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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57146587 No.57146587 [Reply] [Original]

what did your daddy tell you /biz/?

>> No.57146606

My dad worked for the government but never took bribes. One day while in the supermarket I tried to steal some candy and he stopped me and said 'son if you want to steal steal big, it's not worth ruining your future over small change'

>> No.57146634

Robert Kiyo Saki, your rich dad is a massive fagget

>> No.57147125

I don't recall. My mother got custody and was a crazy lefty psychologist.
My dad went on to become a successful politician then upper management in government, now onto private endeavours making millions.
Voluntarily single mothers should be warned once then shot if the situation isn't resolved in a week.
Weird pitch. I spent some time homeless and had to steal to eat a fair bit. No criminal record because it was all small change. Caught once, let go because it wasn't worth their time to pursue.
I've never heisted, though. So what the fuck do I know about big scores.

>> No.57147498

He told me, "When life hands you lemons, just shut up and eat the fucking lemon you whiney little bitch". I'm so glad he's dead.

>> No.57147505

He was right about you being a whiney little bitch

>> No.57147827

read the book.
daddy look great.
tell everybody i will not buy btc before 14k.
do the same mistake,,,
hate the guy
hate myself
kill myself

>> No.57148293
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I stopped reading this after 50 pages when the rich dad had deep philosophical discussions with a 9 year olds. Total fabricated bullshit. It's actually the reason i refrain from buying books anymore because i realized it's wasted money when you can download most books for free on the internet nowadays.

>> No.57148324

Reddit likes this book so I assume it is cringe. TL;DR?

>> No.57148378

My dad was a narcissist. He'd sit down from me for hours and tell 8 year old me stories about all the sex he had, how much money he made, his tragedies and tribulations, how Terri or my mother was, what his mistresses and girlfriends were up to, and brag about how much he could drink.
I think somewhere along the way be peppered in some advice, but mostly I just remember being very uncomfortable as round him almost always

>> No.57148393

WHat a stupid book, I stopped reading when he said when he was a kid he used to collect people's used up toothpaste rolls and refill them to resell them at a discounted price. That's fucking disgusting even if you wash them very well, who would buy such a gross thing?

>> No.57148407
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My parents told me to never invest because investing was a scam. I started investing in my mid-20's as a late bloomer I guess.

>> No.57148418

Good Lessons:
Gardening/Growing food
Self sufficiency
Learning how to do shit (If you don't know how, look it up and do it you pussy)

Bad Lessons:
Refusing to change (Never invested in things like Apple or Amzon, held onto Newspaper stocks until he died)
Shorts are only for fags
Work harder not smarter
No fun allowed, work only

Pretty good overall.

>> No.57148466

He told me to sell my linkies when it was $50+ and i didn't

>> No.57148580

Haha you are just an incel. Pops sounds pretty cool. Your description of him is not narcissism.

>> No.57148605

>A father unloading his personal life about his mistresses, aka the woman he is cheating on the kids mother with, is not narc behavior.
Lol k

>> No.57148700
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My Dad has only ever given me one bit of financial advice.
Marry Well.
As the Bastard son of a second marriage, Him on his third marriage his wife lords divorce over him anytime he asks her to do anything remotely sensical.

>> No.57148724

>study law
>git gud
>start own firm
>hire other people to do the work for you
>collect ze profits
I ended up gettings a masters in finance instead, who know where that'll eventually take me. I do plan on starting my own business before my 35th in order to follow up on the last part of the man in question.

>> No.57148889

For someone hating reddit you seem to know a lot about it

>> No.57149679

Save part of Ur money, the end