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57149452 No.57149452 [Reply] [Original]

You got this day off but tomorrow I want you to be focused

>> No.57149480
File: 184 KB, 1303x2048, Fy3ARoTX0AE-nw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally just heard my stepdad curse for having to go to work tomorrow

and they wonder why I'm a neet

>> No.57149516

One day your parents will going to die and you will have to find a job. Good luck doing it with literally zero experience.

>> No.57149563

>implying I am dependent on them for money

>> No.57149889

wagie spotted

>> No.57149914

>tumblr filename
thoughts and opinions completely and utterly discarded

>> No.57149993

4 day weekend was really boring
Got some chores done and played a little vidya but I want to go back to work

>> No.57150378
