, so not at all optimal. Far better returns if you just through some money in to LPs that are running emissions.

>> No.57153972

500$ in rent?? tf

>> No.57154045

is not being able to buy SOLID some kind of low IQ fud? How is it harder to buy than any other coin?

>> No.57154085
File: 411 KB, 1170x2532, F72B04B1-8578-461F-A6CF-70D0D9CED78E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I looked on their website and found this. so there’s only 3.7m? why do people say there’s 7m

Sorry I am acoustic plz dumb down

>> No.57155119


>> No.57155266
File: 457 KB, 1080x1448, Screenshot_20240102_074537_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big candle again.

Is this why it pumped?

>> No.57156018


>> No.57156114
File: 142 KB, 700x1000, IMG_2634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me a solid and stop posting in this thread

>> No.57156144

A few months ago, everyone was washing through a CEX to do crosschain transfers, now we all use rango.
Times change, old man.

>> No.57156728
File: 242 KB, 512x512, 1704134842414550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid Chan is so Cute

>> No.57156769

>that KyberSwap logo
you've got to be kidding me

>> No.57157136

Muh solid stays valid.

>> No.57157787

How do I buy this on a dex? Is solidly an eth dapp I can use metamak with?

>> No.57157824
File: 401 KB, 640x634, 1684173555287655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish crypto was a little less shitty so we could have FAQs and howtos without a million autists arguing about it.
Solidly(the token) exists on the ETH chain, you can buy it on kyber, uni, within Metamask or on Solidly(the dex) or anywhere else holding liquidity. No idea who all has it but it's not exactly hard to find.

>> No.57157829

We're so fucking early. Look at these newfags

Just load up your adress with eth -> connect metamask -> swap whatever u want (here solid)

>> No.57157891

No, its pumping because its an absurdly low volume shitcoin. Roosh is just buying his own bags to make you retards fomo

>> No.57158037
File: 6 KB, 358x66, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this enough to make it brahs?

>> No.57158048

100 dollar by end of 2024

>> No.57158055
File: 111 KB, 828x1200, GCQZ4rGa0AAIjfr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57158098

so not exactly make it but a nice chunk, i think 10k is make it
i value it vs uniswap which is 400x the current price, but of course it is worth less at the moment. However I can see it attracting popularity because there's no onboarding on DEX's, its as simple as going to the website and doing your trade. That will help adoption, as its simply cheaper to trade on.

>> No.57158246

Thx senpaitachi.

>> No.57158351

this, bald faggot is hail marying all his liquid to try and scrape together his bags back after getting absolutely rekt. All of these threads are inorganic shilling by him and his little twink fuccboi seraph

>> No.57158625
File: 672 KB, 1045x2048, GC1P7FvWMAASoWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We updated it, it is now $150 by end 2024

>> No.57158642

What app do you buy solid on

>> No.57158708

Solidly.com or any aggregators

>> No.57158725

Solidly.com is preferred by most myself included.
They'll save you some money on gas fees compared to other places

>> No.57159067
File: 143 KB, 1659x636, 1704186827481052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Solidly got the lucky cat and We are going to $5 TODAY

>> No.57159210

So which group is behind this free advertising and pump? Completely inorganic discussion

>> No.57159237

Cope and seethe. Is this group in the room with us right now, anondrek?

>> No.57159526

Thats migration, some did not get migrated I would guess, and also, emissions are currently ongoing to bootstrap, so I imagine that solid is still moving in to the network.

>> No.57160455

$3 celebration post is still up and it's almost at $4, kek.

>> No.57160547

haha hey watch it, i'm on your side, just have my doubts

>> No.57161243

Increasing SOLID chatter on ct. Vol is already up and I bet it will be exploding soon into the millies. Then the real poompa begins.

>> No.57161352
File: 70 KB, 481x491, 1379178084342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some of this but have never staked or provided liquidity. How does this work?

>> No.57161712
File: 560 KB, 1280x1745, 1488769144852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

82% already circulating on 100m total
On this, 95% permalocked e.g 7.5m true circulating.

What is not to like here ?

>> No.57162791

>On this, 95% permalocked e.g 7.5m true circulating.
I'm retarded, what does this mean for buyers

>> No.57162797
File: 447 KB, 1080x1487, Screenshot_20240102_225209_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57162806

It means no large red candles.

>> No.57162831

Thank you