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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57147426 No.57147426 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s see how hard we dump after this one

>> No.57147433

>CCIP by end of 2024

>> No.57147434

I'll take one for the team and waste one hour of my life watching this. Will report back with anything interesting (there almost certainly won't be anything interesting).

>> No.57147489

We're all watching it.

>> No.57147492

So far it's boring as fuck, complete nothingburger.

>> No.57147504

I'll wait for transcribe-anon to do his thing.

>> No.57147521

oof this is kinda bad marines

>> No.57147538

Lmao he did this to you cucks in 2022. Marines love having fatboy shit all over you and then you bow and thank him. THE Cuckolds of crypto

Every single coin is going to outperform Link this year

>> No.57147558

don't believe his lies

>> No.57147565

1 hour long video?
Is he serious?
I demand the TikTok 20 second version!

Can someone run this though chatgpt to get a short recap?

>> No.57147574

>Dec 20, 2023 w/ $100,000 invested on Dec 20, 2020
LINK: $109,332.79
ETH: $333,676.26
BTC: $224,295.18
SOL: $4,980,219
BNB: $755,829
AVAX: $1,435,254
MATIC: $4,105,262
DOGE: $2,368,421
TRX: $333,333
ADA: $368,750

>> No.57147592
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Sergey looks extremely healthy in this video. Tanned, color in his cheeks, high contrast on the limbal rings of his eyes. His enthusiasm doesn't come from nowhere, he is very excited for us.

>> No.57147604

It's not 2023 anymore.
Are you living in the past?
Did your employer forget to pay for yours services after he didn't see a result?

>> No.57147626

Kek baggie seething

>> No.57147654

Then what are you if not a stock basher?

>> No.57147664

There is already a positive thread posted on this video but fudders started this negative narrative one and piled on.
Support the non-fud OP thread and go here instead >>57147448

>> No.57147673

48 minutes in and I just heard the only thing that is maybe sort of interesting (for some people). Sergey answered a question about when there'll be more options for staking (i.e. when can you stake on something that's not the fucking ETH/USD feed).

Unsurprisingly, he said that he thinks a good candidate for expanding staking will be CCIP.

Even then, it just raises more questions than answers. On one hand, great, expanding to CCIP is good. But on the other hand, just what in the fuck is the point of staking on the ETH/USD feed? It's obviously a bullshit system with Chainlink themselves paying out the staking rewards (BUILD rewards still no where to be seen).
Go fuck yourself you piece of shit.

>> No.57147687

Makes me think of the Kim Jong Um new year speech.
2024 and everything is still centralized (no true staking) and TRUSTing Sergey that he is saying the TRUTH (when he lied and memory holed shit so many times).

>> No.57147739
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*bang bang*
*bang bang*
*bang bang bang bang*

>> No.57148065

>Unsurprisingly, he said that he thinks a good candidate for expanding staking will be CCIP.
This sounds like CCIP implementation isn't entirely planned out yet.
Which is worrisome.
I'd think for something as important as CCIP, they'd already know exactly how (and approximately) staking will be implemented.

Maybe he was being vague to not disclose any secrets. It didn't sound that way though.

>> No.57148068

*and approximately when staking will be implemented

>> No.57148103

Exactly. As per usual, anything about the tokenomics of LINK seems like such an afterthought. Really can't wait to be done with LINK after this bullrun, just sick of it.

>> No.57148118
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I think it's planned out, but they're being overly cautious when it comes to general release of CCIP and pretty much everything else.
That little tirade he went on about people releasing shitty products in a matter of months because they're grifters with nothing to lose is a good example of why Chainlink needs to be extra cautious when it comes to security.

If Chainlink has even 1 exploit, it's toast, and so are defi/dlt/twa.
If chainlink isn't able to pull off the transition to a verifiable web/IOC, then the whole thing will be set back for years until tradfi comes up with a solution that doesn't include any outside investment.

There's so much riding on them releasing a secure protocol that can handle all of the demands of a tradfi/defi system without compromising one iota of security

On the other hand, I think it's entirely possible that they're encountering some significant challenges in lack of interest from FIs and enterprise users because so few people really understand what problems they're trying to solve.
Like he said, practically nobody even understands the premise of CCIP or what it's trying to do that it's a herculean effort just to educate let alone drive adoption.

>> No.57148132

im not

>> No.57148249

Well you were right, this time he didn't even bother with slides.

>> No.57148261

so basically he's getting fed up with the fud and he wants everybody to contribute "MEANINGFULLY" instead
that's what I got
shit, things look grim as fuck

>> No.57148313

Entreprises are not coming before 2030 at the very least just like banks took 15 years to come on the internet which allowed Paypal to capture it all.
Institutional adoption has always been BULLSHIT since the first day just like it was with the EEA or XRP or any of this stuff. They will come only when they're forced to.

Chainlink was good when it was focus on cryptos and DeFi (which many retards here spat on btw, telling you how low IQ the current bagholders are).

I can guarantee you they spent billions of retail money in salaries/devs hours/business to make all these shitty PoC with Swift, banks, etc...
Imagine if Vitalik spent his time working on R3 Corda and other corpor busywork instead of Ethereum.
Sergey lost the plot, real DONs, staking and CCIP would likely be out since at least a year and a half. I'm not even talking about tokenomics which has been so much defecated on by CLL it's a tragedy.
With all of that LINK would be #3 on CMC ranking and noone would bat an eye.

>> No.57148358

>Even then, it just raises more questions than answers. On one hand, great, expanding to CCIP is good. But on the other hand, just what in the fuck is the point of staking on the ETH/USD feed? It's obviously a bullshit system with Chainlink themselves paying out the staking rewards (BUILD rewards still no where to be seen).

Bro, if you raise an alert, you get a 7K Link reward.

They're starting REALLY REALLY smmaaaalllll with the staking system and slowly expanding out. They're going to want us to help contribute to the risk management system for the CCIP lanes.

>> No.57148375

no we are not CLL employee

>> No.57148412

Yeah same shit as always. The only interesting thing is the 2024 or 2025 adoption bit but that’s bullshit too

>> No.57148417

you and me both>>57148118
>I think it's planned out, but they're being overly cautious when it comes to general release of CCIP and pretty much everything else.

>That little tirade he went on about people releasing shitty products in a matter of months because they're grifters with nothing to lose is a good example of why Chainlink needs to be extra cautious when it comes to security.
you know this is bullshit from a buisness perspective right? you want to be first to market for staying power. Even schmidit said you can do all the private testing in the world it still is not real testing untill everyone can use it.
the fat ass is losing out to shit like pyth because people want to use something now, not ten years from now. the only thing keep this project relevant is the swift stuff, which who knows how much money they are giving him on top of waht token sales are providing

>> No.57148448

time stamp? i want to see the fat ass seeth. at least i will get something back for my money

>> No.57148501

towards the end of the video, around 1:03:00

>> No.57148531

>people need to overcome shitty price action for the great good of the project.

how can his fat ass say this shit from a pent house in SF? fuckin dick head is throwing roof top parties for bankers and wants us to chill out after seven years of 0 token incentivization.

>> No.57148558

Sergey has a lot of psychopathic tendencies, but he hides behind this facade of ''philosophy graduate turned crypto visionary''. He also partied hard in Paris and Barcelona supposedly.

>> No.57148561

Good points. Thanks.

>> No.57148568

>He also partied hard in Paris and Barcelona supposedly.
id like to hear the rumors on this. hes a glutton for sure. im just curious what type of degen shit hes into.

>> No.57148592

He was surrounded by models and had bodyguards to keep the link incels away, is all I know of.

>> No.57148631
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yeah I totally agree
They've really put themselves in a corner by having all these different products in early release like ccip, functions, data streams etc.
If they focused on getting CCIP to general access instead of having a bunch of remote devs working on half assed application that aren't going to be feasible any time this decade, they'd be enjoying first mover advantage.
Now they're trying to fend off a bunch of shitty protocols who are eating their lunch just because people are tired of waiting for a single application to be released to general access.

They pretty much have no choice but to focus on the security aspect of the protocol because otherwise they have no excuse for swift and dtcc as to why they don't have anything ready for them.
In the time it's taken to put out even a fake ass staking version, we've seen the entire AI sector explode with functionality on the same budget that CL has wasted.
I still think they're going to end up being the backbone of this new defi/tradfi system, but the way Sergey dismisses the advice of Eric Schmidt is egregious.
For the love of God, spend a few million on an office and get those lazy ass engineers to actually show up to work and finish something.

>> No.57148651
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I unironically rubbed one out to it, took a bit but I got it done.


>> No.57148668
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itt: boomers circlejerking about how terrible their ancient bags are

>> No.57148673

fudcucks basically did the equivalent of a full time job last year fudding every single day (including christmas,) creating dozens of twitter fud accounts, not just fudded on twitter but screenshotted their tweets and then posted the same on /biz/, endlessly airplane mode on and off to switch IPs just to fud on /biz/ as much as possible, collected and arranged hundreds of gay cuckold images just so they can post more fud etc etc

all that and STILL they just watched early access get filled in 5 hours lmao

>> No.57148675

Cuck me once shame on sergey. Cuck me twice shame on me. I will NOT get cucked again in 2024

>> No.57148679

Well we know he's not a coke fiend

>> No.57148688

how much cum do you suck from sergeys dick? you seriously think its okay to not have any token incentives, their is no reason to hold link and im sick of you new fag with 500 token stacks perma bull posting.

>> No.57148737

Funny how inorganic these FUD threads always look. It's always the same 2-3 low iq esl cockroaches obviously running off a script and replying to themselves between phones / pcs or something.

Pool's still full. Keep tonguing my anus you impotent FUD spamming gimps.

>> No.57148744

>"So, I think the thing I would say is, I’m very, very grateful to all of these people for even the smallest contribution that they’ve done. And it’s just uh, important to me that my lack of communication doesn’t get misinterpreted for a lack of gratitude. The thing that I would say in this vein is that um, if you find our body of work important, I encourage you to find a way to contribute to it in a productive way that creates a net benefit for the system. And I think that various groups, technical or non-technical, have various ways that they can contribute to the system. And I know that sometimes it’s hard because, you know, it’s not clear how the world’s going to evolve. And sometimes things take a little longer to build securely, and sometimes adoption of the growth of the overall crypto industry isn’t high. But that is what people need to overcome in order to be part of something big. That’s it.

There isn’t a single historical example I can find where everything was just going great every single day. That doesn’t exist. The only way it works, from what I can tell of my study of all kinds of history, technical history, political history, all kinds of history, is you have um, a worldview. You have a technology, or you have a plan that’s based on a worldview of how the world will evolve. And you continually put your effort and your thought and your time into that technology, into that worldview, into that plan. And you make a commitment to do that, and you do it. And then if you’re right, over an extended period of time, it uh, works out because your plan connected back to reality..."

>> No.57148752

>"The incremental um, positive or negative dynamics that happen on a weekly, or a monthly, or even a biannual basis, to me, do not matter so much because the fundamental truth of a verifiable web, a deterministic society, cryptographically guaranteed relationships, is all there. It doesn’t matter to me if I’m in 2010 or 2011, and everyone’s trying to tell me how Bitcoin is, is never going to grow, it’s going to get regulated out of existence. Or if we’re in 2024 and someone still doesn’t believe that uh, some oracle network compute model is the most scalable, efficient way to do things. I know it’s the more sc-, I know, I know what I know in my mind, what the right answer is."

>"And what’s really helpful to um, people like me, is other people that can see the truth of that situation and be part of it in a productive way. In a productive, value-added way where they consistently, through the ups, through the downs, do what is needed to overcome challenges and arrive at a successful state of affairs. So, I’m very grateful once again to everybody who has contributed to our success. To the people that have stayed up late with me, the people that have worked very hard in our community, to all the developer advocates, to all the developers that have contributed, to all the community members running meetups, to everybody. I’m, I’m extremely grateful. I’m actually sometimes overwhelmed by the gratefulness that I have to these people and still surprised that I’m so lucky to have so many people interested in what I’m working on. Thank you for making 2023 a landmark for the Chainlink network. I deeply appreciate everyone’s hard work. Looking forward to 2024 and wishing you all a happy, prosperous, and successful new year. Thank you."

>> No.57148788

Rent free. Sell and move on with your life.

>inb4 fighting injustice or some other cum brain delusion

>> No.57148851

I'll save you all an hour, summary of the whole video, no big announcements

Sergey says that several oracles/nodes are successful in production environment. In the coming year he anticipates that new services will be developed by combining these already in-use production oracles. He expands a little on benefits on using chainlink compared to traditional architectures (usual stuff we've heard before). He thinks that TradFi will have large demand for these services and that the chainlink platform is 'in a state of readiness' to meet this demand. He reiterates that chainlink is working closely and moving forward with large tradfi players. He anticipates tradfi and web3 merging in the next couple of years to create a single network of contracts, this is something he is excited for and chainlink is working towards facilitating by acting as a universal standard.

>> No.57148862

Banks and financial institutions are set to migrate to blockchain based systems, Sergey reiterates the usual reasons. He goes over the benefits of chainlink for RWA's, nothing new here. He thinks tradfi will be the largest user of defi. The delay so far in integrating these systems has been on the tradfi end rather than chainlink/defi end. CCIP isn't understood yet, particularly its security features, e.g the risk management network and 5th level of security it offers. Security is the foremost consideration when moving value, existing bridges are very very poor at securing this value transfer and cannot update efficiently in the face fast changing legal/security issues. CCIP is architected to address this without needing to roll out new versions in response to these issues. Tradfi is very good at this, defi is crap at it, CCIP is even better than existing tradfi approaches and is feature-rich & flexible. A key assumption is that more people in the space will value these features more and more as additional hacks occur and chainlink/CCIP will inevitably become the standard.

>> No.57148867

Daily reminder that tellor is still up 3x compared to link. Link is literally a dogshit coin

>> No.57148874

Chainlink is a market leader in the data/oracle space due to its security guarantees and reliability. Sergey thinks chainlink data streams will see a lot of use. Generally he sees chainlinnk moving to provide data in more convenient formats (pull oracles/ data streams/ indexes etc.) and more efficient low level use of the system i.e making oracles easy to use for self-service users, instruction on secure set up and so on. He throws in an extra piece to remind frustrated linkies that security is vastly more important than development speed, without security the system is pointless. He sounds a little pissed off that other teams in the space don't treat security in the same way, when they invariably fail it sets back the whole space in terms of credibility. They don't treat security as priority because they are app and web developers, not cryptography PhDs. Other devs aren't even aware of the risks, nevermind mitigating them. If they could do as thorough a job as chainlink, they would. Ultimately chainlink will prevail due to its approach in making secure systems even if other teams rush crappy systems to the market.

>> No.57148897

The most pointless video. Just the same old slides as always

>> No.57148895


Chainlink platform relies on a market evolving to meet its offering and one that is willing to pay for high quality services. Market is still immature, not yet in millions of devs, which is what link 2.0 is being built for. Sergey wants to make on-boarding of devs to web3 and network of contracts to be as easy as possible by proving a range of services, maximising fees incoming to link and in turn increasing its dominance and security etc. Eventually he foresees a 'universal decentralised computing market' - chainlink's ultimate aim, which each additional aspect of the chainlink platform is developed to help bring about. He talks a little about flexible security and helping devs with different budgets, being able to pay for more or less security at different times as needed. Chainlink platform is highly adaptable/scalable in this regard, reputation system is an aspect of this. If link can nail scaling, then all devs using the platform will have a much easier time scaling. Being able to service both micro platforms through to global networks will funnel devs into building with chainlink from the very beginning ensuring market capture as platforms grow. Research is being undertaken on how to expand staking services, CCIP is likely to be first place staking is expanded to.

>> No.57148898

>bro you're just a fudcuck!!!!
I'm just fucking furious you fucking aids ridden faggot, how does the cum of fat fuck feels in your dick gobbling queer mouth?

>> No.57148914
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At this point im genuinely wandering if blockchain as a whole is just a past it's prime fad that served no purpose to any industry and we're all sad boomers holding on.

The teams are probably draining the last funds and will move onto safe legacy tech jobs after.

>> No.57148925

He speaks a bit about the verifiable web, nothing we haven't heard before about paper contracts vs smart contracts etc etc. Something he brought up was the ability of private key holders in the crypto/web3 space to actually leave the system easily. He gives the example of silicon valley bank and how even when some people realised shit was about to hit the fan, they were unable to exit the system due to custody issues/lack of visibility etc, not a problem in crypto. Old systems were info rich, verifiable web is transparent and info rich and are an evolution of 80s/90s IT systems. These features are 'forced' due to the use of blockchains/oracles.

Soft question about what he is grateful for - he is grateful that other people share his vision. Sergey says libertarian principles in the early bitcoin scene drove him to crypto to help bring about both specific and general changes in the world to manifest his views on freedom and choice. He says it is important that he stays focused on delivering as much as he can for chainlink and regrets that this leaves him little time to interact with the community. He feels previous work he did before chainlink was of little impact, but his conviction in 'seeing reality' with regard to the importance of crypto systems has allowed him to find and incubate a like-minded community who share similar ideals. The scale and impact of the community and platform is important to him and he says he hopes his lack of communication isn't confused for a lack of appreciation. He encourages anyone who agrees on the importance what chainlink is doing to get involved in any productive way they can. He compares chainlink now to bitcoin back in 2010, through consistent hard work that is fundamentally grounded in reality others will eventually come to see the importance and value of chainlink, as they did with bitcoin. Sergey signs off by thanking the community and wishing them a happy new year.

>> No.57148940

>There isn’t a single historical example I can find where everything was just going great every single day
no one is saying that you CLL advocate. Crypto is security comes from the price of the token being high. people buy the token because their is an incentive for the token to go high. Chainlink is the only crypto project with no incentive in sight for the price to go higher.

>> No.57148957

I am quoting exactly what Sergey said in the video you braindead nigger. Don't ever @ me again.

>> No.57149069

His explanation and reiteration of needing all the tools on the Chainlink platform did give me an epiphany or I guess better understanding that the new breed of NFTs isn't just a one and done release with Chainlink toolings. They'll be married to Chainlink's platform. Not only are being transferred from chain to chain via CCIP, but they also will be routinely updated with Proof of Reserves. Or for it to even function on the blockchain it may need DECO since it relies on sensitive data.

Yeah I should have gotten this from dynamic NFTs 2 years back but I suppose that's the point of Sergey hammering home these points for years on us.

>> No.57149178

Yawn.. I cant even stomach hearing any more of this fake corporate tech slide hopium. Literally everything that comes out of sergeys mouth is just word filler fluff, the same exact shit hes been mumbling for the past 7 years

>> No.57149229

I won't watch it. Either the market is retarded, it's surpressed, insiders know it's going to take 5+ years for any meaniful developments or the whole project just a pipe dream after wll
t. 2017 buyer

>> No.57149291
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Those jabs at other projects using frontend web developers to code their security systems.
Pure kino, I have never been so comfy in my life.

>> No.57149394

DLT and TWA is definitely going to be the standard in the future, but unless there's a real concerted effort across the tradfi industry, it'll take a long time.

Whenever I meet with my commercial banking rep, it's clear that the systems they use are insanely cumbersome because of fraud and the countless other things that make value transfer a pain in the ass.
There's a million different steps and failsafes behind the scenes when you do something as simple as pay your bill online.
Things like selling a property are also a pain in the ass when you have to dig up old files and scan inspections and surveying reports, and the process is going to be much easier when all that information is on chain.
If there's a proven method to make things easier, they're going to use it. It's just going to take time though, which is why CL is focusing on their partnerships with Swift to make it easier for banks to adopt.

Honestly, I'd be surprised if we see any meaningful adoption of Chainlink services outside of defi before 2030.
Still, I think it's an inevitability

>> No.57149461

so how come ETH gets a free pass to be hacked all the time but Chainlink can't??? what is this insane double standard???

>> No.57149599

Eth has never been hacked, just applications that are built on it get hacked all the time. Chainlink has never been hacked either but it’s made of a lot of different networks that are still being built so they have to move very cautiously, more cautiously than ever now because they are so close to getting major institutions on board. You can’t have your first fuckup right when Swift and dtcc are about to start using the network, Sergey would unironically rather take a cheese grater to his bellend

>> No.57149619

Chainlink is just another shitcoin. Only retards place Link on a pedestal with expectations

>> No.57149685

It’s number 3

>> No.57149697

kek ok man tell that to swift, dtcc, citi, anz, etc

>> No.57149753

oh...oh... OOOHHH! Wow did not realize that. Hmm... sounds like Link is actually important. In that case, it should not get a free pass like any other shitcoin has

>> No.57149785

post a screen shot of the ccip usage on dune analytics

>> No.57149887

>”Link deserves to be undervalued compared to other coins because it’s better than other coins”
>samefagging this hard

You have mental illness

>> No.57149934

filter 1 transparent fuddie and the thread becomes 1000 times more readable

>> No.57149946

Chainlink is a shitcoin just like ETH got it.

>> No.57149969

*filters 8ZGiXyqo*
comfy times ahead frens

>> No.57149973

The dao hack was an application built on Ethereum, they chose to fork because all the early adopters got completely fucked

>> No.57150001
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>> No.57150024

>The dao hack was an application built on Ethereum
lol would you get a load of this fuddie hacks are not applications built on eth.
>they chose to fork
who is "they"??? ethereum is decentralized!
>all the early adopters got completely fucked
check the price fuddie eth early adopters are doing better than (you).

I have officially refuted all you're points. I accept this as your concession.

>> No.57150059

I consider myself thoroughly BTFO. Congratulations sir you are a master debater

>> No.57150076

Thank you for doing the needful.
Now I wont have to waste my time and have my hopes crushed, like always.

>> No.57150092

everyone should watch the last 10 minutes or so, if nothing else.

>> No.57150158

He takes BBC up his ass. You know what BBCs are? Big Bombay Cobras.

Sergay is a notorious gay Russian coal burner fiend in the gay tech scene known to all Indians in Bangalore he is a devious man

>> No.57150165
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take your meds, retard

>> No.57150295

You can't win every debate anon take a moment to reflect about you're faults as a person and hopefully use this as a moment to grow

>> No.57150313

How many of these have bought LINK? Huh huh?
Yeah that's what I thought.

>> No.57150454

Why would they be hoarding link tokens when they aren't able to use ccip yet?
FI's risk tolerances aren't going to allow them to buy a utility token for something they may end up using in the future.
Plus, the value for them will be the efficiency and cost savings that come from outsourcing value transfer to a secure protocol like CCIP

>> No.57150979

>Why would they be hoarding link tokens when they aren't able to use ccip yet?

You yourself just said all of these institutions are in on link >>57149697

Why wouldn't they secure their future usage at a significant discount right now? If Chainlink Lab's tech is so significant and obvious, and these players are obviously in on it, why pay more for usage later?

>> No.57151004
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Chainlink services use a pay-as-you-go model which is familiar to enterprises which already use AWS/Azure/GCP.

>> No.57151024

So $50 by 2030
Got it

>> No.57151301

Unless your argument is that Chainlink will stay at it's current price forever, what you say completely misses the point .

>> No.57151342

It's actually because sergey dumps too much on the available float.

>> No.57151382

These are publicly traded companies and hedge funds.
Look at all the hoops they're jumping through for the BTC ETFs, but you think it's feasible for them to buy link years before they'll ever use it?
Jesus, do you people ever listen to yourselves?

>> No.57151417

>"bro they all believe Chainlink will launch the 4th industrial revolution and collateralize trillions in assets"
>"wtf why would they buy LINK???"
>"btw LINK is going to $1000 EOY, please buy (so Sergey can fund himself for another year)"

I would be laughing my ass off at the mental gymnastics if I wasn't in this clown car with you faggots

>> No.57151456

Are your locked rewards and claimable rewards combined for total rewards? or is the locked rewards number all you've received?

>> No.57151530

Man o man you are fucked.

>> No.57151566

>At this point im genuinely wandering if blockchain as a whole is just a past it's prime fad that served no purpose to any industry and we're all sad boomers holding on.
It never had a purpose for any industry except gambling. Real CS profs and SWEs can tell you this.

>> No.57151571

>if I wasn't in this clown car with you faggots
im in the care and im force inducing laughing just so i dont rope

>> No.57151583

It's not really clear how a decentralized ledger will prevent the sort of fraud that the banking system has to worry about, and it adds new problems like wallet address errors, failed transactions due to gas costs, and so on. There are no legitimate uses of this technology except law-breaking, sometimes this is justified (if you're a Venezuelan trying to get your money out of there for example) but mostly it's just gambling and scamming.

>> No.57151604

You know when sergey sells he invests most of it back into his company, right? If anything, the mere fact that he's able to keep the price stable at $15 despite all the fud these past couple years is a testament to his belief in his web3 oracle solution. I'm actually baffled that sergey can keep the price at $15 without surrendering more of his stack

>> No.57151685
File: 12 KB, 907x223, 12123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57151738

How do you verify a digital transaction as an end user under the traditional system?

>> No.57151754

>chainlink outlook

$15,1 eoy

>> No.57151762

Sorry, best I can do is offer 3% circulating supply of my dogeniggerinu420elonmusk69 tokens for your BUILD program ;)

>> No.57151818

Is that the preferred choice of payment for the dtcc,swift,anz,euroclear etc , as well? It seems you missed my point but i would not expect much from someone autisticly monitoring a thread about an obscure technology they dont care about for over 5hours.

>> No.57152008
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, 1704154062749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because the institutions will bid up a token to exceedingly higher dollar amounts in order to pay for increasingly higher cost services. That makes sense..
Oh yeah its a good thing the token is not actually needed or else this scheme would be certified retarded.
In case you havent realized it yet, your lord and saviour sergey has put chainlink into a terrible catch 2020 situation, leave it to the philosophy major to create a paradox token.

>charge for link services in $ denominations : token not needed
>charge for link services in link denominations : tokenomics completely break counterintuitively and undermine the utility and goal of the project

Either way your shitcoin is fucked and it will be hilarious to watch

>> No.57152257

>Yes because the institutions will bid up a token to exceedingly higher dollar amounts in order to pay for increasingly higher cost services. That makes sense..
18 decimals fren

>> No.57152351

>"And what’s really helpful to um, people like me, is other people that can see the truth of that situation and be part of it in a productive way. In a productive, value-added way where they consistently, through the ups, through the downs
It's literally been down only since 2020, so fuck off Sergey. I don't think the advocates and other braindead shills understand this. LINK isn't just sort of under performing. The scale of LINK's under performing price action is abysmal. Compare LINK to any piece of shit in the top 20 and LINK is basically completely flat, meanwhile everything else is like 20x up in price. It's truly unbelievable how badly they've fucked this up. And this is in Chainlink's own interest for the price to go up, they need to raise money to fund all this crazy shit they're doing and a higher token price would provide a much bigger runway. But of course, the shills will claim that Chainlink doesn't have to worry about making money or keeping the lights on for some reason.

>> No.57152434
File: 42 KB, 815x340, 767676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57152491

Right on. He’s not a visionary, bought and paid for errands boy for swift

>> No.57152561

>down only
>face melting gigamoon from $5 to $17

>> No.57152597

Is ccip happening this year or not

>> No.57152690

Dec 20, 2023 w/ $100,000 invested on Dec 20, 2020

LINK: $109,332.79
ETH: $333,676.26
BTC: $224,295.18
SOL: $4,980,219
BNB: $755,829
AVAX: $1,435,254
MATIC: $4,105,262
DOGE: $2,368,421
TRX: $333,333
ADA: $368,750


>> No.57152721
File: 212 KB, 1280x720, 20231022_022553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK sisters...our time has come

>> No.57152829

You typed all that out thinking you were clever and turned out you were the dumbest one in the thread.

>> No.57152831

Oh damn man, did you invest in December 2020? I invested in September 2017 so that doesn't really apply to me.

>> No.57152841

Blockchain created Bitcoin and Bitcoin will literally permachange the monetary system

>> No.57152867

>why yes, I'm content with my investment returning literally nothing for the last 3 years while everything else has skyrocketed

>> No.57152995

I always propose this challenge to shitcoiners in every thread and nobody has ever accepted. If its so easy to predict the market and put money in any shitcoin and 10x, show me a portfolio with your shitcoin of choice that is mid 6 figures or higher. Because that's the standard, 2017 linkies are there already and many are 7 figures.

The problem is nobody can, because nobody actually holds shitcoins like solana or bnb, because they know they can crash at any point and are entirely propped up by low liquidity, centralization, market makers and a fickle shitcoin casino.

But anyways, go ahead and prove me wrong, show me the portfolio that "made it" with shitcoins. Its so easy, somebody had to do it, right?

>> No.57153073

>I demand my asset go up in price every single year otherwise it's not fair and I will make thousands of posts on /biz/ expressing my rage that this asset did not go up all the time when I wanted it to

>> No.57153667

Its great to see you all of you idiots finally come around to reality. Hilarious people here suck off some faggot russian liberal kissinger worshiper as if he knows anything about life

YOU. WERE. GRIFTED…get it through your head

>> No.57153687

Would you mind point to something specifically that makes it english second language? That is..if you have time to pull that flacid russian cock out of your throat, faggot

>> No.57153709

Was this a pasta? Im having a hard time believing this is real. Wow

>> No.57153782

>no portfolio
But please, continue crying about opportunity cost while doing nothing about it.

>> No.57153796

ok so what

>> No.57153820

If you held past 2020, you fucked up badly, linkies used to be early to crypto and during 2020 they were ahead of the majority of other people's portfolio, since 2020 link holders have fallen very far behind the general market. Theres normies who entered in 2021 have since made more roi than these "seasoned OGs" who have been holding link since 2017.
If you held link you effectively skipped out on participating in crypto for the last three years. Essentially you lost 3 years whole of financial movements.
Your bags are the same since they were in 2020, while everyone got richer and the dollar devalued. That's fucking insanely bad when you actually think about it. I'mdeeply ashamed to have held this long with these delusional gme tier moonboy retards, just look at twitters link marines, they are 80 iq npc retards just repeating the same hopium slogans over and over again.
I'm so glad I atleast have other bags. I wouldnt be surprised if some of the all-in link maxis have roped by now

>> No.57153872

Wait so are serious bahahahahaha. This is what ive bought in the last 18 months


Everyone except hifi outdid cucked link and im 99% sure hifi will crush link in the next year. You are stuck in an echo chamber. Classic loser denial guy from billy madison lmao

>> No.57154476

Link will have its day, you are nigger tier retarded if you think otherwise

>> No.57154833

Opportunity cost

Sergey has billions of DOLLARS in his treasury and can stay solvent for decades before chainlink is adopted.

He can also keep dumping hundreds of millions of link for more fiat to keep his company afloat.

Can you say the same?

>> No.57154838

it literally pumped

>> No.57154889

Show me the portfolio, anon
>inb4 total value: $1268

>> No.57154919

Yes. I'm an independent, self-sufficient and resilient chad who can take what the universe throws at me with my head held high. Every day I'm grateful that I get to live in this timeline, and wasn't some 18 year old conscripted onto the Western Front in WWI, choking on gas before his 19th birthday. Every day I am grateful for the challenges I face, and the chance to overcome them. Every year I overcome more adversity, and every year I like myself more as a result. The coddled life is pointless and shallow. I am happy when I am striving and struggling.

>> No.57155002

Nigga you’re retarded

>> No.57155008

Cope. I've literally made it already because I've become the man I wanted to be. Anything else that happens to me is just icing on the cake.

>> No.57155044

>Anything else that happens to me is just icing on the cake.
I agree with you. Only multi millionaires that have already made it and don’t care about making money should buy chainlink.

Buying link should be considered a donation to Sergey at this point and we shouldn’t expect anything out of the CL foundation, much less to make money.

>> No.57155073

Checked and seethe more and write more empty words. As long as you're happy and fulfilled on the inside. You are, aren't you?

>> No.57155135

Sir, we’re here to make the most money in the shortest time possible. This is a business and finance board.

Respectfully, go back to pol.

>> No.57155160

This, they never do because they can’t. Nobody holds those shitcoins, that’s why they pump, paper thin liquidity.
>so just buy illiquid shitcoins fuck fundamentals!
Cool which ones, are you comfortable gambling with 5/6/7 figures on russian roulette or musical chairs? Because that’s what it is. And if people were doing it successfully they’d be bragging, instead of whining like midwits who can read a chart and go “wow if only I made these trades I’d be a billionaire, it was so obvious”

>> No.57155167

These are /biz/ jeets we're talking about, so it's guaranteed dumber than that. They do gamble on the shitcoin casino and lose repeatedly.

>> No.57155170

You would think at least one single anon would have posted their fat SOL bags during the pump.
I didn't see a single screenshot.

>> No.57155193

Because nobody holds it, its literally just crypto pvp, whale games to compete for liquidity and bring it back to eth after they’ve had their casino fun. Its not even retail involved in this “pump”, literally just whales playing musical chairs with each other, that’s why overall crypto marketcap isn’t pumping much.

>> No.57155512
File: 2.57 MB, 720x1280, backtobelly.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could disagree with any part of this but the sheer fucking toll to my life of holding LINK has been utterly catastrophic. I know diary entries are verboten and everything's supposed to be facetious and retarded on biz now, but I say earnestly I cannot understate the damage it's done to me.

Recalling 2020 and all the pep and hope I had in me then really does tangle me up. Everything felt like it was moving, every effort and tribulation felt meaningful. There weren't many versions of the next few years, I thought, that end without my financial freedom. I couldn't wait to show others I'd made it, I did okay, I took risks and did something. Selling LINK's blowoff in August felt then like probably the right call, but I figured I could squeeze a little more out of LINK - with a long-term tax discount buffer - provided it just, just, *JUST* held onto those sats gains. Nevermind #5, just the top 10 is enough. Even a little lower. Nowhere in my mental spreadsheets did I have LINK falling out of the top 30.

Aging through that kind of underperformance is extremely difficult. With each year, the desperation compounds, and with an obliterated ego comes resounding self-doubt that I'm shrewd enough to make it anyway. A sullied risk appetite and collapsed conviction: I don't think you can't make statistically anomalous profit from those ingredients. A well-paying career is a nice disguise for a 30yo, but with every new friend marrying or buying a home, my sitting impotent with six figs dangling into this market is objectively more degenerate, objectively a greater failure.

I have a $1 DCA and a 15x to show for it after six years. I've sold a lot, will sell more, but am still far out of position for whatever weird bull we're shaping up for. Ordinary advice is to derisk from crypto entirely, but I'm here because I'd rather die than wageslave til my 60s. Don't have a choice. I've told God this and implored him to kill me if I don't make it within a year or two.

>> No.57155562


>> No.57155681

Thanks. I know.

>> No.57155705


>> No.57155722

>Fudcuck manifesto
sorry bulgarian jeet, the pool is closed

>> No.57155751

You blocked my acct recently cuz I deleted a response to you - rude in retrospect, sorry. Had to make another sock to refollow.

>> No.57155793

This one REALLY riles them up

>> No.57155918

Fudcucks having a meltdown itt

>> No.57156476
File: 7 KB, 150x150, t.994371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have had a similar experience. There's no point in whinging about it now though, its just too bad. I have a substantial size staked that I don't think I will ever sell, but I realize its kind of a stupid decision. I'm holding other tokens so its ok, but I know some damage has been done to people who were all in.

>> No.57156527

Why are Sergeys eyelids so slow?

>> No.57156540

Holy fuck the concern trolling of supposed marines doesn't work, retards
nobody's selling, 2024 is LINK's year
cope seethe and dilate, fudcucks

>> No.57156949

I hold more LINK than you dummy. Not everyone here is a "fudcuck" and I can't sell anyway given the duration I've held my bags.

>> No.57156963

>impotent fudcuck screeching

>> No.57156975

Good luck anon. Didn't intend to "whinge" but here you do find many kindred souls. It can be quite cathartic to send little beacons out once in a while.

>> No.57157003

>Huuurr holding through a 50x is sooo painful and bad duuur
As if anyone with half a braincel actually considered seriously buying any of this bullshit shitcoins which have "outperformed" LINK in whatever cherry picked timeframe you choose
eat shit fudcucks

>> No.57157069

Calm down babe

>> No.57157073

I am calm, fudcuck

>> No.57157089
File: 605 KB, 536x905, NERD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> more red months against BTC
> absolutely zero movement as everything else pumps
Getting absolutely cunted with link lately

>> No.57157133

This year I sold close to a fifth of my stack for six other coins. Two mid caps and three low caps, depending on how you define it. One of which was already mentioned itt. At point of sale to date, I've outperformed LINK on every one of those buys. Not outperformed in quotation marks you retard, actually objectively outperformed it. I have more money than I would have had with LINK, which is really the story of the experience since late 2020. Your mad little chicken tendies tantrum here says it all.

>> No.57157147

Two mid caps, three low caps, one microcap* (<20m MC)

>> No.57157164

>fudcuck fantasy manifesto
yet you can't stop posting in LINK threads, whining like a little baby
sure thing, fudcuck

>> No.57157226
File: 277 KB, 1500x1500, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the experience every time I do so. It's the barely comprehensible, furious picrel brainlets like you left holding the bag, tasked with spinning and apologising and defending, and getting very very angry with anyone who doesn't actively pretend like the last 3+ years didn't happen.

>> No.57157253

>reeeee I keep hodling a token I don't believe in anymore and that's your fault!
seethe fudcuck, none cares about your impotent sperging

>> No.57157307

What a bizarre way to interpret my posts. You're the one making a confrontation here. You're the one triggered by my sharing the experience.

>> No.57157333
File: 1.93 MB, 995x1135, Linkraker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means 1k eoy 24

>> No.57157356

>Fudcuck seething about his concern trolling not working

>> No.57157384

checked blessed trips!
fudcucks in shambles

>> No.57157412

Babe you say you’re calm but you keep rageposting.

Calm down kitten.

>> No.57157711
File: 111 KB, 479x480, 1696596197162088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i didnt buy it lurking biz in 2017 for 0.15 cents, why would I buy it now?

>> No.57158097

This is what peak loserdom looks like. Classic denial phase. Lmao on claiming no liquidity…a blatent lie but then these morons probably dont even know how to check it. Theyre literally just repeating lines fed from advocates…THATS the IQ of your modern muhhhrine (cringe)

The best part of all is they still dont understand they are crypto’s Gamestop.

>> No.57158136

>bro we OWNED le fud by losing money
>GAMESTOP, power to the players

>> No.57158178

>bro trust me I am soo confident in my gamestop
>tries to keep straight face, breaks into tears

I can feel the mask slipping on your posts. Your years of rage and insecurity built up, simmering just below the surface. A full blown loser who only had one thing going, a fantasy le secret investment. And now its crumbling slowly, and the rage builds…

>> No.57158366
File: 170 KB, 1024x1024, 61D5524D-2853-45F6-B742-EFBB4C3B37D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink + 172.33% YTD
Bitcoin + 171.28% YTD
Eth. + 94.78% YTD

The numbers speak for themselves despite what anyone says.

>> No.57158468

you all keep bitching and moaning but LINK is doing just fine

>> No.57158586

also I love how a thread about Sergey's new video has devolved into group therapy of demoralized holders, just because "it hasn't pumped enough"
if any of you are actual ico buyers, literally zoom the fuck out, stop being greedy and appreciate what we already got

>> No.57158590

>fud cuck

>Jan 1, 2021
BTC: $29,125
ETH: $750
LINK: $12.25
AVAX: $3.66
DOGE: $0.005
MATIC: $0.02
SOL: $1.50
BNB: $37.14
ADA: $0.17
TRX: $0.02

>Jan 1 2024
BTC: $45,000
ETH: $2,380
LINK: $15.75
AVAX: $42.25
DOGE: $0.09
MATIC: $1.01
SOL: $111.20
BNB: $318.09
ADA: $0.62
TRX: $0.10

>> No.57158630

Every genuine /biz/ user knows this, anon. Dont put too much energy into arguing with bad faith fudders
>J00YGV captcha

>> No.57158690

post portfolio

>> No.57158752

they won't cause they're all bullshitting, as always

>> No.57158761


Just sell and move on dude.

>> No.57158792

See >>57158590 and then put a bullet in your head.

>> No.57158814

>and then put a bullet in your head
why are you fudders so mad?

>> No.57158833

>if any of you are actual ico buyers
They are late buyers, that's why all they do is seethe here.

>> No.57158842

See >>57158690
You have no ethos until your portfolio is posted

>> No.57158870

It's not about him selling. It's about dissuading newbies from buying in. It's become his sole aim in life because he's housebound and hates everyone

>> No.57159489

They won't post portfolios just like they won't tell you why they still hold link.

>> No.57160386

All they do is look at charts and go "oh wow if I had done this this and this I'd be a billionaire its not fair fuckkkk link!!!!" Reddit didn't make it off shitcoins either btw, reddit fucking hates crypto right now, they're still in "this rally will fail like all the rest" mode currently. Crypto is a zero sum game, always remember that, for someone to win 100x, 100 losers have to lose.

>> No.57160852


>reality is not wanted at our cult meetings, dude

>price action ends where my feelings begin

imagine being so delusional you think the losers here move the market. Classic gamestop hodler

>delusional mania rambling
ahh the old I didn't make money so there's no way anyone else could have. A cult (heh) classic

>> No.57161150

Are you that autismo who always shows up at LINK conferences and tries to fight sergey?

>> No.57162108

why is the price still -90%????????????

>> No.57162490

Idk where to begin. I finally watched this; what an atrocity.
>the way he pauses when he says "I'm not interested in incremental changes on a daily, weekly, monthly or even... *GULP* /bi/-annual basis
>the absolute RATIOing: 62k views, 300 likes, 10 comments (all vaguely positive or otherwise inconsequential)
>EVERY time he thanks contributors he rolls his fucking eyes
Get your eyes back here fat fuck! Where the fuck is my money????
I just sold it all. I have never been so confident at abandoning something. This fat fuck has NO idea how to steer the ship, and when we see the iceberg ahead, he rolls his eyes and says
>uhh just uhh see the big picture. When we crash with no survivors, people will find your bodies 10 years from now and say "what a wonderful idea that ship was"!

>> No.57162514

This is unfortunately the truth. You might make it with Chainlink in about 20 years I guess. Then again you might not.

>> No.57162530

Can you post your sell transaction?

>> No.57162780

No, he can't. Now he changes ID and doesn't return to the purple one kek they're so shit at this

>> No.57162810

What about the chart

>> No.57162816
File: 2.21 MB, 332x250, 1000022779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 7 more linkies yesterday

>> No.57162892

Wheres your portfolio

>> No.57163194

Swift docs say May 2024

>> No.57163757

I don't remember Link ever falling out of the top 30 after 2020. I seem to remember it hovering between 18-25 for seemingly forever until its recent rise back to the top 15.

>> No.57163799
File: 57 KB, 825x400, 1704236464663463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57163843

This will just end up like all the websites that said staking in 2019 or aave with ccip in 2021. Chainlink never puts any work into actually getting a product out. We'll be having these same fucking conversations end of 2024.

>> No.57165409

>the initial launch

How many times are these suckers gonna fall for this shit

>> No.57165494
File: 2.49 MB, 360x640, 1630222378987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this question supposed to accomplish? I've literally done this in the past, not just posting Blockfolio screenshots which you retards said were fake and easily faked, but actual sell orders with TXIDs, which you also said I just made up in my Excel spreadsheet and prove nothing, and you'd only accept signed transactions/wallets on the blockchain. Fucking kek. It really is the dregs washed up on the shore left holding these bags.

You go first boys.
Otherwise everyone itt asking for portfolios or wallets or whatever are all paid pajeets as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.57165520

Woahhhh are these leaked leeeeee secret breadcrumbs!!!

>30% of ath, btc back to 60%

>> No.57165530
File: 657 KB, 1440x1920, kek linkcucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token has been obsolete for some time. nobody cares about you trying to solve a 2017 problem.
chaincucks just haven't realized it yet, but they will when it sends their portfolio to nothing, never to return.

>> No.57165534

Yep. You are arguing with people absolutely stuck in the denial phase. They cant be helped. I keep saying this…it is going to get so ugly on this site this upcoming run when Link completely misses it.

>> No.57165563

The fact you “people” want me to sell so badly is the reason I don’t sell. It’s just so fun making you guys angry that it’s worth it.

>> No.57165621

>I've literally done this in the past
good, youve got the screencaps already then
post em

>> No.57165724

>they can't be helped
man imagine if fiddlers figured this out a few years ago

>> No.57165887
File: 22 KB, 360x450, 1640723927719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the LINK influencers getting hired by viralx

>> No.57166946

Swift has been kicking the can for 6 years.

>> No.57167096


>> No.57167139


>> No.57167240

>it is going to get so ugly on this site this upcoming run when Link completely misses it
he better deliver cause i dont think he will make it during the 2025 smartcon if link misses the bullrun
is completely his own fault for using the absolute most deranged part of the internet as his startup capital in 2017-18
at least sammy was smart in knowing who to scam to avoid consequences long enough

>> No.57168163

Another retard pops up, gee what a surprise.
Learn to read, cunt.

>> No.57168664

/thread unironically
you can just feel his energy shifting

>> No.57168860

>216 replies

>> No.57168886

well, these threads used to reach the bump limit in mere hours, nowadays interest in chainlink has slowly faded and the board in general is dead so...

>> No.57168888
File: 3.00 MB, 854x480, 1643536509774.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh.
You either forgot you already have an ID itt, or you outed yourself (again) as illiterate.
Here's your 11pbtid defence baggie warrior, linkies, kekkkk

>> No.57168902

I was deliberately posting as an unhinged cultist, I do that from time to time

>> No.57168928

checked and this

No, you got caught samefagging.

>> No.57168967

He literally didn't though? You just found someone expressing two sentiments.

>> No.57168986

kek are you retarded?

>> No.57169004

>expressing two sentiments
Yes, "concern trolling doesn't work, fudcucks" and "I sold all my Link because of how Sergey pauses and rolls his eyes".

>> No.57169013

You're a bit dense

>> No.57169019

So he didn't samefag then?

>> No.57169023

Careful, they might accuse you of being a samefag as well now lel

>> No.57169025

Good whale alert app guys?

>> No.57169030

Careful, they might accuse you of being a samefag as well now lel

>> No.57169040

Oh noes!

>> No.57169045

Look at this gaslighting lying faggot.
What a pathetic weak roach.
Happy bagholding faggotron.

>> No.57169050

baby's first time getting baited I see

>> No.57169063

7 years in crypto is an eternity and Chainlink has failed.
You can just tell comparing how it feels now compared to 2018.
Sergey is low energy and Linkies on /biz/ are just in full on denial mode.

>> No.57169082

and most of them have resorted to infighting
le avocados and le fudderinos

>> No.57169097
File: 52 KB, 500x380, nsEjedV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah okay dude.
You shat your guts out about fudcucks over the course of hours, then pivoted with no explanation. You're just a raging baggie who got dunked on and outed.

>> No.57169115

>pivoted with no explanation
I literally gave you one, you're not that smart anon , are you?

>> No.57169144
File: 550 KB, 720x709, 52d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57169170

I sold more than 2/3 at 15 around early december. Best decision I've made. I keep some in staking for the potential airdrop but the opportunity cost to hold is just unreasonable.
Still no open access CCIP or open staking (= no token demand) while continuing to dump billions on retail is unforgivable in 2024.

CLG and co have also become insufferable (and totally irrelevant) on CT and the marines give me heavy XRP vibes at this point. Same for the posters here who read like complete schizos and don't even understand they became the lolcows of the board (there would be less FUD if they didn't reply with seethe to every single thread).

>inb4 it has to be le perfect security!!!!!
Protocol security would drastically improve if we could stake the 8 billions $ in LINK to collateralize the oracles. Also makes you wonder what they're doing since 7 years if they still didn't figure out their tokenomics.

>> No.57169187

it was a great bait, considering how triggered you still are lel
this unironically

>> No.57169213

Chainlink is now on the same tier as XRP.
Failed project with cultist, increasingly schizo holders just waiting for the switch to be flipped.

>> No.57169226

>le avocados and le fudderinos
And you're playing both.

>> No.57169239

Yes, primarily I'm a bulgarian Jump Trading fudster according to this board though

>> No.57169296

>according to this board
You mean "according to my own samefag IDs"

>> No.57169352

Whatever. You're a faggot but I'm glad you dropped the act, even if I'm not sure it was as conscious an act as you're saying it was.

It is ridiculous but has been like this for years. There is obviously a massive transfer of possession from older holders giving up atm. You're supposed to think that that's a healthy thing for appreciation, but if there's no hype or narrative momentum underneath then the point is moot. I sound like a broken record of myself in 2020. Same shit, but still a tonedeaf Fatoshi Betrayamoto. I do hope LINK threads die out biz can start looking for gems again. It's formidable when it works, but has been as much of a toxic place for conversation as pol for a while and I think LINK baggyism did that, which I'm guilty of myself but at least was relatively early to change tunes compared to the retards left on here. I'll hold a sui stack like a kind of tattoo, but I'm almost fully unwound like you. I've genuinely enjoyed exiting and actually catching upside. Some of the hope has started to bubble again.

>> No.57169371

Daily reminder that FUD fags not only post 10+ threads a day, they also horribly larp as genuine LINK holders just so they have someone to argue with.

>> No.57169378

Believe it or not I wasn't the one to invent that boogeyman
I'm glad you're glad

>> No.57169389

Kind of hoping for the same about /biz/ refreshing. A clarifying moment for me was deciding to put more money into link over sei a few weeks ago because it felt like a more reasonable bet after so many years of bad price action. Looked and saw i once again robbed myself of a 2x because i'm lazy and married to a bag. Genuinely think it will be healthy for us all and the board to re-engage with the market rather than just calcifying with one token.

>> No.57169476

Ok schizo

>> No.57169493

>it will be healthy for us all and the board to re-engage with the market rather than just calcifying with one token
Only a couple of mentally ill anons are calcified with link at this point.
They're the ones spamming, and complaining about the spamming, and complaining about the complaining, etc. basically arguing with themselves every day for hours, year in year out. Exclusively about Link.

And it will never end, because there's nothing this website can do against dedicated spammers.

>> No.57169496

Refreshing to hear, anon. It's genuinely sad how it all happened but oh well. I'm grateful for the 6figs I can now jam elsewhere into the market at an opportune time and like you accept I have agency and made mistakes. It seems harder than ever, but a 6x and I'm happy. I think I can do better though. I hope God now sees me worthy of a second (third?) chance.

>> No.57169619

They could enforce a general instead of allowing couple dozen LINK threads at all times
I'm unironically starting yo believe the jannies themselves are bagholders

>> No.57169634

100%. I actually have zero doubt about that. It's less likely that they aren't bagholders.

>> No.57169635
File: 112 KB, 1920x1247, Gartner_Hype_Cycle.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are in the disillusion phase which is the time of maximum opportunity with optimal risk/rewards for Chainlink.

>Trough of Disillusionment: Inevitably, impatience for results begins to replace the original excitement about potential value. >Problems with performance, slower-than-expected adoption or a failure to deliver financial returns in the time anticipated all lead to missed expectations, and disillusionment sets in.

This phase can last 1 to 3 years and is followed by:
>Slope of Enlightenment
>More instances of how the technology can benefit the enterprise start to crystallize and become more widely understood. >Second- and third-generation products appear from technology providers. More enterprises fund pilots; conservative companies remain cautious.

>> No.57169658

>why are jannies allowing me to spam Link threads???

You're mentally ill.

>> No.57169678

I've never made a LINK thread, I only post in them
are you ok honey?

>> No.57169701

There are so, so many of these baseless theories and fanciful charts, anon. "It's the Slope of Maximum Opportunity!", "It's the Arc of Fortunes!", "It's the Bridge to Teribithia before the Elevator of Wisdom!"
No, it's a boring altcoin that lost momentum, behaving no differently to any other of the many to come before it.

>> No.57169735

>it's a boring altcoin that lost momentum, behaving no differently to any other of the many to come before it.
Exactly this.
But for some reason one or two legit nutcases latched onto it and based their whole lifestyle around spamming it, both for and against.

>> No.57169790

This is cope dragged out by every past its prime project. Not saying it can't be true but every single shitcoin telegram pajeet whacks this out. Same with amazon's stealth approach, market suppression claims, etc. They're not even malicious attempts to foster investment, they're bagholders trying to feel good about a mistake.

Chainlink isn't new. It started in 2017 and now it's 2024. Amazon wasn't still a small book seller across that time frame. Look at something like the recent AIs for what adoption looks like. Openai isn't having to pay people like CLG to run defence on small online communities. These charts are make you feel like success is an inevitability and thus assuage worry about bad choices and failing projects. In most real life cases this 'chart' keeps going down from the trough of disillusionment and enters the "eternal bleed of apathy and resentment" until no-one even buys or sells.

>> No.57169831

You've been repeating this shit for years. When is enough enough?
Why does chainlink hold such influence over your thinking and posting?

>> No.57169853

I'll add - one of the clearer objective tipoffs that LINK had jumped the shark was a few years ago when LINKies would post the broken chart and compare it (earnestly, with conviction) that it was just like AMZN after the dotcom bubble. If not that, then some other gigagoliath of global industry, MSFT or GOOGL. Because of course they had to. How thoroughly shit it performed left them no choice. To hold on, they had to double down that LINK will perform like some of the most anomalous stocks in all history, the largest multinational enterprises of human history, just to make the chart make sense, to fit their bias. It really was like a flood had left them to retreat to the highest remaining ground, like one small hill still left dry.

>> No.57169862

see >>57169831

>> No.57169863

>they're bagholders trying to feel good about a mistake.
Bingo. Beat me to it.

>> No.57169881

Well i haven't but i guess your point would be supporting what I said about the reality of most companies/investments entering a long bleed where they missed their chance and supporters just drop off until one day the last message gets posted in the telegram and that's just that.

>> No.57169899

Maybe read through the thread. There's enough info already posted to understand our motives. It's honestly not even a response that you've provided. It was a shit post eith zero basis and treated like one. I still hold LINK, a small amount relative to my original stack, so it is still relevant and I have strong opinions about it.

>> No.57169958

It should be clear that you're emotionally attached to this one coin. Even after losing faith a long time ago, you still can't help regurgitating the exact same talking points.
Take a step back, look at what you're doing. This one coin is dominating your life.

>> No.57170009


>> No.57170049
File: 30 KB, 491x307, 1703189715040426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.57170071

based those fudcucks are btfo!!11!1 /s just in case someone doesn't get it

>> No.57170397

Looks like sub $10 stinky is back on the menu bois

>> No.57170430

Oh wow! are there gonna be new powerpoint slides?

>> No.57170861

Lmao well said. The cult has to keep finding these type of charts to keep people roped in so the grift can go on

>> No.57170889

Everyone take note of the tone of cult advocates these days. Gone are the days where the actual topic in a thread is debated. Instead its straight to gaslighting on your reason for being here, your secret malicious intentions, etc. Unfortunately for advocates they have no power, here nor certainly not in real life where they are massive losers, but it is quite an odd phenomenom.

>> No.57170920

Ouch how much has this guy lost since that post by “owning le fud”?

Link down 12.5% today as well. It missed the entire last btc move up and then dumped twice as hard. Thats gotta hurt

>> No.57171260

Now post SHIB

>> No.57171356

ok I'm officially demoralized

>> No.57171516
File: 1.25 MB, 960x991, lm3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posts like this astound me. It's a marketwide correction that "demoralizes" you? It wasn't all the underperformance for years on end, objectively measurable? You were defending LINK earlier itt but only now you're demoralised? After a BTC dump that flowed fairly evenly across the market? I'm just stunned. You still had the guts to post defensively earlier in the thread but only now you're questioning things? That's how tentative your faith was? Fuck me, anon. In the lightest possible terms, it's truly a spectacle what these threads have become.

>> No.57171630

this thread demoralized me, not the dump
I'm just agreeing with your and the others posts and I can't find a way to defend chainlink anymore

>> No.57171678

Fair enough.
Good luck out there. At the end of the day, we all just want to make as much hay as we can while the sun shines. It's a fleeting thing, the mania of the 2021 kind. Sometimes the truth hurts. I only feel as passionately as I do because I cannot countenance the possibility of underperforming or otherwise not making it. This is a fickle, retarded, insane market, but it's the only place with the volatility needed to "make it" with some of your life to spare. Hope you reach your goals, whatever they are.

>> No.57171792

We lost 23% in sats in a week
>no one cares about sats
We lost 30% in USD in a week

>> No.57172653

This thread is full of stock bashers:

>> No.57172699

>the cult members who arrived earlier in the pyramid scheme scold the newer members for wavering loyalty

He missed the btc runup, but suffered double the loss on the way back down

>b b but I earned sub market bank interest

Your ignorance digusts me

>> No.57173143

Completely botched interpretation of that post, anon.
Kek, biz is actually fully retarded now.

>> No.57173328

The thread is full of link holders pissed off at being fucked over.
You retarded advocates always say shit like
>hurr durr why are le fudderinos so knowledgable about muh investment
Geeee maybe because they are normal link holders who have held for years. Not everyone is a delusionally bullish moonboy who can defend chainlink and dicksuck sergey 24/7 despite coming to terms with the undeniable fact that the price performance is terrible and that buying and holding chainlink has basically been financial suicide

>> No.57173373

the only outlook for chainlink in the coming months is getting mogged by ICP. fucking retards should've known what you were getting into from the beginning. buying an erc-20 token jesus fucking christ.

>> No.57173390

ok but answer me this:
How's your sex life?

>> No.57173416

This thread is hilarious. I’m up hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cope and seethe

>> No.57173428

Sergey gives us all plenty of ass fuckings thanks for asking

>> No.57173435

Why can't you retards just sell and buy something else? For years now you've been posting the same shit over and over again.
It's simple just click the sell button and move on.

>> No.57173437
File: 42 KB, 608x305, 1562009179621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some bad news...

>> No.57173539

the whitepaper says no pump

>> No.57174510

i sold.

>> No.57174769


>> No.57176100

I’m generally smirking at link baggots all day but this made me chuckle.

>> No.57176245

Lmao, good points.
>leave to a philosophy major to make a paradox coin

>> No.57176273

Oh, this fucking retard. If this shill features your favorite coin in his ‘hot man’ analytics you are fucked. Remember this retard posting retire on Luna?

>> No.57176293

Yes, no one made any money from the run up of solana (twice).
The fucking arrogance of these erc20 token holders I tell ya. WOW.

>> No.57176295
File: 19 KB, 1200x71, 1704321872034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's changed his mind and hates Chainlink now.

>> No.57176308
File: 516 KB, 1440x1875, 20240104_010942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ICP makes both oracles and ccip obsolete

>> No.57176312

Better switch to fun and kas while there’s still time

>> No.57176325

>4 posts in a row
You need to practice emotional regulation.

>> No.57176354

>you can’t just bypass the use case of link! Everything must flow from this Eth shitcoin

>> No.57176377

Oh, quit counting faggot. It’s a great day when arrogant link baggots lose. We’re in the final days of bbby right before all was lost and delisted. The delusional link baggot coper wont be around forever and I need to make fun of you whilst the iron is hot

>> No.57176380

These threads at this point are a bunch of autistic losers convinced link can only pump if only they are interested in it, so they samefag and lie just to convince everyone else only autistic schizo losers hold this coin

>> No.57176587

We didn't lose shit, it has been ranging 32-40k sats for 2 months now, wake me when it breaks below 32k or above 40k. Some of you have no clue how to read a chart.

>> No.57176609

Cool, post your solana gains and prove everyone wrong, I'm sure you called it right? Fucking imbeciles, scams pump precisely because retail doesn't hold them, if you and a bunch of other mongs figured it out and bought sol, they'd just create another coin, pump that, and let you hold your sol bags forever.

>> No.57176671

If you look back past Januarys we've been ranging at the same point against btc for 4 years now lmao

>> No.57176724

No we haven't, we broke out of a 3 year downtrend recently, now we are ranging. Again learn how to read a chart. It went up vs btc for 1.5 years, down for 3, and now it has broken that and is sideways. You can bet on it breaking back down if you want, there's plenty of places to short crypto.

>> No.57176868

kek. pretty much the forum these days. feel like newer anons don't yet know how this works.

more or less this.

am looking to break 45k sats really. until then might as well be January 2022.

>> No.57176943

two years anon, we've been ranging for two years.

between 18k sats and 46k sats for two years, but could basically just say somewhere around 32k sats for two years.
at 33k sats today. not surprising.

it's been 7 weeks downwards from the last 8 though. considering everything the price performance really is so disappointing. will still buy more.

>> No.57176946

Can you literally not read my melanin swamped friend?

>> No.57176998

Yes 45k is actual resistance, it got rejected there in November. Two most likely scenarios, either btc dumps with etf news and/or recession fears and drags link back to 20k range, or ccip spurs next move up.

>> No.57177003

Re-read your post and reflect on being a link bagholder faggot. Especially the part about holding bags after they have already pumped

>> No.57177011

Can you you filthy aids ridden nigger?

>> No.57177023

Oh you didn’t buy solana or bnb and make it already?

>> No.57177028

Ah! And calling someone an imbecile is exactly what a mid-wit techno faggot link holder would call someone to sound smarter. Comedy gold. Literally the best day ever, all this link seethe and sergays annual meeting HAHAHA! It just can’t get better can it? Oh wait, every single coin in the Icp ecosystem is skyrocketing. That IS better

>> No.57177055

never mind I have been jebaited

>> No.57177059

Honestly no point arguing with you, read my post, understand it, then apologize, look in the mirror at your brown face and cry do whatever you want.

>> No.57177080

Yes you have, there are literal Nigerians farming icp’s decentralized social media apps making more money than you.
So funny, so pathetic. Just a midwit getting what she deserves. Many such cases. Now call me an imbecile again you ignoramus!

>> No.57177096

Couldn’t even check my dubs, they’re not sending their best

>> No.57177108

It’s just another way you’ve lost today I suppose. Lmao

>> No.57177180

oooh a phone poster too, nice, very nice

>> No.57177558

>dude you just CANT discuss crypto on a crypto forum because it hurts my feelings

>> No.57177575

This is all you have. Culties can no longer discuss anything substantive. Did you fags get a junior Gman badge when you became advocate? You sure love trying to get to le secret nefarious reason someone has dared to discuss le cult coin

>> No.57177580

Bipolar hysterics. Imagine “spending” your mania energy on /biz/ lmao