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57146076 No.57146076 [Reply] [Original]

I am 26. 5'7" tall. Rapidly balding. Loner and no hobbies. Damaged goods - my fiance died. Weigh 53 kilos/100 pounds. Net worth in the top 10% for my age bracket.

Should I just rope?

>> No.57146095

Go all in ICP and wait for the singularity

>> No.57146100

kill someone rich first

>> No.57146104

bruh just say fuck it and throw it in a high risk alt coin. then once you make it just start walking around the world

>> No.57146111

>Weigh 100 pounds
the fuck?

>> No.57146119

lol why dont you just stop caring so much and do shit you want to do
i will never understand depressedfags
we all die, dont you realize that? just do what you can while you can. youre gonna die just like me. quit feeling sorry for yourself

>> No.57146126

no but please eat a burger with stake and fries. it's on me

>> No.57146132

>>57146111 >>57146126
I have always had issues with my weight. I can never gain much weight. I have tried everything. I was even in the military once.

>> No.57146140

Not a big crypto fan, to be honest. I am a long term kind of investor.

>> No.57146151

It's tempting. However, I have worked a lot and sacrificed a lot to buy ETFs and PMs. I don't want to throw my hard work and sacrifice away. I am happy with my investments.

>> No.57146156

I had two things that kept me going: the love for my fiance and my money. I lost my fiance. Money is the only thing keeping me going now. However, money alone is empty to me. It provides a safety net, but it doesn't bring me happiness.

>> No.57146162
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What are you talking about OP? Your life has all of the potential to be great. You are young and have a good income. The world is your oyster. You can cultivate hobbies. Try new things until you find something you like and then keep doing it. Read books and watch movies. Exercise. Take psychedelics. I recommend ayahuasca if you want to stop being depressed and find inspiration in your life. You got this bro.

>> No.57146164

Fucking pussy just end it then I hand you hold on a silver platter and you still cry

>> No.57146189

The issue is that I have nothing to look forward to. Money is great for providing an element of security, but it doesn't bring you companionship or love that my fiance did.

My fear is that I have another 70 years left to live to do what? No woman will ever love me; so I will be alone. The only thing I enjoy is being away from people, yet I desire that companionship I once felt with my fiance.

>> No.57146199

Do a flip, faggot.

>> No.57146200

Get on finasteride ASAP. You can be short OR bald and still live a decent life if you put in the effort. But being short AND bald is truly a death sentence. If you are still at least a NW 3 please conisder getting on fin and save what you can while you can.

>> No.57146242

It sounds like you are grieving the loss of your fiancé. You will feel less depressed eventually. There will be a time where you will be very glad you did not kill yourself now. Don't worry about money for now. You are probably already financially secure. Focus on healthy habits like eating good food and exercising. Go overseas. Try new things and find a hobby. There is definitely something out there for you that you won't just like but will even be talented at. If your fiancé loved you another woman will love you too. Focus on yourself and find things that interest you and make you feel good and the rest (including woman) will follow.

>> No.57146252

Sorry for your loss, anon. I hope that one day you can recover from it. Don't give up.

>> No.57146253 [DELETED] 

what happened to your fiance? just look for another woman nigger, if you dont have min $500k-1 mil its over for you if you're whiteys murrican twink manlet

>> No.57146261

She died from a sudden heart attack at the age of 24. I am not American, though.

>> No.57146267

Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it.

>> No.57146386

Baldness will be completely cured in 10-15 years with stem cells and shit. You will have a full head of hair, possibly thicker than ever, in your 30's-40's.

>> No.57146411

my old friend just had a heart attack, hes 34.

>> No.57146545

Start helping, giving, charity. It will cure your celfcenteredness, your scarcity mindset, your feeling of pointlessness and loneliness. Help what you genuinely care for, animals, sick, poor, elderly etc... You are making you artificially important and it is making you depressed and pathetic (unattractive).

>> No.57146689

You sound jewish. Are you jewish?

>> No.57146736


>> No.57146771

I was in the same situation, now my wife just gave birth. At 37 I made it. Stop being a faggot for a sec and go out and try stuff and you will eventually make it. Just don't be a passive faggot, nothing happens if you fail and try again. There is no downside to failing over and over when you are at such a low point in life , just stop being a bitch about it and you will eventually become a man.

>> No.57146786

At least youre most definitely not fat

>> No.57146868

I would recommend you doing a cycle of steroids so you can stop being a twink, but since your depressed the tren might make you really suicidal

>> No.57147404

Did she get the covid vaccine + booster shots?

>> No.57147455

and jewish

>> No.57147482

Learn how to make gutteral clicks, strip to your underwear, grease yourself up, and stalk women around urban centers in the night.

I believe in you OP.

>> No.57147646

Play league of legends :)

>> No.57147717

leg lengthening could fix your midget problem.. but not your shitbox art on the wall or dumbass laptop

>> No.57147735

This is a nice room.
That's exactly what I want but not in a pozzed city, out in the countryside instead.

>> No.57148207

sanjay gave up the act real quick with this one

>> No.57148248

I'm honestly shocked you had a fiance with those stats. Probably why she died because it's physically impossible for a woman to be with a balding turbomanlet

>> No.57148252

I audibly laughed good job

>> No.57148254

What the fuck

>> No.57148268
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Same. Oh man so brutal.

>> No.57148290

I’m also below average in looks and height. However I’m poor too. Sorry about your fiancé OP. I believe she’d want you to be happy and not end it

>> No.57148325
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>> No.57148333

nice LARP faggot

>> No.57148803

>Loner and no hobbies
You could easily fix that. Just do something you find interesting and join a church (srs)
>Damaged goods - my fiance die
That's unfortunate, but you can find another woman
>Weigh 53 kilos/100 pounds
53kg is 116lbs but either way you're skelly. Just lift a few times a week.
>Net worth in the top 10% for my age bracket
That's not all that impressive for a 26yo honestly. It's good but unless you're working towards being a millionaire it'll make very little difference to your life.