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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57141047 No.57141047 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck is this

>> No.57141121


>> No.57141134

a cure for cancer and world hunger

>> No.57141146


The website looks badly designed.

>> No.57141153

Clown world

>> No.57141164

It is fucking hilarious that an oracle network is having a god candle (fucking 40x in 6 months) and it isn't link LOL

This is what happens when you get complacent. That fat fuck Sergey has fumbled over and over again, failing to deliver an actual product to the marketplace, all the while linkies were sucking his balls. Now an actual, fully functioning 'cryptoeconomically secure' oracle has been produced by a small, agile team that hasn't allowed endless scope creep to derail the project and they are reaping the rewards. TRB will be a top 20 project in a month and surpass link before March, at which point there will be the mass suicide of link holders as those smug dipshits face the reality that they've been holding dogshit for years while thinking they are geniuses.

>> No.57141190

it's literally run by a teenager in his bedroom

>> No.57141195

Fucking hell, knew I should have bought this shit when biz said it was garbage.

>> No.57141229

is it an all white team?

>> No.57141257

As far as I can tell, it is garbage. But one important thing you learn is garbage can still pump hard while non-garbage can stay stagnant. Also, what people think of as garbage depends on the price action. TRB is probably the same garbage as before, but now it's the future to some people.

>> No.57141319

Actually, a small correction to my post - at this rate it will surpass link in a week KEK.

>> No.57141400

who the fuck is putting so much money into pumping this crap? I haven't seen something like this since 2021

>> No.57141406

like a bank tellor sir

>> No.57141470
File: 104 KB, 1080x1957, painandsuffering.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to vomit.

>> No.57141552

Jesus fuck I remember when this thing went sub 70 and we all thought it was dead for good, WTFFFFFFFFFF ahhhhh

>> No.57141554

>6x's your money in 20 days

Where is all this money coming from? People work years and study at a college for just a fraction of this money. This is unethical.

>> No.57141608

I know I was dabbing on linkies earlier in the thread, but seriously don't neck yourself or something over this. Link holders have basically made holding link into an aspect of their entire personality at this point, so it is important that you take a step back and think rationally. The facts are as follows:
1. Chainlink has reached an 8.5 bil mcap based on the potential addressable market of oracles
2. Chainlink has failed to deliver. The fees paid to call oracles for market prices do not accrue to token holders, CCIP has not been launched (2 low volume whitelisted projects is not a proper launch and you know it). Even after CCIP launches it may take months or years for SWIFT to onboard.
3. Chainlink is not 'crypto-economically' secure. Staking 1.0 has not been released and is likely months away.
4. Tellor has a released a fully functional crypto-economically secure oracle network.

Link holders have had the blinders on for a long long time and have not kept up with developments in the space. Truthfully link is a project with a much wider scope than tellor, but tellor does a much better job of providing 'narrow' use case oracles. TRB is actually used to validate calls for price data and can be slashed if the data provided is incorrect. The project is basically what link would have been if it hadn't gotten sidetracked with 'Chainlink 2.0' and now it is going to sweep link out of the defi oracle space. I know it is difficult to admit you may have been wrong about link being in some unassailable position, but the reality is literally playing out in front of you. The good news for linkies is that link is still a viable project, and will be much richer and feature-complete when it finally gets its shit together, but in the mean time you are in for a world of hurt.

Tellor has big community on tiktok and twitter. In the same way that smug linkies post here constantly, they post there lol

>> No.57141698

sold all my link for this garbage just now

>> No.57141711

Holy shit bro that is a bad idea. Please get out Tellor immediantly.

>> No.57141762

Look at the TRB chart. Whats the most it can do from here? A 2x maybe and that's pushing it. It could easily fall back to $100.

The gains have already been made. In retrospect it would have been cool to buy before the pump but hindsight is 20/20. Don't FOMO.

>> No.57141770

The whales' demoralization token for LINK baggies. You know they pumped up TRB on purpose for that sole reason.

>> No.57141783

imagine still holding LINK after seeing TRB rally

jfc what are you even doing with your life at that point

>> No.57141785
File: 1.50 MB, 1110x1114, 1703806741908265-biz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Figured it was just gonna bleed out like GAS is now. Only myself to blame for not doing the research

>> No.57141795

no thanks
can easily 100x before link does another 25% rally.

>> No.57141825

Just curious, how long have you been holding link? Let me guess April 2023?

>> No.57141842

tellor doesn't have a single client. it's just a pump and dump.

>> No.57141955

just aped in tellor

>> No.57141959

Holy fucking shit what a fucking farce

I was actually searching for this and couldn't even find out what they actually do? It's an oracle for... What?

>> No.57142060

same can be said for shitlink kek

>> No.57142076

you stake your information as an oracle and people ask for your information if it's bad information you get your token stake slashed

>> No.57142808

>over $500 now
lmfao lonkies are such fucking imbeciles

>> No.57143064

Its rugging

>> No.57143159

How is it determined if it is "bad information"?

>> No.57143206

The real link killer. 1k eoy seethe
>Dec 15 2020:
LINK: $13.25
TRX: $0.029
DOGE: $0.003
SOL: $1.69
AVAX: $3.34
ADA: $0.15
MATIC: $0.019
BNB: $29.94
ETH: $589

>Dec 15 2023:
LINK: $15.00
TRX: $0.10
DOGE: $0.097
SOL: $74.80
AVAX: $39.32
ADA: $0.64
MATIC: $0.87
BNB: $251.20
ETH: $2280

>> No.57143224

This must be a fucking joke I decided to buy exactly at the top and and the most retarded shit it's that I havent bought any crypto in fucking months.

I fucking hate life I know god laughs at me fucky ou

>> No.57143232

I am financially ruined.

>> No.57143249

This post hasnt aged well

>> No.57143254

these guys got rekt, try not to rope retards but dont buy giant green fagcandles and this wont happen again

>> No.57143259

I've used a lot of defi protocols that rely on Chainlink. We could argue about how a huge majority of defi is worthless, sure, but I have never seen tellor anywhere.

Wait is this the protocol that got exploited because someone staked like 1 tellor and just made up prices then rugged some defi shit? Lmao

>> No.57143280
File: 102 KB, 720x720, 1704064135437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it going in here boys ?

>> No.57143297


>> No.57143303

Having fun, they put a beautiful Christmas tree on the chart.

>> No.57143310

Comfy NYE thread bros were gmi
unless you bought, I guess

>> No.57143345
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dump eet

>> No.57143355
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>sorry thanks for playing

>> No.57143358
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Any telegram or twitter screencaps?

>> No.57143371
File: 16 KB, 194x385, h4t3aeuvfn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prom night

>> No.57143376

Chainlink killer

>> No.57143392

holy shit

>> No.57143399

>people bought a 50x and thought they weren't going to get dumped on

>> No.57143411

>already below 200

>> No.57143426

Bought at 189. Pray for me for a great start of the year

>> No.57143450
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holy fuck, what happened?

>> No.57143453

>he bought a 20x

>> No.57143456


>> No.57143460

Gambling is gambling, can't reason with the crypto market.

>> No.57143461

Support is at 160 dumbass

>> No.57143467
File: 174 KB, 648x681, 1703113403029622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year anon

>> No.57143468

Uh oh

>> No.57143473
File: 29 KB, 300x322, wojakgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only recoverish from here buy trb now before its too late.

>> No.57143476

>Sure, but what tells you it's gonna test it rn?

>> No.57143486
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, 1703200765190769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pumps out of bumfuck Egypt
>He knows he will get burned if he chases after a pump
>Chases after a pump anyway
>Gets burned
>Calls others dumbasses for not holding the support after shit hits the fan
>Bagholders masquerading as degenerate moonboys start hyping others up to sell their bags and get the hell out of dodge
Fucking kek. Never change /biz/

>> No.57143489
File: 205 KB, 828x765, IMG_9032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i meant 145 dunno why i said 160, and patience darling

>> No.57143531

>>He knows he will get burned if he chases after a pump
>>Chases after a pump anyway
literally me

>> No.57143541

At least I was smart enough not to buy at 600. I had a decent amount of patience waiting for this dip

>> No.57143547


>> No.57143663

Lol, real?

>> No.57143740

Now zoom out

>> No.57144256

lol rekt. crashed from 600 to 200.

>> No.57145163

Just play the game and cash out big. Biz pays zero attention to what you believe. Buy the dip, accumulate more QANX, and be smart like a degen.

>> No.57145183


>> No.57145228
File: 105 KB, 900x655, chartpicasso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the virgin Sergey vs the chad Grachev
linkies just cant compete, no fundamentals

>> No.57146810
File: 120 KB, 828x645, IMG_9036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever got in good job. TA works.

>> No.57146841

>Sergey has fumbled over and over again, failing to deliver an actual product to the marketplace
lmao because Tellor does have a product right?
Off yourself you massive clown

>> No.57146886
File: 235 KB, 604x1502, 1701228135634591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an actual, fully functioning 'cryptoeconomically secure' oracle has been produced
KEK here's your fully functioning and cryptoeconomically secure oracle, bro